Damn this new bard job has my eyes glued to the hotbar. I can't even look at the actual fight anymore.
Also I had to reorganize all the actions and now I'm a bit lost. Hopefully I'll get used to all these songs combinations.
MH Hunting Horn feels.
EDIT: apparently it's time to learn macros.
what macros? the only macro you should have as a bard is for Nature's Minne and Palisade and those are just Target of Target macros. Anything else will feel clunky in terms of gameplay since macros skills gets rid of the skill queing system.
Also in terms of basics all you have to know is
1) only pitch perfect at 3 stacks, so you can wait to here the SFX. The only exceptions to this rule is if you have a sch/drg and battle lit + chain strat is up. The other is when Wanderer's is about to end because it would be wasted procs
2) always use up bloodletter during Mage's ballad. So you can just mash that button during GCDs since its a OGCD. No looking required. The exception is obvious when it comes to min-maxing.
3) Army Paeon has no proc system.
So the only real proc you have to know for basic bard is Ref. Arrow. Just make a separate hotbar, put that one button and blow that icon super big to however you like.
O and song rotation. It should be mostly WM->MB->AP in 30/30/20 intervals. So the only one you have to eyeball is Army's and even then its pretty lenient for basic bard. So you could leave it longer if you want, its not that big of a deal.