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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

Been leveling my 2 other healers lately, got AST up to 70 as my 2nd char(or was it 3rd, anyway). Started with SCH and at first I thought "eh this isn't so bad, bit more boring rotation but fairy does alright". But the higher I get, the worse the fairy gets and I can't do damage for shit and have to heal a bunch and the aoe healing is still a fucking pain in the ass because you need to keep aether stacks for indomitability and succor is garbage and fae winds or whatever is still 1min cd.

Meanwhile WHM is great at everything it feels like. I hadn't played mine since 2.0, was 50 still so had to do some potd but it was actually fairly fast I just sprinted past people, group 5-6mobs then holy spam every floor. So anyway I hadn't played with the HW skills and damn were they cool additions, Assize is super great, Tetra was a nice addition since Bene cd is so long, Aero III goes well with Holy spam, the puddle is super nice since this+regen is enough to keep tank up so you can full DPS, love it. Honestly don't care that the SB skills are mostly all garbage, the class feels so nice to play in dungeons, I do good damage, I can keep the tanks up easily, and the Lillies, as much as they suck as a mechanic, are still nice to get those puddle+assize every trash pack so you can holy spam the entire time.

Issue is now I don't want to lvl my SCH anymore cause WHM is so much more fun. I'll still do it cause Goddess of Magic title and all but damn. I played SCH as main for all the time I spent in 2.0 and 3.0(granted not that much in 3.0) but it's by far my least favorite healer now. And the new skills sure aren't helping.
I managed to get into a Susano EX late last night, but fourth night in a row I can't clear it.

This is the kind of fight that you have to know good placement skills, otherwise you end up killing everyone around you. I've had a couple moments where me or someone would die to a stray orb on the sword phase.

Then people who don't pay attention to the purple marker (not the one with the lazer shooting up), and sometimes 2-3 people jump to the other side and get electrocuted. Or my favorite, first person doesn't jump over and shocks the party. I get the icon, I hop over take my chunk of damage and no cooldowns for heals ready. Third person gets marker and jumps at the last second, electrocutes the party killing me and the healer.

Had tanks DIE to Susano mid fight and depending on where I'm at in the emnity chart (usually 2-3) he'll turn to me and I get to tank until the OT gets hate or I die.

Now, I sucked at most HW EX fights, but I've done this one so much that I can do it in my sleep, but with all the deaths we rarely have enough DPS to down it, even with TWO limit breaks.


Been leveling my 2 other healers lately, got AST up to 70 as my 2nd char(or was it 3rd, anyway). Started with SCH and at first I thought "eh this isn't so bad, bit more boring rotation but fairy does alright". But the higher I get, the worse the fairy gets and I can't do damage for shit and have to heal a bunch and the aoe healing is still a fucking pain in the ass because you need to keep aether stacks for indomitability and succor is garbage and fae winds or whatever is still 1min cd.

Meanwhile WHM is great at everything it feels like. I hadn't played mine since 2.0, was 50 still so had to do some potd but it was actually fairly fast I just sprinted past people, group 5-6mobs then holy spam every floor. So anyway I hadn't played with the HW skills and damn were they cool additions, Assize is super great, Tetra was a nice addition since Bene cd is so long, Aero III goes well with Holy spam, the puddle is super nice since this+regen is enough to keep tank up so you can full DPS, love it. Honestly don't care that the SB skills are mostly all garbage, the class feels so nice to play in dungeons, I do good damage, I can keep the tanks up easily, and the Lillies, as much as they suck as a mechanic, are still nice to get those puddle+assize every trash pack so you can holy spam the entire time.

Issue is now I don't want to lvl my SCH anymore cause WHM is so much more fun. I'll still do it cause Goddess of Magic title and all but damn. I played SCH as main for all the time I spent in 2.0 and 3.0(granted not that much in 3.0) but it's by far my least favorite healer now. And the new skills sure aren't helping.

Yeah, I feel the same. I was SCH for four years, swapped to AST to keep things fresh, leveled WHM to 70 as well. Starting SCH and I feel crippled. Just looking at my damage in ACT is depressing. Looking at my MP after a large pull is deflating. Adlo is so god damn expensive, the fairy is so god damn weak, AoE anything is a god damn joke, and it feels like the changes were malicious. I know they're not but you can't help but feel jabbed when you're told you heal for less, heals cost more, you do less damage, and the other two healers now do you job better than you and don't have those issues. There is no good reason for the scholar changes to have been made.
Where can i pick up a decent weapon that isn't from the MSQ? (i'm only just entering dragonhold and the quest rewards are only around level 35)
One of the best weapons you can easily get pre-Stormblood is in the Palace of the Dead in Quarrymill. You can access the PotD at basically any time, the quest is found in Gridania, “The House That Death Built”. The PotD is a special dungeon that has randomized layouts, and has a separate leveling and weapon/armor system from the rest of the game. When you go in there your character starts back at level 1 inside the Palace, but levels come pretty quickly (and when you leave, your character outside is the same level as he went inside, though you do get XP for finishing 10 floors of the Palace). As you play through it, opening silver chests randomly powers up the in-palace weapon and armor.

Once your Palace weapon and armor reaches 30 strength (and you’ve reached level 50 in the Palace at least once), you can exchange it for a real weapon to use outside of the Palace that is very good. And if you want you can then go back in, and when your Palace weapon/armor reaches 60 strength you can swap it for another, more powerful weapon for outside the Palace. Note that when you exchange the weapon, you are actually exchanging palace weapon-strength for the new weapon, so if you went back into the Palace, your weapon will have lost 30 or 60 strength, so you’ll have to start raising it again to get back to as strong as you were before the exchange (thus people who want to continue in the Palace for a while often save up and don’t swap the weapon out until it is 30 strength higher than required).

EDIT: I just remembered that the weapon you get from the Palace of the Dead is level 60...


I find this weird, but maybe my wife was over estimating this, but she said susano was more difficult and the mechanics were less forgiving than snake lady, but my FC one shot it on our first try with 2 pugs (5 newbie clears)

I thought the mechanics were easier to follow than snake lady by a mile.


I find this weird, but maybe my wife was over estimating this, but she said susano was more difficult and the mechanics were less forgiving than snake lady, but my FC one shot it on our first try with 2 pugs (5 newbie clears)

I thought the mechanics were easier to follow than snake lady by a mile.

Lakshmi punishes you for screwing up by probably killing you. It's not 100% guaranteed, but forgetting to vril an angry aura AOE damage will probably kill you without a shield. The key thing is that outside of adds, you can't really screw anything up that messes up the rest of the party. Everybody is responsible for themselves.

Susano is team jump rope and if one guy trips, everyone gets tangled up. His individual mistake are a lot less fatal--it's easier to just heal through Susano mistakes than Lakshmi ones IMO--but they can pile up quicker and murder the people doing everything right.

Neither is particularly difficult, but Lakshmi's only going to punish those messing up for the most part, while Susano treats success, failure, and penalty as a group activity.


Kills Photobucket
I find this weird, but maybe my wife was over estimating this, but she said susano was more difficult and the mechanics were less forgiving than snake lady, but my FC one shot it on our first try with 2 pugs (5 newbie clears)

I thought the mechanics were easier to follow than snake lady by a mile.

I'd agree with her. Lakshmi screw ups are most forgetting viri and dying yourself. It's really only that one cone attack that can screw up everyone.

Lightning and Knockback mechanics in Susano can screw over more than just yourself.


So I should be focusing on my starting job/class until I hit the level cap, right? And then I can branch out and level the others?


So I should be focusing on my starting job/class until I hit the level cap, right? And then I can branch out and level the others?

You can go and level the other classes/jobs whenever you want, you're free to switch between whichever ones you've unlocked at any time outside of combat.

I'd dabble in the other classes for a little bit myself, you might find you really enjoy one over the other. For instance, I didn't realize that I really enjoyed Summoner until after I had already leveled all my melee DPS and tanks to 60.


So I should be focusing on my starting job/class until I hit the level cap, right? And then I can branch out and level the others?

Like the above poster said, you can try out other classes whenever you like (Provided you're over either level 10 or 15- i forget which) on your main. I got a CNJ upto 30 while leveling my BLM just for the unicorn lol

You other classes/jobs will enjoy a 100% XP buff too until they reach the level of your highest class/job


I find this weird, but maybe my wife was over estimating this, but she said susano was more difficult and the mechanics were less forgiving than snake lady, but my FC one shot it on our first try with 2 pugs (5 newbie clears)

I thought the mechanics were easier to follow than snake lady by a mile.

Lakshmi is easier to follow when you stop paying attention to the details really. Does she have chanchalla up? Do you have vril up? If you don't, hit vril. It's pretty much that simple. Even if you do mess up, the worst that happens is you'll die, but you can't really wipe the raid. She's a lot less random than Susano too since a lot of her skills are raid wide, stack up, or target specific people (2nd on threat/healers), only really the cross explosion targets a random person.

Susano is a lot easier to blow everyone else up by not moving or dropping the storm cloud down the safe zone. Plus since there's more people who might have to handle each mechanic there's more room for a mistake.


So I should be focusing on my starting job/class until I hit the level cap, right? And then I can branch out and level the others?

That depends completely on the time you are ready to invest. If time is not an issue go nuts and try other classes. I found for myself that leveling different classes at the same time hinders my progress through the main story. But that doesn't necessarily hold true for everyone. The beauty in this game is you can take any job you want.

If you want to clear the story and reach max level first and foremost than see one job/class through to max level.


You can go and level the other classes/jobs whenever you want, you're free to switch between whichever ones you've unlocked at any time outside of combat.

I'd dabble in the other classes for a little bit myself, you might find you really enjoy one over the other. For instance, I didn't realize that I really enjoyed Summoner until after I had already leveled all my melee DPS and tanks to 60.

Like the above poster said, you can try out other classes whenever you like (Provided you're over either level 10 or 15- i forget which) on your main. I got a CNJ upto 30 while leveling my BLM just for the unicorn lol

You other classes/jobs will enjoy a 100% XP buff too until they reach the level of your highest class/job

That depends completely on the time you are ready to invest. If time is not an issue go nuts and try other classes. I found for myself that leveling different classes at the same time hinders my progress through the main story. But that doesn't necessarily hold true for everyone. The beauty in this game is you can take any job you want.

If you want to clear the story and reach max level first and foremost than see one job/class through to max level.
Awesome, thanks! I think maybe I'll stick with my maraurder until I get through the story and then switch it up for the expansions and endgame.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
When in the fuck are we going to get to kill the
Lala and traitorous Hyur Wood Wailer that worked with Ilberd


just reached my first 50, should I spend the 10 silver feathers I have on the ironworks body and weapon or hold on to them a little longer til 60? They are a heck of a lot better than the wizard set the Job quest gave me, and my weapon is like level 45

If wait, Where can i pick up a decent weapon that isn't from the MSQ? (i'm only just entering dragonhold and the quest rewards are only around level 35)

If you are level 50 I think upgraded ironworks is your best bet for a weapon. They are super cheap now. Will last you until mid-50s.


Been leveling my 2 other healers lately, got AST up to 70 as my 2nd char(or was it 3rd, anyway). Started with SCH and at first I thought "eh this isn't so bad, bit more boring rotation but fairy does alright". But the higher I get, the worse the fairy gets and I can't do damage for shit and have to heal a bunch and the aoe healing is still a fucking pain in the ass because you need to keep aether stacks for indomitability and succor is garbage and fae winds or whatever is still 1min cd.

Meanwhile WHM is great at everything it feels like. I hadn't played mine since 2.0, was 50 still so had to do some potd but it was actually fairly fast I just sprinted past people, group 5-6mobs then holy spam every floor. So anyway I hadn't played with the HW skills and damn were they cool additions, Assize is super great, Tetra was a nice addition since Bene cd is so long, Aero III goes well with Holy spam, the puddle is super nice since this+regen is enough to keep tank up so you can full DPS, love it. Honestly don't care that the SB skills are mostly all garbage, the class feels so nice to play in dungeons, I do good damage, I can keep the tanks up easily, and the Lillies, as much as they suck as a mechanic, are still nice to get those puddle+assize every trash pack so you can holy spam the entire time.

Issue is now I don't want to lvl my SCH anymore cause WHM is so much more fun. I'll still do it cause Goddess of Magic title and all but damn. I played SCH as main for all the time I spent in 2.0 and 3.0(granted not that much in 3.0) but it's by far my least favorite healer now. And the new skills sure aren't helping.
They'll probably be fixed (hopefully) in next week's balance patch. As things stand, there is 0 reason to bring a Scholar over a Noct Astro.

That said, what i can see happening is that SE decides to nerf Astro shield potency. I'd rather they directly buff scholar than do that tbh.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I selected in progress as a tank for a leveling dungeon. Got Totorak with 10 minutes elapsed. Enter it and are immediately greeted with three players staring at me at the entrance. First words that left my mouth were "Oh no, what did I walk into?"

They said the tank didn't understand what aggro meant.

A Thaumaturge in Hauke Manor stayed in ice form the whole time until I explained what fire form is for. The whole dungeon i had a higher dps than the dps using my simple base enmity combo.


Awesome, thanks! I think maybe I'll stick with my maraurder until I get through the story and then switch it up for the expansions and endgame.

Keep in mind that any classes you switch to start at 1 and need to be leveled independently to each other. (in case you didn't know)


SCH was THE healer you had to bring for pretty much all content up to SB. Ok, it got brought down a peg and AST got promoted but I'm not salty. I enjoyed my time in the sun (and now I'm levelling AST).


I selected in progress as a tank for a leveling dungeon. Got Totorak with 10 minutes elapsed. Enter it and are immediately greeted with three players staring at me at the entrance. First words that left my mouth were "Oh no, what did I walk into?"

They said the tank didn't understand what aggro meant.

A Thaumaturge in Hauke Manor stayed in ice form the whole time until I explained what fire form is for. The whole dungeon i had a higher dps than the dps using my simple base enmity combo.

I've been on their side before. Had a tank who only used the MP combo and nothing else. We asked him to use his enmity combos and he said not to tell him what to do. It was a long two minutes of standing around until we could vote kick.
Broil II animation makes up for the SCH DPS nerf (not really but it's 10x more satisfying to use than Broil I which had a crappy animation and feedback).

Broil II feels like you are firing off constant nukes.


Broil II animation makes up for the SCH DPS nerf (not really but it's 10x more satisfying to use than Broil I which had a crappy animation and feedback).

Broil II feels like you are firing off constant nukes.

I miss the original Broil I sound effect that made it sound like the enemy was getting hit by an oncoming truck.


I have a question as someone who played for awhile near launch for ARR and is jumping back into it now. My husband has been playing for the first time as well and we're progressing through the ARR MSQ stuff.

When we both get near the end of ARR stuff is there some easier way to get better item level lv 50 gear now that there's been two expansions, in order to make progressing through past stuff easier? Or is it still comparable to when that content was newer where we'll have to work on getting those tomestones or whatever to buy better gear?

I think I've read that Heavensward stuff is locked off until I finish ARR and that unlocking level 60 would be included in that. I guess I'm just not completely clear on how moving from the end of ARR stuff into Heavensward will go and would like to be able to do it as speedy as possible in order to get to newer stuff.

I hope what I'm asking is clear enough lol


I have a question as someone who played for awhile near launch for ARR and is jumping back into it now. My husband has been playing for the first time as well and we're progressing through the ARR MSQ stuff.

When we both get near the end of ARR stuff is there some easier way to get better item level lv 50 gear now that there's been two expansions, in order to make progressing through past stuff easier? Or is it still comparable to when that content was newer where we'll have to work on getting those tomestones or whatever to buy better gear?

I think I've read that Heavensward stuff is locked off until I finish ARR and that unlocking level 60 would be included in that. I guess I'm just not completely clear on how moving from the end of ARR stuff into Heavensward will go and would like to be able to do it as speedy as possible in order to get to newer stuff.

I hope what I'm asking is clear enough lol

I think the Ironworks armor you can get from Mor Dhona is good enough to last you until your mid 50s, and then the MSQ rewards can start replacing stuff.


I have a question as someone who played for awhile near launch for ARR and is jumping back into it now. My husband has been playing for the first time as well and we're progressing through the ARR MSQ stuff.

When we both get near the end of ARR stuff is there some easier way to get better item level lv 50 gear now that there's been two expansions, in order to make progressing through past stuff easier? Or is it still comparable to when that content was newer where we'll have to work on getting those tomestones or whatever to buy better gear?

I think I've read that Heavensward stuff is locked off until I finish ARR and that unlocking level 60 would be included in that. I guess I'm just not completely clear on how moving from the end of ARR stuff into Heavensward will go and would like to be able to do it as speedy as possible in order to get to newer stuff.

I hope what I'm asking is clear enough lol

You can buy Ironworks gear for poetics in Mor Dhona that will last you into Heavensward. Similarly at 60, you can buy vendor gear that's ilvl 255 in Foundation, or the ilvl 260 Shire gear for poetics, and that will take you into Stormblood no problem.


Okay, so there's no faster way to get poetics than when I was originally playing? I'll still have to grind for em by doing dungeons and whatnot?

I was hoping that part may have been sped up a bit in my absence ;(


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I have a question as someone who played for awhile near launch for ARR and is jumping back into it now. My husband has been playing for the first time as well and we're progressing through the ARR MSQ stuff.

When we both get near the end of ARR stuff is there some easier way to get better item level lv 50 gear now that there's been two expansions, in order to make progressing through past stuff easier? Or is it still comparable to when that content was newer where we'll have to work on getting those tomestones or whatever to buy better gear?

I think I've read that Heavensward stuff is locked off until I finish ARR and that unlocking level 60 would be included in that. I guess I'm just not completely clear on how moving from the end of ARR stuff into Heavensward will go and would like to be able to do it as speedy as possible in order to get to newer stuff.

I hope what I'm asking is clear enough lol

To add to what other people replied with. Tomes are a type of currency accumulated from doing things in the game like completing a dungeon, roulette, raid, or hunt. For the lvl 50 gear and lvl 60 gear you will be looking for, most players had to work to get these tomes accumulated overtime, with a weekly cap that is fairly low blocking progression in getting all of the armor. Then add on the fact that there is several different tome currencies. They consolidated that so most lvl 60 and below gear only needs Poetic Tomestones, which are now given out like candy. You will have no trouble accumulating these to get your gear.


To add to what other people replied with. Tomes are a type of currency accumulated from doing things in the game like completing a dungeon, roulette, raid, or hunt. For the lvl 50 gear and lvl 60 gear you will be looking for, most players had to work to get these tomes accumulated overtime, with a weekly cap that is fairly low blocking progression in getting all of the armor. Then add on the fact that there is several different tome currencies. They consolidated that so most lvl 60 and below gear only needs Poetic Tomestones, which are now given out like candy. You will have no trouble accumulating these to get your gear.

Okay yeah I guess that was mostly what I was asking, if poetics were easier to come by than when I was originally playing. It's just been so long since I played I couldn't remember exactly how everything worked.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Okay yeah I guess that was mostly what I was asking, if poetics were easier to come by than when I was originally playing. It's just been so long since I played I couldn't remember exactly how everything worked.
Did you get the returning player chocobo feathers?

I'd also note that Heavensward is doable without blue/purple gear. The quests starting in Heavensward give out HQ gear. What class are you playing as? Are you on Ultros?
Okay yeah I guess that was mostly what I was asking, if poetics were easier to come by than when I was originally playing. It's just been so long since I played I couldn't remember exactly how everything worked.

There aren't many new ways to get poetics, however the cost of everything has been reduced dramatically so it's not much of an issue. Just running your roulettes and running each new dungeon and primal once (to get the new player bonus of ~50 tomes, I believe) will be more than enough.

You can also have somebody with access to Ishgard buy you a set of i115 white gear from the vendors.


Did you get the returning player chocobo feathers?

I'd also note that Heavensward is doable without blue/purple gear. The quests starting in Heavensward give out HQ gear. What class are you playing as? Are you on Ultros?

Nope, I didn't know anyone that still played the game. That's another reason why I was asking cause that seemed to take away a ton of hassle. And I'm actually on Excalibur.

I originally played as Dragoon which is what I was level 50 as but this time I've been leveling up Black Mage fresh while playing with my husband. I've been enjoying it waaaay more than Dragoon
Okay yeah I guess that was mostly what I was asking, if poetics were easier to come by than when I was originally playing. It's just been so long since I played I couldn't remember exactly how everything worked.

Whenever they introduce new Tomes, they tend to make the previous ones easier to get.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Nope, I didn't know anyone that still played the game. That's another reason why I was asking cause that seemed to take away a ton of hassle. And I'm actually on Excalibur.

I originally played as Dragoon which is what I was level 50 as but this time I've been leveling up Black Mage fresh while playing with my husband. I've been enjoying it waaaay more than Dragoon

Oh okay. I don't mind crafting for people that need equipment, which was why I was asking if you were on Ultros.

The difference in getting Tomestones now vs before is basically this.

650 tomes needed to buy a chest piece. Then you need to do even more work to get an upgrade. Those tomes were originally capped at 450 a week. Now you barely do anything and you get 30 50 or 80 Tomes a piece, and now that chest piece only costs 100 tomes (afaik). The upgrades too, which aren't really necessary to start the expansions, also only cost 100 tomes.

Do hunts, roulette, and pvp to level and use those tomes to buy any equipment you are missing.


They'll probably be fixed (hopefully) in next week's balance patch. As things stand, there is 0 reason to bring a Scholar over a Noct Astro.

That said, what i can see happening is that SE decides to nerf Astro shield potency. I'd rather they directly buff scholar than do that tbh.

That requires you to pair up with a whm. That's why you bring a sch :p

Ast replacing whm is more potent than ast replacing sch
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