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Final Fantasy XV |OT| There and back again.

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I don't know how I feel about these sudden
flashbacks, lol. Though I see the dual-narrative theme they're trying to get at.

That said...Stand By Me really is the perfect theme for this game. For better or for worse. xP The idea of standing together deliberately crops up more than a few times here, and it seems like when they were looking 'round for a good promotional song they laughed and said screw it let's go with some Ben King. And thus the strange and wonderful heart of FFXV was reborn.


Finally got T
to trigger (summon spoiler maybe?). It was really awesome. I wish the game would spread it out a little more evenly with which summon it uses, since you can't seem to pick one. I almost always get R
. Also, if the cast of FFXV is correct, I've been saying that name wrong for years and years.

Anyways, this weekend I just spent time doing all the side content I can do at my point in the game, and I think it completely overpowered me. I somehow had all the items necessary for Noctis'
Ultima Blade
and I haven't even left for A
yet. I'm also levels 45,45,44,44 right now, which i'm fairly certain is way too high for that point in the game, whoops.

I still prefer doing the side missions that way, because I like to just blast through the story missions when I start doing them, to keep the story front and center and fresh in my mind.

I'm really really fond of this battle system, the more I play it, and wouldn't mind if it finds its way to FF7R - with one exception. I don't want to control only Cloud for the whole game. It works for Noctis because he can essentially "be" any of the characters by equipping whatever weapons he wants. Also, I can't believe I went so long without using the Armitage or whatever it's called. So damn cool looking.

Also, I am actually surprised that defense is an important stat in this game. For a long time, i was running 0 or low defense, and getting murdered constantly in longer fights with many enemies, now I evened it out a bit and all of the battles are more manageable.

I just got (party spoiler)
the dragoon lady
in my party, and decided to call it a night, but I'm really excited to get home to play more. I am so happy this game ended up being good (so far).


Well this is my first FF, so I'm not particularly burdened with comparing it to previous entries. I'm just taking as it is. I definitely can't overlook its flaws, but I've greatly enjoyed what I've played so far. And I like the second half so far despite how relatively short it's been, but then again I guess that's because shit is happening lmao, despite it being pretty nonsensical.

I'm not comparing it to other FFs. I'm comparing it to actual good games.

I'm just using FF13 as a reference since so many people say, "Just wait until 20 hours in and it gets good."

In FF15 it's, "After 20 hours in, the game falls apart."


How do I do armiger special attacks? I have two weapons but I saw these crazy special attacks on the gb quick look. Or is it story related to unlock?


Can someone give me some tips for the combat? Lock on, don't lock on?

I'm pressing circle to attack and holding it.

Dodging sucks because there aren't really any queues to see when you're fighting 4 or 5 enemies at a time.

Should I involve the people in my party a bit more?

Should I use more potions?

Should I try playing this more like a Dark Souls game?

Seems like the combat is all over the place in this game...

A really good thing to learn, is that when you aren't locked onto an enemy, you can press triangle to throw your weapon through them and appear on the other side. You don't damage the enemy, but it really helps with positioning.

If your fighting a large group of enemies, use this to get you out of a tight spot so that you can preposition and think about what your going to do next.

This also helps with getting blindside strikes. You warp through the enemy, then lock on and warpstrike them in the back or side.

You will start to notice tells on enemies after fighting them for awhile, but you are going to get hit in the back from time to time, with no way to avoid it. Enemies have a specific sort of rhythm to their attacks though, so you can kind of predict when you have been attacking to much and it's time to warp out or start dodging.

There is also a decoy ability you can get in the combat AP tree, which is really nice to have.


I never quite understood retrospectives. I mean, that's not true. I understand why people do them and what insight they bring.

What I don't understand is why peoples opinions are changed by them.

Why does it matter what the game is perceived as 2-3 years later? I'm having fun playing it, now, in the moment. Isn't that all that matters? Like with DA:I, or even Skyrim. Sure, I can look back on then and point out all their flaws, and appreciate the latter-day analysis, but man those dozens of hours were a blast and nobody should have their opinion changed based on them.


Not feeling it. Put about 6 hours in and it's just not for me. Nor was XIII...or X. Off to Best Buy it goes.

I freaking love Kingdom Hearts despite the messy plotlines. I remember being unable to sleep leading up to the release of the second game. But for some reason I can never get into FF, which is bizarre to me considering this is the flagship series.


Unconfirmed Member
I wish I could turn off the Chocobo music..... It kind of ruins a few of these chapters that should be tense but you have to travel a long distance without the car....


I'm honestly not sure why this game has friendly fire for the magic to begin with. Ramuh nuking the place does nothing but a little magic grenade does?
God damn, the camera in this game is just atrocious. I'm already pretty much hating the combat, but then this shit on top is the icing on the cake.


I'm honestly not sure why this game has friendly fire for the magic to begin with. Ramuh nuking the place does nothing but a little magic grenade does?

After finishing the game I'm not even sure why they bothered to make this as final fantasy 15.

My faith toward Square Enix just completely banished.


I'm honestly not sure why this game has friendly fire for the magic to begin with. Ramuh nuking the place does nothing but a little magic grenade does?

It seems like a recipe for constant annoyance when you have effectively no control over the rest of the team except for Regroup.


One of the conversations makes it sound like Gladio is some type of sex king with women. A womanizer. I'm talking about one of the conversations the guys can have about Cidney while walking around AND one of the conversations I listened to about that Sonia lady or frog lady in Duscae. Noctis and Prompto are like, "How did you come to meet her?!" And Gladi is all like, "You know how I am."

Gladio also makes it sound like he wants to pursue Cidney (just like from Episode Ducae) and that he could get her if he wanted to.


I'm beginning to think that with just a couple of commands to give to the party could have changed the BS so much better than it is right now... even some very simple AI to manage how they should fight like in the old FF (front-medium-high distance / healer-damagedealer-support)
And the fact that all the BS is about fighting togheter make it even stranger that there are not such minimal implentations...
Is there a guide to the magic creation stuff? I get the concept of making basic fire/blizzard/thunder spells, but the idea of adding an item into the mix seems random to me.


I'm honestly not sure why this game has friendly fire for the magic to begin with. Ramuh nuking the place does nothing but a little magic grenade does?

Magic is powerful as fuck, a real power of nature. To balance that out, you are supposed to feel the consequences of such power every time you decide to use it. Magic isn't designed to be used all the time in this game.

Is there a guide to the magic creation stuff? I get the concept of making basic fire/blizzard/thunder spells, but the idea of adding an item into the mix seems random to me.

Just go through the item list and create whatever sounds good to you. It's not a particularly complex system.


Magic is powerful as fuck, a real power of nature. To balance that out, you are supposed to feel the consequences of such power every time you decide to use it. Magic isn't designed to be used all the time in this game.

What sounds like a good idea in theory turns out to be a shit idea for gameplay and in practice.

They shouldn't have given you only one way to get your crew out of the area. You should be able to tell them to move. Ignis' ability doesn't even work very well since they always regroup where he is, which is usually where the monsters are.

It's dumb.


42 hours logged, Level 46, near towards the end of Chapter 8.

Guess it's time to move on with the story haha. I'll complete the rest of the open world content in post game.


Finally finished it.

First of all, the combat is great, if you think it's just holding square and circle you simply don't understand it. I suggest watching guides on YouTube, or I can help to show you with share play on ps4.

The last scene was very touching and emotional.

But man that chapter 13. That lasted 2 good hours too long. Absolutely horrendous. I don't understand. Like they obviously knew it was garbage, but wanted to make sure the "story" took a minimum of hours to beat heh...

Last chapter was pretty sick though.

Overall I would objectively give it a 7, as long as you play the way you like and mix it up.

Personally I give it an 8 because it did connect with me on some very subjective levels.

Hopefully they can iron some things out with patches.

The off screen things really feels like a joke by the end though.

Like... The game has so many flaws, but also a lot of quality, so depending on your sensibilities....

The soundtrack perfectly represents the game in that regard. Some gorgeous masterpieces mixed with repetitive mediocrity.

In my eyes the good outweighs the bad. It had some incredibly beautiful and fun moments, that I rarely experienced in games.


What sounds like a good idea in theory turns out to be a shit idea for gameplay and in practice.

Don't know, I always enjoyed using magic and felt that the damage dealt to my enemies pretty much always outweighed its negative effect it had on my party. It saved my ass a good number of times as well.


Is there a guide to the magic creation stuff? I get the concept of making basic fire/blizzard/thunder spells, but the idea of adding an item into the mix seems random to me.

I'm not sure if there's a guide, but when you look at a catalyst, it shows you what the resulting spell will be, and the name is generally self-explanatory (e.g., Quintcast, Expericast, Healcast, Venomcast). Adding more of that catalyst boost its effect. Catalysts that are more rare/valuable give more powerful effects.
So I just got to the 2nd area and the game is finally becoming fun for me. Not a huge fan of the combat it just feels random as shit with the partner AI but otherwise liking it...my only other complaint so far is the world is just too large for what is in it. So many just areas of nothing. Overall though I am enjoying it especially running like hell away from Iron Giants that spawn on top of me lol.


Gold Member
So the imperial dropship constant attacks are annoying as hell. It's literally happening every 30 sec I was running around trying to find Cactuar spawning point.

i am level 21 in Ch 3 and Imperials are now lvl 19. It's not too bad but it's constant fucking spawns. It really is a killjoy at the current spawn rates. Is there an item later on that would decrease the spawn rates by chance?

Oh and once they dropped a freaking Lvl. 76 mech just to say hello. Really SE?! I noped out of there very quick (also having attack and sprint on sale button is batshit crazy since I will randomly attack some scorpion when trying to run away from the above Lvl 76 mech). I could see say level 30-35 mech drop as a challenge but one 50+ levels above?! It was doing 6K damage a pop and only by luck it didn't get a whole party so I was able to recover and sprit the hell away as I was fighting the camera and genius placement of the sprint button.

Edit: Still love the game but that particular gen got to me.


Magic is powerful as fuck, a real power of nature. To balance that out, you are supposed to feel the consequences of such power every time you decide to use it. Magic isn't designed to be used all the time in this game.

So that's a decent lore reason but the upshot of the way it was implemented is that Noctis is either an asshole that nukes his friends along with the enemy or never uses magic ever unless he knows instantly at the start of the fight that it is needed before everyone gets in melee with the enemy.


Gold Member
So that's a decent lore reason but the upshot of the way it was implemented is that Noctis is either an asshole that nukes his friends along with the enemy or never uses magic ever unless he knows instantly at the start of the fight that it is needed before everyone gets in melee with the enemy.
I took that mode that reduced magic damage by 30%. It helped quite a bit. Plus the damage your party takes seems way less then the mob damage.

I usually Nuke, fight, use Ignis' regroup when available and then Nuke again. That's in fights where I need to use some serious magic.

Edit: I also deeply wish we had AI strategy commands.


Don't know, I always enjoyed using magic and felt that the damage dealt to my enemies pretty much always outweighed its negative effect it had on my party. It saved my ass a good number of times as well.

Same, I stopped really caring about what happened to them.


I'm talking about one of the conversations the guys can have about Cidney while walking around AND one of the conversations I listened to about that Sonia lady or frog lady in Duscae. Noctis and Prompto are like, "How did you come to meet her?!" And Gladi is all like, "You know how I am."

My interpretation was that Gladio is just a bit of a nature freak, and is more amicable* to weird quirky people than the rest of the party.

* Side-note: the Latin names in this game are terrible. "Ignis Scientia" is the fucking worst.


Okay, so why have it punish you for using it in the first place if it wasn't a real hindrance and you didn't care?

Not like I said I want it to hurt my friends. I'd definitely prefer for it to not be a thing, though I can appreciate how realistic it is I guess, and I understand how they want it to be this sort of desperate measure. I just don't care nearly as much as others to really bother to complain about it. (Not that it's wrong to, just that there's more pressing things I'm focusing on) It's powerful as fuck, so I use it without impunity, regardless of who's around. As that other guy said, the positives outweighed the negatives.


So that's a decent lore reason but the upshot of the way it was implemented is that Noctis is either an asshole that nukes his friends along with the enemy or never uses magic ever unless he knows instantly at the start of the fight that it is needed before everyone gets in melee with the enemy.

I regard it more as a desperate measure to turn the tides in a hopeless battle. Coming out of a battle scratched but alive beats dying in battle, after all. If you want to put it into more melodramatic terms, I guess you could say that a good king also has to be willing to make difficult decisions that might hurt the people dear to him in the short term, but are a benefit to them long term.

But, sure, I can absolutely understand why a lot of people dislike how magic has been solved in FFXV. Personally, it was fun to me that using magic was a decision instead of something you just do.


Not like I said I want it to hurt my friends. I'd definitely prefer for it to not be a thing. I just don't care nearly as much as others to bother complain about it. It's powerful as fuck, so I use it without impunity, regardless of who's around. As that other guy said, the positives outweighed the negatives.

So...what's the point of having it hurt your friends if the benefits outweigh the negatives so much as to be pointless?

It's stupid.

And, like somebody said, doesn't even work with in-universe logic since a summon should kill all of you.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Anyone know what the musical interlude is called when you find royal arms?


Finished the game yesterday, shame to see such negativity around here. The story was a little bit of a mess and kinda not there till chapter 9, then the devs were clearly "oh crap we gotta wrap this up" so then it starts moving so fast they don't have time to actually flesh it out so I can see why there is some hostile feelings towards the game.

But I loved it all. The story missions were fun, I had some amazing battles both with boss and non boss battles, I love how insane the combat gets, and since I love the combat, having all these side quests is awesome for me.

Loved the chemistry between the bros, and their bond. Also loved each of em individually.

The last scene with Noctis remembering the start of the game pushing the car, then credits with that song, oh lord I about lost it. Tabata knows how to gut punch you with endings.

I admit the game had issues, mostly story related. But overall easy 9/10 for me. I say bravo Square-Enix, Bravo.


So...what's the point of having it hurt your friends if the benefits outweigh the negatives so much as to be pointless?

It's stupid.

And, like somebody said, doesn't even work with in-universe logic since a summon should kill all of you.

I don't really understand why you're seemingly attempting to drag me into an argument. I don't disagree with anything you've said so far about it being "stupid", it's just that I don't care as much

If they're in the way, they're in the way. If not, then great.


I don't really understand why you're seemingly attempting to drag me into an argument. I don't disagree with anything you've said so far about it being "stupid", it's just that I don't care as much

If they're in the way, they're in the way. If not, then great.

I'm not trying to argue. I'd like to understand how it makes any sense in game.
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