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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


(also I think that's the ult/phase transition/mechanics failure, not hard enrage.)
They made it there once with everyone up, and popped a tank LB, there's a DPS check of some sort there. People are guessing below 60% is the marker as he's been casting Decisive Battle every 10%.

They've made it to 63% before it was cast, so it's totally doable, they just need to get this down flawlessly with no deaths at all since they're huge DPS losses now.


So is it too soon to beg for more SCH buffs?
Like at least 200 potency on Succor, and maybe adding Excognition to Deployment Tactics?


They've made it to 63% before it was cast, so it's totally doable, they just need to get this down flawlessly with no deaths at all since they're huge DPS losses now.

We know it's doable. We know groups have done it based on MASSIVE SPOILER SCREENSHOT. Which is sort of my point--we're watching a group that stepped out of the race this tier wrangle a Hand of Pain-style mechanic, not a group pushing world prog hitting hard enrage at 60%. We know other groups are past it, so it's hard to get an idea of how long it's going to take.

A12S was also a shocking amount of damage up front and a bunch of learning how bits and pieces worked; it'll be interesting to see when the kills happen.
Got O1S and O2S down tonight in 3 hours.

O1S is hilariously easy. O2S is pretty easy too and it's a tonne of fun. Once you know the mechanics it's just about not fucking it up, there's very little to react to.


They do offer Creation weapons, you can't get them for 3 weeks and need to beat O2S for the item drop from it, otherwise 7 weeks of O4S as Stone Ocean mentioned.

Ok, but the whole point of my question was to gear up before going into Savage so it doesn't help if the best weapon you have going into Savage is an i310 from verity until you get drops in Savage.

But I guess I'll just farm Susano Ex until I get my i320 weapon.

It's a bit counter-intuitive- you can get a weapon with tomes, but you have to buy 10 of the tokens that cost 100 tomes each, so it's 1000 creation tomes altogether. You also need to trade in 7 of the thingies you get for beating Omega 4 normal to get the weapon, and since you can only get one of those a week, that means about 4 more weeks until that weapon is available.

Also, 500 creation tomes will never be a reward for WT, it will probably be 50.

My bad, WT is 50, thought it said 500 tomes. Ok, so 7 weeks of Omega 4 normal is the other option. Yeah, still basically comes down to farm Susano Ex if you want a i320 weapon going into Savage.
Finished leveling my SCH and did an Expert roulette with it and it felt really nice tbh. Obviously, it's just expert but I just wanted to check. 45secs aetherflow and Exco actually being good makes a pretty big difference, I'm using Exco a lot, it's basically "I'll cast this now so I can get off my dots and bane them without the tank dying" and also "this tank can't cooldown tankbusters so I'll cooldown them for him I guess". The aoe spam is ok-ish damage, single target still looks like shit though compared to WHM but at least you can use Miasma II to get your oGCDs off and not lose a shitload of potency like with Ruin II so that actually turned out alright too. Fairy heal is kinda whatever, still seems to take forever to activate and healing output isn't that impressive. Maybe it should ramp up healing the longer it's active or something like that. Overall felt a lot better, mostly those guaranteed 15secs off Aetherflow makes the class more dynamic.

In the end though I'm still gonna use WHM to do stuff with because it's just really simple and fun use all the oGCDs free shit everywhere and DPS inbetween. Also holy spam is god.


Finished leveling my SCH and did an Expert roulette with it and it felt really nice tbh. Obviously, it's just expert but I just wanted to check. 45secs aetherflow and Exco actually being good makes a pretty big difference, I'm using Exco a lot, it's basically "I'll cast this now so I can get off my dots and bane them without the tank dying" and also "this tank can't cooldown tankbusters so I'll cooldown them for him I guess". The aoe spam is ok-ish damage, single target still looks like shit though compared to WHM but at least you can use Miasma II to get your oGCDs off and not lose a shitload of potency like with Ruin II so that actually turned out alright too. Fairy heal is kinda whatever, still seems to take forever to activate and healing output isn't that impressive. Maybe it should ramp up healing the longer it's active or something like that. Overall felt a lot better, mostly those guaranteed 15secs off Aetherflow makes the class more dynamic.

In the end though I'm still gonna use WHM to do stuff with because it's just really simple and fun use all the oGCDs free shit everywhere and DPS inbetween. Also holy spam is god.
All the healers I know swear by Astrologian. Have you leveled that class yet?


Good luck.
About 70% of that is a drag...
But then you get to Heavensward and it's drag...ons!

HW and beyond is just awesome.

Yeah just completed all the quests to and including the first instance (Temple of Qarn). Not sure why they're making me do fetching stuff and low level instances at this point of the game lol.


I think perspective of timelines is kind of important here, though, because this tier is going by obscenely fast.

Here's the Creator world race sheet. The key thing here is that there was a decent chunk of time between the first 11S and 12S kills--over 24 hours. Even subtracting like ten hours in between to sleep, which I think is probably overkill, we're not really halfway through the time they spent progging 12S. The first 11 kill didn't happen for almost 12 hours after the first 10 kill. The first 10 was four hours after the first 9.

In comparison, the first 2 was like 30 minutes after the first 1. The first 3 was three hours later. We're only seven hours into O4S prog; even discounting how fast the first part of the tier went, we've got a pretty long wait to hit O4S taking as long as A12S.

I mean, the fight looks kind of nuts, but we don't really know where the groups pushing hard for world prog are and the groups we can see have made substantial progress. It's still entirely possible the tier goes down today.

(also I think that's the ult/phase transition/mechanics failure, not hard enrage.)

You make a good point. For some reason I thought all of Creator went down within 24hrs, but I was mis-remembering.


Yeah just completed all the quests to and including the first instance (Temple of Qarn). Not sure why they're making me do fetching stuff and low level instances at this point of the game lol.

By the time you get to the 2.5 patch quests the storyline is pretty damned engaging and it only goes up from there.


When people talk about Savage difficulty, they're talking about it in the context of other content in its bracket. Coil, Savage Alex, etc. There's a baseline competence assumed of people who want to go do the hard thing that you don't assume of DF randoms who just want to see neat FF things and play the story and kick back, relax.

Like, when people call O1S super easy, it's in context of a fight that's supposed to be harder and provide some kind of challenge. Much like when people call the Stormblood Final Trial harder than expected, it's in context of other story missions, not in context of actual hard endgame stuff.

You make a good point. For some reason I thought all of Creator went down within 24hrs, but I was mis-remembering.

Coming off of Gordias and Midas Creator seemed insanely fast--part of the entire reason I resubbed is the time to first clear was so short I was pretty sure I could just go join a random group and get the gun with the spinny ball thing and the mount without an eternity of suffering--and the pacing of this morning with 1,2,3 popping off so quickly today makes 4 feel like it's taking forever. I keep F5ing Angered's twitter.

I'm actually super invested in O4S having a lot of meat to it, so I sincerely do hope it ends up being more T9 than A12S.

But I'm also a fun-hating pessimist obsessed with details nobody cares about, so I feel obligated to ruin everyone's fun.


All the healers I know swear by Astrologian. Have you leveled that class yet?

It's really strong but imo, it's not fun. It looks nice, it's powerful but it doesn't feel fun to play for yourself. All of its power comes from the cards. DPSing on AST is a snoozefest.


Seeing those v4 spoilers is strongly making me considering raiding again.

I went through Coil but bowed out of Alex Savage, but this... I honestly wonder what the next tier will be like.
Ultimecia incoming


Ok, but the whole point of my question was to gear up before going into Savage so it doesn't help if the best weapon you have going into Savage is an i310 from verity until you get drops in Savage.

But I guess I'll just farm Susano Ex until I get my i320 weapon.
Well, that's the way it's always been for every raid since they added craftable 220 weapons for Midas. The crafted 320 will beat out the Susano weapon since it can be overmelded, but the idea is that you beat your head against Savage until you can clear it. Stuck on O3S? Continue raiding until the continued drops from O2S make it doable for your group, same for O4S. Eventually you'll become familiar enough with the fights/gearing up will make certain mechanics much easier and you'll beat it.



I love savage launch day twitter


In the past, farming the ex primal for the weapon has been a big headache, but Susano doesn't seem like that much of a chore. Jump into a farm party- yeah you might get some wipes and a bad group, but you only need 10 clears to get enough tokens for a weapon for your main job, and if you are lucky it will drop before that. It shouldn't take too long.

Alternatively, make friends with one of the rich lalafells who run the GAF FC and have them hook you up with a crafted weapon.


Junior Member
ARR finally done.

Now for the 2.1-2.5 MSQ...

Just want to play around with Dark Knight and Astro :(
Yeah at that point as well. Thinking of just buying the tales of adventure tome and just skipping it. Those quests are just not engageing and it goes on forever.


Question, what is going on in PUG full parties where most people are dodging AOEs and getting mechanics down but the group still slowly fizzles out and dies anyway? Is it healers not being able to keep up with the pace? How often does this happen?
It feels really weird playing as a Roe after spending the entirety of my time playing as a Lalafell over the last few years. I can finally see the full detail of my gear, I can actually tell what's happening during my skill animations, I no longer vanish in a swarm during Frontlines. It feels pretty good to be tall.
It's really strong but imo, it's not fun. It looks nice, it's powerful but it doesn't feel fun to play for yourself. All of its power comes from the cards. DPSing on AST is a snoozefest.

Honestly when I'm playing AST I tend not to dps because it is so awful and anti fun compared to dpsing as SCH or WHM. I mean damn not even our spells look cool, sure Gravity is nice but ehhhhhhhh. Combust + Malefic Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Honestly when I'm playing AST I tend not to dps because it is so awful and anti fun compared to dpsing as SCH or WHM. I mean damn not even our spells look cool, sure Gravity is nice but ehhhhhhhh. Combust + Malefic Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Boring as hell, absolutely, but I think Malefic III looks super pretty.
Seeing PF with 318 limit, all gear slots high materija, accessories slots all VIT for O1S...

Question, what is going on in PUG full parties where most people are dodging AOEs and getting mechanics down but the group still slowly fizzles out and dies anyway? Is it healers not being able to keep up with the pace? How often does this happen?

In my experience it's usually either a general loss of focus over time, or in the case of just hp not keeping up one healer not keeping up. Had a few Susan ex runs, pretty simple all things considered, where healers were just not healing everyone fast enough during Ukehi and letting DPS die, or people aren't getting rid of lightning fast enough and the next guy to go doesn't get healed in time, or someone doesn't get broken out of the rock in time.

A lot of people also tend to be lazy in pugs because what repercussions are there really-_-
320 ilvl with 3 fully pentameld gear. I'm rady.

static doesn't raid till thurs but eh im in no rush.

Also SCH is easily the best healer imo right now. Having an astro is nice right now but I feel like your team is severely gimped if you don't have a sch.

If you have a good SCH, I think AST/SCH is the comp to go for both prog and optimization. So much free healing now
All the healers I know swear by Astrologian. Have you leveled that class yet?

Oh yeah it was my first healer to cap. I pushed WHM leveling so I could play that instead. It's nice and I kinda like the cards but WHM just feels better to play for random stuff, the amount of heals and oGCDs makes it so you rarely have to worry about people dying, you almost always have something to throw at ppl and that feels nice rather than having to hardcast heals and stuff. Mind you not saying WHM is the BETTER healer, just the one that feels best to play atm.

I actually have leveled every caster now, got the Goddess of Magic title ^^. Haven't played SMN at all though, I still need to do HW class quests and then SB class quests on it to clear them out. I also have Ninja/Monk for melee DPS, PLD for tank and I'm lvling DRK and BRD next. After that I'm probably not touching the rest for a while, have no interest at all in MCH(and if I did I'd use a jump pot since it's still lvl 32), have little interest in WAR and DRG sounds like a chore. SAM maybe but meh. Main issue is the whole potd for 10levels since those are all 50, which is boring as hell so I'll leave it for later probably.

Btw looking at the streams for O4S, remember when ppl said WHM has too much healing and it's pointless? The amount of aoe healing needed for that fight is pretty disgusting.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Yeah, it's a real nice touch that they added
the real final boss of FFV in savage mode Neo exdeath.

Like, I'm tired just watching the stream. I can fight through and improve and try to beat bosses in this game (I played FFXI after all!), but like 12 hours straight is beyond me. @.@


Some of the JP players posting more images of the second part, It looks insane. Elysium really seems to be struggling on that last black hole part.

Well, Layla and co. got the transition now which makes them the third Elysium group to reach it.

As far as I know, Angered, Solitude, and I think EM's Group 1 all got to O4S around the same time (+/- 30m).
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