Try 3600 on Gilg.Jesus. 433 people in queue to get into Ultros.
Tech: "OK Sir, we've added instances to accommodate " Best Served with Cold Steel". Should we do the same for the next solo instance 30 minutes later?"
YoshiP: "Nah. Fuck 'em. Fix it in 15 hours."
Now I'm getting the same "A system error occurred during event movement" message in the second MSQ duty...
First dungeon down. Earthly Star is stupidly good, but I'm dumb and keep burning it right before aoe damage somehow. It's not quite Assize, but it's almost as good.
I started yelling SKIP EVERYTHING as soon as people started getting into Cold Steel because... Yeah.
It seems to be happening intermittently everywhere, but if everyone watches cutscenes you're all gonna hit pipin at the same time and it's raubahn 2.0
First dungeon down. Earthly Star is stupidly good, but I'm dumb and keep burning it right before aoe damage somehow. It's not quite Assize, but it's almost as good.
I started yelling SKIP EVERYTHING as soon as people started getting into Cold Steel because... Yeah.
It seems to be happening intermittently everywhere, but if everyone watches cutscenes you're all gonna hit pipin at the same time and it's raubahn 2.0
I don't like losing story but I'll do that next time and watch people streaming the quests I skipped later. Better than to stay put for hours.
Earthly Star is the best! So pretty.
It'll get worse. The pileup from Raubahn is getting bigger and bigger.It's starting to sound like there are a decent number of solo instances sort of throughout; just hit Kugane and /shout about one that's kicking people.
Doesn't sound as bad as Cold Steel, but I dunno if it's going to get worse.
So not being able to click cards off on AST: intentional (stealth) nerf or just "they didn't think this through"?
Teknoman: Yes, that's correct.
PVP giving XP is such a good change.
Really trying to get used to the new PVP system though.
Wait... does PvP give xp to Pve? Or just your PvP rank?
This doesn't effect someone who bought the steam version in the first place right?Note to players who initially owned FFXIV on PC before it was released on Steam and then decided to buy it on Steam when that version was available (and used the same email for both):
Square will not let you redeem the steam keys on your account as they consider your account a non-steam PC account. You MUST buy the non-steam PC version of Stormblood from Square's store.
Consider that a PSA
No, only the (hopefully) rare situation where they had a non-steam PC account before they rebought it on steam (IIRC FFXIV launched on steam at the same time as the 2.0 relaunch).This doesn't effect someone who bought the steam version in the first place right?
PvE as well.
You get about 600k on a win in Frontlines.
Note to players who initially owned FFXIV on PC before it was released on Steam and then decided to buy it on Steam when that version was available (and used the same email for both):
Square will not let you redeem the steam keys on your account as they consider your account a non-steam PC account. You MUST buy the non-steam PC version of Stormblood from Square's store.
Consider that a PSA
pretty sure its listed somewhere that pc and steam arent the same thing. people ran into the same thing with HWNo, only the (hopefully) rare situation where they had a non-steam PC account before they rebought it on steam (IIRC FFXIV launched on steam at the same time as the 2.0 relaunch).
Still, it's something I would have liked to know before I bought the expansion on Steam.
Hey guys. I'm just getting into the game, level 10 character. I'm wondering if it's necessary to do the hunting logs / dungeons / those quests which you pick up by the dozen from an NPC and then activate in a specific location in order to keep up with the main quest level requirements, or can I just ignore them for the most part?
Hey guys. I'm just getting into the game, level 10 character. I'm wondering if it's necessary to do the hunting logs / dungeons / those quests which you pick up by the dozen from an NPC and then activate in a specific location in order to keep up with the main quest level requirements, or can I just ignore them for the most part?
Hey guys. I'm just getting into the game, level 10 character. I'm wondering if it's necessary to do the hunting logs / dungeons / those quests which you pick up by the dozen from an NPC and then activate in a specific location in order to keep up with the main quest level requirements, or can I just ignore them for the most part?
Stepped away, came back and was knocked off.
Queue is now 3,829. Holy fuck.
Don;t know if this is better or worst. (from like, 3 years ago)