There's also a level 72 around there that one shots, I don't think they meant for anyone even near the 40s and 50s to kill that thing. What I did was just spam triangle forward to skip the the enemies. I was 48 when I finished the game and I could kill the packs but it took way too long and way too many potions to do them. You should be fine for the end of the game at 45 or maybe even a bit lower as long as you brought enough potions and elixirs. At 48 the end stuff felt easy, but I did use quite a bit of consumables.
Insomnia felt kind of odd, like they just dropped a few high level enemies there and done. I also encountered a level 83 at the start of chapter 14. Barely touched half his HP with Leviathan, but he died after some magic and blocking.
Considering going into post-game content now. Feel a bit better about the game after sleeping on it.
Considering going into post-game content now. Feel a bit better about the game after sleeping on it.