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Fire Emblem Heroes |OT|The Future of Fire Emblem

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I lost. Hahaha

It doesn't help that I was in one of the cramped stages. Gives ranged units an advantage.

Edit: There's no 5* versions of these characters you can get from rolling.

This is a whale!

He spent 44 * 20,000 feathers to get four level 50 characters.

That is 880,000 feathers!

This is probably just his Defense Team! Because he wasn't using a bonus hero. He very likely has a separate team for offense!

I want to thank whoever this is for single-handedly funding the next couple Fire Emblem games.


I lost. Hahaha

It doesn't help that I was in one of the cramped stages. Gives ranged units an advantage.

Edit: There's no 5* versions of these characters you can get from rolling.

This is a whale!

He spent 44 * 20,000 feathers to get four level 50 characters.

That is 880,000 feathers!

This is probably just his Defense Team! Because he wasn't using a bonus hero. He very likely has a separate team for offense!

That can't be cheap.


Continuing from my last post.

Edit 2:

880,000 feathers/150 feathers = 5866 orbs
880,000 feathers/300 feathers = 2933 orbs
880,000 feathers/1000 feathers = 880 orbs

So the minimum amount of orbs he could've spent without bonuses is US$583.73
How I calculated it.
(880 orbs/3 orbs)*$1.99=$583.73

The maximum he could've spent without bonuses is US$3891.11

I may have calculated that wrong so please correct me. That is just for feathers assuming he sent every summon home to get feathers.


So once I've finished the story on all difficulties, it seems I'm out of ways to get Orbs at any regular pace, huh.


Theres also proof of nintendo teams made to match against whales. There are +10 alphonse and things like that so that could be one of their teams.


Theres also proof of nintendo teams made to match against whales. There are +10 alphonse and things like that so that could be one of their teams.

My mistake was not getting the name of the guy. He was using Wrys as his leader.

Maybe his nickname was wrys?


I lost. Hahaha

It doesn't help that I was in one of the cramped stages. Gives ranged units an advantage.

Edit: There's no 5* versions of these characters you can get from rolling.

This is a whale!

He spent 44 * 20,000 feathers to get four level 50 characters.

That is 880,000 feathers!

This is probably just his Defense Team! Because he wasn't using a bonus hero. He very likely has a separate team for offense!

Edit 2:

880,000 feathers/150 feathers = 5866 orbs
880,000 feathers/300 feathers = 2933 orbs
880,000 feathers/1000 feathers = 880 orbs

So the minimum amount of orbs he could've spent without bonuses is US$293.33

The maximum he could've spent without bonuses is US$1955.33

I may have calculated that wrong so please correct me. That is just for feathers.

Are there trainers or hacks for this game? I know that has been an issue for other titles.

I guess he could be the Moby Dick of FEH, but it seems pretty unbelievable that someone would spend the money required to get that specific team.

Don't forget that he had to get 11 of each in his pulls in addition to the feathers. I'm too lazy to do the actual math, but each of those characters likely has a drop rate under 2% if you combine the 3 and 4 star forms.


So, for pulls your drop rates on rare units go up even if you exit the summoning screen after your first pull, right? Like, you only miss out on the discount, since if you're pulling repeatedly that way, you have to spend five orbs each time.

Is that right? I feel like someone posted that the day the game released, but I don't recall for sure. I only want to pull from one color right now, but I don't want to be wasteful for no reason.
To pull another set of five from Deep Devotion at 3.25% for 5-star, or wait until the banners change and likely lose my slightly increased odds. Gacha struggles, man.

I have a 5* Robin and Linde, which on the one hand is great but on the other hand is unfortunate because they're both blue mages.

So, for pulls your drop rates on rare units go up even if you exit the summoning screen after your first pull, right? Like, you only miss out on the discount, since if you're pulling repeatedly that way, you have to spend five orbs each time.

Is that right? I feel like someone posted that the day the game released, but I don't recall for sure. I only want to pull from one color right now, but I don't want to be wasteful for no reason.

I think you have to pull five to get the drop rate increase, but they don't have to be all at once. So it won't increase after you pull a single unit and exit, but if you do THAT five times, I think it goes up just the same as if you'd pulled them all in the same session. I haven't tried this personally, though.


I lost. Hahaha

It doesn't help that I was in one of the cramped stages. Gives ranged units an advantage.

Edit: There's no 5* versions of these characters you can get from rolling.

This is a whale!

He spent 44 * 20,000 feathers to get four level 50 characters.

That is 880,000 feathers!

This is probably just his Defense Team! Because he wasn't using a bonus hero. He very likely has a separate team for offense!

Edit 2:

880,000 feathers/150 feathers = 5866 orbs
880,000 feathers/300 feathers = 2933 orbs
880,000 feathers/1000 feathers = 880 orbs

So the minimum amount of orbs he could've spent without bonuses is US$583.73

The maximum he could've spent without bonuses is US$3891.11

I may have calculated that wrong so please correct me. That is just for feathers.


PS. This looks like a hacker more than a whale...


Wrys is our boy



I realise now I could've done a friend request to get the name of the guy but I pressed 'no' out of habit.

I think the nickname was wrys and Wrys was his leader.

Could be wrong though about the nickname.


Media Create Maven
It's mainly that there are just a bunch of other reds that are probably better. He's slow. Average stats are supposed to be: 43/51/25/32/22. He's reasonably tanky and he hits hard, but he's going to get doubled by everything. I doubt he belongs in the bottom tier where a couple lists have placed all of the starting units, but I expect that most people have pulled a better red swordsman already. You'd easily prefer any Falchion-user or Ryoma, for example. I think I'd take Corrin over him too. Roy sucks
except for Shove

Chrom lvl 40 stats - 47/53/25/31/17

So Alfonse is basically Chrom with a little less HP, attack, and more res. I assume he faces the same problem as Chrom that he's pretty strong, but gets doubled too often.
So once I've finished the story on all difficulties, it seems I'm out of ways to get Orbs at any regular pace, huh.
Yeah, what's up with this? How are people getting so many 4*/5* units and upgrading them so quickly?

Orbs are fucking expensive, I would be glad to actually buy some if they weren't priced like that.


Yeah, what's up with this? How are people getting so many 4*/5* units and upgrading them so quickly?

Orbs are fucking expensive, I would be glad to actually buy some if they weren't priced like that.

I agree. I think part of the problem is that the game really conditions you into thinking a pull = five characters due to the discount and the way the summon screen is set up, and $12.99 per pull thus feels really steep. But if you instead think of pulls as summoning individual characters and five character pulls are the result of saving up, then the prices seem a bit more reasonable. It's entirely psychological, and I seriously wish five-pulls were cheaper.

Another issue is that we're constantly reading about this game online and seeing the super lucky pulls people get (people are more likely to share their amazing pulls than their bad ones, of course), and we're also very focused on high level arena play, which is really an end-game thing, PLUS we're concerned with min-maxing and tier lists. All this contributes to the feeling that non-5 stars are garbage, and pulls are only worth it if you get a 5-star. If you take an interest in lower tiered characters and playing around with builds, I imagine mediocre pulls get a lot more interesting.
I have 27 orbs remaining from dailies and story quest. I wonder if I should try my luck now, or hope Ephraim is godlike as he is in Sacred Stones when the new banner rolls around. I can try for Takumi but I don't really care for him tbh.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Yeah I'm super confused. How are you supposed to get Orbs other tha. Your two dailies once you finish all quests?

They mentioned adding story content twice a month, so we'll probably just have to wait for them to be added.


Yeah, what's up with this? How are people getting so many 4*/5* units and upgrading them so quickly?

Orbs are fucking expensive, I would be glad to actually buy some if they weren't priced like that.

Good old fashioned whales. Spending money and keeping the game afloat so we don't have to!
I blew all of my hard mode orbs, but I got Takumi, and now arena is mostly easy mode.

At least as far as gacha go, being able to only waste 5 orbs per 5 chances at a specific color want so bad. In the end I only spent like 30 to get him.

Now onwards to lunatic!

(Edit) going forward, I think that's how I'm going to do all my pulls. The orbs saved don't mean much if you waste them and more on colors/characters you don't need.


I started the game today and didn't know what I was doing so I dumped all my orbs on upgrading the castle. Once I got 20 orbs, I did my first pull on the Takumi banner and was able to get a 5* Lyn. Not going to bother with rerolls. I think it's a decent gatcha game, but I've had better first impressions with FFRK and FFBE.


No, silly, the blonde Selena, the one standing to the left in that screenshot. :p

Uh sorry I havent played any Fire Emblem game besides this one

I started the game today and didn't know what I was doing so I dumped all my orbs on upgrading the castle. Once I got 20 orbs, I did my first pull on the Takumi banner and was able to get a 5* Lyn. Not going to bother with rerolls. I think it's a decent gatcha game, but I've had better first impressions with FFRK and FFBE.

Did you play them when they were new too?
Have they said how you will earn orbs long term outside of real money? I ask because after settling on roll and playing a lot and getting no 5* on all subsequent rolls I am worried my bad luck will put me behind the 8 ball on this as I am running out of resources to roll for more characters and the stamina for lunatic is crazy and getting difficult.

Maybe I should try rerolling on my tablet.


I was at 93 orbs and decided to try a pull because its been a while.

Deep, deep regrets. :(

I had a pull today that was 5 3-star characters, four of which had been special map prizes (Wryn, Lissa, Cecilia, Subaki), and one of which I had gotten at 3 star in an earlier pull (Gordin). I don't know if you can do worse than that.


Have they said how you will earn orbs long term outside of real money? I ask because after settling on roll and playing a lot and getting no 5* on all subsequent rolls I am worried my bad luck will put me behind the 8 ball on this as I am running out of resources to roll for more characters and the stamina for lunatic is crazy and getting difficult.

Maybe I should try rerolling on my tablet.

Well we have the 5 launch celebration maps, so theres 30 orbs. Also apperently 2 story maps or chapters? every month. I'm sure there will be plenty of ways to earn orbs without forking over cash.


Neo Member
Have they said how you will earn orbs long term outside of real money? I ask because after settling on roll and playing a lot and getting no 5* on all subsequent rolls I am worried my bad luck will put me behind the 8 ball on this as I am running out of resources to roll for more characters and the stamina for lunatic is crazy and getting difficult.

Maybe I should try rerolling on my tablet.

They have said there will be story updates biweekly. So with all 3 difficulties that would be 15 orbs at least every two week
Well we have the 5 launch celebration maps, so theres 30 orbs. Also apperently 2 story maps or chapters? every month. I'm sure there will be plenty of ways to earn orbs without forking over cash.

They have said there will be story updates biweekly. So with all 3 difficulties that would be 15 orbs at least every two week

Thanks. That's conformting. Still going to reroll on my tablet for a better starting team. Just very worried I am in the weeds. I mean there has to be better options than Abel and Azama or even Jeorge and I don't have them.
This game is crack. I can't get enough of it but I don't want to blow all my stamina potions and dueling swords.

Blow all your stamina potions now or soon. The game is in a "half off stamina" mode right now. When that ends things are gonna suck. So you may as well play a lot now and get further along with it spending the potions to refill when it's worth more.


Not sure who I should go for now.

I have 5* Roy / Lyn / Tak / Camilla
Have no blue ones, should I try the heroes draw for one? Or wait until the next set?

Any of these 4* good? have Caeda, Raigh, Bartre, Subaki, Virion, George, Frederick, Saizo and Matthew.

Are the daily missions worth it for those 2* guys?
Also I should upgrade to 100% before pulling more right?

Thanks guys
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