Looking for opinions... i've played the demo of FE:A but could only really tell the high production values, though i did enjoy what i played, it was obviously first levels and easy. I know FE:A has the Casual mode and the and easier difficulties, but what i'm after is more detail as to the differences with Advance Wars gameplay, to see if some of my pet peeves with that series come across as well or if FE may be more fun for me.
I have every Advance Wars except AW2. Problem is, each and every one of them, i've tried a bunch of times and never have the motivation to continue past 5-10 chapters in.
Case in point, i recently restarted Days of Ruin and I just finished Chapter 8. But boy was it a slog, something like 30 days, frustration at fog of war, CPU endlessly producing new units from factories i couldn't reach. I got a B rank, have no idea how i'd get an S rank and only for a few moves at the beginning did i feel like i had a cohesive strategy. I'm just not very good at the damn series, certainly not enough to feel like i won with skill instead of a hefty helping of luck!
But, the simplicity of play control keeps me trying over and over again to get better and heaven forbid, actually finish one of them. I also have Sacred Stones from being an Ambassadope, but haven't played it - i'd rather play Awakening first if i'm gonna give the series a go and i don't want to burn out on the series playing an earlier game.
Couple that with the fact i still need to get LM2, have DKC3D, AC:NL and Mario & Luigi coming out, and currently engrossed in PSO2 for Vita, and i am thoroughly conflicted on whether i should get FE:A as well!