As far as I know, Acekard 2i still hasn't been updated for 4.4.0-10.Sounds like the r4i and Acekard2i are updated pretty frequently. Not too concerned.
What exactly is this bonus content they provide saves to unlock?
Where can I snag a legit Japanese copy of this at a half decent price?
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
It's worth noting that the Rainbow potion and the maturity drops are super broken. Considering the game already offers a non-permadeath mode, it's better not to use them unless you want to go nuts.
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Wow, did anyone else with a 3DS XL/LL take out their old DS and get floored by how tiny the screens are?
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Gods among men.Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
How come?You need a DSi XL.
I love my 3DS XL but I couldn't live without my DSi XL either.
I never understood the criticism for SD. It wasn't the best FE ever, but it was very respectable, and a great game.
Sure, the graphics are a disappointment, but whatever, it's FE, meaning the only way to play it is removing all graphic effects.
Excited for this patch.
How come?
How come?
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Huh. Never thought the difference was so pronounced.Because DS games on a 3DS look blurry and washed-out, whereas on the DSi XL they look gloriously crisp and vibrant.
I was so bummed when this wasn't localized. You guys just made my week. Thank you so much for this! Y'all good people.Phew, that's one massive burden (not in the negative sense) off my mind.
Hope everyone enjoys the patch! We put in hundreds of man (and woman) hours to get this baby finished.
Vincent typically doesn't update the site during these hours, I think. He'll surely update it later in the day when he gets on.wait WHAT?!? It's not even on Serenes Forest yet!
fake edit: at least... not on the main page yet.
So uh..... NBA Jam advertisement in the OP, eh?
Can someone compare FE12 to FE7 (Blazing Sword, the first GBA one)? In terms of difficulty, length, complexity, whatever? However you want to compare them. Would just be good to know what it's like through comparison to the 2D FE I'm most familiar with.
Good to hear. FE7 might lack certain elements, but I still loved it.
On that note (FE4/5), did Thracia or Genealogy ever receive (competent) translation patches? To the point where there are no drawbacks for someone playing in English?
Yeesh.There's a hidden fifth difficulty unlocked when you beat Lunatic. It's called Lunatic' (Note the apostrophe) and it's basically the same as Lunatic, exceptall enemy units have a hidden Vantage skill that's "always on". This means that whenever you initiate an attack, the enemy unit will ALWAYS attack first (provided he is range of countering).
I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it somewhat amusing that the latest if not possibly final DLC character from Fire Emblem Awakening happens to be Katarina. Intelligent Systems were obviously onto you guys.
You can get those two for free ^^NO! I want fucking Nephenee and Sigurd damn it!
You can get those two for free ^^
The advertised DLC characters are mostly gimmicks IMO.