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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


Ok so now I have enough tomes for another set of Ironworks gear for an alt class but I'm having trouble deciding between a Bard and a Summoner. Comin off a WHM, I like the idea of buffing people as a Bard and ordering pets sounds hard on the PS4 anyway. On the other hand, summoning Bahamut sounds cool as shit.


Still making my way through the ARR content. Currently a level 44 White Mage. Just got through Garuda last night. I watched a video going over the fight mechanics and had figured that fight was gonna be way tougher than it actually was.

I've run Stone Vigil three times over the past couple days and am learning a lot about how to be an effective healer in areas with tight corridors. This game is making me realize how little knowledge I actually have about effective group play in MMOs-- I've been playing MMOs forever, but usually solo; this is the first time I've done this much group content. My role is to heal, not to judge, so I'm learning how to effectively heal people with, uh... different styles of play.

I've also been listening to some FF14 podcasts-- only two so far: State of the Realm and Gather Together. State of the Realm is pretty good-- a little dry, and the sound quality could be better, but I can understand from this why MrHappy is a popular streamer, and his podcast is a distillation of some of that content. Gather Together, well... I've listened to the past six episodes, and the first impression was good-- there are two hosts, a guy and a lady; they were enthusiastic about Stormblood and spoke about some of the community-heavy topics that I've found interesting lately. The other side of that coin comes during the two most recent episodes, which were sufficiently mean-spirited that I'm probably not going to continue listening.


After getting SCH to 70 a bit ago combined with the recent hotfixes it feels pretty solid to me. I still hate Dissipation and I can see why people are annoyed with Aetherpact (though it's much better with longer range) but it doesn't feel weak at all to me, just not as de facto as HW. DPS rotation isn't as braindead as AST, plenty of powerful CDs, crit shield still bae. I do wish the fairy control was snappier, but it's always been pretty clunky so that's nothing new.


Square Enix is really going to have to do something about these servers. I just got 90002 three times in the last 15 minutes. It's getting ridiculous.
BLM feels so damn disappointing to play now. I'm only level 63 but I hate the changes so far. Fire IV nerf, and while infinite enochian (kinda) is cool... you're now stuck with garbage tier umbral ice 1 and get slow fire III as a result.


What's the best way to farm items for crafting? I don't care about quality. Right now, I just want to level crafting classes. I'm gathering logs now for Carpenter. Is using Bountiful Harvest II before each hit the best way to farm? I wish there was a way to permanently get multiple items from each hit without having to use an ability each time.


Kills Photobucket
What's the best way to farm items for crafting? I don't care about quality. Right now, I just want to level crafting classes. I'm gathering logs now for Carpenter. Is using Bountiful Harvest II before each hit the best way to farm? I wish there was a way to permanently get multiple items from each hit without having to use an ability each time.

You get blessed harvest I and II at levels 30 and 40 which will give you +1 and +2 for every gathering attempt on that node. Use it on nodes with 5 or 6 swings for maximum effectiveness.


Before getting into this game I always thought astrologian looked cool as fuck so I was bummed when it was walled off from base content. I played BLM through the base game and I've finally been making my way through heavensward. Been taking breaks to level up AST and damn am I loving it as much as I hoped I would. I think I'm pretty great at it so far too, although I'm only level 46 so far so there's still a lot more to learn.

Only annoying thing is people blaming me for their stupid mistakes. I guess that comes with the territory though lol


>200 hp missing from two people before white hole
>"you need to heal more, people shouldn't be getting petrified."

>throw an extra helios next time to make SURE everyone is topped off
>"you need to stop overhealing for white hole"



>200 hp missing from two people before white hole
>"you need to heal more, people shouldn't be getting petrified."

>throw an extra helios next time to make SURE everyone is topped off
>"you need to stop overhealing for white hole"


Foolproof plan:

- Overheal White Hole

- When questioned say you don't trust the other healer

does require ongoing willingness to shove co-healer under the bus, is kind of fun


I blame the Medica 2 tick going after the cast locks in the HP check (and/or the HP Penalty wearing off after a heal).

really I was probably throwing rocks


I ended up stumbling on a PS4 key for Stormblood so I decided to try it out, spent about 3 hours figuring out how bars worked and tried my luck with roulette on Lakshmi.

We one shot it but I'm really impressed now by anyone who regularly heals with a controller. I'm sure it's just my muscle memory failing me, but I have no idea how anyone could manage higher level stuff like that. Is there some secret outside of constant practice?


We one shot it but I'm really impressed now by anyone who regularly heals with a controller. I'm sure it's just my muscle memory failing me, but I have no idea how anyone could manage higher level stuff like that. Is there some secret outside of constant practice?

Up and down on the D-pad scroll through your party list; this is like the #1 thing for healing on a controller, since if you try to cycle with left/right everything is terrible (also I have my left/right set to enemies only when unsheathed, so I can't even target people that way unless I sheathe my weapon.) Since the usually party list order is yourself up top, then tanks, then healers, then DPS, and it starts off by targeting you, it's up arrow to get to the DPS quicker, down arrow to get to the tanks/other healer.

The other thing that helps is getting familiar with the hard and soft targets on controller. The thing you initiate combat on or the first person you heal becomes your 'hard' target and you stay targeted on them until they die/you go out of range/you pick another hard target. You can then use left/right or up/down on the D-pad to cycle through enemies or party members, and as long as you don't hit X to lock them in as your hard target you have them 'soft' targeted. Basically you cast one spell or attack on them, and then your target will snap back to your hard target selection.

So if you're fighting a boss and mostly DPSing, but need to hit the tank with one heal, you can hit down on the D-pad to cycle through the party list until they're highlighted, cast a heal, and then your target snaps back to the boss. Likewise, if you're focused on healing the tank and want to just toss a DoT up on the boss, left/right on the D-pad until you have the boss selected, cast your DoT, target will snap back to the tank. Focused healing one tank and need to drop a pity heal on a party member? Scroll through party list with up/down, cast heal, target snaps back to tank.

I'm not a huge fan of alliance healing in 24-mans, because scrolling through those lists gets kind of annoying, but for dungeon and raid healing through Savage controller is surprisingly flexible and workable once you get familiar with it.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I ended up stumbling on a PS4 key for Stormblood so I decided to try it out, spent about 3 hours figuring out how bars worked and tried my luck with roulette on Lakshmi.

We one shot it but I'm really impressed now by anyone who regularly heals with a controller. I'm sure it's just my muscle memory failing me, but I have no idea how anyone could manage higher level stuff like that. Is there some secret outside of constant practice?
Up and Down on the dpad cycles through the party menu. Still not as intuitive as just clicking a person, but much easier to keep track of who you're healing.


Suffering From Success
BLM feels so damn disappointing to play now. I'm only level 63 but I hate the changes so far. Fire IV nerf, and while infinite enochian (kinda) is cool... you're now stuck with garbage tier umbral ice 1 and get slow fire III as a result.

They also lowered F4 base cast time, and while it doesn't sound like much, believe me, it's huge. BLM is now the best it's ever been.
You're not supposed to flare in single target with F4 as it is right now.

The only ???? part about BLM right now is that F2 is utterly weaksauce
They also lowered F4 base cast time, and while it doesn't sound like much, believe me, it's huge. BLM is now the best it's ever been.
You're not supposed to flare in single target with F4 as it is right now.

The only ???? part about BLM right now is that F2 is utterly weaksauce

That's super reassuring then. I guess at 70 I'll like it a lot better but still feel that RDM is more my thing. I mean who doesn't love a mobile caster with a rapier? I'm gutted my raid group doesnt have one.

Raid night went well. I think I've seen all of O3S now! Iron giant is the last mechanic before repeat, right? I think clear is certain next week. I'm happy with the great progress my raid group made tonight but i'm gonna be nitpicky and bitch about the WHM not dpsing because he SHOULD DPS.... because he never does like ever. Other than that... this new static is going ok for the most part. I mean last night we were screwing up tons but tonight we definitely got it. If you're a healer in a raid setting there is no excuse to not dps, imo.
BLM feels so damn disappointing to play now. I'm only level 63 but I hate the changes so far. Fire IV nerf, and while infinite enochian (kinda) is cool... you're now stuck with garbage tier umbral ice 1 and get slow fire III as a result.

What, why are you stuck with Umbral Ice 1? Just Blizzard III like normal? Maybe your particular level has some rounding issues with mana but you don't Transpose unless you actually have to/are doing an aoe rotation(which isn't different than before).
That's super reassuring then. I guess at 70 I'll like it a lot better but still feel that RDM is more my thing. I mean who doesn't love a mobile caster with a rapier? I'm gutted my raid group doesnt have one.

Raid night went well. I think I've seen all of O3S now! Iron giant is the last mechanic before repeat, right? I think clear is certain next week. I'm happy with the great progress my raid group made tonight but i'm gonna be nitpicky and bitch about the WHM not dpsing because he SHOULD DPS.... because he never does like ever. Other than that... this new static is going ok for the most part. I mean last night we were screwing up tons but tonight we definitely got it. If you're a healer in a raid setting there is no excuse to not dps, imo.
From what I'm told, BLM gets really awesome at 70. Trips is amazing.

Also yeah, Giant+Ninjas+Haste 3 is the last part of her final rotation, she does Spellblade, AoE and Crit once afterwards then repeats until enrage which should he halfway through her second rotation.


Instancing is fine if it was only for The Lochs and you could actually port in with your party. Or I don't know, being able to choose instance slot on TP. Lochs needs instancing bad because as soon as Ixion spawns no one can enter the damn map and that sucks when you are gathering or questing.

Yes, hopefully they will come to their senses on this since I now have another month.

Anyway, it seems like me resubbing was inevitable since my buddy who bought the game was keen to play this weekend. Me and another friend took him through the first three dungeons and a load of guildhests. In order to squeeze some last remaining freshness from this content I flipped the script and rolled Astrologian so I did my first healing ever. It was a weirdly different perspective on things but also quite enjoyable.

BLM feels so damn disappointing to play now. I'm only level 63 but I hate the changes so far. Fire IV nerf, and while infinite enochian (kinda) is cool... you're now stuck with garbage tier umbral ice 1 and get slow fire III as a result.

What? No... BLM plays great at 70. I'm not sure what you mean about the Umbral Ice 1 but really it all comes together beautifully. I thought RDM would be the new hotness but BLM is just so great.


I never actually did the WT thing so I checked out , and she has a unique face, but the way its framed in the cutscene makes her look like she's on some children of he corn type shit


I reached HW last night. SPOILERS

How the fuck can someone so cute die? I had the biggest sense of dread throughout the last few quests. Every time a scene cut to her I thought "fuck something bad is gonna happen to her." I had a feeling Ilberd was a traitor, but I didn't expect practically everyone to be one as well. Fuck you Laurentius. I liked you because you share your name with the pyromancer from Dark Souls. I hope my boy Raubahn becomes a Dark Knight and fucks them up. Pretty sure the Scions aren't dead since killing them offscreen would've been lame as hell. Now I'm eager to reunite with them. I didn't expect them to show Yda's face. My baby. Oh and Yugiri's face is nice too I guess.


The other thing that helps is getting familiar with the hard and soft targets on controller. The thing you initiate combat on or the first person you heal becomes your 'hard' target and you stay targeted on them until they die/you go out of range/you pick another hard target. You can then use left/right or up/down on the D-pad to cycle through enemies or party members, and as long as you don't hit X to lock them in as your hard target you have them 'soft' targeted. Basically you cast one spell or attack on them, and then your target will snap back to your hard target selection.
Up and Down on the dpad cycles through the party menu. Still not as intuitive as just clicking a person, but much easier to keep track of who you're healing.

Up and Down I figured out while scrambling around with the controller randomly so that's neat at least. Soft targets I was noticing something with but was more obsessed with keeping the fire out of the group I couldn't really figure it out, so that's pretty neat.

When I started dicking around with BLM I noticed how much of a pain it was to target that I almost resorted to using the trackpad to click on things. It's definitely not a bad way to play once you get used to it, I'm just having a lot of trouble adapting after some 19 years of playing similar games on KB/M.

One thing I am trying to figure out is how to keep some of the crossbars from popping up in combat when I cycle. I've got the WXHB setup like I need it and the expanded controls for some stuff, but where do people stick mounts/minions/miscellany that they share between characters and keep them from getting in the way?

I reached HW last night. SPOILERS

How the fuck can someone so cute die? I had the biggest sense of dread throughout the last few quests. Every time a scene cut to her I thought "fuck something bad is gonna happen to her." I had a feeling Ilberd was a traitor, but I didn't expect practically everyone to be one as well. Fuck you Laurentius. I liked you because you share your name with the pyromancer from Dark Souls. I hope my boy Raubahn becomes a Dark Knight and fucks them up. Pretty sure the Scions aren't dead since killing them offscreen would've been lame as hell. Now I'm eager to reunite with them. I didn't expect them to show Yda's face. My baby. Oh and Yugiri's face is nice too I guess.

I want you to commit everything in those scenes to memory, every bit of it.

And then come back to us after you finish HW with reactions to the resolutions of each.


Holy shit did Biggs and Wedge just invent
a magic powered fighter jet
to go up against

(I'm level 54, somewhere in the middle of the Heavensward MSQ chain).


Neo Member
One thing I am trying to figure out is how to keep some of the crossbars from popping up in combat when I cycle. I've got the WXHB setup like I need it and the expanded controls for some stuff, but where do people stick mounts/minions/miscellany that they share between characters and keep them from getting in the way?

Since I only use cross hotbars and never R1 + to switch set, I keep my shared crossbars in set 2. Set it as your default when you sheathe weapon, and set 1 when you unsheathe so it's automatically swapped. If you switch hotbars you can keep it in latter set so it doesn't get in the way. Cross hotbars on sets 4&5 and shared crossbar on set 8 maybe?


Since I only use cross hotbars and never R1 + to switch set, I keep my shared crossbars in set 2. Set it as your default when you sheathe weapon, and set 1 when you unsheathe so it's automatically swapped. If you switch hotbars you can keep it in latter set so it doesn't get in the way. Cross hotbars on sets 4&5 and shared crossbar on set 8 maybe?

I didn't even notice those options before, that's perfect.

Now I really wish these were saved server side so I didn't have to redo them every time.


Still making my way through the ARR content. Currently a level 44 White Mage. Just got through Garuda last night. I watched a video going over the fight mechanics and had figured that fight was gonna be way tougher than it actually was.

I've run Stone Vigil three times over the past couple days and am learning a lot about how to be an effective healer in areas with tight corridors. This game is making me realize how little knowledge I actually have about effective group play in MMOs-- I've been playing MMOs forever, but usually solo; this is the first time I've done this much group content. My role is to heal, not to judge, so I'm learning how to effectively heal people with, uh... different styles of play.

I've also been listening to some FF14 podcasts-- only two so far: State of the Realm and Gather Together. State of the Realm is pretty good-- a little dry, and the sound quality could be better, but I can understand from this why MrHappy is a popular streamer, and his podcast is a distillation of some of that content. Gather Together, well... I've listened to the past six episodes, and the first impression was good-- there are two hosts, a guy and a lady; they were enthusiastic about Stormblood and spoke about some of the community-heavy topics that I've found interesting lately. The other side of that coin comes during the two most recent episodes, which were sufficiently mean-spirited that I'm probably not going to continue listening.

Late response but also give Mogtalk a view.

Frosty always has great podcasts.


Anyone here have sb on an external drive? I just moved xiv from internal to external Ssd and its only 11.48 gb, something isnt right here it should be 60 gb? Can anyone check for me if you have the same size?



Anyone here have sb on an external drive? I just moved xiv from internal to external Ssd and its only 11.48 gb, something isnt right here it should be 60 gb? Can anyone check for me if you have the same size?


I don't think it can be entirely, since the updated are saved as save game data?

I confess that I'm no expert.
Came across a tank in Snowcloak last night that didn't know what aggro/enmity was which was a real head-scratcher. Thankfully they actually responded to chat and listened to the advice everybody gave them in the end although that partially made it even more confusing because surely somebody else would've mentioned it before then.

Either way it ended up being a nice little test for my healing, I feel pretty comfortable healing through dungeons now but it's always nice to get a run that throws things off a bit just to test if I can cope.


Came across a tank in Snowcloak last night that didn't know what aggro/enmity was which was a real head-scratcher. Thankfully they actually responded to chat and listened to the advice everybody gave them in the end although that partially made it even more confusing because surely somebody else would've mentioned it before then.

Either way it ended up being a nice little test for my healing, I feel pretty comfortable healing through dungeons now but it's always nice to get a run that throws things off a bit just to test if I can cope.

It is mindboggling how some people can get so far and know so little. I've had people refuse to use enmity combos because "they do less damage" in a 4man dungeon. I hope they get bit by a sugarglider.


Thankfully they actually responded to chat and listened to the advice everybody gave them in the end although that partially made it even more confusing because surely somebody else would've mentioned it before then.

A friend of mine played a Marauder up to 60 in HW and got high end crafted gear. Then he did roulettes and 24 man raids to see how people would react. Apparently people don't care. And he didn't even have trouble to tank through everything.


Anyone here have sb on an external drive? I just moved xiv from internal to external Ssd and its only 11.48 gb, something isnt right here it should be 60 gb? Can anyone check for me if you have the same size?
We know your name now

And that you went and got an edgy tattoo


Fell to the dark-side and went Lalafell recently (again...). Miss my cat but you gotta admit that this is cute :p (really like this hairstyle on lalafell for some reason.)

Haven't been doing much in-game recently other than farming for gil through hunts/gathering while waiting for my leves to refresh. Can just about afford a Shirogane house now whenever thats available.


Save for one guy and myself, my entire full party right now was a bunch of cats.

EDIT: So I realized I'm almost level 60 so the next step is to buy Shire gear right? The next best thing after that looks to be Lost Allagan gear purchased with tomestones of creation. Not sure how to get these. Then after that it's savage gear. Is this correct?


Just finished the MSQ through the end of Heavensward base game. About to start the post-game. Heavenward was terrific. Cant wait to see Stormblood. That said,
you accomplish hilariously little in HW. It begins with Nidhogg ready to attack and ends with Nidhogg ready to attack.
At least you got two Ascians though.
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