The PS1 games are my favorites in the franchise, and I can honestly tell you I'm loving this game (With the exception of a couple of dungeons). This is the most "Final Fantasy" a game in the franchise has felt in MANY years.
I really disagree with you there. I'm loving this game too despite some flaws but as someone who has played every Final Fantasy on release since II to me this is the first game that doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy anymore (even 13 felt like it though I didn't like it).
I'm not sure if it's the seemingly tighter budget, lack of polish, rushed feeling, cell phones and cars/realism, "open world", poor story delivery or a combination of everything or what else. It just no longer has the Final Fantasy identity and feeling to me which is the saddest thing I take away from this game.
And all the references to past games (chocobos/gil etc.) seem really out of place. Not that they don't work or aren't useful, just in the like "oh yeah, that's right this is supposed to be Final Fantasy" kind of way. I still am very much enjoying the game though.