Hey man, I'm just now transitioning from weight loss to trying to build up as much as I can.Jesus, is there nobody in this thread a beginner like me? I'm all proud I can muster 6 reps of bench press at 80 lbs while the rest of you are squatting buses. FML.
Bench press all the weight, all of them, daily.
After reading this line, I immediately thought of this guy.
Hey man, I'm just now transitioning from weight loss to trying to build up as much as I can.
I'm completely ignorant here, so I'm just doing what I learn from this thread and what I pick up here and there. Kind of piecemeal but that's just how I learn. I gotta throw myself into shit and learn as I go or I'll suffer major analysis paralysis and never start.
Best of luck!
If your starting out I can't recommend stronglifts.com enough. You really will see dramatic results in the first year if you keep your focus and leave your ego at the gym door. Most of the boys and girls here are intermediate lifters so their routine probably doesn't apply to you. You'll be wasting your time picking and choosing a routine that they came up with.
Once your at a stage where you don't progress anymore, then you can look to madcow or 5/3/1, or maybe come up with your own routine.
Finished reading the OP, and I'm even more confused. Basically what I'm getting is that the "magic" is in squats, dead lifts and bench presses. So all the exercises I've been doing, some of my favorites like preacher curls or tricep cable pulldowns I can't do anymore?
Are you kidding me? No way am I going to get in line to do squats and deadlIfts with beasts ahead of me. I can already hear the snickers and feel the rolling eyes.
Finished reading the OP, and I'm even more confused. Basically what I'm getting is that the "magic" is in squats, dead lifts and bench presses. So all the exercises I've been doing, some of my favorites like preacher curls or tricep cable pulldowns I can't do anymore?
Are you kidding me? No way am I going to get in line to do squats and deadlIfts with beasts ahead of me. I can already hear the snickers and feel the rolling eyes.
Let me tell you a story
I used to be like you. I used to worry what others thought so I never bothered with any of the compounds. If I benched it was "benching" on the hammer strength machine (because I was embarrassed I couldn't bench 135) I didn't bother doing overhead press. I occasionally squatted but they were half reps so I could load more weight and he closest thing I'd do to a deadlift with straight leg style with a pre set bar.
Oh but I'd do lots of machines.
After 5 years of this (not always consistent, but 5 years nonetheless) I was still weak. I was skinny fat.
Don't get me wrong, there is a place for those accessory exercises, but you need need need a solid strength base, I promise you.
So almost two years ago I started strong lifts 5x5 and literally started with the bar for everything. I didn't touch any exercise besides squats, deads, ohp, bench and row.
Guess what? After 6 months of only doing those exercises and increasing the weight each week, I tried some old accessory stuff. I could do more weight on every single thing. Why? I was stronger!
Check the ego man. No one gives a shit what weight you do, especially if you have proper form. No one is born a beast. We've all devoted time, blood, sweat and tears into this and honestly, it's those beast men who will give you the best advice.
My advice, start getting under the barbell and just start lifting!!
Finished reading the OP, and I'm even more confused. Basically what I'm getting is that the "magic" is in squats, dead lifts and bench presses. So all the exercises I've been doing, some of my favorites like preacher curls or tricep cable pulldowns I can't do anymore?
Are you kidding me? No way am I going to get in line to do squats and deadlIfts with beasts ahead of me.
It's alright to feel really self-conscience about lifting in the main area of the gym and doing the big lifts. Just about everyone in this thread has been there before, including myself. It's juwt something you have to sort of do. The only way you can get over it is if you just do it, and realize.. no one really is judging you for what you're doing.
Most of the "veteran" lifters aren't looking at the newbie lifters actually. They're looking at the other guys who are as big or bigger than them. They may still be judging, but not you. Regardless, screw those guys. They were beginnners too once. They probably got stuck under the bar once, etc.
Try it out, if it still makes you nervous to get to work with the bars. Find someone to lift with you, especially someone knowledgable in lifting. It will do you wonders with getting over confidence issues. Mostly because they'll force you to do it.Then keep you encouraged. This is how I got started, and got over my initial woes. Not to mention you will learn a lot from them.
Man, I haven't had any sleep, so my patience and wording is a little short this morning. You guy's aren't being mean, but there are nicer ways of getting your points across. There is no need to be harsh on people. We're here to help people who probably have little to no background in fitness get started. We're not coaches trying to get a bunch of kids to jump through hoops.
I see what you're trying to say, and I agree, but you're going in hand with what I'm calling out. The scrawny guy swinging preachers (do people actually do this? lol) may just not know how to properly do the lift. Yes ego gets in the way, but some people legitimately don't know what they're doing.You know who I'm judging? The scrawny guy doing preacher curls too heavy for him swinging the weight because he isn't able to check his ego and do the real lifts.
The newbie squatting just the bar learning his shit?
That guy is awesome.
I just did it.I think in this instance where someone is flat out saying they aren't going to do something they should be because "big guys will judge me", there's no nice way to out it. You have to tough up and do it. There really isn't another solution short of investing in your own home gym or going at 3am.
I see what you're trying to say, and I agree, but you're going in hand with what I'm calling out. The scrawny guy swinging preachers (do people actually do this? lol) may just not know how to properly do the lift. Yes ego gets in the way, but some people legitimately don't know what they're doing.
I'm not saying go out and give them advice, some people hate that as it makes them feel even more self-conscious. Just don't be so quick to judge.
Also just stop judging altogether.
I just did it.
Finished reading the OP, and I'm even more confused. Basically what I'm getting is that the "magic" is in squats, dead lifts and bench presses. So all the exercises I've been doing, some of my favorites like preacher curls or tricep cable pulldowns I can't do anymore?
Are you kidding me? No way am I going to get in line to do squats and deadlIfts with beasts ahead of me. I can already hear the snickers and feel the rolling eyes.
I should have been more clear. these are guys I have talked to before. I know them. I'm judging them because they won't listen and care more about looking "cool" curling 70lbs than actually getting results. I'm always out to help at the gym, and I absolutely will think less of someone unable to check their ego when what they are doing clearly isn't working.
Guy I don't know doing the same? I'll go explain why what he's doing isn't efficient or working. I'm cool that way.
What you said doesn't look any different to me. Fair enough though.
This is fine then.
OMG I sound so bitchy this morning, lol.
What would be the best instructional video on deadlifts? I always skip them in my routines because I am honestly absolutely terrified of them. I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable at the gym in general and I think I'm ready to finally try them.
Finished reading the OP, and I'm even more confused. Basically what I'm getting is that the "magic" is in squats, dead lifts and bench presses. So all the exercises I've been doing, some of my favorites like preacher curls or tricep cable pulldowns I can't do anymore?
Are you kidding me? No way am I going to get in line to do squats and deadlIfts with beasts ahead of me. I can already hear the snickers and feel the rolling eyes.
Well aren't you a familiar face.What would be the best instructional video on deadlifts? I always skip them in my routines because I am honestly absolutely terrified of them. I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable at the gym in general and I think I'm ready to finally try them.
Thanks for the early morning flattery Darth! Totally random but nice of you. HahaWhat kinda routine do I need to do to get to be as handsome as Cooter?
Jesus, is there nobody in this thread a beginner like me? I'm all proud I can muster 6 reps of bench press at 80 lbs while the rest of you are squatting buses. FML.
For the record, I check what little ego I have at the door all the time. I'm not the scrawny dude, swaggering his way through the weight room, swinging barbells, making noise and posturing infront of the mirror taking selfies. Infact you'll find me most times at the cable machine quietly doing my thing, trying to get to 12 reps of something, increasing my weights as I go. If I venture into the weight area I'll take the bench farthest from everyone so that I don't get in anyone's way. It's fine that you can make assumptions of me, but I came into the thread (my second attempt) to get honest advice and I would in turn be honest about where I am at, where I wanna be, and the mental state of mind I'm at.
Noone can say that I'm not motivated, because I am. I've invested a lot of time, money, mental energy, sweat into this. I'm just dumbfounded that what's written in the OP is now the opposite of what I've read elsewhere.
For example, how do squats or dead lifts even workout bicep? I get that presses will as a secondary target, but what I thought i knew was that squats were for legs and gluts.
Anyways, I'll hang back for a bit so as not to highjack the thread further.
For the record, I check what little ego I have at the door all the time. I'm not the scrawny dude, swaggering his way through the weight room, swinging barbells, making noise and posturing infront of the mirror taking selfies. Infact you'll find me most times at the cable machine quietly doing my thing, trying to get to 12 reps of something, increasing my weights as I go. If I venture into the weight area I'll take the bench farthest from everyone so that I don't get in anyone's way. It's fine that you can make assumptions of me, but I came into the thread (my second attempt) to get honest advice and I would in turn be honest about where I am at, where I wanna be, and the mental state of mind I'm at.
Noone can say that I'm not motivated, because I am. I've invested a lot of time, money, mental energy, sweat into this. I'm just dumbfounded that what's written in the OP is now the opposite of what I've read elsewhere.
For example, how do squats or dead lifts even workout bicep? I get that presses will as a secondary target, but what I thought i knew was that squats were for legs and gluts.
Anyways, I'll hang back for a bit so as not to highjack the thread further.
Exactly. Build a solid strength base. I forget who said it and the exact quote but it went something like "show me the guy with small arms pulling a 405+ deadlift"
Prolly the same dood who said "show me the guy with small legs pulling a 415+ deadlift"
and then Hugh Jackman shows up.
Man, did i ever give you guys proper back shots during the backfest?
For the record, I check what little ego I have at the door all the time. I'm not the scrawny dude, swaggering his way through the weight room, swinging barbells, making noise and posturing infront of the mirror taking selfies. Infact you'll find me most times at the cable machine quietly doing my thing, trying to get to 12 reps of something, increasing my weights as I go. If I venture into the weight area I'll take the bench farthest from everyone so that I don't get in anyone's way. It's fine that you can make assumptions of me, but I came into the thread (my second attempt) to get honest advice and I would in turn be honest about where I am at, where I wanna be, and the mental state of mind I'm at.
Noone can say that I'm not motivated, because I am. I've invested a lot of time, money, mental energy, sweat into this. I'm just dumbfounded that what's written in the OP is now the opposite of what I've read elsewhere.
For example, how do squats or dead lifts even workout bicep? I get that presses will as a secondary target, but what I thought i knew was that squats were for legs and gluts.
Anyways, I'll hang back for a bit so as not to highjack the thread further.
For the record, I check what little ego I have at the door all the time. I'm not the scrawny dude, swaggering his way through the weight room, swinging barbells, making noise and posturing infront of the mirror taking selfies. Infact you'll find me most times at the cable machine quietly doing my thing, trying to get to 12 reps of something, increasing my weights as I go. If I venture into the weight area I'll take the bench farthest from everyone so that I don't get in anyone's way. It's fine that you can make assumptions of me, but I came into the thread (my second attempt) to get honest advice and I would in turn be honest about where I am at, where I wanna be, and the mental state of mind I'm at.
Noone can say that I'm not motivated, because I am. I've invested a lot of time, money, mental energy, sweat into this. I'm just dumbfounded that what's written in the OP is now the opposite of what I've read elsewhere.
For example, how do squats or dead lifts even workout bicep? I get that presses will as a secondary target, but what I thought i knew was that squats were for legs and gluts.
Anyways, I'll hang back for a bit so as not to highjack the thread further.
Speaking of arm work, I started doing decline seated bicep curls.
Cards on the table:
The people I judge at the gym are the dudes that load up 225+ on the squat rack / cage and only go down 1/8 of the way...then leave without re-racking their weights.
Yep, these and reverse grip curls are a staple in my arm workouts.I really like seated incline dumbbell curls. I've just recently started doing triple drop sets for hammercurls.
Finished reading the OP, and I'm even more confused. Basically what I'm getting is that the "magic" is in squats, dead lifts and bench presses. So all the exercises I've been doing, some of my favorites like preacher curls or tricep cable pulldowns I can't do anymore?
Are you kidding me? No way am I going to get in line to do squats and deadlIfts with beasts ahead of me. I can already hear the snickers and feel the rolling eyes.
Did them yesterday! Good ones. Keep those elbows back and stationary and feel the squeeze!Speaking of arm work, I started doing incline seated bicep curls.
I really like seated incline dumbbell curls. I've just recently started doing triple drop sets for hammercurls.
For example, how do squats or dead lifts even workout bicep?
Yep, these and reverse grip curls are a staple in my arm workouts.
Any thoughts on barbell moves / squat types that would hit my glutes and hamstrings beyond the basic squat?
as a background, I have now established that my squat form weaknesses - leaning too forward, weight not on heels, reluctance to go deep - all seem to come from the same source, wanting to help with my quads. Having done leg press most of my life instead of squad I am extremely quad dominant, to the point that my wife commented on how disproportionate it looks.
Any thoughts on barbell moves / squat types that would hit my glutes and hamstrings beyond the basic squat?
as a background, I have now established that my squat form weaknesses - leaning too forward, weight not on heels, reluctance to go deep - all seem to come from the same source, wanting to help with my quads. Having done leg press most of my life instead of squat I am extremely quad dominant, to the point that my wife commented on how disproportionate it looks.