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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


do we know where edda's scythe and gear drops from? new aquapolis?
edit: oh and the new namazu (catfish) minion as well
I mean, that's what the Super Savage stuff is going to be for. That's the designer of all the hardest content in the game being given free reign to make a difficulty beyond Savage and Yoshida's on record saying he doesn't want to hear complaints about how hard it is, lol.


Unless the gear is like the most fashionable shit in the game I'm not going to worry about it lol


Suffering From Success
Already cleared? Ahahahaha. Welp there goes my hopes of it not being cleared for weeks. I'm not saying it's not a hard fight at all. I'm saying this is disappointing to hear. Super savage better step it up considerably.

People mad it got cleared so fast by maybe the top 0.1% of players as if they themselves had also beaten it. Don't worry lads I'm sure it will still take you weeks lol.

The problem is that at the end of the day "tuning it for Method" (Method is one of the best WoW progression guilds) really is a faulty direction. I expressed my disappointment at ggez fights like Zurvan or easy content like Proto Ultima before, but look at how much struggle people in general had with only a couple of easily perceptible mechanics in Zurvan. Actual raids - including Creator and Deltascape - are much more complex, so for general population that's a really really high bar! And what these fights give are really just farmable gear. In Final Coil that took 5 days, everyone were happy because great players would clear it in a reset, good players would clear it in a month and then everyone else who really wanted to would clear it with echo. Same happened with Creator. However upsetting it is that the content doesn't last six months, let's look at what's happening here, okay? These players know the game like nobody else, have support of a squad of crafters, and possess exemplary attrition - this last part is particularly important, after about 40% into O3S my group was visibly tired yesterday me included and messed up the simplest things. Clearing group went for 18 hours and managed to pass a much harder fight undergeared. This is not normal play for people. And of course, yes, there is Super Savage coming specifically to challenge better players. How much that will take? Who knows. I don't even know if we can complain about the number of bosses because with ex primals we get 6-7 bosses a tier. I wish we had more stuff in the de-jure raid itself but the dev team sees it fit to blow budget on things like this instead:

Which is admittedly hella awesome. Finally the transition that rivals Teraflare.

What The Fox

Neo Member
I'm kinda glad that there are multiple posts of O1S and O2S going down tonight for people. I'm seriously excited for O3S after how fun O2S was.

Also, our group started using "Stack up to get down" in O2S, and I'm pretty sure that's a pop hit waiting to happen

"Stack up to get down" is almost as good of a hit as the snowcloak theme, shy :3


Worships the porcelain goddess
We still posting character pics?





people really are underestimating the power of pentamelds, and the money spent
i'd say depending on the server economy, probably 40-50 million gil, but in na servers that's probably equivalent to 100 mil?


Cleared v1 in three pulls but v2 took an entire lockout, haha.

Spent a couple of hours in v3 too. I feel like it's gonna be a wall for most groups. Enjoyable fight though. Must better than I expected it to be! We got down to 60 something percent so decent progress for one day. We'll see how it goes during the week!

Guess Who

so I've never played FF online but I always looked at the ending cinematic for FF11 in awe-

And thought it was the coolest shit ever. I still do.

So uh, should I try out this game? As far as MMO experience, I'd be coming off WoW...which I took a break from a while ago.

Give it a try! There's a free trial available on both Windows and PS4. The combat is very WoW-like, though the longer GCD may make it seem a bit slow until higher levels. There's also more of an emphasis on story.
Give it a try! There's a free trial available on both Windows and PS4. The combat is very WoW-like, though the longer GCD may make it seem a bit slow until higher levels. There's also more of an emphasis on story.

Hrm, thanks. I'll prolly try on Windows~

So the ending of FF11-was that retconned? I just noticed there's a longer version where the elf dude stops bahamut >_> that kinda ruins it for me.


so I've never played FF online but I always looked at the ending cinematic for FF11 in awe-

And thought it was the coolest shit ever. I still do.

So uh, should I try out this game? As far as MMO experience, I'd be coming off WoW...which I took a break from a while ago.

Personally, I'd say it depends on a few things.

1) How invested are you in the FF world? Are you a big fan of the franchise?

2) How big of an MMO player are you? What did you like about WoW? Dislike? I only have experience with WoW up to the Lich King, but I can say that FF borrows a bit from WoW in how it's presented.

3) Do you have friends who play? If not, it's not a huge deal, but if so, then some aspects (party finder) will go more smoothly.

It's a fun game, but, as others have mentioned, the original content 2.0-2.4 can be a bit of a slog. You'd also be joining at a time when a lot of the jobs are in flux--so the early game experience is nowhere near optimized.

Guess Who

Hrm, thanks. I'll prolly try on Windows~

So the ending of FF11-was that retconned? I just noticed there's a longer version where the elf dude stops bahamut >_> that kinda ruins it for me.

That's actually the ending of the original version of Final Fantasy XIV, not XI (which is an entirely different game). It wasn't retconned, since it was never intended to be the absolute end of the world - it was just a very destructive event that sets the stage for totally destroying the original 1.x release of the game and make a completely new version in A Realm Reborn. That "other" version you see also ties into a major plotline for the ARR raid story and is probably a lot less effective out of context!


Time for Royal Menagerie. A bit nervous to start it.

Hrm, thanks. I'll prolly try on Windows~

So the ending of FF11-was that retconned? I just noticed there's a longer version where the elf dude stops bahamut >_> that kinda ruins it for me.

FFXI and FFXIV are not related at all.

FFXIV 1.0 was a piece of crap game, so they had Bahamut wreack havoc on the world, shut down the servers for a year or so, and made FFXIV 2.0 (ARR) take place 5 years later.


Spent a couple of hours in v3 too. I feel like it's gonna be a wall for most groups. Enjoyable fight though. Must better than I expected it to be! We got down to 60 something percent so decent progress for one day. We'll see how it goes during the week!

I'm super curious to see how the fights morph as guides come out; we spent a food in 3 today and I totally didn't pay attention to HP percentage but we made it through a couple changes of scenery. It's interesting, it's active, and it shares that thing A11S had where you're like "Oh, okay. So this is when it gets actually Savage!"

But a large chunk of the challenge was "What just killed us? Who had what debuff? How can we split to handle this? Let's pull again and try X to see what happened."

Once guides hit, that goes away. A lot of the D:-tier damage we're seeing right now will have the edges shaved off as people gear up. I expect it to take time, but I'm not sure about wall.

I dunno; I'm mostly bummed that A5S->A9S->O1S is a steady string of kinder, gentler opening fights when nobody ever seemed to think 5 or 9 was too hard. 3 seems fun and 4 looks epic and I have all my fingers and toes crossed for Super Savage working out, but it's disheartening to have half the raid tier be free loot. It was fun to get to do mostly blind pulls (the inevitable ambient mechanics spoilers are a thing, but I wound up knowing nothing about 2 which was fun), I'm enjoying myself, etc, but I'm wondering how long it will take for running resets on the first two to get grating.
Personally, I'd say it depends on a few things.

1) How invested are you in the FF world? Are you a big fan of the franchise?

2) How big of an MMO player are you? What did you like about WoW? Dislike? I only have experience with WoW up to the Lich King, but I can say that FF borrows a bit from WoW in how it's presented.

3) Do you have friends who play? If not, it's not a huge deal, but if so, then some aspects (party finder) will go more smoothly.

It's a fun game, but, as others have mentioned, the original content 2.0-2.4 can be a bit of a slog. You'd also be joining at a time when a lot of the jobs are in flux--so the early game experience is nowhere near optimized.

I've enjoyed WoW since Cata and have played on and off since them(Time restraints being my big limiter). I also dig the lore of FF, and enjoy them @_@ And I got no friends but I'm sure I could make 'em.

That's actually the ending of the original version of Final Fantasy XIV, not XI (which is an entirely different game). It wasn't retconned, since it was never intended to be the absolute end of the world - it was just a very destructive event that sets the stage for totally destroying the original 1.x release of the game and make a completely new version in A Realm Reborn. That "other" version you see also ties into a major plotline for the ARR raid story and is probably a lot less effective out of context!

Time for Royal Menagerie. A bit nervous to start it.

FFXI and FFXIV are not related at all.

FFXIV 1.0 was a piece of crap game, so they had Bahamut wreack havoc on the world, shut down the servers for a year or so, and made FFXIV 2.0 (ARR) take place 5 years later.

Ooooh. Ok. That makes sense.


My experience with a PUG in O1S where almost no one knew anything besides 2 people giving tips and everyone was around i310:

-fuck fuck fuck
-ouch ouch ouch
-fuck fuck fuck
-but there's always like 2-3 people in the team that can't stop dying omggggggg
-But I feel bad ditching this team that wasn't to keep repair and requeuing because most are good people!
-consistently hitting enrage ~15% because of weakness from multiple deaths per run
-3 hours later MY EYES BURN

So I appreciate the group I was with, they were good people and I went from knowing nothing besides the normal fight to feeling like I have the fight fucking mastered and can do a near perfect DPS NIN run with like 5% margin of error. Had multiple runs without a death or mistake and whenever the tanks would die I'd always be top aggro, hell sometimes I would steal aggro when there was only 1 tank, so I feel pretty comfortable on my DPS. Spent like 1/4th of my TOTAL GIL BANK ACCOUNT on an i320 weapon for extra DPS to help since I was still running an i300 weapon and I have zero interest in running Susano Ex weapon farms with PUG from my experience with Susano Ex and pick up games. Maybe I just have bad luck with PUG. Also I hate grinding/farming and will avoid it at all costs if possible.

We got down to 13-20% regularly before hitting enrage. We knew the mechanics and we're ok but too many people made mistakes and died every time (no one should be dying from fire after 1-2 hours of practice, the patterns are the exact same every time >< Lightning group miscordinations or accidents are more understandable) killing our DPS with weakness. And that's only when the tanks didn't die wiping our team which happened about 1/4th of the runs.

It's a fun fight. This is my first "launch-era" Savage where everyone isn't overgeared and overpowered making it easier. I was worried when people said O1S is a pushover and doesn't have new mechanics, but the way the fight plays out is pretty different than O1N. You really need everyone to know the patterns, the order of patterns and how to work together for a few things, and hopefully how to dps.

Will probably be able to pass it next time I play with a party where everyone knows what they're doing and get to O2S. We'll see. I didn't think I'd be interested in raiding but I figure I'll push it as far as I can without having to grind because I have 0 interest in grinding tomestones/drops.
Guys I don't know if this is the right place but here it goes:

I'm father of 3 (0-8 years of age) with full time job and not that much free time. Still I enjoy gaming and GAF the most :) I've played a lot of MMOs over the years (DAoC, SW:G, EverQ 2, Warhammer Online and ofc WoW) and enjoyed most of them.

Now I've heard so much good about this one but there are a few things that kinda scare me away. One being that you have to finish a lot of content to be able to play in expansions or something in that vein.

So me not having that much free time is this a game for me? I enjoy story and leveling and some occasional PvP, no raiding as I have to keep an eye and an ear on kids.


Now I've heard so much good about this one but there are a few things that kinda scare me away. One being that you have to finish a lot of content to be able to play in expansions or something in that vein.

So me not having that much free time is this a game for me? I enjoy story and leveling and some occasional PvP, no raiding as I have to keep an eye and an ear on kids.

If you enjoy story and levelling, then you won't want to skip to the new expansions anyway, even though you can if you pay money. FFXIV really is a story focused game, to the point where you won't want to skip stuff because later events just won't make sense. It really is a "proper" Final Fantasy in the regard, and you wouldn't start on disc 3 of Final Fantasy VII.

Something like WoW, the expansions only loosely flow into one another, and just the big story beats carry over. FFXIV is much more detailed.


The more I think about it, the more I think the weakness change in 4.0 was fucking brutal on casual players and completely at odds with their "more accesible" design attempt. Instead of making a game that's more for everyone, it feels like the weakness change from -10% to -25% actually just created a larger disparity between good/hardcore players and average/casuals players. What I've noticed in PUGs with the Ex fights and O1S (hell even in Omega Normal stages) is that the average/casual players make mistakes more often and die more in a fight only to be revived and the fight to continue, but with -25% DPS or even -50% DPS just turns the fights into unwinnable DPS enrage checks.

Basically casual/average players will die way more than good/hardcore players within a non-wipe run, so a harsher death penalty punishes casual/average players more creating a bigger rift between the two skill levels.

Not really sure why they thought the weakness change was a good idea. I remember my first thought when I saw that was df clears of Odin trial for new players are gonna plummet even further considering how many deaths there are in that fight usually and how often most new player teams were already hitting enrage at -10% penalty.

Guess Who

Guys I don't know if this is the right place but here it goes:

I'm father of 3 (0-8 years of age) with full time job and not that much free time. Still I enjoy gaming and GAF the most :) I've played a lot of MMOs over the years (DAoC, SW:G, EverQ 2, Warhammer Online and ofc WoW) and enjoyed most of them.

Now I've heard so much good about this one but there are a few things that kinda scare me away. One being that you have to finish a lot of content to be able to play in expansions or something in that vein.

So me not having that much free time is this a game for me? I enjoy story and leveling and some occasional PvP, no raiding as I have to keep an eye and an ear on kids.

FFXIV’s story is structured as one long, continuous plot - which means the expansion plots pick up where the previous story left off. This means you have to play through the entire preceding story (including the base game and first expansion) to access the new content in the second (and latest) expansion. You can buy items from a cash shop to skip those stories, however.

It’s a relatively story focused MMO, so if you don’t mind the base game being a bit grindy and tedious at times, you can basically play the main story as if it were a very long single player RPG.
FFXIV’s story is structured as one long, continuous plot - which means the expansion plots pick up where the previous story left off. This means you have to play through the entire preceding story (including the base game and first expansion) to access the new content in the second (and latest) expansion. You can buy items from a cash shop to skip those stories, however.

It’s a relatively story focused MMO, so if you don’t mind the base game being a bit grindy and tedious at times, you can basically play the main story as if it were a very long single player RPG.

Well than the only question is if it is possible to solo most of the story?


Well than the only question is if it is possible to solo most of the story?

There are mandatory dungeons and trials at certain points, but Duty Finder will have you in and out of those swiftly. There's a mechanic in the game where high level players will get put into low level dungeons and scaled down, so you don't have the WoW problem of nobody in the lowbie dungeons.


Well than the only question is if it is possible to solo most of the story?

Starting from level 15, there are mandatory 4-person or 8-person dungeons and boss fights every few levels. Fortunately, there is the Duty Finder that will place you in a queue with 3-7 randoms so you don't have to shout for a party yourself.
There are mandatory dungeons and trials at certain points, but Duty Finder will have you in and out of those swiftly. There's a mechanic in the game where high level players will get put into low level dungeons and scaled down, so you don't have the WoW problem of nobody in the lowbie dungeons.

Well than, nothing more to it than to point me to some starter guide :) Any advices for a new guy?


Well than, nothing more to it than to point me to some starter guide :) Any advices for a new guy?

Just dive in. Pick a class, and relax with the story. The game is very very good at drip feeding systems to you, there's nothing overwhelming at level 1. I love it in that respect.

This is a good guide when levelling as it shows when things unlock that you might miss.

I would also recommend a DPS class as your starting choice, just for simplicity. Remember that your one character can become every class anyway, so you aren't stuck with it if you don't like it. A friend recently made an Archer, got to level 39 and decided they didn't like it, and then became a Thaumaturge. They are now level 45, and ahead of where they were before, almost painlessly.


Guys I don't know if this is the right place but here it goes:

I'm father of 3 (0-8 years of age) with full time job and not that much free time. Still I enjoy gaming and GAF the most :) I've played a lot of MMOs over the years (DAoC, SW:G, EverQ 2, Warhammer Online and ofc WoW) and enjoyed most of them.

Now I've heard so much good about this one but there are a few things that kinda scare me away. One being that you have to finish a lot of content to be able to play in expansions or something in that vein.

So me not having that much free time is this a game for me? I enjoy story and leveling and some occasional PvP, no raiding as I have to keep an eye and an ear on kids.

I'm in a similar boat, but have been able to progress to Heavenward--the second expansion--over a period of a few months. I think it's pretty manageable, so long as you keep your expectations in check (i.e. It will take you longer to get to "end game" content) Your biggest concerns will probably be having a child cry in the middle of a dungeon instance (which has happened a lot for me), and the occasional bout of sleep debt you'll inevitably incur. lol
I'm in a similar boat, but have been able to progress to Heavenward--the second expansion--over a period of a few months. I think it's pretty manageable, so long as you keep your expectations in check (i.e. It will take you longer to get to "end game" content) Your biggest concerns will probably be having a child cry in the middle of a dungeon instance (which has happened a lot for me), and the occasional bout of sleep debt you'll inevitably incur. lol

PM Sent :)
Oh no, a fight has been downed in a day by teams that have been 0.1% hardcore raiders for 4 years with fully pentamelded HQ gear that in the case of some jobs is BIS, an endless supply of the best food and pots avaiable, the ability to do back to back pulls with little waiting and several people watching their transmissions helping them figure out mechanics from a birds eye view.

Do people legit believe that if SCoB was released today it would last more than a week for WF raiders? The only thing that held them back was gear checks and thats a garbage way to gate people.


Oh no, a fight has been downed in a day by teams that have been 0.1% hardcore raiders for 4 years with fully pentamelded HQ gear that in the case of some jobs is BIS, an endless supply of the best food and pots avaiable, the ability to do back to back pulls with little waiting and several people watching their transmissions helping them figure out mechanics from a birds eye view.

Do people legit believe that if SCoB was released today it would last more than a week for WF raiders? The only thing that held them back was gear checks and thats a garbage way to gate people.

Nah bro, you heard it right from the last page. He's disappointed. I'm also disappointed at all these people whining when they won't even see the second half of the fight until 4.15 but hey, ggez riot game is trash.
Well you two covered what I was going to say.

Hard content being downed quickly by the top .001% of the community means absolutely nothing to me because most likely I and 99% of the community will never see it for ourselves while it is relevant.

I remember those amusing numbers the team revealed during the Gordias days that showed how few people were actually beating savage.
Finally beat my first extreme primal yesterday! Susano EX down!

Was a blast, but it took a good week of trying to find a capable group in party finder.
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