When does Orochi learn? This empty prison is just burning purchase in my castle right now.capture
She actually has it right out of the gate. It's her unique skill. You should see it come up when choosing to attack.
When does Orochi learn? This empty prison is just burning purchase in my castle right now.capture
When does Orochi learn? This empty prison is just burning purchase in my castle right now.capture
I agree about it not being bad...Birthright beaten!
Ryoma basically solo'd the last chapter. Holy shit is he brokenly OP.
I'm surprised they killed off Elise. Xander I saw coming, but sweet little Elise? Such is the darkness of war, and I'm actually glad they went through with that. Lilith, Flora, and Azura too... damn. Gunter never came back either, and Kaze very nearly bit the bullet. This FE didn't pull any punches.
People say the story sucks, but I don't think it does. It's not the BEST FE story, but it's a step up from Awakening and Sacred Stones (which are at the bottom of the narrative pile). It's a fairly cliche story about overthrowing an evil king with some extra family drama added in via the Nohr siblings, and it works well enough for what it's trying to do. The locations, maps, and general atmosphere were fantastic, by far the best in any Fire Emblem game, both aesthetically and mechanically. The Ice Tribe village stands out as the most beautiful map in the series, and the Nohrian cities all have this very unique nightlife atmosphere to them. Both Hoshido and Nohr were very different from the norm, and on a purely visual level very different from most standard RPGs with a very strong focus on color (white and red for Hoshido, black and purple for Nohr) that is carried throughout the entire game.
Overall, I'd put Fates just below Path of Radiance for the best FE game. I very much enjoyed my time with it andnow am going to undub the game and play through it again as a female until my next paycheck comes in and I can move onto Conquest.
Oh, nice! I was looking in the skills menu at the castle - odd that it doesn't list it there. Thanks, friend!She actually has it right out of the gate. It's her unique skill. You should see it come up when choosing to attack.
So anyone who may have played the a Japanese version is the Map Pack worth it?
Hmm, scenarios could be nice + Anna, but I've no interest in grinding for exp/gold.How much do you value EXP/Gold grinding, extra DLC classes, Anna, challenge chapter, and some scenarios?
Requoting in case anyone has an answer. It's legitimately baffling me.Chapter 12 Conquest mission spoilers:
What the heck is up withthe reinforcements arriving? What's the trigger? Sometimes they arrive as soon as turn 7, but once they arrived as late as turn 12. It makes a huge difference for how hard this chapter actually is and the fact I still can't tell what the hell is attracting them is kind of annoying me.
Requoting in case anyone has an answer. It's legitimately baffling me.
Requoting in case anyone has an answer. It's legitimately baffling me.
Ok, Hoshido/11 had me playing extra safe and took me about 18 turns and 2.5 (!) hours. I just didn't want to get killed by that Killer Lance that the boss had. That, and I decided to keep Takumi benched so that Setsuna could level up a bit. I probably could've lessened the amount of time it took to complete it if I brought him. I also didn't want Reina to hog the exp too much. Ah well.
How long did it take for you guys to complete Chapter 11 Birthright?
As far as I've seen, stat growths for characters are fixed on the start of the map. You can't manipulate the RNG to change level ups mid-map but you can restart maps to get better painful as it can be sometimes, I like having stat growth be fixed upon character join (or whatever the actual conditions are). Not worrying about RNG as much within individual battles because getting screwed is spread out through the entire game.
Turn 17, Chapter 11 is down! Was smooth sailing for all but the last two turns which were total nail-biters. Seven Units I managed to kind of uuuhh forget about all flew down from the top-left. Both Sakura and Azura were in the middle of the rush. I started moving people, transferring, Pairing Up, it was insane. :|
Ok, Hoshido/11 had me playing extra safe and took me about 18 turns and 2.5 (!) hours. I just didn't want to get killed by that Killer Lance that the boss had. That, and I decided to keep Takumi benched so that Setsuna could level up a bit. I probably could've lessened the amount of time it took to complete it if I brought him. I also didn't want Reina to hog the exp too much. Ah well.
How long did it take for you guys to complete Chapter 11 Birthright?
About 45 minutes or so, mostly due to the constant reinforcements. I turtled near the bottom right of the map because the tempest on the left didn't do a lot to keep enemy flyers away.
Why did no one tell me Percy was adorable! Totally dragging him with my main fighting team. Dunno if im getting any other kids atm.
Mozu wishes she was Donnel.Oh, heyDonnelMozu.
Why did no one tell me Percy was adorable! Totally dragging him with my main fighting team. Dunno if im getting any other kids atm.
Yes.About to start conquest chapter 10 that so many people seem to have trouble with. Should I be afraid?
About to start conquest chapter 10 that so many people seem to have trouble with. Should I be afraid?
Fuck, Conquest is brutal in Hard, I only choose hard because it said that normal was for beginners in the series.
I was starting to get some weird anxiety once I started getting more and more characters, but it's gone now that's I've decided that garbage characters like Silas can go fuck themselves, even if they have children. You can stay under leveled, I'm not gonna worry about keeping you viable.
I'm okay with knowing this.Silas is one of the best chars in the game (really great class).
This game's soundtrack is so phenomenal that it's made me want to go back and listen to the OST of older games in the series. I remember really liking the music in the first western release FE game, but the GBA sound chip is so grating and hard to listen to.
So I'm soliciting recommendations! What are your favorite game soundtracks from the Fire Emblem series?
This game's soundtrack is so phenomenal that it's made me want to go back and listen to the OST of older games in the series. I remember really liking the music in the first western release FE game, but the GBA sound chip is so grating and hard to listen to.
So I'm soliciting recommendations! What are your favorite game soundtracks from the Fire Emblem series?
I like the lame choices. My top 2 are the main theme and Victory is Near. I hum them a lot, although Azura's dumb song is super catchy.This game's soundtrack is so phenomenal that it's made me want to go back and listen to the OST of older games in the series. I remember really liking the music in the first western release FE game, but the GBA sound chip is so grating and hard to listen to.
So I'm soliciting recommendations! What are your favorite game soundtracks from the Fire Emblem series?
Silas is one of the best chars in the game (really great class).
Red head female Corrin 4ever.![]()
Let's GO.
He has really cool hair but he's basically the Jeb Bush of my squad. Get out of here Silas, I'll turn into a Paladin myself.Silas is fucking hilarious.I'm sure he gets better later on, but lol.Corrin not remembering him when Silas thought they were best friends slayed me. Even better was when I realized this was with MCorrin, with FCorrin it'd be even funnier. He's nice to Mozu though.
This game's soundtrack is so phenomenal that it's made me want to go back and listen to the OST of older games in the series. I remember really liking the music in the first western release FE game, but the GBA sound chip is so grating and hard to listen to.
So I'm soliciting recommendations! What are your favorite game soundtracks from the Fire Emblem series?
He has really cool hair but he's basically the Jeb Bush of my squad. Get out of here Silas, I'll turn into a Paladin myself.