JP voices are great but better to set your expectations down for Lissa.
She fucking sucks in this game and I worship Kana Asumi.
Just finished the game took me ~10 hrs(hard, casual). What to do next? Tried lunatic but stuck at prologue. lol
Am I missing something with the voice acting? I set it to Japanese, but only the handful of cutscenes are affected. All of the normal dialogue stays English.
It's a glitch. When you initially set things to Japanese, everything will be voiced in Japanese like it should, but once you reset or restart the game, then things get like what you're describing. To solve the issue, just set it to English, leave the menu and then set it to Japanese again. But you'll need to do that every time you play the game.
Haha, I've been playing through the entire game that way. I just assumed it was a super-lazy dual-audio option.
Just finished the game took me ~10 hrs(hard, casual). What to do next? Tried lunatic but stuck at prologue. lol
Well considering you can literally only change it from the super main menu of the game, it is basically a super-lazy dual-audio option,
GrindJust been going through the spotpass paralogues and paralogue 23... Fuck
Thought my characters were beasts but not beastly enough apparently
Any tips?
Just been going through the spotpass paralogues and paralogue 23... Fuck
Thought my characters were beasts but not beastly enough apparently
Any tips?
Biggest problems right now is where to properly place units and which units to pair up.
What exactly are you confused about? Skills? Classes?
Although I am happy to provide some advice , my real advice is to just play through blind. Fire Emblem is a game meant to be played on multiple playthroughs, dont worry if you finish the game with half your units dead.The 2nd time round you'll know what works and what doesnt, and you'll have a more fun time. For now I suggest you just enjoy (or not enjoy) the story.
Paralogue 16 is KILLING ME. Every time one of my team dies, that's a half-hour's worth of work just gone. Starting to think picking Classic was a huge mistake.
Finally finished Paralouge 1 with Donnel leveled up and alive. Took the advice here to always know enemy units attack ranges and to use a task to draw them in first, then pounce. Seems like patience pays off nicely.
Paralogue 16 is KILLING ME. Every time one of my team dies, that's a half-hour's worth of work just gone. Starting to think picking Classic was a huge mistake.
You monster!
Outside of the DLC map, is there a good place to grind for units that have been promoted multiple times?
Certain characters aren't earning much experience killing turnip thieves anymore
On a side note is there a good strategy (or map) to grinding out supports? That's probably one area I feel I might be weak in.
Paralogue 16 is KILLING ME. Every time one of my team dies, that's a half-hour's worth of work just gone. Starting to think picking Classic was a huge mistake.
Summon the SpotPass legacy characters and ruin them?
If you are not in the EU, doing Smash Brethern 3 or Rogues and Redeemers 3 solo is good as well.
Or the good old, summon risen in later chapters or the SpotPass paralogues levels and go from there.
Bleh, I wish there was another method besides these + using Paragon. Kind of difficult for some characters to do those maps solo (I'm playing on Lunatic).
Risen challenges only disappear after a set amount of time after they appear (I think after a day or so, someone else might be able to give a more accurate time).Got the game a couple of days ago, been thoroughly enjoying it, even if the RNG Gods have been cruel to me a couple of times (Get crit'd by the last enemy of a map anyone? T_T). Finished Donnel's paralogue and saw a challenge pop-up in The Northroad.
Holy fuck. It is impossible to beat. I've been having no major problems with the game so far (Hard, classic) but this challenge is just too much. Start surrounded by 6 Wyvern Riders and around 5 more infantry all of which are 1 or 2 levels above most of my team. There's no way I can keep all the squishies safe from being 1HITKO'd by the Wyverns, specially since they are the ones who deal the most damage.
Will the challenge disappear if I do a couple more of main chapters and come back with a higher level?
Has anyone done a Lunatic no-reload run? Grinding allowed
With grinding, yes. Too easy with Exponential Growth.
turn off the animations, it should speed up things a lot.
Will the challenge disappear if I do a couple more of main chapters and come back with a higher level?
It's a couple big threads, so I'd rather just ask:
I played through the GBA games way back, but definitely feel I missed out on a lot taking advantage of all the FE system, so what advice would you offer a relative newbie so he could not spoil the experience, but still get the most out of it with regard to relationships and such?
I guess just what would you make sure to do/not do/take advantage of/etc? Nothing depresses me more than getting 1/2 way through a game and realizing I ignored some important system or somesuch and now I've missed out.
Got the EXPonential map, as well as the Dread Fighter and Apotheosis maps. Only done the EXP one and I'm kinda underwhelmed by it. Yeah, I get lots of EXP when I kill something. But only if I'm lucky enough to do that. Frederick's a Knight at the moment, and his mobility is null. I kill like maybe one of these guys with him per run of the map. Kinda feel like I was better off grinding Harvest Scramble.
Bring Freddy along with 5 units with rescue staves, you can get a kill every turn.
Lost Bloodlines is this week's dlc. Any good?
Lost Bloodlines 3 has the veteran skill, which doubles the amount of experience you can get, and also has a fairly big number of enemies, so it's basically the best map for grinding higher level characters (who don't benefit from exponential growth anymore).
Double Bow get from Bonus Box.