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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|Natural Selection Simulator

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Beat Infernal on my 3rd attempt. Used:

Kagero +ATK/-DEF, Swift Sparrow 2, Hone SPD 3, Draw Back, Moonbow
Nino +ATK/-RES, Fury 3, Desperation 3, Hone ATK 3, Luna
Oliva +SPD/-??? 4*, default skills
Xander Fury 3, QR2, Ignis

Started off with Nino attacking the right Legion, Olivia danced her, she finished off the Legion, Kagero drew back Olivia out of range of blue horse mage, Xander moved next to Olivia. Blue horse mage suicided into Nino.

Next turn Nino attacked south blue mage, Olivia danced her, Nino moved below Olivia and finished blue mage. Kagero moved into blue mage's spot and attacked south Legion, Xander moved into Kagero's spot and finished off south Legion.

Next turn Nino moved right 2 tiles and attacked horse sword, Olivia danced her, Nino finished off horse sword, Kagero moved below Olivia, Xander held position. West Legion suicided into Xander.

Next turn Nino moved up 1 and ORKOed horse lance, Olivia danced her, Nino moved up 2 and ORKOed archer. Xander moved up 2 and attacked red mage, Kagero moved below Xander and finished red mage.

Next turn there was 1 more regular enemy and a north Legion left i think. Nino moved up and killed last regular enemy, Xander moved to top right defense tile, Kagero moved below Xander, and Olivia moved up towards Nino. North Legion attacked Xander. Xander finished him off next turn.

On another note, i've been struggling to get Arena Defense wins lately. What team comps are people using for defense? I've been using nuker/dancer teams, but I could also do Horse Emblem (3 + Olivia for bonus unit), also have a Vantage Hector.


I really like this Grand Hero Battle because even though I made a video, or the above poster listed out his moves and team, there are so many timing specific things and character build specific things that matter to each of our individual strategies. Mine most likely wouldn't work out for someone else even if they had the same units. But they could learn from it.

My strategy doesn't work if you don't have a Nino with Moonbow that gets set up by the Blue horse mage so he can use it on the Legion that spawns below. Baiting the brave bow archer and then attacking the red mage with Robin sets up his Bonfire for the perfect timing for another Legion. Somehow I always have Ignis ready to proc on my red sword wielder against a blue unit on a defensive tile. If none of those things line up well, it falls apart, which it did for a few attempts until I figured out that exact set of instructions for myself to follow, each time getting closer to perfecting it.

Different than in the past where if you struggled you could just look for a unit combo on reddit with a guaranteed skill set and follow a very specific patern. Or more recently where everyone was basically over powered.
For those using Axebreaker, 2 was enough? I have 2 4* Lawslow but I'd prefer to use my 3* first.

Edit: Nevermind, got Infernal first try (was going to be a test run) with Bride Cordelia, Nino, Ryoma and Ninian. Didn't need Axebreaker.


Yeah, this would be ideal especially as Sanaki is a main of mine. Don't currently have an AB3 to si, not on a character I'm willing to part with at least. Oh well, still some trials to do.

If you avoid damage you really don't need AB3. I don't see why you'd be using a red mage to bait anything on this map anyway, so really she should be full health the whole time and then you'd only need AB1. Unless you are tanking Legions with Sanaki, if that's the case then I need to start using mine :p
If you avoid damage you really don't need AB3. I don't see why you'd be using a red mage to bait anything on this map anyway, so really she should be full health the whole time and then you'd only need AB1. Unless you are tanking Legions with Sanaki, if that's the case then I need to start using mine :p

I was earlier thinking of trading out made-of-paper Sanaki and experimenting with others, Axebreaker sounds helpful if using her though (I could toss Eliwood 4 for AB2). I'm moving on from trials at 30k so that will free up stamina to experiment.

Add: also have another 3* Eliwood...AB1 might do as Sanaki is all or nothing anyway


Lunatic was easy enough but Infernal has been tough so far. I'll try a few more options, I quite enjoy unpicking the GHBs over the course of a few days.

Xander has been useful as a counter for Legion and a hard counter for the Brave Bow archer.



I am so done.


Ugh I'm not even at halfpoint. Don't know how people don't find this a chore and I usually don't mind grinding.

I was doing this non stop for the first few days, which got me to 35000 points. Then I slacked off and only do a few trials per day.


Ugh I'm not even at halfpoint. Don't know how people don't find this a chore and I usually don't mind grinding.
The grind is insane on this. By putting a new seal at 50k points and only orbs above it they pretty much marked that point as the one worth aiming for, but it's dozens of hours of play largely on a handful of maps you've already played hundreds of times. If they do this again, I think higher stamina cost and higher rewards would help. Hell, having the maps use a pool five times bigger would be good too.

I think they could push the concept too, they could have a 100 stamina campaign, with your whole roster, clearing as many maps as you can in 30 minutes. Once per day max, massive points reward for high completion numbers.


I think they could push the concept too, they could have a 100 stamina campaign, with your whole roster, clearing as many maps as you can in 30 minutes. Once per day max, massive points reward for high completion numbers.
If they ever did something like this, I know I would screw up and bring in my leveling team instead of my super tricked-out team.

Speaking of which, knocked out Lunatic Legion with three TA3'd characters and a dancer. I could probably knock out Infernal with one Axebreaker SI, but I still got TT to do. I think my main target now is the 5*, don't think I've got the time to get the QP seal.
Did infernal with Reinhardt/Xander/Cecelia/Azura. Initially I had an all horse team initially but clearing the right side with Cecelia + dance first turn made it much easier. From there I moved my units to the right corner and killed stuff as it came in. Cecelia needed axe breaker as I wouldn't be able to 1 round these dudes otherwise. Axe breaker on Xander would have worked really well too since he never used QR for anything. Would have been able to KO Legions by himself in that case.


Anyone thought of the optimal build for Legion? I'll prepare him for the next week's arena.

Promoting him to 5* over Anna is a right decision, right?


Bah, I finally get a 5* that isn't -atk....and it's a +atk/-spd Athena. Which, I mean, even at -spd, she has a respectable 35, but that means that she's not the double machine that she is sold as.

Thoughts on a build?


Bah, I finally get a 5* that isn't -atk....and it's a +atk/-spd Athena. Which, I mean, even at -spd, she has a respectable 35, but that means that she's not the double machine that she is sold as.

Thoughts on a build?
That's my Lyn and I don't end up using her much.


Done with Tempest now that I have the seal. I enjoyed it for a pretty long time, but that last 10K was torturous. Now to switch focus to the GHB...


Any good B skill ideas for Camus? I'm starting to get bored just putting Vantage on everything.
- Renewal, especially for Tempest, and could help in Arena against the hardier enemies (Knight teams in particular, you can just avoid them and full heal)
- Desperation, since he has highish speed, though it might be unnecessary given his good defense
- Blue Tomebreaker, giving him the advantage over Linde and Olwen, but probably not much use against Reinhardt

I guess it's a matter of looking at how he does in whatever team you have and filling in whatever weakness is becoming apparent.


I did it!

Eldigan, Camus, Cecilia (axebreaker 2), 4* Ursula with a regular Blarblade. Ursula was the key, allowed me to take out the red mage. From there I was able to regroup, re-buff and one shot the brave bow jerk. Was easy from there. Although the very last Legion reinforcement has Vantage/Panic Ploy and that made me a little nervous.

Funny thing is Axebreaker was only useful for the very first Legion. The second had G Tomebreaker and by then Cecilia had already lost some hp from the blue mage putting her out of Axebreaker range. But Eldigan hits pretty damn hard so it was fine.


Corporate Apologist
Done with Tempest now that I have the seal. I enjoyed it for a pretty long time, but that last 10K was torturous. Now to switch focus to the GHB...

I'm hoping they ether make it faster to get points next time, or don't put unique rewards so high up.

Edit: I just noticed my Spring Lucina has 1000 SP. Wonder what I should put on her.


I'm looking to head to the dark side and build a horse emblem team, but I'm curious what's considered "definitively" the most effective comp?

I've got Reinhardt, Camus, Xander, Cecilia, Ursula, Olwen, Eliwood, Abel, Stahl, Frederick, Gunter, Clarine and Jagen.

Right now, I'm thinking Rein (Dire Thunder)/Cecilia (Bladetome)/Xander and either a Dancer or Camus. What's considered the most effective comp? My Rein is neutral but my Olwen is +SPD, and I believe she's got overall better matchups with her speed and a buffed Bladetome, but I will only be using the 4 star tomes because I'm serious lacking feathers (and I need to promote Xander, maybe Camus, and make Cecilia 4 star 40+7).


I'm looking to head to the dark side and build a horse emblem team, but I'm curious what's considered "definitively" the most effective comp?

I've got Reinhardt, Camus, Xander, Cecilia, Ursula, Olwen, Eliwood, Abel, Stahl, Frederick, Gunter, Clarine and Jagen.

Right now, I'm thinking Rein (Dire Thunder)/Cecilia (Bladetome)/Xander and either a Dancer or Camus. What's considered the most effective comp? My Rein is neutral but my Olwen is +SPD, and I believe she's got overall better matchups with her speed and a buffed Bladetome, but I will only be using the 4 star tomes because I'm serious lacking feathers (and I need to promote Xander, maybe Camus, and make Cecilia 4 star 40+7).

Hey! Not sure if you remember me from the Pokemon league thread.

There is a Discord server link in the OP of this thread - we help people with team building every day in there.

You have a lot of very good options. Reinhardt/Cecilia/Xander are indeed very good choices - if you want to be even more aggressive you can use Eliwood, his offense is utterly ridiculous with those buffs.Olwen is very good too but contrary to Reinhardt she is more dependent on actually having the buffs at almost all times.

If your Frederick is +Atk he is also easily a fantastic choice. Don't hesitate to ask about specific builds!


Hey! Not sure if you remember me from the Pokemon league thread.

There is a Discord server link in the OP of this thread - we help people with team building every day in there.

You have a lot of very good options. Reinhardt/Cecilia/Xander are indeed very good choices - if you want to be even more aggressive you can use Eliwood, his offense is utterly ridiculous with those buffs.Olwen is very good too but contrary to Reinhardt she is more dependent on actually having the buffs at almost all times.

If your Frederick is +Atk he is also easily a fantastic choice. Don't hesitate to ask about specific builds!

Great, thanks for the advice! I'll have to pop over to the Discord for some more questions.


I've finally settled on a team that can make it all the way to round 7 consistently and in most cases, complete the map with a death or two.

Nino, Tharja, Nowi and Azura. Nino and Tharja both have Desperation 3 and Darting Blow 3, meaning it's mostly ORKOs with Azura dancing for double kills. Nino also runs Breath of Life 3 and the seal, so that's 8 heal on demand and all my units have reciprocal aid and ardent for quick hp swaps.

Gutted it took me this long to find a stable team. I might be able to make 50k score still...


I wasn't too serious about going further after the 50k seal, but I kept playing the tempest mode more casually. I swear, the AI stats got worse, since then.

Upto 50k, I lost about several times total in match 7. It got worsen to 50:50 mostly because my sureshot horse team (#3) had to come out early due to team #1 and #2 struggled more than used to. I dunno, maybe, I got sloppy since I hit my goal. I think, I'm really done with this mode.

Am I the only one promoting Legion to 5* here?
I wasn't too serious about going further after the 50k seal, but I kept playing the tempest mode more casually. I swear, the AI stats got worse, since then.

Upto 50k, I lost about several times total in match 7.

It's probably just that I got less patient and notice the BS more, but it really feels like it got worse past 50k. I can't stand it anymore, at 66k now. At 70k I will consider what I do. However, I have nothing better to do for farming SP for so cheap...


It's probably just that I got less patient and notice the BS more, but it really feels like it got worse past 50k. I can't stand it anymore, at 66k now. At 70k I will consider what I do. However, I have nothing better to do for farming SP for so cheap...

Take a break, it'll be back and the bonus characters will be different requiring different team comps making it a bit fresh again.


Would Clarisse be better than neutral bride Cordelia? I need to decide who gets to receive bravd bow+ which will cost me 20k.


Said fuck it and promoted Ursula to 5*. I'll give up on the Reinhardt dream for now, I want to grind out the tempest trial and having a unit to farm SP/merit on will help. I've already invested tons of time and skills into her anyways.

The other reason I want her is because Eldigan/Camus have severe Res problems and Reinhardt sucks at taking magic hits too. Ursula has pretty damn high Res and ok speed.

Just need another 20k feathers to get her a Blarblade+ instead of a normal one, but that's relatively low priority for a unit that already hits so hard.
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