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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride


I recently decided to install Dolphin and rip my FE: Path of Radiance and FE: Radiant Dawn discs to my PC's hard drive, and I realized why emulators and save-states are a blessing and a curse for games like FE - they allow you to avoid mistakes and character deaths by replaying turns, but if you're a perfectionist and completionist you will become obsessed with replaying every single action until you get things exactly the way you want them. And the RNG will become the bane of your existence, especially for level-ups - I must have spent hours re-doing actions or resetting to manipulate the RNG and get good level-ups, though on the plus side, with save-states I no longer had to reset the whole level (I will say, by the end of Radiant Dawn my core team all were at level 20 with every single stat capped, including Luck, except maybe one character didn't have max Magic).

In any case, I replayed both games so that I could get the full Soren ending - that required replaying Path of Radiance to get Ike and Soren to an A Support, transferring that to Radiant Dawn, then playing Radiant Dawn twice(!) to see the super-secret Ike / Soren support conversation (not available the first playthrough), as well as the "true" ending.

Since I beat both games years ago and knew most of the plot, I could really appreciate this time around how the games fit together and how seemingly minor details are revealed to have much greater significance later on. The games really seem like a cohesive package paired together, and it feels like they had every revelation and plot point in Radiant Dawn planned out before Path of Radiance began - to me, that's rare among games (or even other genres like films and TV shows).

On the down side, I'd forgotten how horrible the voice-acting was in Radiant Dawn - they should have kept it text-only or left it to small dialogue in the CGI scenes. Most of the actors were just flat and boring and sounded out of place (Lehran and Zelgius sounded a bit... US Mid-Western?), but some were actively horrible - the guy voicing Dheginsea had me laughing (and crying) with his attempt at a "booming" voice.
Since I beat both games years ago and knew most of the plot, I could really appreciate this time around how the games fit together and how seemingly minor details are revealed to have much greater significance later on. The games really seem like a cohesive package paired together, and it feels like they had every revelation and plot point in Radiant Dawn planned out before Path of Radiance began - to me, that's rare among games (or even other genres like films and TV shows).

I thought the same too; the two games do tie into each other rather nicely. Makes me wonder if they were originally intended as a single game or a duology/trilogy to begin with.

For instance (big to small spoilers):

They definitely had the Black Knight's true identity planned out in PoR, because if you hack Zelgius's stats (even though he never fights on the map), they're almost identical to the Black Knight's.

Similarly, Sephiran having Mantle (aka Goddess's Blessing in the Japanese version) was a massive hint, in hindsight. If you delve deep into the code, you'll find (in the Japanese version only) that he could learn Vigilance, Ulki's special hearing skill; possibly hinting at his Laguz powers.

Finally, again hidden in the code, you can find the names "Yune" and "Ashunera", so the concept of the three goddesses was probably conceived very early on too.


I thought I'd posted in here before, but maybe not it seems.

I've just recently (after giving up on the final chapters of gaiden for being far too difficult) started on Fire Emblem 3 on the Japanese Wii U VC. Loving the story so far and the way the characters are all interacting with each other again.

I've just got to the mission where you meet navaal as an enemy again and much like with the castle levels in almost every fire emblem game I've ever played, I'm having trouble with it. Haven't played in about a week but I'll crack on with it again soon.


I thought the same too; the two games do tie into each other rather nicely. Makes me wonder if they were originally intended as a single game or a duology/trilogy to begin with.

For instance (big to small spoilers):

They definitely had the Black Knight's true identity planned out in PoR, because if you hack Zelgius's stats (even though he never fights on the map), they're almost identical to the Black Knight's.

Similarly, Sephiran having Mantle (aka Goddess's Blessing in the Japanese version) was a massive hint, in hindsight. If you delve deep into the code, you'll find (in the Japanese version only) that he could learn Vigilance, Ulki's special hearing skill; possibly hinting at his Laguz powers.

Finally, again hidden in the code, you can find the names "Yune" and "Ashunera", so the concept of the three goddesses was probably conceived very early on too.

Yeah, even one of the more far-fetched plot twists:
Lord Renning still being alive and actually being the General Bertram that you fought in the first game
seems like it was planned out beforehand, because it never made sense that
they gave Renning full character artwork in Path of Radiance when you never see his character in the game, and the character artwork does match up with Bertram's portrait.
Same thing goes for Soren's backstory; the way it fits into the plot of the first story makes it seem like it wasn't something they just added on for fun in the sequel; they always intended for his character to have that background.

Even the motivations of the main villain in Radiant Dawn are tied to plot elements brought up in Path of Radiance
Lehran / Sephiran deciding to call Ashera early after the Senators murdered Misaha and the people of Begnion massacred the heron clan
, and they make sense, even if they're not particularly original. I guess I'm just used to other games and movies with plot holes and poorly thought-out motivations, so that it's notable when two games lay out a story that ties together down to smaller details, even if some of the elements are tropes or cliches.
I thought I'd posted in here before, but maybe not it seems.

I've just recently (after giving up on the final chapters of gaiden for being far too difficult) started on Fire Emblem 3 on the Japanese Wii U VC. Loving the story so far and the way the characters are all interacting with each other again.

I've just got to the mission where you meet navaal as an enemy again and much like with the castle levels in almost every fire emblem game I've ever played, I'm having trouble with it. Haven't played in about a week but I'll crack on with it again soon.

huh, I'm surprised you didn't get FE12 to play instead
I don't really know about FE3 though


huh, I'm surprised you didn't get FE12 to play instead
I don't really know about FE3 though

Thankfully all the Famicom/Super Famicom and now one of the GBA ones are on virtual console in Japan, it's alot easier and cheaper to get them there than it is to try and find them on their original formats and I know 12 did some improvements to 3s second book (first being the remake of game1) but it was just more convinient for me to do it this way.

I actually brought it a long time ago at this point but I stopped after I finished 1 to play Gaiden, just the grind of that game killed my interest for a while.


Sacred Stones hard mode is actually giving me a few fits without any arena use and only mild tower runs. Mostly due to things like having to save all the villages/villagers and refusing to use Seth until my other units are higher levels.

I had forgotten Powerful Foe. There is a lacking of remixes/arrangements on the internets for it :(



My sacred stones playthrough is stalled because I tried abusing the arena and died
this is pretty random, but what if crits worked like they did in FE4/5 again

imagine critting on ~100 attack in Awakening

edit: well Serenes Forest got an....interesting redesign
yo Aveyn Knight wanna explain what's going on?
So GAF, I blazed through the various DLC (except Apotheosis; Fuck that shit is hard) on Awakening and am starting on Path of Radiance soon.

After finishing Future Past 3 DLC, I want to catch up to the series right now since i'm still sort of a new fan to this franchise.

How did Awakening do sales-wise worldwide? Do you think they'll delve more into this particular universe with Chrom and his Sheppards? I LOVED the ending for Future Past 3, and I really hope they don't stop with this cast of characters. I have a feeling Smash 4 will bring in more sales for the franchise and get more people invested in this story and cast of characters. I know some of you aren't that crazy about Awakening's story but I personally really enjoyed it and I hope we can get maybe one sequel that expands on what happened afterwards with

I would love to see whether the hypothetical next story would take place in the Outer Realms version of Future Past 3 or the ending of the original story with Chrom and the cast and see where that takes the Sheppards next.

Would we go in this direction next or will we have a completely new storyline with new characters?

(EDIT - Oh, and if we get to make another MU PLEASE Intelligent Systems, give us more customization options! I want to look more like me this time. I'm not white. lol)
I believe the last update I saw for Awakening sales was something like 1.43m worldwide, which easily makes it the best-selling game in the series.
I believe the last update I saw for Awakening sales was something like 1.43m worldwide, which easily makes it the best-selling game in the series.

that's awesome! that gives me this feeling that either Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem or Fire emblem Wii U will feature this cast since they're the most popular sales-wise. I really want to see more happen with the sheppards, and if the rumors of SMT x FE taking place in modern day society is true, this would land a day 1 purchase for me.

Chrom x Obama A-Rank attack on a risen possesed Statue of Liberty as the final boss. lol

Still, i'll give ike and marth's story a try.


Last night, I started Radiant Dawn. Only played up to chapter 4, but am enjoying myself already. But I gotta say the Dawn Brigade is absolutely useless! You have to be really careful in every fight.

How long will it take that I can actually use Sothe with him gaining acceptable experience?

My next battle is agains Laguz in a supposed treasure room.

I don't like the artsyle nearly as much as PoR so far, but I am enjoying being back in Tellius.


Last night, I started Radiant Dawn. Only played up to chapter 4, but am enjoying myself already. But I gotta say the Dawn Brigade is absolutely useless! You have to be really careful in every fight.

How long will it take that I can actually use Sothe with him gaining acceptable experience?

My next battle is agains Laguz in a supposed treasure room.

I don't like the artsyle nearly as much as PoR so far, but I am enjoying being back in Tellius.

Obviously try not to use Sothe too much but I don't think it's helpful to completely avoid using him if you need to. By the end of the game you'll have enough exp to do pretty much anything you want within reason.


Obviously try not to use Sothe too much but I don't think it's helpful to completely avoid using him if you need to. By the end of the game you'll have enough exp to do pretty much anything you want within reason.

Thanks. I've been using him sparingly, mostly just as a wall like Tauroneo. Finished chapter 6 yesterday, which had two maps. Can't believe how often I've had to reset! Mostly because the hostages/Fiona's people just insisted on killing themselves.

Since the second map in the chapter took me forever (no time BEXP), I decided to at least use it for regular EXP. Nolan is Lvl 19, Edward 18, Micaiah and Jill 17. I hope this will be acceptable for the difficult later chapters I've heard about.


I believe the last update I saw for Awakening sales was something like 1.43m worldwide, which easily makes it the best-selling game in the series.

Pretty awesome. I need more Fire Emblem.

Lately I've been wondering how a great a remake of FE7 would be. That game formally introduced me and so many others to Fire Emblem, after Marth and Roy's inclusion in Melee, and I would love to see it remade using a variety of different mechanics introduced before and after its release.

Some ideas.

-The remake should come with a copy of the original game
-it should have Awakening's easier support convo system
-The Tactician should be a playable character but unlike Robin, who was gifted in every way, his/her overall abilities would be limited. For instance, this Tactician would be able to learn the different rallies for boosting the units around him. He/She would also have the ability to partner with other units like Robin whereas the other units would not have that ability any more.
-Like Awakening, the Tactician would be able to marry and have one or maybe two offspring. To keep it true to the original, no other unit would have that ability so having two kids maybe make it more interesting. They would be acquired at different times. I know there are cannon pairings in FE7 but eh what evs. lol

I'm not sure if having a open world map would be the best so what do you guys think? Should they go all out and make it very much like Awakening at least mechanics-wise or should they keep it closer to the original?


Speaking of remakes, here's a redraw of some of the FE4 portraits.



It's a little less distinctive / egg-like than the originals, but I could see a similar style used if a remake / updated port were made on the GBA or original DS. Any remake that would be made now would likely use Awakening's style; though I wouldn't mind even a VC release if it meant finally getting an official translation.


^^^ those pictures look like Phantasy Star. At least they remind me of it.

Just beat Brom and Nephenee's first chapter. I really like Radiant Dawn so far, because of the changing viewpoints. BUT it is definitely harder! Can't wait to have Ike's heroes back for my well-deserved revenge


Ach Ike, how I've missed you. Now this team I like. Just arrived in part III and played one chapter.

If possible Soren is even better than I remembered him. Even my Rhys is pretty damn good atm. (Transferred stat-boosts)


So I just beat Sacred Stones again, Hard Mode on Eirika's route.


It was a fair challenge in the first half of the game. The second half wasn't as much hard as it was kind of tedious; I had to really be conservative, or else I'd spread myself too thin and would leave one opening for too many people to get a hit in on a squishy mage or some such. Also liberally used the S level weapons, something I don't typically do out of some weird habit of trying to preserve everything as if that will impress someone. I didn't really focus on any supports because I am lazy, even though that would have helped in spots.

I don't really care for the narrative in the game. It seems very...neat. Each country has a Sacred Stone, and 2 S weapons. There are 3 sympathetic Grado generals and 3 cartoon evil counterparts. I just wish it was more..messy? Hard to say. It's a world that could only exist in a video game.

I love some of the music in this game, even though I think it's one of the weaker soundtracks in the series. Determination is probably my one favorite. Powerful foe is a main reason I turn on animations during boss fights. And it is heard again in Lights in the Dark and the arena theme is also very memorable.

I miss having CG stills during the game, and no gaiden chapters is a little lame. I do enjoy the class promotion trees: I think it's a good balance of having pre-defined roles for each character yet gives you flexibility based on what sort of group you want to field.

My best units ended up being Tana, Innes, Lute, and of course, Ephraim. I tried leveling the toddler units but none of them turned out that well and none saw endgame. I used Myrrh more than I typically would on a normal file, she took out any of the undead dragons for me. Lute took out DemonKing-Lyon, and Marisa took out fortymorty or whatever his name is.

The gba art is still pleasing to see, even on such a small screen. For some reason, though, the characters and color of this game seem a year or two "older" than Blazing sword. More off-primary colors, more literally older characters? It's hard to say. Some of my favorites:

Got those all from the Fire Emblem wiki but I guess they don't care to format them all the same way. I'm also too lazy to do that.

The Maps I struggled on most were:

Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach

Obviously the difficulty here lies with Joshua and also moving fast enough to get to each village. Required a little luck in getting Eirika to evade more than she should have been able to, getting Colm to anchor the axe reinforcements from the east, and getting Natasha out of harm's way once Joshua is recruited.

Chapter 9: Distant Blade

My entire struggle here was getting to the far village before the pirates. Whatever the item was, it was probably not worth it. I had to fly my fliers past a sniper and axe men only to risk an attack from a kiilling edge myrmidon and then have to make it back out alive. I couldn't move fast enough to get Amelia but luckily they give you another shot at her.

Chapter 19: Last Hope

There are waaay too many reinforcements from the south (swordmasters especially) to try to route the map. I ended up just rushing Riev at the southwest before getting outnumbers by spawns and ignoring the chest valuables.

Chapter 20: Darkling Woods

So many reinforcements on this map. I initially tried to push foward quickly but the sheer number of gargoyles simple made ganging up on someone like Lute too easy to accidentally happen. I ended up winning by simply turtling and exhausting reinforcements, so the opposite of 19, haha. I used probably 2/3's of my S weapon usage here. Parking a dodgy/tany Innes in a forest square distracted most enemies most of the time.


I like the official character artwork for FE8, probably my favorite from the GBA games.

That was the first FE I owned actually, but I never returned to it after getting others.
Maybe one day I'll return to it, but there are others I want to play/replay before it.


I watched Berserk this weekend. It was basically Path of Radiance there for a second.

Orphaned guy who wields a great sword in one hand joins a mercenary group with a female second in command. There was also a dick archer that hated Guts (read: Shinon).

Obviously, it goes in entirely different directions, but there are some pretty intense similarities. Ike is basically Guts.

I'd heard the comparisons before, but after seeing it for myself in action, it seems really likely that they used Guts as inspiration for his character. Not only in looks, but in personality too.
I just noticed PoR/RD higher difficulties tend to cut your experience gains more over making enemies tougher, what's up with that? (particularly in Radiant Dawn HM, man that exp gain is brutal)


On Sunday night I finished Radiant Dawn.

and I loved it!

The Good:

- it felt like a fantastic expansion of PoR's world
- it was huge
- seeing Ike's team back in action

The Bad:

- characterisation was not very good. I only really cared about the characters I knew from PoR, and that only because they were given some development in the previous title. Not one of the new characters were memorable. Heck, I felt more affection towards the very late addition of Volke than towards Edward, Nolan or Leonardo.
- the support mechanic is a huge downgrade over the previous one. Without the base conversations another potential element for characterisation is lost. Because of this, you get no feeling for how the non-main characters feel about anything.

The Great:

- the variety of mission objectives is unparalleled. Defend your castle, have a number of kills happen on the battlefield, rescue strangely stupid NPC-Elincia from bow users. I greatly enjoyed it.
- Zelgius. I was interested in him when he appeared briefly in PoR and finally he got a bigger role.
- because I played the two Tellius games in short succession, they feel to me like one gigantic game. So I really couldn't choose one over the other. Together they were a fantastic experience. Although I imagine only playing Radiant Dawn cannot be a lot of fun. I am glad Awakening convinced me to try these other games that I already owned.

Gotta say, I'd be up for a part 3, even if I couldn't imagine a story for it. Maybe Ike and Soren as a travelling band


On Sunday night I finished Radiant Dawn.

and I loved it!

The Good:

- it felt like a fantastic expansion of PoR's world
- it was huge
- seeing Ike's team back in action

The Bad:

- characterisation was not very good. I only really cared about the characters I knew from PoR, and that only because they were given some development in the previous title. Not one of the new characters were memorable. Heck, I felt more affection towards the very late addition of Volke than towards Edward, Nolan or Leonardo.
- the support mechanic is a huge downgrade over the previous one. Without the base conversations another potential element for characterisation is lost. Because of this, you get no feeling for how the non-main characters feel about anything.

The Great:

- the variety of mission objectives is unparalleled. Defend your castle, have a number of kills happen on the battlefield, rescue strangely stupid NPC-Elincia from bow users. I greatly enjoyed it.
- Zelgius. I was interested in him when he appeared briefly in PoR and finally he got a bigger role.
- because I played the two Tellius games in short succession, they feel to me like one gigantic game. So I really couldn't choose one over the other. Together they were a fantastic experience. Although I imagine only playing Radiant Dawn cannot be a lot of fun. I am glad Awakening convinced me to try these other games that I already owned.

Gotta say, I'd be up for a part 3, even if I couldn't imagine a story for it. Maybe Ike and Soren as a travelling band

Glad you liked it! Your opinions are almost exactly the same as mine. I loved the scale and story of RD, despite the lack of more personal conversation. I agree that PoR and RD are best played together as one big game. It's easier to carry over the characterization from PoR over to RD, where it's nonexistent for non main characters. RD is an absolute monster when it comes to level design, though. Some of the best challenges in the series.

Unfortunately, some of the PoR main characters are made a little less interesting too, namely Ike. He has all the personality of a wooden board in RD. He wasn't mr. sunshine and rainbows in PoR either, but he had at least a little more going for him. That being said, other characters had some really fun stuff, particularly the relationship between Soren and Skrimir.


Well, the best thing going for FE right now is Smash, so here's some tidbits:

Lucina has alt colors based on the following: Nowi, Cordelia, Cherche, Lissa, Tiki, Sumia, and Tharja.

Ike now has a Greil alt, and one that vaguely resembles Guts, if I had to make a guess. He's also got an all black alt with a red cape, which I'm pretty certain is a Black Knight reference. He retains his Sigurd alt, but I can't tell if any of the other new colors resemble anything. Domon Kasshu alt is gone!

Robin has alts that mirror Anna, Olivia, and what looks like the White Mage from FF. There was so much potential for referencing other mages here. Sakuraiiiii!!!!

The only new one I could identify for Marth is one that looks like Roy. No red hair, though!

That's something, eh?


Well, the best thing going for FE right now is Smash, so here's some tidbits:

Lucina has alt colors based on the following: Nowi, Cordelia, Cherche, Lissa, Tiki, Sumia, and Tharja.

Ike now has a Greil alt, and one that vaguely resembles Guts, if I had to make a guess. He's also got an all black alt with a red cape, which I'm pretty certain is a Black Knight reference. He retains his Sigurd alt, but I can't tell if any of the other new colors resemble anything. Domon Kasshu alt is gone!

Robin has alts that mirror Anna, Olivia, and what looks like the White Mage from FF. There was so much potential for referencing other mages here. Sakuraiiiii!!!!

The only new one I could identify for Marth is one that looks like Roy. No red hair, though!

That's something, eh?

Always enjoy alts that are more than just color swaps. I like Shulks alts as well


I think it's incredible that we got her at all.

yes, that's how I see it. I was hoping for Lucina instead of Chrom, thinking Robin was impossible. Instead we got Lucina AND Robin. That basically confirmed that I would be buying my first Smash game. Shulk fully pushed me over the edge to actually buy both versions!

But what we need is another Fire Emblem game announcement in addition to the (hopefully still alive) crossover. Awakening was so successful, we just need another 3DS game.


But what we need is another Fire Emblem game announcement in addition to the (hopefully still alive) crossover. Awakening was so successful, we just need another 3DS game.

I'm not sure if we should expect anything to be announced until Codename STEAM is finished; and by then the (N)3DS might not have all that much time left.


I'm not sure if we should expect anything to be announced until Codename STEAM is finished; and by then the (N)3DS might not have all that much time left.

True. That's why my initial reaction to Codename Steam was negative. I was disappointed we didn't get a follow-up to Awakening. Just this weekend I've watched the Treehouse stream for Steam again with an open mind and now I am very much looking forward to it and loving the sheer absurdity of the premise.

Well, the answer is clear: Nintendo has to double the size of Intelligent Systems.
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