Got an interesting recruit for my Grand Company squadron today:
The only good Lala is a Snowperson Lala.
they are in my squad too
Got an interesting recruit for my Grand Company squadron today:
Lol, how'd you end up doing that? Leve's?So um... im level 65 and have yet to start dragonsong lol. This isnt good for stormblood content once I get to it.
No I don't run leves..and i barely did Palace. I guess since I finish ARR when close to 50, I went into HW around 55ish and finish hW 65. I guess since there were no level cap I just kept leveling up. IdkLol, how'd you end up doing that? Leve's?
Wow, yeah. Back when I finished HW a few months after it's release I think I ended up at 59.No I don't run leves..and i barely did Palace. I guess since I finish ARR when close to 50, I went into HW around 55ish and finish hW 65. I guess since there were no level cap I just kept leveling up. Idk
Taking a break from tanking to level other stuff, and wow am I seeing some ambitious tanks when I queue for other roles. And by ambitious, I mean lacking in sound judgement. They'll pull packs of 8-10 mobs in leveling dungeons and wonder why they melt after. It's not so bad in synced 50 and 60 dungeons where that thing is a lot more manageable, but doing it unannounced when they may potentially have new players that won't be able to keep up is dumb and wastes time when their bad decision wipes the party. Are these people watching streamers and YouTube videos with big pulls and thinking that it's the absolute norm? It's like they have their mind set on it and never once gauge their party to see how doable it actually is.
I had one pulling from the start of Stone Vigil to right before the room with 5 mobs in it. So he had 7 or 8 on them that all hit hard and he got 2-shot basically. Had another in Gubal Library pulling two rooms at a time in a pug with no warning. I'm not sure he was even using cooldowns (not that he had many as a DRK) because his HP was plummeting fast. Dear aspiring tanks, just because you saw Xeno do it, doesn't mean you're gonna be able to pull it off.
We have identified an issue wherein the ability to upgrade to the full retail version of FINAL FANTASY XIV via the Mog Station was being abused for malicious purposes by those involved in illicit activities. As a response to this, we have decided to suspend the ability to upgrade to the full retail version on the Mog Station.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but when upgrading to the full retail version, please purchase a digital or physical copy from places such as the Square Enix e-Store to make the transition.
This is awesome! Which Knives are those? Garuda Trail?
Just hit 70 finally, still need to finish the MSQ and Job Quest though, too tired to do it tonight.
Does anyone have a link for the location of the FATE for the Fox Minion fragments? Not the actual Fox Lady, but the FATE. Ive done it once already but completely forgot where it was, all I remember is it was by a lonely tree in the middle of a shallow lake.
Just saw this on the Lodestone Suspension of Free Trial to Full Version Upgrades on Mog Station
Posting in case anyone in this thread is on the trial version and looking to commit.
What does this actually mean? I'm playing through the trial right now have a key from the $5 Amazon sale I'm planning on using once I hit the level cap. I can still do that right? I don't know anything about the mog station.
So I bought this on steam (8 bucks!) and am really digging it.
What do I need to buy now to get the expansions, do I need to get heavensward or is it included in Stormblood now? The "Complete" FFXIV is really cheap here in physical but I read somewhere you can't use physical keys with the steam edition?
Stormblood includes Heavensward. But if you bought FFXIV on Steam, make sure you buy every subsequent thing on Steam too. You're locked in. Just like me!
It's the Yukimitsu, the Ninja's AF2 weapon. You can get it by giving Centurio seals to the old guy behind the counter at the tavern in Ishgard.
Got an interesting recruit for my Grand Company squadron today:
Got an interesting recruit for my Grand Company squadron today:
What are the pants/leggings on this character?
MCH at 30 feelsbad and there are almost no guides.
Does it get better? :/
MCH at 30 feelsbad and there are almost no guides.
Does it get better? :/
I'm kind of glad Blank doesn't do damage anymore because a lot of young MCHs thought they could finish off mobs and just ended up making melee DPS and tanks annoyed lol
I'm kind of glad Blank doesn't do damage anymore because a lot of young MCHs thought they could finish off mobs and just ended up making melee DPS and tanks annoyed lol
They still use it in PotD, and it's the most annoying thing there is.
When I'm leveling Summoner in there, I don't use Garuda for that reason.
It's just a dick move.
MCH at 30 feelsbad and there are almost no guides.
Does it get better? :/
live letter test stream is up
Are they actually gonna get into the balance stuff in this live letter? I thought that wasn't until later.
So I don't remember my password and I can't access the email my SE account is linked to. I called aol customer service and everything and they are unable to get into my account. What the fuck do I do? I can't reset my password because the confirmation code is being sent to that blocked email address. I'm pissed. Will I have to create a new character if I create a new SE account?
I don't think it gets fun before 64 in pve. However it's instant fun in pvp. You're pretty much constantly in high fever and destroying everyone.
People are already at the event and asking the dev team questions, and posting stuff to twitter.
Translations of things so far:
There will be adjustments to Dragon Sight
Something about casters, either BLM or RDM, it looks like the poster might have made a typo
Looking into implementing ways for players to visit the garden before the 4.0 final boss again after clearing it
Doing something about Demi-Bahamut blocking the view likely won't make it for 4.05, but they'll look into something going forward
We'll talk about Machinist and Dragoon in the PLL
Adjustments to Shake Off, will talk about the Beast Gauge getting halved in the PLL
Editted, some more:
YoshiP says that Monks could outdamage Samurai in Savage Raids
The dev team agrees that the level 70 WHM skill is hard to use and will be adjusted
On the one hand staying up until 2:30 for inevitable disappointment seems unwise.
On the other hand they're mentioning a lot of the Big Questions as things they'll address in the LL:
MCH hype for inevitable letdown (60s stabilizer, restore Overheat, make Turretnado Kick not dumb, please not just potency bumps) and I'm just going to laugh that nobody in their testing realized how annoying Demi-Bahamut was going to be.
Red Mage nerfs incoming.
Uhhhhh visiting the garden after beating the boss would be awesome!
What a shame that this wonderful area is locked away after the boss.
That's a long time to wait for it to get good. My main isn't even at 64 yet.
Huh, do we need a nerf..?
I guess I got mine to 70 and I still gear it up with leftover totems from my Ex Primal runs, but I don't really play it much. Switched to Paladin pretty much full time.
I suppose I'm not super familiar with where they rank damage wise, but I felt like they were kind of in a good place -- not too powerful, not too weak.
Red Mage nerfs incoming.
Rest in peace, SAM.