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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


We will have to see it in practice I guess, but I don't believe for one second an off tank dark with a full 20% boosted darkside would lose the dps race compared to a pld. Fight or flight all the time when not magic nuking is great, but that can't overcome it imo.

And as I mentioned in the other thread, my biggest issue is more the attitude in which you posted. Why run dark? Bro, we haven't even played this shit yet. Everything is theoretical and on paper.

Edit: And meantioning soul eater hp nerf is just silly. That was basically inconsequential.

Even if we don't lose to them on potency, we don't beat them by much and they offer significantly more utility of which we got basically one big OGC to even try and match it. It's clear that no matter what PLD is the tank to beat. Honestly, I don't see how in the base 4.0 meta we don't end up with PLD/PLD at the top.

I do agree with the idea that AST/AST is going to be the meta is a bit OTT though. AST/SCH seems much more viable and all around good than double AST.


Well, we got the final Changes:


- Thunder 2 is, infact, an AoE thunder spell now. Hurray!

- Seems like you cannot apply Thunder I/III and II/IV at the same time. Bummer.

I wish they'd just go back to naming shit -Ga for AoE.


Is it bad that I never leave Shield Oath when I tank? I don't trust myself to hold aggro when I'm not in tank stance.


Even if we don't lose to them on potency, we don't beat them by much and they offer significantly more utility of which we got basically one big OGC to even try and match it. It's clear that no matter what PLD is the tank to beat. Honestly, I don't see how in the base 4.0 meta we don't end up with PLD/PLD at the top.

I dunno man

Bloodspiller is looking pretty silly @ 650 potency, instant cast with no cooldown. At full gauge, that's some nice damage.

Don't think anyone is fucking with Warrior on damage though

Is it bad that I never leave Shield Oath when I tank? I don't trust myself to hold aggro when I'm not in tank stance.

I usually just switch off if the healers are fine and i've already established enmity.

Since i'm always in tank stance, I just view off-tank stance as popping a DPS cooldown lol

I wish they'd just go back to naming shit -Ga for AoE.

Meh, i think the I-IV works just as well. It kind of establishes the same idea without sounding odd or anything. XIV pretty early on just kind of makes you assume that each number is a different technique entirely.

-a -ga -ja always makes me assume that we're talking about an increasing series of the same spell


Yeah. They can still have tiers, just -ga for AoE. In these cases it makes it clearer.

I'm not sure if its correct but I read that, for example, on the JP client for White Mage it's Cure, Cura and Curaga instead of I/II/III? That makes so much more sense, especially to anyone who has played Final Fantasy before.


Is it bad that I never leave Shield Oath when I tank? I don't trust myself to hold aggro when I'm not in tank stance.

In my time so far with DRK I've learned that you hold agro way better as a tank than you think you do, but yeah I've had to get over that as well especially since we have abilities that can't be used in Grit.

In normal dungeons, it's suboptimal but w/e. You'd want to try and get over that for trials and raids, but as long as you're getting your job done it doesn't matter that much.


Gotta wonder how much time they will take to balance things out if tanks and healers are really unbalanced. They didn't want to add new jobs to these two roles because they wanted to balance them correctly, so you'd expect them to react quickly.

Still gonna main my WAR, only because I never enjoyed the PLD's gameplay, but if people are once again spiting on WARs for end-game content, I'll end up playing a DPS and be done with it. I don't wanna relive 2.0 with my WAR. I really hope they won't take as much time as Blizzard does when balancing classes.

At least NIN looks good. A bit sad to lose DPS cds, but I'm happy I'll be able to use Dream Within a Dream more often and get crits from Duality. Trick Attack requiring lv 18 is a nice bonus for lower dungeons too, even though we don't get Suiton before lv 45.
Gotta wonder how much time they will take to balance things out if tanks and healers are really unbalanced. They didn't want to add new jobs to these two roles because they wanted to balance them correctly, so you'd expect them to react quickly.

Still gonna main my WAR, only because I never enjoyed the PLD's gameplay, but if people are once again spiting on WARs for end-game content, I'll end up playing a DPS and be done with it. I don't wanna relive 2.0 with my WAR. I really hope they won't take as much time as Blizzard does when balancing classes.

At least NIN looks good. A bit sad to lose DPS cds, but I'm happy I'll be able to use Dream Within a Dream more often and get crits from Duality. Trick Attack requiring lv 18 is a nice bonus for lower dungeons too, even though we don't get Suiton before lv 45.

It's pretty hilarious that for some reason it's okay for DPS to be unbalanced but not tank or healer. And then they have them unbalanced anyway. And there's no way in hell next expac's jobs are a tank and heal, so someone isn't getting a new job for like 4 years. Still fuckin salty.

And I'm a little bit nervous about this expac. I haven't been keeping too up to date with story shit, but it's pretty lame that all the hype was about Ala Mihgo and then it seems like we're spending a huge amount of time on the other side of the world doing Doman shit


Gotta wonder how much time they will take to balance things out if tanks and healers are really unbalanced. They didn't want to add new jobs to these two roles because they wanted to balance them correctly, so you'd expect them to react quickly.

If there was one thing I was sure of before we started seeing details about the changes, it's that 20% Balance would not survive in a world where WHM has no group buff. It's too crazy. On some level I still didn't believe until the AST job guide was just "No change." next to all the cards.

And yet here we are. We live in Interesting times.


So blood for blood is now exclusive to drg? I thought they were making it cross class for other melee classes.

Nope. There are no general DPS boosts in cross class abilities anymore. They're focused more on giving each DPS their own tailored boost ability.
Ninja looks great.

I had no idea dream within a dream got such a huge buff. And I am a huge fan of that Nikki nuke. I had somehow missed it doubled the potency of the ninjustu.


Role Actions
Role actions are abilities common to classes and jobs with the same role.
Jobs can select and use up to five role actions, while classes can select and use up to ten.

Can someone explain this part to me? What do they mean by classes here?


Man... I still just do not know about SMN. It's changes and nerfs seem so awkward.

I guess I'll decide what I want to do after I wake up in the morning; going back to BRD seems easy enough, but RDM is looking pretty interesting. Also looking at DRG because these new changes speak to me since I was shit terrible at 3.xx DRG's rotation.


Can someone explain this part to me? What do they mean by classes here?

Classes are the basic ARR classes you level before getting your 'real' job. Previously, you could assign various abilities across class if you've leveled in the other class high enough to get it. Now, they put a bunch of abilities in a 'role action' section and every job within a role has access without having to level another class.


Job guide (and pre-order exp earrings!) broke me, bought the game. I don't know if I want to be there day 1 with the crowds, but definitely want to go through the main story once so might as well buy it now. Looking forward to all the new music!

But damn, the amount of stuff to do in this game seriously stresses me out, lol. I came back from a couple of patches absence and there was bingo books of activities and stuff! And I haven't done a lot of the sidequests in HW still... Well, I've at least promised to not do crafting this time around!

Did they ditch the FC airship thing? That was one of the most disappointing features of HW to me. Aside from helping out with crafting a few times and getting the cutscenes I saw essentially nothing of them.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Why classes can select 10 and roles only 5 actions?
DoL and DoH classes have had a 10 ability limit since 2.0. Might just be referring to that instead of DoW/DoM classes. Or maybe they just want you to be able to mess around with all of them as a class before you commit to 5 for your job.
I think I've settled on continuing my main as BLM... such a tough choice. But this way I can continue with the main I've used for almost all of HW and then also be able to gear RDM on the side as they share the same gear.
Why classes can select 10 and roles only 5 actions?

This is the same as it was before. That's just how it was, classes could get them more often so you could cross class more stuff until lvl 30, then jobs got less so the overall amount was fairly similar in the end(unless you changed back to a class for endgame to annoy people and be "funny"). Like you'd get a cross class slot every 5levels or whatever, so up to 5 at 25, then 6 at 30 but that's when you spec into your job, so you go back to 3, then up to 5 at 50, that was the initial progression.

Mostly irrelevant changes, classes are probably going away at some point too I assume, they'll just make it so you do your job and your class becomes the job at some point in the future.


SCH got hit with some nerfs (Aetherflow, what did they do to you? Also, embrace and Fey Illumination D:) but at least we got some raid utility with Chain Strategem. WHM brings no utility to the table. AST cards seems to keep them as mandatory in any sort of progression setting still.





Why classes can select 10 and roles only 5 actions?

This has always been the case. Made sense when you could do some broken mix, but now I don't see the point. Was fun when I could pvp on Marauder and get dps cds before they nerfed the damage of non job.

Some of these new Role Actions seem extremely niche btw. Invigorate and a stun will mostly be locked for me. True North is a nice addition on my NIN. Guess I'll take Second Wind as it saved my ass more than once.

As for the fifth... I kinda want to answer "sorry didn't take Goat" at least a few times before I take it again.

Arm's Length (Creates a barrier nullifying knockback and draw-in effects / Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck) is weird. Unless there's a primal/raid boss requiring it, I don't see much use for it.

Crutch (Removes Bind and Heavy from target party member other than self). Why "other than self"... Again unless there's a boss spamming bind/heavy + some deathly aoe, I don't see anyone taking it.

I mean those two would have been great in PVP, but we won't be able to use them there.

Bloodbath can be good for leveling, but I'm too salty losing it on my WAR to take it on my NIN.
It's funny that they decided to not replace job skill given as quest rewards with anything if they were moved to cross class. Scholar lost Leeches cause Esuna is cross class, they moved Succor to 35 instead(good change mind you) and now you get a big fat nothing for doing the lvl 40 job quest. I think it's the only case? They could have like, moved a normal skill as a job skill or something and pretend it was new.

Edit: Actually seems they did that for Thunder 3, was a 46 job skill, they moved it to 45 as a job quest skill to replace apocastasis or whatever was at that level. Not for SCH though.


Probably to make it easier for people just starting off. I have zero clue. Classes are really on their way out anyway.

Yeah, they kept them around after 1.0 because they originally intended to introduce mutiple jobs for every class and we would have had something akin to "specs" in WoW. No idea why they abandoned that since I thought it was a great idea.


Maybe it's the lighting, but Yoshida looks so tired in this patch note reading stream, wow.


Yeah, they kept them around after 1.0 because they originally intended to introduce mutiple jobs for every class and we would have had something akin to "specs" in WoW. No idea why they abandoned that since I thought it was a great idea.

ACN/SMN/SCH was their testbed for that. They found it was difficult to buff/nerf one job without unbalancing the other, so they pretty much declared it a failed experiment.
It made for some interesting possible job ideas though.


Maybe it's the lighting, but Yoshida looks so tired in this patch note reading stream, wow.
He'd still be jetlagged considering he's doing this after coming back from E3. edit: actually looks like they're still in LA judging by the nondescript room they're in?


Starting this game for the first time. Atrologist looks appealing to me but I see people saying the RNG ruins the class. Is it that bad? Will people not want me?
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