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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

I'm actually doing dungeons with Red Mage now and Vercure is really useful.

I did a Baelsar's and managed to save the group multiple times with it.

The healer even thanked me after for backing him up and freeing him when the tank and other DPS ignored the shackle.


Which classes are more controller friendly would you guys say?

I was leaning towards SAM or RDM when I hit 50 here soon and complete ARR, but as I have been trying to level up Warrior I am now running out of room for abilities without hitting R1 to get to my second page of abilities.
Which classes are more controller friendly would you guys say?

I was leaning towards SAM or RDM when I hit 50 here soon and complete ARR, but as I have been trying to level up Warrior I am now running out of room for abilities without hitting R1 to get to my second page of abilities.

You're going to need two hotbars for every job.

Just use R2+L2 and L2+R2 to get to the second bar without switching completely.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
idk why I stayed this whole run


I just saw the "leaked" patch notes from a few days ago. Buff Ninja and Monk in to infinity and nerf SAM to MCH level.

Nah, fake.
So no job is really "easier" for pad play? Ok then I will ask this question:

Which is more useful to groups right now, RDM or SAM?

Red Mage has utility like Vercure (a healing spell) and Verraise (resurrection), both of which can be chained into instantly with dualcast.

Samurai just does a LOT of damage. Enough in its current form to almost justify its lack of utility. It hits HARD.

But still, if you want to be interacting with others as you play a bit, then Red Mage.
So no job is really "easier" for pad play? Ok then I will ask this question:

Which is more useful to groups right now, RDM or SAM?

That concept of what the group needs only applies to savage raiding groups that are looking to put together a specific team to do the savage stuff with.

You on the other hand will mostly be using the Duty Finder for your grouping needs.

Considering that, it doesn't matter what you choose to play beyond what you personally enjoy playing.

No one's going to kick you regardless of what job you choose.

Red Mage is a caster with a mix of melee and can use Vercure to heal and Verraise to ressurect KOed people.

Samurai does a shit ton of damage, highest in the game at the moment.

In the end, choose what you want to play/find the most fun.
Which classes are more controller friendly would you guys say?

I was leaning towards SAM or RDM when I hit 50 here soon and complete ARR, but as I have been trying to level up Warrior I am now running out of room for abilities without hitting R1 to get to my second page of abilities.
I find RDM pretty straightforward on pad, but I also haven't unlocked the majority of the abilities, so take my word with a grain of salt I suppose.


Wow JP PSN has this game on sale for only around 2600yen including the Stormblood expansion. Been tempted to get my mitts dirty on FF14 for a loooong time. Any JP Gaffers around here and what are the recommended servers?

Also would I need to buy another copy of FF14 + expansions for the PC if I decide to play on that platform in the future?


That requires you to pair up with a whm. That's why you bring a sch :p

Ast replacing whm is more potent than ast replacing sch
Really? As things stand, isn't WHM/Noct Ast the pairing of choice?

Stronger party buffs, Cheaper/Stronger Shields (I think other than crit?), Reliable on demand AoE healing.

Have not raided anything savage since 3.01,so I duno how the previous meta was but other than slower LB gen, even stacking AST/AST feels better than AST/SCH.

This even being a topic of discussion should scare WHMs, which is kind of odd. If Noct can't handle mitigation at least in the same ballpark as SCH, it's just going to push the auto-include to Diurnal more which doesn't end well for WHM.
This is why i hope they buff SCH instead of nerfing AST. I want both stances to be viable and not a repeat of Noct stance in 3.x.

It should be...

1 Lily - 10%
2 Lily - 20% or 10% with 15y of target
3 Lily - 10% on whole party.

The more lilies used, the longer the cooldown. Lillies do not reduce cooldown for DB.
Honestly, I would just be content if Divine Benison is changed to only consume one lily.

Also change Plenary Indulgence rofl.


So no job is really "easier" for pad play? Ok then I will ask this question:

Which is more useful to groups right now, RDM or SAM?

Can't comment on SAM, but RDM is very pad-friendly.

I still use cycling to a second crossbar out of habit, but using the trigger combinations is probably better. There's also doubletapping triggers (WXHB) but I'm not too fond of that on the 360 pad at least.

Don't forget you can still use hotbars in pad mode, even if you're not clicking them they're useful for keeping cooldowns visible so you dont have to keep checking on them.



Stormblood, what a rush. Absolutely loved it. Probably equal with Heavensward for me. Just so damn good.

I really liked Zenos as a villain, simply due to his motivations being completely different than any of the characters before him. Gaius was about spreading the might of the empire. Nidhogg was blind vengeance and hatred. Zenos just wanted to cultivate the perfect opponent to satisfy his lust for combat.

Shinryu as the final boss, I accidentally spoiled for myself yesterday, but regardless... Holy crap that fight is awesome, but also pretty damn hard.

The post-credits teases. I'm glad that that giant hole is the Omega stuff, which I'll probably try this weekend. When I first came across the hole while exploring I went "What the hell is that?!" so I'm glad it's related to the story. Also the game finally has a Jessie!! I lol'd at the obvious introduction of Nero. His new threads are pretty legit.

It's pretty great how Estinien worked entirely behind the scenes, lol. I do so hope to cross paths with him in 4.X though.

Also YISSSSSSSSS at Gosestu being alive. Also Yotsuru being there as well surprised me. I was so happy to see that he survived. Enough characters have died already, and I really like Gosetsu.

Hien was by far my favourite character in Stormblood. He is so damn cool, and the ideal leader. His personality was great (I love the quest that was labeled "Hien has on his face what can only be described as a shite-eating grin." And of course similar to Zenos, he isn't the kind of guy to stay in the back.

<3 Yugiri

Last two characters I will comment on are Alisaie, as I love her super-sassy attitude, and Lyse. ... Okay so I really like Alisaie, but Lyse... Honestly, she's okay. She's not terrible, but I vastly preferred her Yda personality. Aside from her being her father's daughter though, I never really felt that she earned or deserved the title of Resistance leader. She just seemed really unhinged once Papalymo was gone, and it kind of bothered me.
... also I know it's to be expected, but ultimately the WoL did everything anyway <_<

I was thrilled that the Ascians didn't make any appearances... Well, until Elidibus showed up post-credits with the Emperor =P

So yeah, absolutely fantastic expansion. I do so look forward to 4.X content. This is now kind of weird for me though, since it's the first time I've not had any MSQ to play, lol

Also, another reason this expansion is so good
Waking Sands? Not even once.


GAF I need your opinion.

I just did a roulette of that early mine dungeon (level 20 cap, can do with eyes closed) and I'm an archer.

To make things faster I like to shoot poison at every enemy in the area, gather them all together and then I do lots of spread shots. It's a really good strategy and things go really fast.

Nobody ever complained... until now.

The tank in my last party said "go tank archer go" and stopped attacking. I almost died and the healer said "Sammy if you pull [enemies] I won't heal you".

Are they right? Am I wrong?

What's the truth?

PS: that run took forever because I stopped pulling enemies and poisoning/wide shooting them.

Classic tank rule: you pull it, you tank it :p


Thanks guys.

I guess I just need to play both to see which is more fun, or which looks cooler in gear max level.

The classes I want from FF11 still haven't made their way into 14. (PUP,RNG,COR,BLU,DNC) or have had pieces stripped into other classes.

At this point I'd settle for RNG/BST to be combined together in a future patch and would gladly play it.


Really? As things stand, isn't WHM/Noct Ast the pairing of choice?

Stronger party buffs, Cheaper/Stronger Shields (I think other than crit?), Reliable on demand AoE healing.

Stronger party buffs? Wut? Whm doesn't do anything for the party besides heal and great personal dps

Cheaper stronger sheilds, yup kinda but also kinda redundant as you only need the sheilds for specific mechanics and mp cost is a non issue.

SCH aoe healing is only unreliable if people spaz out and blow their cooldowns on nothing and is designed to compliment the main healer with as little stress on them as possible so they can go back to dpsing.

Whm/Ast is solid but an ast is a poor mans sch compared to how much they benifit from how simple and effective the whm healing style is.

Double ast is a little wonky but doable since they are missing the bonus tools of either of the healers they copy

AST/SCH has the highest compatibility in the game for the healers and pushes high group dps due to SCH gaining Chain strategem


idk why I stayed this whole run

i feel ya. i joined as inprogress and as healer in need for lvling roul. all 3 was new player.
was very slow but i still stick in there. but the last boss...the poison pool...
i already spam <se.1> like crazy to hope the tank can see the chat but nope, still let the dragon stay on the posion pool. i had to aero and stone like crazy to hopefully beat the dragon's hp regen...
i know why the healer left the group right from the start of the map...


Suffering From Success
MoP Mistweaver? I like AST about as much, but I liked it too. It was my favorite along with WotLK Disc Priest.

WoD Mistweaver? Eh... I felt like Monk on the whole lost a lot of identity in WoD but it had its saving graces.

Legion Mistweaver? There is no good healing class in Legion, IMO. They're all shadows of past glory. It is supremely depressing.

I suppose... My point was that even Legion Mistweaver is heads above every single XIV healer in terms of healer class design, with a possible exception of SCH and I don't know what to think about SCH anymore. Mistweaver has unique stylistics, it has exceptional interaction between its skills, it has healing mechanics that aren't just "small heal, big heal, regen, small aoe heal, big aoe heal". XIV healers are really struggling to have any meaningful healing mechanics at all - SCH has some interesting things going on between Deployment Tactics and fairies, but they failed to make fairy interactions better in SB and instead we still have janky stuff like aetherpact and dissipation and the rest is just as trivial and straightforward as with the other two healers. AST's skill interaction is completely contained in their cards which is... well, not healing.
So no job is really "easier" for pad play? Ok then I will ask this question:

Which is more useful to groups right now, RDM or SAM?

Some jobs are, indeed, easier for pad play. For example as SAM you can put all AoE skills in a second bar, with all of the general use like Hagakure as well, that means you only switch to the second bar for multiple enemies and stay in the single target bar most of the time.

You can't do that with PLD for example, since, not only he has a major number of skills, but also you want to have access to most of his skills most of the time. So, there's more switching between bars and less room in my setup.

WAR feels better because you can separate bars as stances and automatically change them with macros when switching.
Yeah, SAM suits pad play quite well. My main issue was just adapting to using a controller after 700+ hours of using the keyboard. I found it worthwhile, though.

Here's vaguely what my SAM bar looks like. Don't have access to take a screenshot at the moment, and I left off anything I wasn't sure I remembered exactly where it was. I keep the 'core' of the job (Combos, Iaijutsu, Kaiten) on R2, AoEs, mobility, and Hagakure on L2. It makes sense to me, but I imagine there are better layouts out there.


So, I planned on getting a physical version of the complete collection of this on PS4, mostly to cut down on the amount of downloading that I would have to do, but a friend told me that he was pretty sure that what you download is the same regardless of having a physical copy or not. If this is true, then it seems sort of pointless to get the physical version, especially since it seems like you can't even play the game unless you have the disc inserted if you opt to get it physical.
Can someone here, preferably a PS4 player, confirm that what he said about the download is correct? If so, I feel like I might as well just get it digitally.


I suppose... My point was that even Legion Mistweaver is heads above every single XIV healer in terms of healer class design, with a possible exception of SCH and I don't know what to think about SCH anymore. Mistweaver has unique stylistics, it has exceptional interaction between its skills, it has healing mechanics that aren't just "small heal, big heal, regen, small aoe heal, big aoe heal". XIV healers are really struggling to have any meaningful healing mechanics at all - SCH has some interesting things going on between Deployment Tactics and fairies, but they failed to make fairy interactions better in SB and instead we still have janky stuff like aetherpact and dissipation and the rest is just as trivial and straightforward as with the other two healers. AST's skill interaction is completely contained in their cards which is... well, not healing.

I kinda see what you mean, but WoW definitely made sure to do a checklist so all healers had "all of the above". They all had an efficient heal they could keep casting and a big heal they were supposed to blow when needed. They all had a tank CD/raid CD and varying amounts of other utility that was hit or miss. Sometimes big misses (thinking about Telluric Currents on MoD still makes me mad to this day). I'm not saying SE has to be as rigid as they do for healers, but when the community is ready to wail on or about a class like they do regarding changes (justified or not) I am not surprised that they want to stick with what they know works. No matter how much we might complain about healer balance atm, it's objectively better than 3.0, even if it's nowhere near ideal. Progress!

I think it's ok to make mechanics like AST cards because even though they aren't technically healing the raid using the cards (won't pull that "gotcha Lady heals lololol" thing) they are supporting the raid with their cards, which is in the spirit of what a healer does anyway. It's also why I like AST so much since even though it's not directly healing it's also not some boring af poor man's DPS/DPS rotation. It'd be a helluva lot more fun if Balance wasn't OP so I had to skip everything else but that day will come sooner or later. And Sleeve Draw is an excuse anyway.

I hope they move SCH more towards Fairy interaction (and being rewarded for doing so) rather than the Dissipation/Aetherpact garbage they have now. But Fairy control in general has always been clunky at best, seems worse now, and they have been giving SMN less direct control (and SCH less control in PVP) so I am not sure they want to go that direction at all, which is disappointing. I kinda know they want SCH to not be as OP as it was but I kinda dunno why they aren't making up their minds on what they want SCH to be good at/bad at and then going forward with it.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Taking a break from tanking to level other stuff, and wow am I seeing some ambitious tanks when I queue for other roles. And by ambitious, I mean lacking in sound judgement. They'll pull packs of 8-10 mobs in leveling dungeons and wonder why they melt after. It's not so bad in synced 50 and 60 dungeons where that thing is a lot more manageable, but doing it unannounced when they may potentially have new players that won't be able to keep up is dumb and wastes time when their bad decision wipes the party. Are these people watching streamers and YouTube videos with big pulls and thinking that it's the absolute norm? It's like they have their mind set on it and never once gauge their party to see how doable it actually is.

I had one pulling from the start of Stone Vigil to right before the room with 5 mobs in it. So he had 7 or 8 on them that all hit hard and he got 2-shot basically. Had another in Gubal Library pulling two rooms at a time in a pug with no warning. I'm not sure he was even using cooldowns (not that he had many as a DRK) because his HP was plummeting fast. Dear aspiring tanks, just because you saw Xeno do it, doesn't mean you're gonna be able to pull it off.


Which classes are more controller friendly would you guys say?

I was leaning towards SAM or RDM when I hit 50 here soon and complete ARR, but as I have been trying to level up Warrior I am now running out of room for abilities without hitting R1 to get to my second page of abilities.

I think all classes are playable on pad, although I'm still new so don't take my word for it.

I find turning on L2+R2, R2+L2, double tapping L2, double tapping R2 to be the best. You need to switch them on in options. You can quickly cycle between hotbars by holding R1 and another button but I haven't memorised the combinations relating to which hotbar.

Also target filtering helps so pressing left and right on the dpad will only cycle between enemies.

My friend plays exclusively with controller and he does the end game raids, he said he can tank savage on pad (I don't know what savage means but it sounded impressive!)


So, I planned on getting a physical version of the complete collection of this on PS4, mostly to cut down on the amount of downloading that I would have to do, but a friend told me that he was pretty sure that what you download is the same regardless of having a physical copy or not. If this is true, then it seems sort of pointless to get the physical version, especially since it seems like you can't even play the game unless you have the disc inserted if you opt to get it physical.
Can someone here, preferably a PS4 player, confirm that what he said about the download is correct? If so, I feel like I might as well just get it digitally.

I have HW and SB on disc (separately). When I have had to re-install the game at times, I have been able to install HW from the disc rather than download it. It downloads the base game then installs the rest from the disc. Also, I have never needed the disc to play.


Reached 198 on PotD.

We ran out of pomanders and time in the end, but damn it we were close. :(

Still, I got some loot (including the whistle) which will sell for 15 million so it wasn't a total loss.


Just did Garuda, the cutscene after made it feel somewhat like a FF game and not a fetch quest simulator for once. I can't wait to get done with ARR lol.


Taking a break from tanking to level other stuff, and wow am I seeing some ambitious tanks when I queue for other roles. And by ambitious, I mean lacking in sound judgement. They'll pull packs of 8-10 mobs in leveling dungeons and wonder why they melt after. It's not so bad in synced 50 and 60 dungeons where that thing is a lot more manageable, but doing it unannounced when they may potentially have new players that won't be able to keep up is dumb and wastes time when their bad decision wipes the party. Are these people watching streamers and YouTube videos with big pulls and thinking that it's the absolute norm? It's like they have their mind set on it and never once gauge their party to see how doable it actually is.

I had one pulling from the start of Stone Vigil to right before the room with 5 mobs in it. So he had 7 or 8 on them that all hit hard and he got 2-shot basically. Had another in Gubal Library pulling two rooms at a time in a pug with no warning. I'm not sure he was even using cooldowns (not that he had many as a DRK) because his HP was plummeting fast. Dear aspiring tanks, just because you saw Xeno do it, doesn't mean you're gonna be able to pull it off.
In my experience a lot of players right now are in a "gotta go fast!" mindset.

I'm more or less taking a break from the game until Savage (aside from doing maintenance stuff like getting my Omega loot) because my experience in dungeons hasn't been the best lately and I'm frustrated with the player base doing dumb stuff without proper communication and blaming it on the others.

Maybe I'm still a little salty from my last SCH run in Doma Castle with a PLD who did that giant 3 kilometers long-ass pull, killing the new to the dungeon BLM in the process in a place where I couldn't rez them, then switched to Sword Oath and wondered why I couldn't keep up in the end. Maybe.


I've got my RDM to 58 now. Did my first dungeon on it (The Vault, one of my favs) and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to getting back to SB zones though 'cause they're new.

Also randomly soloed Great Gubal Library on my 70 job for gear. It's actually really doable and kind of fun. The boss fights become fun little fights when you have to deal with all mechanics by yourself and burn down the boss before taking too much damage. Would be a lot smoother if they hadn't spitefully stripped BLM of any self-healing ability.


I'm telling you we need disc style healing in XIV, no matter how much of a disaster the community will make it for the other healer roles
I'm telling you we need disc style healing in XIV, no matter how much of a disaster the community will make it for the other healer roles
I kinda hope DNC will basically be that

I don't think it would be that bad, give them weak heals through combo bonuses and if they want to actually heal they need to stop and do it.


Maybe they could make a healer that drains life from enemies to heal allies. They could do damage as a way to power up their healing and transfer that life to party members. That could be fun.


I really do not trust this development team to pull off that style of healing one bit. I'll return to healing if they ever make it interesting with actual mechanics, but Stormblood isn't the expansion for it.
As PLD I always try to adapt to the group, I usually try to stay in the safe when doing the late 60s dungeons, they can hit hard, specially since I was undergeared.

Now in expert dungeons I know I can push things a little, but I stil use sword oath ocasionally.
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