So how are the radio stations? You have to unlock certain games or are they available from the start?
You can purchase the soundtracks from various stores throughout the game.
So how are the radio stations? You have to unlock certain games or are they available from the start?
You can purchase the soundtracks from various stores throughout the game.
Whats the consensus on English vs Japaneses voices? a couple hours in with the english voices and i think the acting is fine, but some scenes it become pretty obvious that the body language was intended for the japanese voices.
I'm fine with the English voices. It's not like anime where all I have to do is just watch the screen. I felt like I might accidentally miss out on small banter and such if I don't give my full attention to the screen, so it was an easy choice for me. I won't lie though, while I'm fine with the main cast's voices, some of the NPC voices feel unnatural at times.
I played the intro twice, once with each language, and I decided to go with English. It's really well done, there's lip syncing, and the banter just flows more naturally with the gameplay since I don't have to constantly look down to read subs. The Japanese is obviously fantastic and feels the most natural, but the subs are based on the English dub anyway which can get annoying too.
Also, someone mentioned putting the voice audio down to 90 for English and I agree, for some reason it's too loud on the default volume.
We hope you're looking forward to our DLC that will fill in the giant holes in our narrative.Chapter 13:Laughed out loud when they revealed Prompto's origin out of literally no where. Where the fuck was the build up?
Oh I did. I just ran out of patience after spending a few hours in the prior area.
Walking through Galdin Quay at night...
Prompto:Gladio:This place is so... romantic!Noctis:And you get to enjoy it with us.Ignis:All three of us...You, are a lucky man.
Snip ~
I just want to say that chapters 9-12 and the start of 13 were actually pretty good, aside from the shattered narrative and chapter 9's boss sequence. I honestly got really tired of the constant walking/running/riding around and loading in the Lucis area.
Just finished the game and OMG, loved it. What an end...
So even in the late game the storytelling fails to come together?
It's not just "us guys" - the game is getting very solid reviews from the majority of major I know I said I was done... but I just HAD to give it one more shot tonight.
An hour later, and I'm gonna say this has been the worst game I've played in the last several years. I just straight-up don't see what you guys are seeing.
I've had plenty of cutscenes with enemies still fighting in the background. Countless audio cues only to have nothing happen. I've had funny glitches galore.
But whatever. I decide to follow others advice and do some earlier quests. So I go back to Dino, and he wants me to collect an amethyst stone. I drive to the place I need to be (and let us ignore the fact you're just running back and forth here), and I head to the marker.
Nothing there.
I wander around. Nothing.
Then suddenly, Pomp screams "imperials" or something like that. What? There's nothing around me.
Until, in COMPLETE SILENCE with no music or anything, a ship just appears above me and drops a bunch of soldiers.
Why are they attacking me? I dunno. Why do they run around like zombies? I dunno.
So I attack them. They're PISS EASY. I just hold circle to win. Complete opposite of the experience I was having an hour earlier. Okay, they're gone.
Still can't queue the quest at the marker.
I wait and wander.
Until another ship - in complete silence - arrives above and drops more soldiers.
This happens FOUR MORE TIMES.
And this point, I'm convinced the game is broken.
I leave, go to camp. Level up THREE LEVELS.
Go back to the marker... sure enough, more silent enemy drops. But this time, they're kicking my ass. Like, I got wrecked almost instantly. This happened twice.
I honest-to-God have no clue if I'm playing the game right. If I'm playing it wrong. If it's glitchy or just has shit production values. But yeah, I ain't even mad - it's just silly at this point.
"Search for this thing" quests would be too easy (even by this game's standards) if the quest marker told you exactly where the thing was. Instead, the map shows a translucent blue circle around the marker, which is the area the thing *may* be located in.I honest-to-God have no clue if I'm playing the game right. If I'm playing it wrong. If it's glitchy or just has shit production values. But yeah, I ain't even mad - it's just silly at this point.
It's only a problem in the beginning.Bah I wish the night daemons wouldn't spawn on the road, I mean I get them wanting to make it dangerous at night for hunting or questing, but driving too? It's just kind of annoying you really can't do anything during the night, well, besides sleep.
"Search for this thing" quests would be too easy (even by this game's standards) if the quest marker told you exactly where the thing was. Instead, the map shows a translucent blue circle around the marker, which is the area the thing *may* be located in.
Look for an odd rock formation and a glinting yellow thing on the ground within that circle.
I just want to say that chapters 9-12 and the start of 13 were actually pretty good, aside from the shattered narrative and chapter 9's boss sequence. I honestly got really tired of the constant walking/running/riding around and loading in the Lucis area.
Isin this game in any form or just Kingsglaive?Ultros
What level are you? Iron Giants one shot me, they are extremely annoying.I've been doing sidequests to stall for time before I head out to do the Titan quest.
Deadeye was ridiculously easy in the final game compared to Episode Duscae. I beat an Iron Giant with magic without taking damage. The enemy I've had the most trouble with would have to be the Arachne. They're so goddamn annoying to dodge or parry.
Not really a spoiler but when does the game golinear?
On chapter 8 right now and it's been heading in that direction but not completely just yet.
Thanks in advance!
I just want to say that chapters 9-12 and the start of 13 were actually pretty good, aside from the shattered narrative and chapter 9's boss sequence. I honestly got really tired of the constant walking/running/riding around and loading in the Lucis area.
How aren't you finding the story compared to say... FFXII and FFXIII?
We've come a long way.
You need to change your TV display settings to stop it from over scanning. It's probably cutting stuff off for everything you just haven't noticed it before FFXV.Is there a way to adjust the screen size? A bunch of stuff is getting cut off the edge of the screen for me.
I used the axe and had no problem at all with them, they went down in 3 swings of it.
EDIT: Sneaky quick edit sir.