Why? RDM should always be raising unless it is going to MP starve them. Unlimited swift casts.
Why? RDM should always be raising unless it is going to MP starve them. Unlimited swift casts.
Any RDM that helps raise gets brownie points in my book especially when they help after a string in which the healers have both already raised two dps who can't dodge AoE and would have to spend the next 8 seconds trying to raise someone and make sure the party stays alive.
The mana goes quick.
I didn't become a Red Mage to do a Healer's Job for them.
Let me just sacrifice my valuable GCDs to raise that 2200 dps samurai.
Nah. I'll give you a manashift. You raise.
I didn't become <x> to <use Y skill the class natively has!> drives me nuts. The button is part of the job's default toolkit, it didn't sneak in unexpectedly in an emergency patch.
Cater your reaction to the content and the group goal; if we're doing prog and I've already got 85 things already blowing up to deal with, eat the lost GCD and get the guy up so I don't have to split focus. If we're doing a random clear PF and everything is currently on fire and burning down and the healers are in a really bad spot, suck it up and sacrifice the GCD to lower the odds of wiping. If I can throw stars at a boss to do contribute to party damage, DPS can pitch in to help with the tools they have.
Things change a bit on parse runs and speedkills where every GCD matters, but there unexpected deaths mean you're probably wiping it up anyway. If the actual goal is just killing the thing and neither healer has swift up, keeping the fight running smoothly isn't exactly a small contribution to the group.
probably 310 I'd think but we won't know until TuesdaySo elite.
Is there a ILVL requirement for Savage?
Yeah, I never understood that mentality. It seems to be mainly prevalent when doing pub stuff (public group finder, dungeon finder in WoW, etc.).
probably 310 I'd think but we won't know until Tuesday
you get the patch notes during maintenance, that's pretty much itI'm looking for information for upcoming releases (Savage mode in particular) and can't really find anything. Are they normally pretty quiet with what's releasing and what it'll be like? Is there a PTR client that people can download to test out these changes beforehand?
No PTR. They're usually quiet but we get livestreams every month or so detailing upcoming content and features. Next one is this Saturday 2:30am PDT.I'm looking for information for upcoming releases (Savage mode in particular) and can't really find anything. Are they normally pretty quiet with what's releasing and what it'll be like? Is there a PTR client that people can download to test out these changes beforehand?
Healer Adjust!!!
Just like most Summoners that I have seen the only thing I would Raise as a Red Mage is a Healer but otherwise at most you get a Mana Shift and YOU Raise the players. I didn't become a Red Mage to do a Healer's Job for them.
I didn't become <x> to <use Y skill the class natively has!> drives me nuts. The button is part of the job's default toolkit, it didn't sneak in unexpectedly in an emergency patch.
Cater your reaction to the content and the group goal; if we're doing prog and I've already got 85 things already blowing up to deal with, eat the lost GCD and get the guy up so I don't have to split focus. If we're doing a random clear PF and everything is currently on fire and burning down and the healers are in a really bad spot, suck it up and sacrifice the GCD to lower the odds of wiping. If I can throw stars at a boss to do contribute to party damage, DPS can pitch in to help with the tools they have.
Things change a bit on parse runs and speedkills where every GCD matters, but there unexpected deaths mean you're probably wiping it up anyway. If the actual goal is just killing the thing and neither healer has swift up, keeping the fight running smoothly isn't exactly a small contribution to the group.
So you tell me what's worse? A Healer's inability to properly keep the party alive without the aid of a Red Mage/Summoner or a Red Mage/Summoner choosing to Mana Shift instead of using their own MP and GCD in order to resurrect someone for the Healer? Because at the end of the scenario the Red Mage is still properly keeping up with it's primary focus (Doing Damage) while the Healer isn't.
Of course I wouldn't apply this mentality in a Raid Scenario but in a 4 Man or 24 Man Content you're far less likely of me Resurrecting stuff for the Healer.
Now you get to load in before everyone and stand around waiting for them to load!
You know, people dying isn't exclusively the fault of a healer, right? Like, when you stand in shit you shouldn't be standing in and get one shot? This staunch "fuck them, they're supposed to do it attitude" must be terrible to deal with with whoever was your raid lead, assuming you raided before.
Edit: It's as if, even if you end up wiping, you can pat yourself on the back because you kept up your super complex rotation and didn't miss a GCD instead of rezzing someone with an instant cast. This is hilarious.
being on SSD makes a huge difference. it's been the difference between me getting to a hunt before someone decides to pull and not making itLOL. Well I'm still doing MSQ's for the most part so this isn't really a problem at the moment. I did run a dungeon and was the first one to load. Felt good since I would usually be the last to load.
My bad guys, the tanks got pushed out of the platform by Vaccuum Wave because I didn't heal them enough, lemme ressurrect them instead of topping the party off before and after Meteor so Pyretic doesn't kill every single one of you. Have fun with that Thunder 3, Mr RDM that kept DPSing while tanks were down!So you tell me what's worse? A Healer's inability to properly keep the party alive without the aid of a Red Mage/Summoner or a Red Mage/Summoner choosing to Mana Shift instead of using their own MP and GCD in order to resurrect someone for the Healer? Because at the end of the scenario the Red Mage is still properly keeping up with it's primary focus (Doing Damage) while the Healer isn't.
Of course I wouldn't apply this mentality in a Raid Scenario but in a 4 Man or 24 Man Content you're far less likely of me Resurrecting stuff for the Healer.
You know, people dying isn't exclusively the fault of a healer, right? Like, when you stand in shit you shouldn't be standing in and get one shot? This staunch "fuck them, they're supposed to do it attitude" must be terrible to deal with with whoever was your raid lead, assuming you raided before.
Edit: It's as if, even if you end up wiping, you can pat yourself on the back because you kept up your super complex rotation and didn't miss a GCD instead of rezzing someone with an instant cast. This is hilarious.
So you tell me what's worse? A Healer's inability to properly keep the party alive without the aid of a Red Mage/Summoner or a Red Mage/Summoner choosing to Mana Shift instead of using their own MP and GCD in order to resurrect someone for the Healer? Because at the end of the scenario the Red Mage is still properly keeping up with it's primary focus (Doing Damage) while the Healer isn't.
Of course I wouldn't apply this mentality in a Raid Scenario but in a 4 Man or 24 Man Content you're far less likely of me Resurrecting stuff for the Healer.
Since you support this view then I suppose you also agree with the statement that Healers shouldn't do the dps' job and dps, correct? If everyone is topped off and doing fine on health in the dungeon it is fine for me to do the gold dance till the next pull?Like I said in the 2nd paragraph this isn't a mentality I would apply in a Savage Raid Scenario (that's just foolish) but anything outside of that I will leave the Healer to do it's own job properly. Yes I get that dying as a Healer or using up MP to Resurrect someone has become annoying with the changes of 4.0 but every time I play as an Astrologian I don't go asking RDM/SMNs to resurrect players for me nor do I expect them to do so.
Any RDM who doesn't utilize their party utility isn't worth their salt IMO. DPS is important but staying alive and playing as a team is more important.
No that's an extrapolation on your part I didn't say that or anything that even remotely suggest this point of view. Healers are free to do whatever they feel like doing just as long as they keep the party alive not once did I say how people should play their role I'm just expressing the way I approach mine as a Red Mage regardless if anyone agree with it or not.Since you support this view then I suppose you also agree with the statement that Healers shouldn't do the dps' job and dps, correct?
I mean, you did say that a healer that needs a RDM to ress isn't doing their job which in reality is never that simple.No that's an extrapolation on your part I didn't say that or anything that even remotely suggest this point of view. Healers are free to do whatever they feel like doing just as long as they keep the party alive not once did I say how people should play their role I'm just expressing the way I approach mine as a Red Mage regardless if anyone agree with it or not.
Is there a way to make macro icons change based on procs? Like how in PvP the auto combo things change the icon, use action 1, icon changes to action 2.
I'm actually a little surprised, but despite years of WoW experience, I'm definitely struggling a little in doing group stuff in the mid-20s. It's kind of hard to tell who is targeting who, how much threat I have, etc.
ding ding
And not even just that - it goes for everyone to help out in all levels of group content. The whole party staying alive in any situation is worth the DPS loss it takes to cast that vercure.
The job is innately designed to be able to weave support actions in without taking a major DPS hit. There's no reason to dig in your heels, especially since healers are just as prone to error as anyone else and will likely appreciate the assistance.
I think MNK is still the AoE king though SAM should be closeWhich melee dps has the best aoe output atm? Is NIN in good shape in 4.0?
This conversation reminds me that I need to use Mana Shift. The last Delta2 I did last week was teetering on the edge of failure the whole way. Healer LB3 came and went and the struggle continued with people dying everywhere. Healers were really struggling but it was only after it was over I remember I had something for that. Not really used to doing support in that way as BLM.
The entire point of RDM (and SMN) having a raise and a cure is to help alleviate the burden on the healers by using them every so often, especially as your group is learning new content. Your WHM will really appreciate it, especially if you help stabilize the party when things start going catastrophically wrong. Obviously, this doesn't mean that you should become THE healer, only that you should help when it's needed.
You can tell who is targeting what by targeting them (Easily done for party members by using the D-Pad or the function keys), or the old fashioned way of watching their animations and seeing what is taking damage. You have a few UI elements that help:
This tells you how much aggro you have by specific enemies. Green means you have very little/no aggro on it, yellow means you have some, orange means you're very close to ripping aggro away, while red means you have the enemy's full attention.
The tiny bars/numbers next to them in the party list tells you who is generating aggro from most to least.
Healer Adjust!!!
Just like most Summoners that I have seen the only thing I would Raise as a Red Mage is a Healer but otherwise at most you get a Mana Shift and YOU Raise the players. I didn't become a Red Mage to do a Healer's Job for them.
So you tell me what's worse?
Things get more interesting when a tank is the one to fuck up because suddenly the boss turned around and decided to cleave/decapitate you.
There is a way to do it, I'm sure someone else knows. I will mention that if you are planning to do this with a dps combo, don't. You lose a lot of dps using a macro.
*Begins casting Verraise*oh damn I got hit and died.
O2 is super weird in that if everyone dodges there is absolutely nothing worth paying attention to as a healer but once people start screwing up you're basically pumping all MP into rezzes because suddenly everyone forgets how2mechanics . Manashift and Addle are nice things to get used to using if you can fit them into your role actions.
Is anyone here on Odin (Europe) that could tell someone to invite me back into the game? I would send you the name via PM. That would help me a lot.
So what you're saying is never use Manashift either since that costs MP*Begins casting Verraise*
In all seriousness thou how I feel about the Red Mage and how I actually play as one are two different things. As an example I think all the Ranged DPS and Casters who love to stay out of my AoE Heals and Buffs every time I play as an Astrologian should be left to die without heals but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop reviving it healing them even if I feel I have the right to do so.
So yes I still feel that a RDM shouldn't be wasting their own MP and GCD to help the Healer out for whatever reason but at the end of the day I will end up doing it because I'm always wearing the Mentor Status so I will act the part.... except when I'm playing with my in real life friends.
Especially as a RDM, the amount of classes that potentially put out more DPS than you is higher than the opposite