Five hours into this...damn, it's so good :') Only other FE I finished was 7 on GBA (the one just called 'Fire Emblem' over here), which I adored...played some of Shadow Dragon as well which I liked but wasn't crazy over.
While I still prefer certain aspects of the GBA game (the entirely 2D visuals for one), this is such a polished and engrossing take on the formula. Tell you what though...I'm glad I picked 'normal', even though it's recommended for series beginners...the challenge is already ramping up pretty fiercely! Also, I am playing on classic mode, which I can tell is going to drive me to insanity...even at this stage I'm very attached to my characters.
Also...this is making me desperately wish I had an XL, feel like I have to squint at times on the OG screen :/