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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


Everyone, we’re soon reaching that stage for me... fuckin’ bulking phase. I say let’s fucking gooooo

I envy you. I'm only two weeks into my fat shedding stage. I feel it's best to get nice and slim before trying to put on muscle, that way your small weekly gains are that much more visible (rather than being hidden under a layer of flab). I estimate I have another 2 months at least before I can begin my kettlebells bulk.

Good luck and have fun!

For any of you medicine ball owners ( VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I think you'll like this one), I've been doing a new compound move, sort of a full-body one-handed dunk.

Stand up and lean over. Scoop the medicine ball into upturned hand with feet planted, elbow and legs straight.. Keep elbow straight and lift the ball to waist. From waist, bicep-curl the ball to your shoulder. From shoulder, overhead press. From overhead press, SLAM the ball down onto the floor*. Repeat a few times and then switch to the other hand.

I'm big on these full body moves and I think this one is pretty solid. There's a lot of wrist rotation/strengthening involved. I use a 15 lb slam ball and I do about 100 per arm throughout the day, over the past week. Hasn't pinched anything or exhausted any specific muscle, so it seems safe.

*If you have the hip and glute flexibility, start the exercise from a resting squat, scoop the ball onto your upturned hand, and straighten the legs and the elbow while keeping the hand on the ground. Then raise the hand with a straight arm to the waist, etc.
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For any of you medicine ball owners ( VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler I think you'll like this one), I've been doing a new compound move, sort of a full-body one-handed dunk.

Stand up and lean over. Scoop the medicine ball into upturned hand with feet planted, elbow and legs straight.. Keep elbow straight and lift the ball to waist. From waist, bicep-curl the ball to your shoulder. From shoulder, overhead press. From overhead press, SLAM the ball down onto the floor*. Repeat a few times and then switch to the other hand.

I'm big on these full body moves and I think this one is pretty solid. There's a lot of wrist rotation/strengthening involved. I use a 15 lb slam ball and I do about 100 per arm throughout the day, over the past week. Hasn't pinched anything or exhausted any specific muscle, so it seems safe.

*If you have the hip and glute flexibility, start the exercise from a resting squat, scoop the ball onto your upturned hand, and straighten the legs and the elbow while keeping the hand on the ground. Then raise the hand with a straight arm to the waist, etc.

Definitely trying this one when I get some medicine balls. Sounds like a great time honestly. I have a large outdoor trampoline as well... Might try slam bouncing it and catching it with the other hand on the way back down, slowly stopping it's momentum all the way down to the tarp and then starting the movement with that hand. As a transition for the movement you described.

Man, today was a great practice. Felt so alive and strong. I can now transition into a press from a toproll, without letting up on the pressure, with no discomfort in my elbows or shoulder. I can now hit straight into a press on go if I need to as well. Couldn't do any of that before, whooo boy did it use to hurt when I tried that.

So my friend had us try a new wrist curl today. You take a barbell, take the weight off of one end of the bar, wedge that end against the wall or something, then while standing, grab the other end as far out as you can on the other side of the weights with your forearm resting on your knee. Then do the curl on that side of the bar with both hands, then switch to the other side and repeat. I was able to do 45 pounds just fine after practice. Couldn't move the 65. But I HAD just wrestled Alex for quite a few rounds with no rest. Alex did 105 pounds for one rep each hand.... Mr. Stapleton, who weighs about more than 100 pounds less than Alex.... Freaking 10 reps each hand at that same weight and he could have done more. Good Lord. Talk about mountains to climb.

Ended up pulling Alex the hulk and Mr. Stapleton back to back to back with a looooong session with Mr. Stapleton (the longest I've ever gone without a break) and then finished it off with Alex. I was sweating so hard that I literally had to put chalk on my elbows and all over the pad so that it would stop slipping off of it. That's the longest and most rounds I've ever gone with them and kept nearly all my strength. Both of them said they can definitely tell I've gotten much stronger. Pretty sure Alex is going to start coming to our practice now since we feel less like wrestling wet noodles. Which is awesome cause he's a great guy.

Alex's hands and fingers are about twice as thick as mine. But I can now battle his hands and fingers while pulling. Felt amazing. We played uncle, squeezing each-others hands afterwards. Neither of us gave in so we gave up. Good thing cuz it didn't hurt and I'd have been there all day lol.

Alex is so freaking strong though. For several rounds we had to wrap bands around his hands and have someone pull while we arm wrestled him in order to wear him out and make it fair (lol he still won) for everyone but Mr. Stapleton who can pull with him fine. If Alex tried to go full force with us without a band... I'm pretty sure he'd break our arms right in half.

For the first time, when it came time to leave, I actually felt bummed that we had to stop. Even after 3 hard core hours I wanted to just keep going. Mr. Stapleton told me that's what this specific way of training does. That when he was in top shape before he stopped, he had tournaments that he'd go to and win, then he'd go straight to the gym, since most of the building had one, and work out because he still felt so good. What a beast.

Anyway, I'm feeling nice and sore now. I actually look forward to this time after practice quite a bit. Time to relax and let the healing process commence. There's just something so right about doing lots of good hard work and being able to give yourself permission to chill without feeling bad at all and letting your loved one tend to you. I love it. Gonna eat a nice big bowl of chili my wife made with olive oil and herb basted, oven roasted, whole yellow grape cherry tomatoes that burst in your mouth along with the chili when you get one in a spoonful. Mmmmm.

Enjoy the hard work champions. And embrace the healing afterwards. Let your loved ones tend to you and absorb their love.

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Gold Member
Chest/Arms yesterday and Legs today:

Barbell squats
Leg press
Leg Curls
Leg Extensions
Finished off with some weird calf machine at the gym

My leg routine involves starting low, increasing the weights until I'm around my 3 rep max, then decreasing the weight back down each set until failure. I use less rest time between sets on the machines. By the time I'm finished, I'm leaving the gym like this.


God Enel

My upper body needs a rest. Today legs and core. Shrimp squats, pistols, front, squats Nordic curls, stiff leg dead lifts, sissy squats attempts are on the menu today for legs. For Core hanging wipers/around the world whatever you call them, hollow body, dragon flag (working on the full dragon flag) and so on.

btw have to read the pages since my last post. So much useful information and the threads moving faster (don’t know if that’s good or bad🤣)



Whew.. looks like it’s personal best week.
I managed to bump up my 265 bench to 290 and my squat *corrected 425 not 430* to 455.

Given the lock down and the recovery period that it had provided me, all of my injuries prior have gone away and I’ve come to understand the fundamentals with an open mind.

Going to see how the deadlifts go on Friday.
My wrist just wasn't getting better, resting for a few days and I bought this:


it helps, no pain anymore but I will still give my wrist a few more days.
I mean my body isn't complaining about the rest days either, lol.

Keep up the pumping and do some reps for me FITGAF. :(

Also I will get myself some wrist bandages/straps for pushing movements.


gut check, allow me a moment of public respite and reflection -->

two years ago i set out to condition myself for intelligence or military service

i've done exactly that, exercising mind and body very nearly every day, no sugars, high calorie / macros and protein, devouring professional reading lists and manuals across alphabets and branches, numerous asvab books, strenuous workloads to failure, brutal or perhaps spartan work environments, now it's time to put thought to action and enlist (service guarantees citizenship)

no fitness no peace is damn right, looking forward to checking back after the new year to see how and where things are progressing, not just among individual users in this thread but the forum as a whole


gut check, allow me a moment of public respite and reflection -->

two years ago i set out to condition myself for intelligence or military service

i've done exactly that, exercising mind and body very nearly every day, no sugars, high calorie / macros and protein, devouring professional reading lists and manuals across alphabets and branches, numerous asvab books, strenuous workloads to failure, brutal or perhaps spartan work environments, now it's time to put thought to action and enlist (service guarantees citizenship)

no fitness no peace is damn right, looking forward to checking back after the new year to see how and where things are progressing, not just among individual users in this thread but the forum as a whole


This decision has been a long time coming, so proceed with confidence. We'll be thinking of you.


Wednesday did back/biceps. I've been splitting my time between Gold's and Planet Fitness so the workout varies a little depending which gym I go to.
  • Front pulldown machine
  • Lat pulldown from bench
  • Standing bicep curl w/ the wavy bar
  • Seated dumbbell bicep curl (with a twist motion on the way up)
I have been going to the gym with my ex-gf... Wednesday I pushed so hard to impress her I still have pretty bad DOMS 2 days later.
This past week I started doing swings, squats, and farmer walks on the 80lb kettlebell. Still progressing on the 60lb, mostly doing orbits, swings (higher rep), and more farmer walks, trying to attain that 1h overhead press. Exercises with the 35lb are "free", in FGC parlance. 35 was my starting kettlebell back in March, so I'm definitely getting stronger. My sparring buddy has a 97lb kettlebell that I can use when I'm ready for it.

Ring strength is improving. I can do 2-3 pelican curl regressions in a row (fitting in 10 per day now). It's all in the false grip, really. Being able to cock that wrist and hold it while lowering down on the rings was the hurdle, not my biceps. I tried pulling myself back up to perform a full pelican curl but I couldn't. Simply not strong enough yet. I've been working a lot more on lifting legs from the support hold and the overhead grip. Nothing special, but it will help me eventually 'skin the cat'.

Handstands are also going great! I am holding vertically, with one foot/toe on the tree to keep me steady. A few weeks of bouncing on that foot/toe and I should be able to hold the handstand unassisted.

The punching bags (ironically) have become my very best leg conditioning tool. A few hundred teeps a day, plus my usual horse stance and balancing drills, seems to be more than enough to tighten/strengthen my legs. I've been putting off running but I'll get there eventually.

Haven't weighed myself in over a year, but I can see even more skin tightening up and leftover bits of fat getting chased out. The cold training is gonna pay dividends by next spring. Neighbors and passerbys already giving me funny looks for wearing shorts/tshirt outside so I'm on the right track lol
I'm a dumb beginner, but I just bench pressed 3x150 today. I weigh 185 so I know I have OODLES to go.

But a 2 months ago I had to have a spotter rescue me from 140... so it's a major win to my tiny self.

Also noticed in the mirror today I like... like you can tell I go to the gym.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
gut check, allow me a moment of public respite and reflection -->

two years ago i set out to condition myself for intelligence or military service

i've done exactly that, exercising mind and body very nearly every day, no sugars, high calorie / macros and protein, devouring professional reading lists and manuals across alphabets and branches, numerous asvab books, strenuous workloads to failure, brutal or perhaps spartan work environments, now it's time to put thought to action and enlist (service guarantees citizenship)

no fitness no peace is damn right, looking forward to checking back after the new year to see how and where things are progressing, not just among individual users in this thread but the forum as a whole


You‘re the goddamn man.


gut check, allow me a moment of public respite and reflection -->

two years ago i set out to condition myself for intelligence or military service

i've done exactly that, exercising mind and body very nearly every day, no sugars, high calorie / macros and protein, devouring professional reading lists and manuals across alphabets and branches, numerous asvab books, strenuous workloads to failure, brutal or perhaps spartan work environments, now it's time to put thought to action and enlist (service guarantees citizenship)

no fitness no peace is damn right, looking forward to checking back after the new year to see how and where things are progressing, not just among individual users in this thread but the forum as a whole


All my love. Take care.


I'm a dumb beginner, but I just bench pressed 3x150 today. I weigh 185 so I know I have OODLES to go.

But a 2 months ago I had to have a spotter rescue me from 140... so it's a major win to my tiny self.

Also noticed in the mirror today I like... like you can tell I go to the gym.
Remember to deload and do a few 12+ rep benches every once in a while. I thought that bench was finicky until I sporadically changed it up.
I'm a dumb beginner, but I just bench pressed 3x150 today. I weigh 185 so I know I have OODLES to go.

But a 2 months ago I had to have a spotter rescue me from 140... so it's a major win to my tiny self.

Also noticed in the mirror today I like... like you can tell I go to the gym.
Keep at it, and keep sharing your progress. Those major wins to your tiny self add up quickly as long as you are consistent day to day, week to week. Make sure to stretch DILIGENTLY and also work your isometric strength to protect yourself from a momentum-killing sprain or bruise or other injury. I've only been on the exercise part since March, not even a full year yet, so I am a fellow dumb beginner.


gut check, allow me a moment of public respite and reflection -->

two years ago i set out to condition myself for intelligence or military service

i've done exactly that, exercising mind and body very nearly every day, no sugars, high calorie / macros and protein, devouring professional reading lists and manuals across alphabets and branches, numerous asvab books, strenuous workloads to failure, brutal or perhaps spartan work environments, now it's time to put thought to action and enlist (service guarantees citizenship)

no fitness no peace is damn right, looking forward to checking back after the new year to see how and where things are progressing, not just among individual users in this thread but the forum as a whole




This week's weigh in and measure up:
86.2kg (-0.2kg)
Waist 37 inches (- 1 inch)

This week's weigh-in:
86.8kg / 191lbs (+0.8kg)
Waist 36.75 inches (-0.25)

I actually measured myself on Saturday morning and my weight was just 84.5kg, so I hoped to be under 85 come Sunday morning but then I saw that 86.8kg figure and was really disappointed. Friday was a fasting day and Saturday an eating one, but I didn't thin I ate that much yesterday! I lost a little bit more on the waist though, which is the most important measurement for me. I had 3 fasting days and 3 eating days (one clean, two not) this week. My yoga felt improved (greater flexibility and strength when doing yoga press-ups etc), as my my running (less stopping and a generally fasting pace).

I'll do another 3 non-consecutive days of fasting next week, have only one "cheat day". Since my fitness seems to be improving with no aches or pains, I'll up the tempo there a bit by adding 3 bodyweight strength sessions next week.

Hopefully I can break the 85kg barrier next week. More importantly, I want to get the waist below 86.5 inches.


Wishing everyone a healthy and strong week ahead 💪 💪 💪


For DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi

Breathing must be hard in that kind of freezing water. I was living in a very cold place last winter where people take a dip in a hole in the frozen river. I was going to try it, but then covid hit, so I didn't get the chance. It would be nice to find a place like that (frozen lake) with a sauna or hot spring nearby.

God Enel

I need Tess in my life. He can’t join the army ;-;

One of the best users on this site. #nohomo

Yesterday I did the Painstorm. I was upping the weights. Dumbbells by 2.5kg each and the kettlebell upped by 4kg.
What a fucking difference it is and it’s only 5/4kg. Was dying yesterday and was 5 minutes slower than before. It’s insane.
goal was to beat my time (at least by a couple of seconds) while upping the weight. Didn’t go as planned 🤣

Time was 1:31:32. First round was already 1+ minute slower. My lower back today is sore as fuck.
Next Sunday I’m gonna start a new Painstorm.

today not sure. Maybe do some calisthenics skill work on rings or so + handstand exercises.

anyone ever tries to do a headstand without using your hands? It’s easy when you lean against the wall - without i don’t even know if it’s achievable lol


not tag worthy
Have been unwell last week decided to level off I’ve been walking and trying not to eat bad food but I have been.

What’s the whole training while unwell mentality ?

It’s not covid just been run down and tired. ok ok it’s a really shitty cold, yeah not so tough am i? I got really phlegmy last night. Was coughing phlegm. Can breath fine all the time but last night not sure what it was. But if I workout will I make it worse ?

I also ordered some grip strength tools.

I want to get some dip bars but have nowhere to store them for now. Don’t want to leave them outside to rust.
But I’ll get there. 😀 with my workout stuff.

Did a two miles walk with the dog. Came home did 3 * 12 door frame push ups, 3 * 12 standing rows. 3 * 12 squats with raise up on top toes. Will do some glute brides later. But that’s it Will attempt some running this week.
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unwell mentally..

hmm training has always been an integral part of my life/ ritual

Rain or shine, happy, sad or just rock bottom depressed.

I need to feel sharp, break a sweat and get my work done.
If I feel like I’m not challenging myself enough I add in more working sets, more reps.

It’s self discipline that pays off in spades.
You’ll feel good, look good and feel mentally/physically stronger than you did yesterday.

Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have shit days but that’s part of the process.

Oh yeah I’ve always trained whenever I was sick. Doesn’t impede my performance that much but that’s just me.

take in a breath through the nostrils and hold in in your diaphragm for 3-5 seconds and exhale through the mouth.


Hey FitnessGAF, I think this is my first time posting in this thread, although I know I've posted before in the previous ones along the years.

Here's my attempt to motivate my fellow skinny-fat comrades on their journey towards a better, healthier body.

I've been a skinny-fat weakling all my life but the pandemic gave me time to seriously reflect on myself by being alone with my thoughts, gain clarity and perspective on my life and with that got motivated enough to really give it my all and leave my skinny-fatness for the first time in my life.

I've aimed for a body recomposition this time, where before (in previous years) I opted for straight up bulking which didn't gave me confidence as I was gaining fat at the same time I was gaining muscle (if any) -- also tried the other way (cutting) which made me lose muscle and not much body fat percentage. Being in skinny-fat purgatory is seriously demotivating...

So here's what I did: I bought a pull-up bar and a pair of dumb-bells and designed a routine that worked for me -- mostly pull-ups, chin-ups, dips and push-ups.
I work out 4 times per week. That combined with 16/8 IF and fasted cardio 5 to 6 days per week (mostly walking 10K per day, sometimes I run 5-8K) gave me the following results.


There are 200 days between these two photos.

Diet wise, I dropped alcohol completely from my life and eat waaaay more clean than before, also eat lots of protein. It might not be much in terms of muscle gain, but the fat just melted (I still have a little bit of it) and the inches dropped, even though my weight remained almost the same as before. I was 65 kg in the first pic and 63.5 kg in the second one.

Calories wise, I don't count calories meticulously, I just eye-ball it and try to eat around my maintenance which is ~2600 cals per day.

I'm never going back to being a comfortable, sedentary bitch. I actually like the discomfort now. I'm planning on starting calisthenics at my home in the near future and do a clean-bulk (slowly) to pack more muscle while minimizing fat gain (my biggest enemy!)

Stay hard!


Hey FitnessGAF, I think this is my first time posting in this thread, although I know I've posted before in the previous ones along the years.

Here's my attempt to motivate my fellow skinny-fat comrades on their journey towards a better, healthier body.

I've been a skinny-fat weakling all my life but the pandemic gave me time to seriously reflect on myself by being alone with my thoughts, gain clarity and perspective on my life and with that got motivated enough to really give it my all and leave my skinny-fatness for the first time in my life.

I've aimed for a body recomposition this time, where before (in previous years) I opted for straight up bulking which didn't gave me confidence as I was gaining fat at the same time I was gaining muscle (if any) -- also tried the other way (cutting) which made me lose muscle and not much body fat percentage. Being in skinny-fat purgatory is seriously demotivating...

So here's what I did: I bought a pull-up bar and a pair of dumb-bells and designed a routine that worked for me -- mostly pull-ups, chin-ups, dips and push-ups.
I work out 4 times per week. That combined with 16/8 IF and fasted cardio 5 to 6 days per week (mostly walking 10K per day, sometimes I run 5-8K) gave me the following results.


There are 200 days between these two photos.

Diet wise, I dropped alcohol completely from my life and eat waaaay more clean than before, also eat lots of protein. It might not be much in terms of muscle gain, but the fat just melted (I still have a little bit of it) and the inches dropped, even though my weight remained almost the same as before. I was 65 kg in the first pic and 63.5 kg in the second one.

Calories wise, I don't count calories meticulously, I just eye-ball it and try to eat around my maintenance which is ~2600 cals per day.

I'm never going back to being a comfortable, sedentary bitch. I actually like the discomfort now. I'm planning on starting calisthenics at my home in the near future and do a clean-bulk (slowly) to pack more muscle while minimizing fat gain (my biggest enemy!)

Stay hard!
Hell yeah brother. I’m working on a similar transformation myself. I went from heavy drinking (a handle in 4-5 days) to sober back in July. Down to 72 kg from 84 kg since then. I did tons of cycling through the summer and started weightlifting about 2 months ago, so gradually working on improving my physique.

Something about training in the cold makes me crave the brightest pop garbage, drenched in aspartame. Just wanna hop around the garage / outside all day. I don't have to go as heavy or intense to get the heart rate up, either. Once things heat back up in spring, it'll be like exiting the hyberbolic chamber.

I was doing judo drills for about a month but they've been put aside in favor of (beginner) sambo drills:

^^ this guy's channel, in general, is full of useful conditioning videos that are easy enough for an amateur like me.

Prior to this year, I had close to zero training in martial arts (karate class as a young teen doesn't count) so a video on how to fall properly is probably really "duh" to most of those in the thread. For me it was a lightbulb moment, learning how to break my own fall and to tumble/roll properly.

Next purchase is some gymnastic mats (open to suggestions, though I already have my eye on a brand) so that my sparring partner and I can do sweeps, tackles, and throws safely. My wife suggested them, not for my sake but out of raw nerves seeing the kids swing and hang on the gym rings. Guess I'll get those pads like you told me, darlin. 🤷‍♀️

Cutty Flam

Have been unwell last week decided to level off I’ve been walking and trying not to eat bad food but I have been.

What’s the whole training while unwell mentality ?

It’s not covid just been run down and tired. ok ok it’s a really shitty cold, yeah not so tough am i? I got really phlegmy last night. Was coughing phlegm. Can breath fine all the time but last night not sure what it was. But if I workout will I make it worse ?

I also ordered some grip strength tools.

I want to get some dip bars but have nowhere to store them for now. Don’t want to leave them outside to rust.
But I’ll get there. 😀 with my workout stuff.

Did a two miles walk with the dog. Came home did 3 * 12 door frame push ups, 3 * 12 standing rows. 3 * 12 squats with raise up on top toes. Will do some glute brides later. But that’s it Will attempt some running this week.
You have to play it by ear and try to do something every day, even if sick. If you are really sick an need the rest, probably advisable to rest and just focus on that and getting all the nutrients you can. If you can manage, get out of bed at least once or twice and move around, get the blood flowing, basically do a little dynamic warm up routine and get the limbs moving the body moving some, maybe some easy yoga poses and focus on breathing. That's for when you're really feeling ill. Not good to be sedentary ever imo, even when sick I believe people would do well to get their body moving for at least a few minutes, whatever they can do

If you're starting to feel better, take a walk, warm up and perform a few light sets of something and see how it feels. Stimulating the circulatory system and lymphatic system is key when you're sick imo, t may be tough to exercise or sometimes even just stand up when sick, you may not even have enough energy to play a video game for a minute or two--you may think that feels daunting but even when fighting a cold or flu like that, I think a few minutes spent moving around will do wonders, and then you go back to resting, drinking a ton of water, and eating as large of a healthy and nutritious meal as you can


1) Extremely sick: try to get out of bed, do some arm circles, neck circles, very light trunk twists, wrist flexion and extention, bicep curls, tricep extentions, rows, move your legs and march in place for 30 seconds if you can. Just encouraging blood and lymph fluid to circulate

2) Fairly sick: Try to walk for five to ten minutes, do the light dynamic warm up above, easy yoga poses

3) Sick but can function for hours at a time: Cardio of choice, warm up, try 3-5 sets and call it a session. If you feel good later, perform another few sets of a full body exercise, light work and see how you feel next day. Go from there and add accordingly. You can always try to do two or even three light training sessions and that would do your body well if you can handle them alright

Body needs to reach homeostasis when its sick. The only way to do that is rest, pound water like no tomorrow all while getting plenty of healthy salt and minerals, and then you focus on eating extremely healthy meals, and doing what you can every day in the way of exercise and breathing + relaxing meditation sessions will definitely help. I've always viewed each sickness as a lapse of making conscious and continuously strong, healthy choices. When sick, I always found that positive thinking, and a renewed vigor to make healthy choices is what helped the most. Starts with proper rest and nutrition, add in exercises that you can perform, and the goal is always to consider the best choices you can make for every choice in life if possible. Most of this in the way of nutrition. The exercises will break down your body, that's easy enough. The tough part is to get the absolute best nutrition you can and the perfect amount for your body. What goes in your body is what determines your vitality. Your nutrition, your rest, and your program, you have to be on it all the time with all three. Full time job trying to stay focused and mindful, motivated to be your best in all three categories

I believe sickness can be largely combated; it's a matter of lifestyle. Living right and just making a ton of optimal choices to keep the body feeling strong and well. It all boils down to making the right choices all the time

Sorry for the long post, I was thinking a lot and reflecting a bit about this when you brought up what is the correct mentality while sick
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I'm never going back to being a comfortable, sedentary bitch. I actually like the discomfort now. I'm planning on starting calisthenics at my home in the near future and do a clean-bulk (slowly) to pack more muscle while minimizing fat gain (my biggest enemy!)

Give us another update in a couple of months, if you get the time. On on a similar journey, just a coupe of months behind. I'm lucky, as I seem to maintain some muscle even when not working out, so I've been more normal fat rather than just skinny fat. But I recognise that belly and hip fat that you had on me. Hopefully I'll reach where you are now by Xmas, then I'll start my bulk too. It'll be interesting to see what your progress has been like by then. Like you, I never want to go back to where I was, but I'm also a little worried about any fat gain.


not tag worthy
Cutty Flam Cutty Flam thank you for the reply. While unwell I did walk a lot but never did weights or ran. I’m better and have been taking the dog for a walk and doing some resistance band work and some body weight. Nothing spectacular I’m still a beginner. Slowly I’m gonna ramp it up. Mostly when sick i do crave salty things not sure why ? I also drink a lot of fluids, especially water and tea.

But the running will commence soon. I was making good progress so don’t want to stop.

Also I feel that I can workout with heavier bands for some exercises or using two together to get more resistance. Except when I do lateral raises. I have to use the lightest still.

Still have a belly. But it’s slowly going.

Either way I feel better than I have done in ages.

- Also any typos, I’m using my phone.
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Guys any good way to increase your (standing) overhead press? I’m about 75kg and can press 40kg ~10x. I want to press my bodyweight though. Any tips here? Be it exercises/ should I move up with weight and lower reps?

Btw. Today is chest and triceps
I've been working on standing overhead presses w the kettlebells. These helped me and hopefully they help you:

- one handed overhead presses (will greatly improve the stabilizers in both arms)
- inclined push ups, so that you are pushing at an angle with your arms above your chest. Perform on gym rings for more benefit
- shoulder stretches, so that you retain the proper mobility
- decrease weight and add fat grips / sponge / whatever, or other grip-improvement methods
- handstands or assisted handstands, to build isometric holding strength in that muscle chain
- farmer walks, to pull the shoulders down and therefore build more stability in opposite-facing exercises (like your ohp)


Unconfirmed Member
So I'm currently making slow but steady progress from a lockdown high of 187 lb to 167 lb for a 20lb (9kg) loss. Doing this by eating 1 meal a day combined with daily rowing or walking, depending on mood. The goal is to get to 11 stone (70kg / 154 lb) then I'll have a good base from which to add some muscle. It's definitely good to be carrying less weight, and there's still a decent amount to go, but I'm confident that I can pull it off.

God Enel

What other back/shoulder stuff are you doing? And how much are you eating?

Well, maybe thats the problem. I don't have a consistent plan. Im doing everything. From variations of pull ups, to rows, to deadlifts, lateral raises, front raises, reverse flies, cable machine and so on.

In regards to food.. I'm not eating a lot. I'm not counting. Went from 82kg (during corona - before I was at about 78kg) to.. I'm currently at 76-77kg.


Well, maybe thats the problem. I don't have a consistent plan. Im doing everything. From variations of pull ups, to rows, to deadlifts, lateral raises, front raises, reverse flies, cable machine and so on.

In regards to food.. I'm not eating a lot. I'm not counting. Went from 82kg (during corona - before I was at about 78kg) to.. I'm currently at 76-77kg.
Tried T-bar rows yet for back? I just did them for the first time on Tuesday and my traps are still sore in a part that didn't get sore from any other exercise (right up at the top all the way across, the part of your traps you can see from the front)
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Cutty Flam

Guys any good way to increase your (standing) overhead press? I’m about 75kg and can press 40kg ~10x. I want to press my bodyweight though. Any tips here? Be it exercises/ should I move up with weight and lower reps?

Btw. Today is chest and triceps
OHP is one you want to be careful with when it comes to upping the weight. Really have to be cautious and fully ready when going for it, since the shoulders are such a small muscle group

-Additional tricep work
-Increase strength of back with all lifts if possible
-Train legs harder, increase in strength there
-Additional Biceps work should help
-Strengthen your rotator cuff. I’ve found that doing internal and external rotation exercises with bands payed off a lot
-Negatives / eccentric with bench press DB
-Definitely consider adding to your core routine

From there it’s just a matter of eating like a fucking savage. I can put all my effort into training and it’s easy at this point to go hard that has never been the issue, but the toughest part is growing in strength. You have to eat like a fucking animal every day. High quality protein rich meals, high quality carbs, sugar is something you monitor never keep too high, 1.5-2g water per day. Whenever I go through a strength phase it’s inevitable, I’m a bit heavier and a bit more bloated, but I think it allows the athlete to make strength gains. With me personally I don’t see how I can make strength gains if I’m not eating in surplus. I’ve tried many times to increase my lifts all while fasting for long periods of time and trying to stay in a caloric deficit even but it never works. Hope that helps, Eneru. Even if you don’t have any structure you have chosen the right lifts from posts that I have seen, so as long as you stay consistent with your routine and keep increasing your lifts, add the accessory exercises and are willing to put on a few lbs you’ll be able to see some strength gains

-Huge fan of creatine as well to help with strength, overall muscle gains. I personally don’t do the loading phase but will try to take 3g every other day. If you’re serious as hell though, take creatine with the loading phase, then take 3-5g pre workout and 3-5g post workout. Creatine puts is work if you have the discipline and habit there to guzzle more than a gallon of water every day
40 lbs of rice in a bucket, left overnight in a 32F garage, is essentially a pail of ice. For those who are in a cold climate and are also using the VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler bucket, this is a great combo w the usual cold training, since one of the primary goals is to promote circulation. Body heat does warm it up after working the bucket for awhile but 40 lbs of cold mass is still 40 lbs of cold mass. Hands feel great afterward. Veins in hands/arms have increased noticeably during the past two weeks of this "ice rice bucket" routine, so if you are lifting for physique this is something to try out.

Cutty Flam

A lot less pain doing these simpler workouts, and I superset my main lifts for upper body body. Feels glorious, the circulation and pump from super sets

Put the cardio equipment inside the house so now im using it twice or three times per day, walking, have been working on flexibility, added the pool workouts on top of that. things are looking up

Today was

Exercycle bike, 10 min
Walk 25 min
Warm up circuit
Skated around the block
Cool down on bike ~ 4 min 30 seconds
Stretch some

Might shadow box for 10 min and rest. Tmrw I think I’m going to focus on legs, stretching, and some myofascial massage + release techniques

Wim hof cold therapy is doing wonders still for mood and overall health, can feel it. Been keeping that up. I’m still slacking on the diaphragmatic breathing aspect though tbh with myself, need to start training that muscle and conditioning my lungs a bit

I’m also thinking about maybe eating standing up as often as possible, doing any studying, work, even games standing up. I swear, sitting down is like the bane of my wellness at this point. I think for most it is; sitting just shortens a plethora of the tissues / makes everything tight. So that will be huge if I can make that change this month and keep it as habit

^^^I accidentally posted all that up there in the calzone thread lmfao. Had to edit real quickly 😂


I just started taking creatine today (planning to load it with 20g a day for 7 days, then go to 5g daily).

I'm also taking flaxseed oil (for omega 3), move-free joint supplement, and one a day men's.

Leg day at the gym yesterday.

Cutty Flam Cutty Flam I'm with you on the standing. I have a standing desk that goes up and down both at home and at the office. I went into the office today and ended up working late there, coming back home and working for hours more at home, then took a shower and did some meal prep. Been mostly on my feet since at least 2pm ET (it's 10:24PM now). It's finally time to hit the recliner and start calming down for bed.
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