Its a matter of time that well see all defense team will have special seals like that for everyone. Its like QP Reinhardt nowadays.I'm wondering if Cavalry teams are going to change.
I don't use one for Arena, I'm just thinking if I'm using say Brave Roy with Desperation, Brave Lyn with Brave Bow, and Reinhardt with Dire Thunder and I run into this situation all the time.
"Oh, that unit has Deflect Melee. Brave Roy won't be able to kill it and he'll die on the counter from a special."
"Oh, that unit has Deflect Magic, Reinhardt won't be able to kill it and Reinhardt's shit speed means he'll die on the counterattack."
"Oh, that unit has Deflect Missile, Brave Lyn won't be able to kill it, and she might die from a counterattack with a special."
Even more reason that I wont play AA much.