Yeah I'm so sorry, I just looked at the OP. Forgive me guys.
I forgive you.
Yeah I'm so sorry, I just looked at the OP. Forgive me guys.
Yeah I'm so sorry, I just looked at the OP. Forgive me guys.
You're on the right track. I think you should be okay on around 3500cals to start if you make sure they're quality (so beef, chicken, eggs, whey etc. and not too much milk for example). If you start to stall, increase cals.
And don't worry too much about appearance, I've done SS almost exactly like you, and taking my bench from 40kg to 80kg for reps and chin-ups from BWx6 to BWx15 has made a massive difference on my arms without even one curl or tricep kickback.
Also, take your time on cleans, they can be hard to learn but they're so much fun.Good luck!
As a beginner you don't need any supplementation. You'll get gains without them. Best to build up your strength and stamina on the lifts naturally and not depend on pre workouts when you start. Plus GNC is expensive as fuck, probably could've got them for cheaper online.Decided recently to get back in shape. Currently I'm 142 and looking to add 30-35lbs. After reading the OP, it seem like the best option for me right now is to do the beginners routine until I get the hang of everything. I also bought a pre-workout called Black Powder and a vitapack from GNC. I was wondering if I made the right choice in buying these 2 items??
Two months seems like too long, I would see a doctor or commit to zero use of your wrist for another month. Maybe even get something to hold it in place. I don't know what kind of positions that take the weight off your wrist you're exactly referring too, but if you hurt yourself you need to rest that shit completely for a while. As little movement as possible and definitely zero working out. Again I don't really know what exactly you've been doing with your wrist but right now it sounds like you maybe didn't give it any time at all to rest. I'm not a doctor though lol.Thoughts?
I really need to get one of those smart shaker cups with the compartments on the bottom for your protein/creatine/other supps.
I really need to get one of those smart shaker cups with the compartments on the bottom for your protein/creatine/other supps.
I really need to get one of those smart shaker cups with the compartments on the bottom for your protein/creatine/other supps.
That's awesome, where can I get it?
I got one a little while back with the compartment on the top. I'll be honest, I don't really see the purpose unless you are mixing with milk.
You are already swole.First weightlifting meet starts in an hour! Wish me luck bros!
How so? It's great to have multiple scoops of protein with you at all times to mix with anything throughout the day.
Anyway the other thing that I'll be altering is my program..
Workout A
Workout B
Power Clean
Chin Ups
As much as I've enjoyed gaining some semblance of definition in my arms after 22 years of chicken arms I have to trust that the whole body movements that I'm doing will transfer to bis and tris as well. Bench will train tris and chin ups will train bis (switching to chins from pulls for this reason). Either way I'm no longer concerned with appearence. My primary concern is adding 2.5kgs to my squats, deads and power cleans every workout and adding 1.25kgs to my bench and OHP every workout.
So that's me..
Sorry for the wall of text and if any of you have actually reached the end of my post and have any pointers I'm all ears![]()
if any of you have actually reached the end of my post and have any pointers I'm all ears![]()
Decided recently to get back in shape. Currently I'm 142 and looking to add 30-35lbs. After reading the OP, it seem like the best option for me right now is to do the beginners routine until I get the hang of everything. I also bought a pre-workout called Black Powder and a vitapack from GNC. I was wondering if I made the right choice in buying these 2 items??
I just don't see how it's any better than just throwing whey into a shaker and then adding your water or whatever when you're ready to mix it. In my experience it just seems like a silly gimmick.
I just don't see how it's any better than just throwing whey into a shaker and then adding your water or whatever when you're ready to mix it. In my experience it just seems like a silly gimmick.
Great if you want your shake with milk, but don't have milk available at the gym.
Just fill up your shaker with 3-400 ml milk, and throw in the compartment scoop of powder once you're ready.
Sounds like this is for people who believe they need protein within 30 seconds of finishing their workout.
Sounds like this is for people who believe they need protein within 30 seconds of finishing their workout.
If you don't drink your Protein+Creatine+Beta-Alanine+BCAA+Anaconda exactly 30 seconds after finishing your workout, then your workout is completely wasted. At that point you'll become so catabolic that you might as well sit on the couch for the rest of the day and just eat pizza drenched in Coca Cola.
It's science, bro.
Daily energy intake affects protein needs. As stated by Butterfield (9): when energy balance is negative, an intake of protein as high as 2 g × kg body weight−1 × d−1 may be inadequate to maintain N equilibrium. That is, on a low calorie intake, even fairly large amounts of protein may not be enough. Butterfield (9) also demonstrated that as one adds more and more daily kilocalories above his requirement, he tends to experience better and better nitrogen retention. This is not a new concept. Data from Chiang and Huang (12) illustrated that for each 15% increase in kilocalories intake, nitrogen retention progressively increased. Specifically, at a fixed protein intake of 1.2 g/kg daily, there were incremental increases in nitrogen retention with greater kilocalories consumption. At maintenance energy intake, 15% above maintenance energy and at 30% above, nitrogen balance increased from 7.2 to 23.8 to 33.3 mg N × kg−1 × d−1 in the ascending calorie series and decreased from 27.8 to 17.6 to 4.8 mg N × kg−1 × d−1 in the descending series. These classic data are corroborated by overfeeding studies by Roberts et al. (46) and Bouchard and Tremblay (6), in which nonlifters exhibited a body protein deposition of 1333% of 1,000 kcal daily surpluses. Note that these are nonathletes.
Although energy surplus alone is not sufficient for optimized muscle protein synthesis, this is a practical point of which coaches and athletes should stay cognizant. Many athletes undereat or skip meals (31), a fact that would hamper muscular gains.
As stated by Butterfield (9): when energy balance is negative, an intake of protein as high as 2 g × kg body weight−1 × d−1 may be inadequate to maintain N equilibrium.
This would probably save me alot of trouble, I should invest in oneI really need to get one of those smart shaker cups with the compartments on the bottom for your protein/creatine/other supps.
So... bodyweight vs free weights?
Does anyone have any idea why the 5/3/1 BB template has 5 sets (of 20) with the triceps pushdown or whatever when every other exercise is just 4 sets. Any point in doing 5 sets instead of the 4 sets I'm planning on?
Also how far should I go with the last 5/3/1 set with this template? I know I shouldn't go to failure but is it safe to stop when I feel like I have one or two reps in the tank? Or should I stop sooner?
First weightlifting meet starts in an hour! Wish me luck bros!
Went 70,75,80f in the snatch and 90,96,100 in the clean and jerk. 175 total @ 84.7kg bw. Placed 3rd by default in my class. Had a ton of fun and now I am exhausted and want ice cream and all the pizza in the world.
Do I need BCAA as a vegetarian?
I'm getting some flax seed powder along with new protein, and have been considering the BCAA to cover potential nutritional deficiencies from a meat-free diet.
Or do I get those essential amino acids if I just continue to consume milk/eggs?
Went 70,75,80f in the snatch and 90,96,100 in the clean and jerk. 175 total @ 84.7kg bw. Placed 3rd by default in my class. Had a ton of fun and now I am exhausted and want ice cream and all the pizza in the world.
Went 70,75,80f in the snatch and 90,96,100 in the clean and jerk. 175 total @ 84.7kg bw. Placed 3rd by default in my class. Had a ton of fun and now I am exhausted and want ice cream and all the pizza in the world.
Went 70,75,80f in the snatch and 90,96,100 in the clean and jerk. 175 total @ 84.7kg bw. Placed 3rd by default in my class. Had a ton of fun and now I am exhausted and want ice cream and all the pizza in the world.
sams club has 4 pound bag of their house brand simply right whey protein for only 19.81.
55 mg per scoop (30 grams)What's the cholesterol amount per serving?