SE is iffy on balancing and adjusting classes. Just look how they handled range classes in HW.
Bards just needed a few touched in HW and they would be fine. The warden touch was amazing. The amount of potency buffs? head scratching. All they had to do was give blood letter a charge system so that a reset wouldn't be wasted if it was back to back. That would have fixed 1) their burst 2) touch their dps a bit.
Instead BRD became a monster in the last tier of raiding and was the highest individual dps and highest raid dps contribution.
I saw what they did to mch and just SMH. The QOL approach is nice but that huge ass potency buff on overload? Serious?
In terms of dps balance at this point pre 4.05.
DRG: just need a very good QOL change with their whole gauge system and MAYBE a slight dps buff (but the QOL could have already touch on this).
MCH: needed a QOL touch and only slight dps buff and just a little more utility that used their mp.
WAR: basically fixed; they were already in meta in speed run groups
SCH: MP adjustment slightly and QOL touches. All of which have been addressed in this live letter
BLM: This one is a head scratcher. It def ups their dps but they needed more QOL touches. They already out dps RDM/SMN if they are allowed to turret. Once BLM optimize they should pull ahead. QOL changes helps reach that point.
The rest of the dps classes are fine. There could be some adjustment but overall everything is in a solid spot (brd buffs not effecting brd is silly but whatever). People asking for SAM nerfs have no idea what they are talking about. If DRG is ever buffed just a tad too much the comp will 100% be NIN/DRG/MNK/RDM if triple melee is allowed. In the case its not its RDM/BRD/MNK/NIN. Right now at the high end mnks do like 100-150 dps less than a sam while bringing brotherhood? yeah SAM are fine.
Though I pray to god they never buff piercing debuff %. If that ever gets buffed and brd/mch get slightly buffed then we'll see the return of double range + nin + drg comp. I mean just look at this. If BRD/MCH get brought up to like 200 dps more and get a 10% piercing then a drg would bring approx 600 dps approx from just disembowel alone. After that its not a far stretch to think that the buffs brd/mch would bring simply outweight the raid dps brought by SAM/MNK. Not sure on RDM.