We'll spare you the details, but translating a video game is NOT easy, especially when you must reverse-engineer it. As such, there are some tiny glitches that we cannot fix right now or ever.
A. During dialogue, character names get cut off towards the bottom of the name box.
Fix: Too complicated. We've asked for help, but nobody knows how to fix it. We DO want to fix it though.
B. The text rewind function (press R when in dialogue) cuts off towards the far right.
Fix: Available, but apparently causes graphical glitches.
C. Various graphical oddities in the Wi-Fi setup utility. Notably, when creating a new connection, there is a mysterious "blank" option in the middle of "AOSS" and "Manual Setup". If you press this option, nothing will happen, but you can press B to cancel.
Fix: Probably not worth the time.
D. The white horizontal lines under the location names in the world map dialogue are inconsistently sized.
Fix: Possible, but hardly important.
E. Some of the dialogue
is spaced rather awkwardly. Kind of
like this.
Fix: Possible, but requires a LOT of time and effort, and doesn't really affect much. The main body of Prologue I to Chapter 11 and the first 30 or so base conversations (in Event Recap order) are largely free of awkward spaces.
F. Emulator bugs: these are nothing to do with the patch and thus are not our responsibility to fix.
i. Missing sound effects, eg. damage, walking sounds
ii. Top screen during chapter openings looks like a glitched mess
iii. Some music makes your speakers cracklezzz. Particularly the opening demo and the title screen musics.