The lack of unit variety in my former alt account (now my sole account) is causing me quite some trouble in recent contents. I unprecedentedly failed infernal BHB twice in a row when trying to stick to my conventional Reinhardt/Hector/Fury Olivia/Healer team. I hope better banners shows up soon so that I can put my 150 or so orbs into good use and improve my box in meaningful ways. By better banners, I mean banners with good units covering at least 2, preferably 3 or more colors. And by good units, I mean units with combat-ready stats spread out of box, not just "unit with a very good skill for SI". Those are good units for whales, not for F2Ps.
Anyway, back to the infernal BHB at hand. Fortunately, since I don't have to worry about arena for at least 2 more arena seasons (this week I'm unleashing Project Sophia, and in the coming weeks I have Sharena and Anna ready at 5*), I finally have some feathers to spare for Xander and start building up Horse Emblem. Thanks to Chain Challenge the training process has been pretty painless. I'm still reluctant to break the feather bank though, since I don't plan to use Horse Emblem in arena as I already have a score-oriented Reinhardt/Hector/Ryoma arena core that works really well. Therefore, besides the 20k to bring Xander Siegfried, other spending are 2k a piece at most, i.e. Gronnblade without plus for my 4* + x Cecilia.
However, even this "budget" build has proved to be devastating with Hone, Fortify, and two Goads. It breezed through infernal BHB in the first try. It saves so much brain cells that I will call the 35k or so feather investment more than worthwhile. I just hope I won't be spoiled to the point that I don't know how to play the game without stupid