macro skills have lag on them, easy way to test this is Swiftcast + res vs doing it manually
Hey guys sorry to bug you but whats with rush hour DPS I've been running into lately in DF?
I'm a Dark Knight and while running through dungeons is what I find the most find lately I've been running into DPS that keep pulling stuff before I even get the chance to move. It's kinda killing the fun I was having earlier.
Whats the general Tank response to this? I dont want to leave because that seems to extreme but if I type anything it usually gets ignored.
Hey guys sorry to bug you but whats with rush hour DPS I've been running into lately in DF?
I'm a Dark Knight and while running through dungeons is what I find the most find lately I've been running into DPS that keep pulling stuff before I even get the chance to move. It's kinda killing the fun I was having earlier.
Whats the general Tank response to this? I dont want to leave because that seems to extreme but if I type anything it usually gets ignored.
Hey guys sorry to bug you but whats with rush hour DPS I've been running into lately in DF?
I'm a Dark Knight and while running through dungeons is what I find the most find lately I've been running into DPS that keep pulling stuff before I even get the chance to move. It's kinda killing the fun I was having earlier.
Whats the general Tank response to this? I dont want to leave because that seems to extreme but if I type anything it usually gets ignored.
Oh and today I saw a player flying on a Whisper (my avatar), from Yo-kai Watch.
From July to October 2016
I'm still level 41, I haven't unlocked all the actions and stuff.
But so far I have a fewmacros, like Misery's End and Bloodletter before every attack. Not having to worry about those two moves is already a huge plus.
I was trying to make a macro for Mage's Ballad > Misery > Blood > Poison > Wind but I couldn't figure out how, the macro kept repeating Poison and never activated Wind. Apparently it's not possible because Poison and Wind have the same cooldown time.
Hey guys sorry to bug you but whats with rush hour DPS I've been running into lately in DF?
I'm a Dark Knight and while running through dungeons is what I find the most find lately I've been running into DPS that keep pulling stuff before I even get the chance to move. It's kinda killing the fun I was having earlier.
Whats the general Tank response to this? I dont want to leave because that seems to extreme but if I type anything it usually gets ignored.
Thanks for the replies, but all of that sounds like min and max to me.Literally everyone who was around for that event and is an event completionist absolutely goddamn hates Yo-Kai Watch now.
Additionally: If anyone tells you to use a macro for any weaponskill or spell, disregard them immediately and until further notice.
Using macros for anything other than hotbar modifications, mechanics notifications or certain abilities (key word) is a quick way to become incredibly, incredibly bad at your job. Especially as DPS, especially as one that has lower DPS in lieu of support functions, such as BRD or MCH.
The reason for this is because of an input mechanic called queueing. Queueing occurs when you press the button for an action before you're able to execute that action - if you do so within a certain time window, you'll queue the action to be executed immediately when you are able. This does not occur with actions that you attempt to execute via text commands (which are how macros function), so the end result is that you can only ever execute an action after your GCD is available. Fractions of seconds may not sound like much, but over the course of even a few-minutes-long fight, it'll add up to be a substantial loss of DPS, which is already at a premium given your job.
That, and due to the nature of your job of choice (and this holds true, though for varying specifics, for every job), you're doing yourself a disservice by not being mindful of the mechanics that go toward making your job work. You're going to have to be mindful of a lot more things going forward as a BRD, so you probably don't want to get into the practice of ignoring as much as possible via using macros.
Not to mention later on Empyreal enters the picture for even more OGCD macro fuckeryMacroing Bloodletter goes from being bad to being awful at 45. Setting aside the millions of reasons not to do it (and a decent chunk of bard players in the thread are living the controller life--in SB even at 70 it's pretty easy to fit everything using extended crossbars for L2/R2), at 45 you will get Rain of Death.
Bloodletter is a single-target attack that hits for 130 potency. I know this sounds like crazy minmax stuff, but stick with me on this. Rain of Death is 100 potency per thing it hits, and Bloodletter and Rain of Death share a cool down. Ballad resets Rain of Death and Bloodletter, and whichever you hit first is the one that goes off.
In any situation where you're attacking two or more things at once, you want to use Rain of Death. At first it sounds like a small difference, but consider a dungeon where you might have a tank pulling 4 or 5 mobs at once. Macroing Bloodletter on everything--DoTs, Iron Jaws which you'll get later, etc--means you will never actually use your free AOE attack during Ballad, which is a huge problem and will slow things down a lot.
It is incredibly important you get the hang of Bloodletter manually, because any macro situation is just going to be be bad news the further you get.
Thanks for the replies, but all of that sounds like min and max to me.
I don't think I'm going to have fun if I have to pay attention to every Bloodletter reset during Mage's Ballad. And that's only one song, imagine adding more songs and combos, I'm going to lose my mind.
As soon as I got Bard I felt very overwhelmed because I wasn't using all the moves at the right time, I missed tons of Blood and Misery. So yes, in that sense macros are really helping me, at the cost of a few seconds as you explained.
Keep in mind that I'm playing on PS4 too, with limited buttons and no mouse.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing more damage now than before. I'm not a perfect player but I think I'm doing OK and most importantly, I'm having fun and not losing my mind.
Thanks for the replies, but all of that sounds like min and max to me.
I don't think I'm going to have fun if I have to pay attention to every Bloodletter reset during Mage's Ballad. And that's only one song, imagine adding more songs and combos, I'm going to lose my mind.
As soon as I got Bard I felt very overwhelmed because I wasn't using all the moves at the right time, I missed tons of Blood and Misery. So yes, in that sense macros are really helping me, at the cost of a few seconds as you explained.
Keep in mind that I'm playing on PS4 too, with limited buttons and no mouse.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing more damage now than before. I'm not a perfect player but I think I'm doing OK and most importantly, I'm having fun and not losing my mind.
Hey, so I'm new to FFXIV (and MMOs in general). I'm currently a conjurer and I've just completed the first 3 main dungeons and I had a couple of questions.
First, I've heard white mage has been gimped a bit. I'm someone who is mostly going to be playing casually (although I do plan to eventually reach Stormblood) so is this something I need to worry about? and if so should I just switch classes now?
Second, is it necessary or helpful to train multiple classes? If so what other classes would be best?
Third, like I said I'm super new to MMOs in general and just wanted to know if ya'll had any multiplayer advice or etiquette I should know.
Thanks in advance for the advice. I'm loving things so far.
Hey, so I'm new to FFXIV (and MMOs in general). I'm currently a conjurer and I've just completed the first 3 main dungeons and I had a couple of questions.
First, I've heard white mage has been gimped a bit. I'm someone who is mostly going to be playing casually (although I do plan to eventually reach Stormblood) so is this something I need to worry about? and if so should I just switch classes now?
Second, is it necessary or helpful to train multiple classes? If so what other classes would be best?
Third, like I said I'm super new to MMOs in general and just wanted to know if ya'll had any multiplayer advice or etiquette I should know.
Thanks in advance for the advice. I'm loving things so far.
I don't play healer, but from what I understand the backlash against WHM in Stormblood was a bit kneejerk and people later realized the class is totally fine. That being said, the game's balance is good enough to where any class is viable for 99% of the content. Play what you enjoy.Hey, so I'm new to FFXIV (and MMOs in general). I'm currently a conjurer and I've just completed the first 3 main dungeons and I had a couple of questions.
First, I've heard white mage has been gimped a bit. I'm someone who is mostly going to be playing casually (although I do plan to eventually reach Stormblood) so is this something I need to worry about? and if so should I just switch classes now?
Second, is it necessary or helpful to train multiple classes? If so what other classes would be best?
Third, like I said I'm super new to MMOs in general and just wanted to know if ya'll had any multiplayer advice or etiquette I should know.
Thanks in advance for the advice. I'm loving things so far.
White Mage should be fine, I think a lot of the initial panic was premature based on what I've heard/read (but I don't actually play WHM myself, so take that with a grain of salt).
It's not so much min/maxing as it is the fundamentals of playing the game itself.Thanks for the replies, but all of that sounds like min and max to me.
So what are you going to do when you get Rain of Death? It shares a cooldown with Bloodletter, but does AOE damage instead of single-target damage.I don't think I'm going to have fun if I have to pay attention to every Bloodletter reset during Mage's Ballad. And that's only one song, imagine adding more songs and combos, I'm going to lose my mind.
As soon as I got Bard I felt very overwhelmed because I wasn't using all the moves at the right time, I missed tons of Blood and Misery. So yes, in that sense macros are really helping me, at the cost of a few seconds as you explained.
And I play on an Xbox One controller on PC. It's a non-issue for this game, including for the substantially more complicated jobs than BRD.Keep in mind that I'm playing on PS4 too, with limited buttons and no mouse.
White Mage should be fine, I think a lot of the initial panic was premature based on what I've heard/read....
WHM is still extremely viable and in a much better place than SCH. So, if you're enjoying the class, stick to it....!
I don't play healer, but from what I understand the backlash against WHM in Stormblood was a bit kneejerk and people later realized the class is totally fine....
Nice to see a healthy gain for Ultros. People heard how fun it is to GAF hunts and transferred over to join in!
I think the funniest thing re: Yokai Watch is that I scarcely see anyone, anywhere using those weapons, minions or even mounts. Sure was fulfilling hard work there eh guys?
Hey guys sorry to bug you but whats with rush hour DPS I've been running into lately in DF?
I'm a Dark Knight and while running through dungeons is what I find the most find lately I've been running into DPS that keep pulling stuff before I even get the chance to move. It's kinda killing the fun I was having earlier.
Whats the general Tank response to this? I dont want to leave because that seems to extreme but if I type anything it usually gets ignored.
Keep in mind that I'm playing on PS4 too, with limited buttons and no mouse.
Whats the general Tank response to this? I dont want to leave because that seems to extreme but if I type anything it usually gets ignored.
I think the funniest thing re: Yokai Watch is that I scarcely see anyone, anywhere using those weapons, minions or even mounts. Sure was fulfilling hard work there eh guys?
There's 2 mounts. A plain one for getting all the minions and one that glows in exchange for your sanity.Oh and today I saw a player flying on a Whisper (my avatar), from Yo-kai Watch.
From July to October 2016
final fantasy lost stranger 1st chapter is out on crunchyroll
it's got plenty of ff14 references, just finished reading it, decent enough to keep me interested
Thanks for all the advice. I've avoided MMOs for a while bc I figured I would stress over the multiplayer aspect and having a party 'depend' on me for lack of a better word, but from the limited time I've had with it I think I'll really enjoy this game. Although for now I'm probably going to focus on the main story + class quests just so I can have access to more features and such.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the replies, but all of that sounds like min and max to me.
I don't think I'm going to have fun if I have to pay attention to every Bloodletter reset during Mage's Ballad. And that's only one song, imagine adding more songs and combos, I'm going to lose my mind.
As soon as I got Bard I felt very overwhelmed because I wasn't using all the moves at the right time, I missed tons of Blood and Misery. So yes, in that sense macros are really helping me, at the cost of a few seconds as you explained.
Keep in mind that I'm playing on PS4 too, with limited buttons and no mouse.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing more damage now than before. I'm not a perfect player but I think I'm doing OK and most importantly, I'm having fun and not losing my mind.
I stopped doing class quests because they were kinda boring. Ahhahssjjs, is that why I can't join PVP?
Never heard of this bard business.
Jesus. :lol
Done. I'm a bard now. That unlocked PVP for me. Thanks.
Noob question about dungeon unlocks and the duty roulette: I've been running about scooping a lot of the quests I missed late ARR and late HW that unlock hard modes and optional dungeons - some of these conclude with just talking to someone and it's done while others unlock the dungeon but require you to complete the dungeon to finish the quest. Is the dungeon 100% unlocked even without finishing the quest? For example I've got Satasha (Hard) in my duty finder, and also the final part of its respective quest to use the duty finder to complete it - will that dungeon still have a chance of showing up in the duty roulette even without completing that quest?
Is there a reason to bring a second tank into Lakshmi other than to eat the blue marks? I was just farming in there and wound up spending my whole time in sword oath dps'ing away and it went rather smoothly. =S