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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


Some typos in those translations and a number of other things. I may be off about some stuff because I don't have experience with some of the classes and am still in HW.

The thing about casters has to do with Triple Cast, which I believe is BLM, not RDM.

WHM skill is not difficult to use, it's that it doesn't feel good. Developers feel the same way and it will be adjusted in 4.05.

Someone asked what was supposed to be fun about MCH and YoshiP replied that managing the Heat Gauge to get the most out of your DPS was the funnest part--they realize that that mechanic isn't particularly"compatible" with the / some content. I'm not sure what content (whether it's current content or pve content in general). Compatibility could refer to the ability to manage your heat gauge during said content, or it could be a matter off that kind of do not being relevant. My lack of exp with MCH and the state of the end game prevent me from saying more.

AST card buffs are going to be made viewable by people in your party again. They're also going to be making simplified version of the job gauges and the ability to turn them off (make them transparent) at some point.

SCH is getting some "serious" tuning.

They added Slow to Crimson Lotus (sp?) because the large number of abilities mawaranai. This mawaranai suggests that there wasn't time to use it, or that it was be forsaken for other high priority abilities? They said it will be especially useful in Omega (zero shiki=Savage?) . Sorry, don't play monk. Greased Lightning 4 (I think) was under the microscope, but tuning it (not sure if he means buff or nerf) widened the gap between skilled and non-skilled players, so they're passing on it this time. They're keeping an eye on monk-if it doesn't improve they'll tweak it some more.

Edit: Dammit, looks like they did add some of that other stuff...


Unspread is great yes.

I fear it may be too late for my SCH. The biggest problem wasn't the huge DPS loss but the lack of healing potency since buffs don't affect skills, only magic.
That won't change anything. If one of them appears, everyone will try to go in there and everything crashes again.

It at least ensures that there will be instances available for players trying to enter the lochs for non-ixion related reasons. As it is, the zone usually becomes inaccessible when Ixion spawns.



Super Savage to be a brand new enemy designed from scratch

you won't be able to enter without having O4S cleared.

there is going to be so frigging much salt

Unspread is great yes.

I fear it may be too late for my SCH. The biggest problem wasn't the huge DPS loss but the lack of healing potency since buffs don't affect skills, only magic.

The biggest problem they face right now is if they make SCH too good they either have to nerf AST pretty heavily or deal with backlash for WHM. SCH/AST is still IMO stronger than AST/WHM for try hard stuff, but it's not enough of a difference to be worth making it an issue. Make SCH so good as to be mandatory and WHM's gone struggle.
Well I'm out for now. Not actually sure if Monk is getting any changes on Tuesday or not, but I hope so? Just make Brotherhood more fun for me plz.


That sounds pretty reasonable, no?

It's a problem that they're developing assets for something that they're pitching as tuned for a drastic minority.

I've been on team third difficulty for a long-ass time, because it's the most cost effective way of getting what I want. Less resources invested, lower bar for 'worth it'. Getting one repurposed fight instead of a whole third difficulty of the raid tier would have been even lower-effort and more likely to be sustainable.

Fully exclusive fights are going to be an issue if they're really SCoB Savage Hard; it's not going to be seen by enough people to justify the resources is my big fear. I'd rather they start small and scale up as the player base supports it instead of making it significant resource investment.

I mean, it'll hopefully be fun as hell, but if it's too cool and there's no story mode alongside it, the community will be less than zen about it.

Well I'm out for now. Not actually sure if Monk is getting any changes on Tuesday or not, but I hope so? Just make Brotherhood more fun for me plz.

I would not get my hopes up dude, sorry:
Q7. The new Monk skill ”Riddle of Fire" is a very powerful buff, but because the effect increases the GCD, it is very stressful to play. Monk had a feeling of speedy combat, so if adjustments are possible, please implement them.

A7. We were considering a Greased Lightning IV, but felt it would become too fast and widen the gap between player DPS even further. We believe it may be difficult to understand the weaponskill recast time increase without trying it out in Savage.
It may be easier to understand during longer fights.

If there are requests despite this, we will consider them. For the moment, things are somewhat complete, so we would like to ask for feedback after players have tried Savage.


It's a problem that they're developing assets for something that they're pitching as tuned for a drastic minority.

I've been on team third difficulty for a long-ass time, because it's the most cost effective way of getting what I want. Less resources invested, lower bar for 'worth it'. Getting one repurposed fight instead of a whole third difficulty of the raid tier would have been even lower-effort and more likely to be sustainable.

Fully exclusive fights are going to be an issue if they're really SCoB Savage Hard; it's not going to be seen by enough people to justify the resources is my big fear. I'd rather they start small and scale up as the player base supports it instead of making it significant resource investment.

I mean, it'll hopefully be fun as hell, but if it's too cool and there's no story mode alongside it, the community will be less than zen about it.

Sure, it's the same reason we probably didn't get a super savage mode in HW. No one bothered with the previous one in ARR. Guess we're gonna repeat history.


One of the biggest complains SMNs had in 2013 was that it was a DoT class with shitty little summons and now people complain that their DoTs were fucked and Bahamut is too big.

Either Summons should have been nukes or you should take control of them, it shouldn't be a literal WoW Warlock, as such, both sides are right. You should be summoning a variety of pets and they should not be pathetic nor awkwardly made to hover just in front of the camera. It is a design issue a lot more than a concept issue.

I still think this is the one large & unfixable mistake they made with ARR. Other things are easily treated but Summoner is their most iconic job and they rushed it and the pet archetype in and it stings. It was thrown in towards the end with barely developed pet tools that took several patches to get up to still dated standards and with the bright idea to literally check every box from WoWs Warlock. Soul Shards (Aetherflow), shitty vanilla DoTs and Imp style pets.

I'd happily take an expansion with just one new job if it got Scholar and Summoner a separation and a large make over. I have a lot of nice things to say concerning how combat has evolved in this game but I ain't got one for Summoner.


Sure, it's the same reason we probably didn't get a super savage mode in HW. No one bothered with the previous one in ARR. Guess we're gonna repeat history.

Honestly I think there might have been a window for it in 3.5. Gordias and Midas being Gordias and Midas tilted things wildly out of whack, but I could have seen a one-and-done fight keeping people logging in for a while after everything was farmed out since the tier went so fast. This being in from 4.1 in theory means people will be able to substantially outgear it and turn it into i130 Savage SCoB.

Basically I just wanted to dip a toe in and they just cannonball'd into a pot of boiling water. Really hope I'm wrong, but this is not setting Super Savage up for success unless it's also going to have a story mode.


"Why the fuck does this goober have a revolver that shoots 3 katanas and a sharingan?"
Cause it's cool, get the fuck outta here.

Really clears that up


I hope the weapons from Omega aren't hideous at least.
Armor is a lost cause atm.

Hidden reward is a rideable exdeath tree, you get shoved into it instead and roll around.


Hope whoever designed these sets of endgame gear got all this crap out of their system for good. It's a dumb theme and the designs are bad bad bad. Lol.


Hope whoever designed these sets of endgame gear got all this crap out of their system for good. It's a dumb theme and the designs are bad bad bad. Lol.

The 8-person raid gear is usually fairly iffy. It's either very stuffy or follows a bizarre gimmick. It is weird shit for a game that normally gets its aesthetics and equipment so right. The 24 person gear is often fairly nice, I wonder if it'll be FFT armor this go around since it is Ivalice.


This raid gear looks terrible.

I have high hopes for Ivalice themed gear but the alliance raid gear is usually more miss than hit with me.


Man, seems like Yoshida was more confused about some of the SMN issues (like lack of sustain). Yeah, they have no clue what to do with this class.

Here's hoping in 5.0, they take out this WoW Warlock stuff and just make it Jotaro fucking Joestar with Summons as Stands if they want to go the big dick summon damage route.


Man, seems like Yoshida was more confused about some of the SMN issues (like lack of sustain). Yeah, they have no clue what to do with this class.

Here's hoping in 5.0, they take out this WoW Warlock stuff and just make it Jotaro fucking Joestar with Summons as Stands if they want to go the big dick summon damage route.
It's being pulled into 2 different directions and suffers from being attached to SCH (well, and SCH suffers too as a result). It's like 2 iterations away from being good. I liked the 3.x gameplay but I have so many issues with its current incarnation. It's frustrating.


During the break I was lying in bed playing FFT. Just cleared the first two battles at Limberry Castle in Chapter 4.

I come back and Minagawa in on the stream talking about Return to Ivalice.

THE FEELS. THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Official translation by on OF said:
Q11. Sustain was very useful in some content. I would like to know why this was removed.

A11. We had it set so that pets would take reduced damage from enemies and we figured it wouldn't be an issue as long as players don't place the pets directly in front of the enemy. However, there were some players that used it quite a lot, so we would like to discuss some more with the dev. team.
AKA "please look forward to it"
we figured it wouldn't be an issue as long as players don't place the pets directly in front of the enemy
How is Titan-Egi supposed to work then, lol


It's not a huge nerf (it's going to amount to 50-75 DPS) and ninja's utility is too good to pass on even with it, but reverting the Gust Slash buff is awkward for optimization (back to uncombo'd Aeolian Edge if you can't fit the whole combo yaaaay).

I'm finding this hilarious though because it's the second time they nerf ninja because of this:
The reason for this is because the players found a stronger skill rotation than those the dev. team was using while making adjustments.

I'm really starting to question how they test jobs in the first place.
It's not a huge nerf (it's going to amount to 50-75 DPS) and ninja's utility is too good to pass on even with it, but reverting the Gust Slash buff is awkward for optimization (back to uncombo'd Aeolian Edge if you can't fit the whole combo yaaaay).

I'm finding this hilarious though because it's the second time they nerf ninja because of this:

The gap between the community utilization of ninja and the dev's expectations is still alive from XI lol

Overall though, we made out like bandits with Stormblood


Not fair at all. You let WAR be best of the bunch for more than an entire expansion but PLD get to be best for a minute.


Was really hoping they would leave pld as is and buff the other two to match. I don't really trust them to properly balance anything and hope they don't overtune.


Q9. Scholar went through many changes, having lost a DoT, the damage lost from AoE due to the Bane rework, and nerfs to the faerie healing. In comparison to the other healers, it feels that they have lost quite a bit. Are there any plans for adjustments?

A9. After balancing the three healing jobs, the faerie's healing was still too powerful. Therefore we decided to go in the direction of lowering the faerie's healing potencies.

However, by reducing what they could do, their AoE damage also went down.
We have made adjustments in 4.05.

Adjustment Details:
・The introduction of “Miasma II” as a job specific skill.
・Changed the cooldown of Emergency Tactics to 20 seconds.
・Indomitability [stay tuned]
・Strengthening Excogitation.
・Changed the range of Fey Union to 15 malms.
・ Aetherpact has been changed to increase Faerie Gauge even when Aetherflow actions does not inflict an effect on the target.
・Introduction of a trait reducing the cooldown of Aetherflow

The fey union range change is good, but otherwise it sounds like they don't think scholar has a problem. Jesus.


The fey union range change is good, but otherwise it sounds like they don't think scholar has a problem. Jesus.

I mean, they pretty much had the same attitude to DRG, SMN, and MCH.

Either they have no clue, or they don't think there are issues.


I'm really happy that Minagawa at least got a few questions which were unrelated to UI requests. I mean, I understand that was the main purpose since he still oversees that stuff, but I was happy to hear him talk about his new upgraded role as art director and how it actually started expanding in 3.0. Hearing him talk about working with Matsuno on Return to Ivalice, and his old days working at Quest with Matsuno and Yoshida.... *teardrop*

I'm just glad he's able to flex his muscles more in FFXIV rather than being wasted as solely the chief UI dude.
I mean, they pretty much had the same attitude to DRG, SMN, and MCH.

Either they have no clue, or they don't think there are issues.

They said from the start that 4.05 will be small easy to implement changes, they have limited data(no savage raiding) and limited time to do the changes, so you can't expect all issues to be fixed. Which does mean this round of savage is probably going to be class stacked but that's kinda expected of the first raid I'd say, until 4.1 where more balance changes are coming, especially in light of savage performance.

A bunch of these changes should help SCH though. Reduced cd on aetherflow means more mp means less mp issues which is one of the big concern. Miasma 2 depending on implementation will help with damage, even single target. Buffing the 2 "bad" new spells with Exco and Fey beam should also potentially help.

And it's been said several times the last few pages but for all the problems SCH has, and how shitty it feels to play after the nerfs and all that(and I'm first to say it's my least favorite healer this expansion, even though I've mained SCH in both vanilla and HW), it's still the go to secondary healer for raids with an AST, simply because while WHM feels great to play in easy content, it simply doesn't add much of anything to the party so for cutting edge it's probably not going to be great unless mp becomes a massive issue. Buffing SCH would make them feel better to play, but would further solidify this problem.
I really hope the Lily change isn't something stupid like Cure 1 100% proc chance. Give me Lilies on Regen/Medica/Medica 2/Benediction or give me death.

Cautiously optimistic about the alledged Plenary changes. Hopefully it'll become something cool.
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