Wooo, postman just delivered Fire Emblem 
Hard Classic here I come!
Going in blind.
Hard Classic here I come!
Going in blind.
I'll probably grab the Hot Springs one then. Given how easy the maps should be I assume most tiles = fastest tile grinding.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
edit: the model they use when they talk, as seen in that pic.
Ok, my Panne is at level 22. What is the best I can do with her? Stick as a Taguel until 30, reclass her into something else now, later...?
And Nowi too, but she's still at 16.
How much grinding are we talking?
If none, reclass to theif and promote to assassin, she's really good in that class and gives you another lockpicker and +1 movement.
With some grinding, Griffin Rider is worth hitting for Lancebreaker, since that helps nullify Beastkiller lances. Swordfaire is also decent for her since she has limited skill options. Still worth ending as an Assassin.
Somewhat similar with Nowi. Wyvern Lord for Swordbreaker since that helps out with Wyrmslayers, optionally Lancebreaker. Also Dark Knight for Lifetaker, then back to Manakete.
I can do some grinding, but I don't want to do it too much :lol
I guess I'll reclass Panne to Thief and Nowi to Wyvern Lord. Should I reclass now or wait till 30?
My Lissa just hit War Cleric 15. Yay, Renewal. Now... she either goes Dark Flier to pass on Galeforce or she goes Sage to be an awesome Lissa. Or I go Dark Flier, run EXPonential Growth 15 times and have her go Sage while still only a C at best in tomes... and Galeforce.
Still only at chapter 20. I'd worry about breaking the game, but... Chrom is already very powerful, so is the Avatar and Sumia. So, I think it's a little late to worry about that now. Would also like Chrom at Paladin 15 so I can get him to Great Lord as he should be.
I can start doing promotions now, main crew is around 12-15. Should I hold out until 20 which I read somewhere or make start now? My highest is the main dude who is son 18
Well, the big issue with going Dark Flier with her is she's the best Staff user I have. Probably the only one with an A rank. She's be quite the powerhouse offensively as Dark Flier, I'd imagine, which would be fun on its own, but the only one else with a staff is Sumia as a Falcon Knight. Accidents happen, and suddenly you need someone healed... Would be bad if i couldn't.Dark Flier is very much a magic class, so Lissa should do well in it. Though she'll do better if you go through Sage first, since she'll go in with excellent magic and, presumably, the Tomefaire skill.
Sage is definitely a better "final" class for her though.
You can rescue grind through sage if money is not an issue and then hit Dark Flier, but that would undoubtedly break the game for you.
I don't suppose Rescue Staff spam will level up Staff quickly, too? Would really like someone else at Physic level...
I'd reclass Panne right away since you're going to a base class.
Nowi you could go either way, but if you reclass her before 30 you will have to go through Wyvern Rider before you hit Wyvern Lord. Neither of it's skills are all that great (+2 strength, and +10 hit when no allies are within 3 spaces). Reclassing now would be quicker though, especially if you promote at level 10-15 instead of 20. Whether or not that's a good idea just depends on how her stats are at that point.
I'd reclass Panne right away since you're going to a base class.
Nowi you could go either way, but if you reclass her before 30 you will have to go through Wyvern Rider before you hit Wyvern Lord. Neither of it's skills are all that great (+2 strength, and +10 hit when no allies are within 3 spaces). Reclassing now would be quicker though, especially if you promote at level 10-15 instead of 20. Whether or not that's a good idea just depends on how her stats are at that point.
Wyvern lord's swordbreaker isn't great now?
Wyvern lord's swordbreaker isn't great now?
It's the Marth DLC worth it? It's free at the moment but I'm not quite ready to get stuck in to this yet (it's next in the queue) Not sure how long it's going to be free for..
It's the Marth DLC worth it? It's free at the moment but I'm not quite ready to get stuck in to this yet (it's next in the queue) Not sure how long it's going to be free for..
Do you receive the award in DLC maps every time you complete them? +2 stats?
Sweet, I'll leave it for now, I'd rather get into the game when I can dedicate more time to it. Baffles me why you can't access DLC without completing chunks of the campaign first.
Well, I was asked to tell if Virion x Olivia was a sweet pairing, and it is. Maybe a little one-note with him teaching her how to dance (Which one is the Dancer, again?), but it's sweet enough. Blushing Olivia is cute anyway.
Well, one more pairing down. Four to go. And Lissa x Henry is looking fun.
The A support is actually the sweeter one. And with perhaps the best use of Virions "ALL HAIL ME!" voice clip.You have completed my research, I have nothing to give you but my thanks and a support level I guess.
So Virion is also a delightful dancer, I should've known!
The A support is actually the sweeter one. And with perhaps the best use of Virions "ALL HAIL ME!" voice clip.
How is Olivia's support with the Avatar, anyway? I'd guess it has something to do with building confidence...
The A support is actually the sweeter one. And with perhaps the best use of Virions "ALL HAIL ME!" voice clip.
How is Olivia's support with the Avatar, anyway? I'd guess it has something to do with building confidence...
Confidence? Well, not quite. But they build something. Literally.
And Virion is the master of everything, no surprise he's a good dancer.
Anna is a good fit for your avatar who also happens to be the only one that Anna can marry. You should think about this!Regarding marriages... I think I will mary Avatar to Tharja. Who are good fits for Anna and Lissa?
Best choice.Regarding marriages... I think I will merry Avatar to Tharja
Only the avatar can marry Anna.
And as for who is the best fit, personality wise it's just up to you based on the supports. If you are concerned about inheritance and stats, it's best to pair Lissa up with someone who is at least fairly competent with magic. Libra, Henry, Ricken, even Virion.
Well, Anna only supports one male character...yeah she can only be a mother if the Avatar marries her...speaking of which that must mean Morgan doesn't bear the strong family resemblance of Anna...Regarding marriages... I think I will mary Avatar to Tharja. Who are good fits for Anna and Lissa?
Does this also mean Morgan (F) has the generic support with the mother rather than the father?
He's inherently gimped as a physical fighter due to his mom, so if you are concerned with stats you might as well take what you're given.
Besides, you can give him tomes with stupid names which halfway makes up for it. Especially in the case of Dark tomes.
Regarding marriages... I think I will mary Avatar to Tharja.
Vaike X Tharja
No regrets.