Son Of Sparda
I honestly don't know. I just got the prompt saying that I was strong enough now. Level 37.Isn't that just after a fixed number of chapters?
I honestly don't know. I just got the prompt saying that I was strong enough now. Level 37.Isn't that just after a fixed number of chapters?
It was the same garbage to me.I enjoyed Leons stuff but I hated Ch13.
Oh, I forgot you could even upgrade weapons. Yeah, I've had like 6 Cid upgrades just telling me to do more quests and wait for about 5 Chapters straight now. I've done a ridiculous amount of sidequests/hunts/main quests and they never finished. I stopped caring.
Well, it's a japanese gameCindy's character design is kind of..cringe worthy. How was this approved?
Honestly, he came off the same way in Japanese to me.
Yeah, he comes off like that in JP too, lol.
Some of them are required for weapon upgrades and you can infuse them into magic for various effects so yes, there's a pretty good reason not to do so unless you have dozens upon dozens of dupes.
I did shitloads of side content, was probably about your same level when I finished Chapter 3 and now I'm hitting a big difficulty spike in Chapter 7, so it's not like doing all the sidequests in Ch3 just lets you one-shot every enemy for the rest of the game.
That's not going to happen. Leveling up absolutely makes things easier but you won't be running around one-shotting everything. My party is level 70 with some endgame gear and I don't think I can even one-shot level 25 monsters.
(Unless you use a lot of magic, of course. It's very overpowered.)
So...side quests disappear once you proceed through a chapter? I'm at chapter 2 and I recall there being a side quest at the top left portion of the map and it's not there anymore.![]()
You still have a chocobo regalia code? Been looking for it.It comes in your inventory automatically once you enter the code. So you can't choose to use it or not. It's just there. It's not a big deal for early in the game aside from the 2x XP place but that's still 5k a stay which is rough going. Most hotels are cheap and gas is like 10 gil with out it so yeah... lol
I think I might have extra codes but I don't know if they work or not.
Might be me but Takka looks like they modeled him after Forest Whitaker. Then there's guy that asks you to take pictures in Lestallum. He looks like Hurley from Lost to me...
Would love one!So... I think I have a second Amazon road trip code from browsing through my past emails. Not sure if redeemed or not, but I'm willing to give it away to someone who doesn't have it yet. First person to quote will get the code.
Again, not sure if it has been redeemed or not but I do have 2 codes that Amazon sent me.
I use the common ones to boost my magic into dualcasts or tricasts.I usually sell the pieces that common mobs drop and leave the rest just in case as poster above said. That way I still have money coming in I spend on curatives A LOT![]()
I'm getting absolutely owned by. I'm level 14....too soon?Deadeye
Just found out that wholestuff that we saw from the trailers from e3 2013 was cut out? Damn shame looked like an interesting setpiecefight your way out of the kingdom being invaded
Maybe they will do something with the DLC about it
Yeah I couldn't figure that out either.There's apparently a mechanic to use to kill him bybut I could never figure out how to target them.shooting the barrels
No missable trophies.So I want to platinum the game but I don't wan't to look at the secret trophies, are there any missable secret trophies?
So I want to platinum the game but I don't wan't to look at the secret trophies, are there any missable secret trophies?
So Prompto just had a heart felt talk to me random at a rest stop. Those feels.
I find it hilarious that the hammerhead store guy is caught off guard every time you talk to him.
My summarized review:
+ The world is amazing and very immersive. The world never felt boring to me and it was exploring every nook and cranny.
+ There's a lot of things to do, and I haven't even touched all of them yet.
+ The dungeons were fantastic. These are probably the best designed dungeons in FF.
+ The random banter amongst the bros was fun. Not to mention Prompto's photography makes it even more awesome.
+ The battle system was fine and it actually worked
+ Somnus was amazing
+ The ending was great
- I didn't feel the narrative was a mess, but rather incomplete and cut off. [Slight spoilers on the latter half]- The lack of characterization of a lot of characters. A lot didn't have screentime (or suddenly cease to exist) for me to actually to care for them.The last half of the game was like Xenogears Disc 2 although more interactive. This part was incredibly short (5-6 hours from Chapter 10-15). It seems like they want to rush this out the window and cut a looooooot of stuff. Namely the exclusion of Tenebrae.
- One chapter was terrible. [Spoilers]Chapter 13 was bad. It felt like a completely different game (like MGS/RE styled) and it was a long chapter.
Story review:
I feel like this story has a lot of potential but a lot of it was cut off in favor of the open world and DLC. The open world was good no doubt but the story had way too many plot holes and stories happening in the background even up to the end. At least in the end it tried to solidify the story as much as it can but the other characters, even Luna, have barely been fleshed out at all. At least one positive note about this story is that it isn't convoluted and it didn't assume you know the entire mythos like what FFXIII did. It's grounded in reality so it's more relatable.
I'd give this FF game an 8.5/10. It's not perfect thanks to the narrative but it's very immersive and the open world was great.
My FF ranking:
X > VII >= IX > XV > IV >= VI > XIII > V > XII > III > I > II
If I compare it to XII and XIII. This game is much more "Final Fantasy" than XII and XIII. XII's world was boring (I know you guys loved Ivalice but I felt a mainline Ivalice-themed FF wasn't my thing), XIII on the other hand was convoluted and assumed you know a lot of things, but the story was at least coherent and contiguous. XV at least tried to make sure the story is still understandable despite the problems, though you still have to watch Kingsglaive and Brotherhood to get a better grasp on the overall story.
Yeah I couldn't figure that out either.
You can manually target magic if you hold down the attack button... you can see where it will land on the ground and use the sticks to adjust that.There's apparently a mechanic to use to kill him bybut I could never figure out how to target them.shooting the barrels
I assume the reason this guy Takka is so damn surprised to see me every time I talk to him is explained in the movie or anime or whatever. Makes no sense. Why is he so paranoid and skittish?? Kind of hilarious.
Just found out that wholestuff that we saw from the trailers from e3 2013 was cut out? Damn shame looked like an interesting setpiecefight your way out of the kingdom being invaded
Maybe they will do something with the DLC about it
Chapter 13 spoilersanyone have tips for the Ravus fight? Or should I just level up a bit more and keep on trying? I haven't had any problems until now.
You still have a chocobo regalia code? Been looking for it.
lol no, Takka's not in the side stuff. I've been wondering why he acts all startled every time too. Are Noct and friends that intimidating, or is he just shocked by their fashion sense?
There's nothing more satisfying than blowing the Magitek troops to the 9th circle of hell with a well placed spell as soon as they land.
Is the combat more faster and smoother compared to the judgement demo? The combat in that demo was a little too slow and swordplay had a slight delay in response. I'm so torn about getting this.