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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


My read of that was they were going to just remove it and tune everything to protect-doesn't-exist levels.

Then Yoshida's deep Final Fantasy fandom kicked in and he saved Protect because of its steady presence in the franchise, kept it in game, so they keep tuning raids and crap around Protect existing.

So basically healers have to waste a cross-role slot on something that could be patched out of the game entirely and change nothing aside from freeing up the role slot.
Healers would have more choice and freedom if they removed it from the game and nothing else would be impacted, but here we are.

Protect has never been a thing in Final Fantasy. Seriously it existed in other games I played but I never used it
Is this a joke?


Protect has never been a thing in Final Fantasy. Seriously it existed in other games I played but I never used it
Is this a joke?

Man, you have no faith in me. We get the logic behind questionable decisions so infrequently I'd never mislead when the stars align and we get an answer.

look upon my proof and despair
Twinfinite: For all of the actions that were removed, the development team clearly believed it was for the better that they were gone. However is there a job action that you will miss or something that you maybe tried to save from being removed but were overruled?

Yoshida: The opposite was true [he successfully saved one]. The Protect spell, there were talks within the dev team that ”oh we don't want this anymore" and he (Yoshida-san) felt that as Final Fantasy you have got to have that spell [Protect]. It would be weird if we didn't have it.

But otherwise, each of the decisions we made were very deliberate. There weren't [situations] where Mr. Yoshida's ideas were opposed by the development team.

don't ask me to explain it, I skip all the lore anwyay
Protect has never been a thing in Final Fantasy. Seriously it existed in other games I played but I never used it
Is this a joke?

Hm... Not really? I definitely used it a lot along with Shell in IV, V, IX, XII, and XIII, and I'm pretty sure it was useful in XI too. It's definitely a staple WHM spell.

I can kinda see their point, but it's just a lazy excuse. Why not just change its effect? Make it a 30 sec single target defense buff exclusive to WHM. Would be much more interesting.


Suffering From Success
Hm... Not really? I definitely used it a lot along with Shell in IV, V, IX, XII, and XIII, and I'm pretty sure it was useful in XI too. It's definitely a staple WHM spell.

I can kinda see their point, but it's just a lazy excuse. Why not just change its effect? Make it a 30 sec single target defense buff exclusive to WHM. Would be much more interesting.

They did exactly that in PVP - it's a temporary defense buff there so they not only know Protect as a mechanic is terrible, they also know EXACTLY how to fix it.

But then Yoshida happens.


Geez. You guys weren't kidding when mentioning the post content for ARR. It is a grind, but nothing I'm not used to. At least the
Mog King
fight was fun. :)


Hm... Not really? I definitely used it a lot along with Shell in IV, V, IX, XII, and XIII, and I'm pretty sure it was useful in XI too. It's definitely a staple WHM spell.

I can kinda see their point, but it's just a lazy excuse. Why not just change its effect? Make it a 30 sec single target defense buff exclusive to WHM. Would be much more interesting.

Seriously I played all those and I never used protect. It was never necessary, those games were pretty easy with a minimal level of grinding. Like, I remember it existing, you got a little blue aura around you in FFVI but I never felt like it was something you had to use. I can't speak towards FFXI since that's the one FF I never played extensively.

Then again, I first played FFIV when I was 12 years old and I ran from every battle, which meant I was hilariously under-levelled in that boss fight when you had to fight all 4 fiends. I still beat it somehow though. Maybe I should have used protect!


Protect has never been a thing in Final Fantasy. Seriously it existed in other games I played but I never used it
Is this a joke?

wait wat?

is this post a joke?

Its never been a must use spell in any numbered FF I've played (sans XI because lol XI), but it's certainly exists


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I honestly thought with the Cross Role skills classes would get custom variants of the base skill since most of the assets were already there.


I can kinda see their point, but it's just a lazy excuse. Why not just change its effect? Make it a 30 sec single target defense buff exclusive to WHM. Would be much more interesting.

They can even keep it a cross-class skill, but that would actually go a long way to making it a non mandatory pick.

Similarly I'd like them to buff each job's refresh abilities so Lucid Dreaming doesn't have to be used in every encounter, but one step at a time.

I honestly thought with the Cross Role skills classes would get custom variants of the base skill since most of the assets were already there.

This would be really nice, and go a long way to adding in a bit of the flavor they ended up pruning alongside the abilities.


Actions sharing recasts across jobs is such a weird system; use Guren on SAM and switch to MCH and I can't use Gauss Barrel for, like, 2 minutes.

Anyway, only a level past 60 on MCH but it's fun to go back. I kinda dug the whole gun mage thing but whatever; next level I'll get to finally interact with Heat Guage I've retroactively had for nine levels outside of the slow dread of waiting to overheat and then having to remember to reapply the Gauss Barrel.


Also, it's weird how Enhanced Slug Shot and Cleaner Shot use the Heated graphics now even for the unheated versions.


Finally finished SB.

I really liked it overall, but was pretty disappointed with everything to do with Ala Mhigo from a story perspective. Doma was great (but even that could have used more time) but the entire Ala Mhigo liberation arc happens way too fast and feels completely unearned. On top of that, Lyse feels like such a lazy insert who shouldn't be in the position she's in. Final trial was great, and I'm actually pretty fond of Zenos as a villain (though like most of the characters/arcs, he could have used more time for development). As far as dungeons and trials go SB takes the cake, but I think I prefer the story and characters of HW a lot more.

Oh, and one more thing I almost forgot, but that scientist imperial guy was utterly wasted. I can't believe he was just a throwaway boss in the last dungeon without even a single cutscene.


II feel like Protect would be better served as a high-potency, short-duration damage mitigation spike. Perhaps something that grants a certain number of "charges" of damage mitigation, or high mitigation for one hit (so as to counter tankbusters).

As much as I love fire-and-forget buffs, within the context of how FFXIV works overall, Protect is boring, and could stand to be made into something much more interesting, or reward skillful usage.


Seriously I played all those and I never used protect. It was never necessary, those games were pretty easy with a minimal level of grinding. Like, I remember it existing, you got a little blue aura around you in FFVI but I never felt like it was something you had to use. I can't speak towards FFXI since that's the one FF I never played extensively.

Then again, I first played FFIV when I was 12 years old and I ran from every battle, which meant I was hilariously under-levelled in that boss fight when you had to fight all 4 fiends. I still beat it somehow though. Maybe I should have used protect!

In other FF's sure, but FF4s Protect/Shell is legit useless lol
What's the best way to do older Ex-content? I mean stuff like Containment Bay, Thordan's Reign etc. I want the cool mounts but duty finder won't hook me up. Can't use the party finder for them either (where they farm for mounts even, what I want to do) because I haven't completed them myself yet.


This game...is really good. I picked up the starter edition during the PSN sale and was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. Bought Stormblood a couple days ago since I was so into it and I keep getting surprised. There's so much content and every role is fun. This is the first final fantasy I've loved since X almost two fucking decades ago.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
This game...is really good. I picked up the starter edition during the PSN sale and was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. Bought Stormblood a couple days ago since I was so into it and I keep getting surprised. There's so much content and every role is fun. This is the first final fantasy I've loved since X almost two fucking decades ago.

Glad you like it! Don't hesitate to ask for help.


So what's the standard materia for Paladin? My DRG and RDM are fully geared/materiad (at least for what I'm up to, every EX Primal Group has had 1-2 decent shots, then bickering and disband). Down the right side I have All STR materia, should left side be Direct Hit, Determination or Tenacity?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What's the best way to do older Ex-content? I mean stuff like Containment Bay, Thordan's Reign etc. I want the cool mounts but duty finder won't hook me up. Can't use the party finder for them either (where they farm for mounts even, what I want to do) because I haven't completed them myself yet.
Why won't duty finder hook you up? It's done the job for me so far. Just make sure you're prepared before going in so that you're not the obvious "new guy" that fucks up every mechanic. :p


one QOL thing i would really like :

an object that can be placed in our FC yard that when used will reset all of your cooldowns .

having to wait 2-4 minutes doing nothing until everything is available again when you are trying to learn your rotation/ opener gets really frustrating after a while .


one QOL thing i would really like :

an object that can be placed in our FC yard that when used will reset all of your cooldowns .

having to wait 2-4 minutes doing nothing until everything is available again when you are trying to learn your rotation/ opener gets really frustrating after a while .

GAF has enough trash on our front yard, thanks

Didint they already do something to fix this in regards to changing jobs in the field? Or does it not work the way I'm remembering


II feel like Protect would be better served as a high-potency, short-duration damage mitigation spike. Perhaps something that grants a certain number of "charges" of damage mitigation, or high mitigation for one hit (so as to counter tankbusters).

As much as I love fire-and-forget buffs, within the context of how FFXIV works overall, Protect is boring, and could stand to be made into something much more interesting, or reward skillful usage.

You mean like Stoneskin? Yeah they removed that, and even then it was a cross role skill. As a skill how interesting or unique it was is debatable. Protect could have functioned similarly, much like it does in the current iteration of PvP in fact, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯
So how do I unlock PVP?

I'm at Wolven's Den, archer 39, and I have a bunch of PVP quests in my duty finder, but they say I haven't met a requirement (jobs of the disciples of war or magic)?


So how do I unlock PVP?

I'm at Wolven's Den, archer 39, and I have a bunch of PVP quests in my duty finder, but they say I haven't met a requirement (jobs of the disciples of war or magic)?

Why are you a lvl39 archer? Have you been doing the class quests? DIdn't you unlock Bard by now?!


I stopped doing class quests because they were kinda boring. Ahhahssjjs, is that why I can't join PVP?

Never heard of this bard business.


seriously, do your class/job quests - you need these to unlock several skills (and also gear). In addition, you have no reason not to upgrade from a class to a job after level 30.


I wonder how many people don't realize that class quests give skills and stuff, despite the game outright telling you so when you reach a lvl milestone.


I have only just learned how much glamour swag you can buy with wolf marks. Wow I have a whole new look now and I'll be glamouring my next level 70 jobs at Wolves Den also.

But is anyone able to explain this:




Also the Adreneline gauge in PVP, is that a personal meter or a group shared one? Can I just pop it when it's up?


Huh looks like HQ gathering gear crashed on my server.

Edit: Welp, that puts a wrench in my plans, guess I'll level CUL to 70 first since the best foods will always be in demand.
Damn this new bard job has my eyes glued to the hotbar. I can't even look at the actual fight anymore.

Also I had to reorganize all the actions and now I'm a bit lost. Hopefully I'll get used to all these songs combinations.

MH Hunting Horn feels.

EDIT: apparently it's time to learn macros.


Well my sub lapsed. Sad times, really enjoying the non MSQ stuff for the first time really. I might resub, but I plan on taking a break of a week or so. I've been playing long games all year nonstop it feels like, need to play some quick games and do some non gaming first.
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