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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Chimps are more impressive.






How many sets of bicep curls do you think they do?
Yaya new thread. I was waiting for this to pop up. Is it often when you start to eat right and start working out that people naturally lose weight first before gaining it back in muscles?


Double check form like knees sliding forward at the bottom, and look into lifting shoes. Helped me

Hm. I'll have to look into the knees thing. As for shoes, I recently got some Chuck Taylors. Hopefully, that helps some.

Some amount of hip pain at the beginning is to be expected if you have been sedentary all your life. Being sedentary and spending a lot of time sitting shortens your hip flexors (mostly the psoas, but I don't know if that's where it hurts). When you started squatting, your hip flexors were forced to stretch much farther than they are used to. That's probably why they hurt. It'll go away. Don't work through the pain, though.

By all means take a week off, but make the best of it. Work on mobility. Do the couch stretch! You could also try this to open up your hips: http://www.mobilitywod.com/2012/01/episode-363-pre-squat-hip-opener-mob-rx.html

Yeah. Those are some of the stretches I've been doing. I'll keep at it.

So tomorrow is normally my gym day. I assume it's alright to continue working on my deadlift and press/bpress right?


the piano man
I'm getting into the gym at 11:30pm tonight, whoo!

Hm. I'll have to look into the knees thing. As for shoes, I recently got some Chuck Taylors. Hopefully, that helps some.

Yeah. Those are some of the stretches I've been doing. I'll keep at it.

So tomorrow is normally my gym day. I assume it's alright to continue working on my deadlift and press/bpress right?

Darth and _Isaac, <3

we are like Zelda goddesses Din, Farore and Nayru, power, courage and wisdom, fuck yeah.

Darth, when do you sleep? such passion, respect to you.

Isaac, maybe do some accesory leg workout until the pain is gone? leg extensions and such?


so what happens if you do keto without carb loading days?

Depends on goals. Are you cutting or bulking? I'm assuming the former. Keto is not a great bulking protocol.

It take a bit to get adjusted to getting fuel from fat and your lifts will get weaker. It's just very hard to do in the long term, but great to quick weight loss.


I've been making some pretty linear gains in deadlifts, but I'm afraid my cutting will put an abrupt halt to it. It's moments like this where you gotta just take your ego out of the equation and let old things go I guess.


For mw, it seems that the quality pf protein has something to so with gastro issues. Some stuff has wrecked havoc on my stomach while others dont..

Syntha 6/trutein for when im bulking

On 100 % whey for when im cutting

Ive tried many powders but these three seem to work the best with my body.


good credit (by proxy)
Depends on goals. Are you cutting or bulking? I'm assuming the former. Keto is not a great bulking protocol.

It take a bit to get adjusted to getting fuel from fat and your lifts will get weaker. It's just very hard to do in the long term, but great to quick weight loss.

That's bullshit. Nothing can make my lifts weaker. It's impossible for them to go down by even a pound.

It just seems like having card loading days seems to be a specific thing for people who lift weights on keto.


Just to update you guys, I bought a couple of supplements suggested by a friend. One is a Ronnie Coleman sleep and recovery sup called Ressurect P.M and the other isa pre-workout, BSN Hyper FX.

Added together and I crushed my workout today. Not sure which of them helped more or if it was a function of both but I added 5lbs to OHP, 5lbs to Squat and 5lbs to deadlift.

I got some video footage of my squat form today but I won't upload it due to the fact that I added 5lbs to my squat and also because having seen my form I'm quite confident it's decent and a trainer I asked at the gym said my form looked good except that I favour my left side as the weights get heavier but I knew that already...


good credit (by proxy)
Just to update you guys, I bought a couple of supplements suggested by a friend. One is a Ronnie Coleman sleep and recovery sup called Ressurect P.M and the other isa pre-workout, BSN Hyper FX.

Added together and I crushed my workout today. Not sure which of them helped more or if it was a function of both but I added 5lbs to OHP, 5lbs to Squat and 5lbs to deadlift.

I got some video footage of my squat form today but I won't upload it due to the fact that I added 5lbs to my squat and also because having seen my form I'm quite confident it's decent and a trainer I asked at the gym said my form looked good except that I favour my left side as the weights get heavier but I knew that already...

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Just to update you guys, I bought a couple of supplements suggested by a friend. One is a Ronnie Coleman sleep and recovery sup called Ressurect P.M and the other isa pre-workout, BSN Hyper FX.

Added together and I crushed my workout today. Not sure which of them helped more or if it was a function of both but I added 5lbs to OHP, 5lbs to Squat and 5lbs to deadlift.

I got some video footage of my squat form today but I won't upload it due to the fact that I added 5lbs to my squat and also because having seen my form I'm quite confident it's decent and a trainer I asked at the gym said my form looked good except that I favour my left side as the weights get heavier but I knew that already...

More eyes can never hurt. Also, aren't you a rank novice? 5lbs is what you should be adding to your lifts every time. Don't mean to burst your bubble, but the supplements aren't what did that for you, you overloading your body and forcing it to adapt did.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just to update you guys, I bought a couple of supplements suggested by a friend. One is a Ronnie Coleman sleep and recovery sup called Ressurect P.M and the other isa pre-workout, BSN Hyper FX.

Added together and I crushed my workout today. Not sure which of them helped more or if it was a function of both but I added 5lbs to OHP, 5lbs to Squat and 5lbs to deadlift.

I got some video footage of my squat form today but I won't upload it due to the fact that I added 5lbs to my squat and also because having seen my form I'm quite confident it's decent and a trainer I asked at the gym said my form looked good except that I favour my left side as the weights get heavier but I knew that already...


Shirley, you can't be serious.

Speaking of squats, today was my first day back in the gym since I got the flu 2.5 weeks ago, and holy fucking shit my legs are on fire after doing a bunch of squats. Like, I can count on one hand the number of times they've felt this sore in my life. On my final set I had a bro spot me, and that's when my legs turned to jelly since I couldn't lift the weight without him giving me a slight nudge, so I was really pushing through it. Collapsed on a nearby bench the moment I racked the bar.

Hit 195x4 on bench twice today. Excited to be nearing 200x4-5.

Ordered some Syntha6 Chocolate Cake Batter tonight from Amazon. $48 for a 5lb tub. Couldn't say no after reading all the reviews. I had tried the Chocolate Milkshake last and it was delicious. I'm excited to try this one out although I assume they will be pretty similar. Anyone else on that BSN game?
protein shakes they make you fart like crazy....

Hahaha theres this Fiber One bar I've been eating as a snack lately that is so fucking delicious but man..the farts that come afterwards..clears a whole room.

I was on Web Md to see which foods I need to eat to gain weight the healthy way, looks like a trip to the grocery store is in order. What protein powder shake is generally well regarded with you guys? I've also gained 4lbs since I started working out last week.


More eyes can never hurt. Also, aren't you a rank novice? 5lbs is what you should be adding to your lifts every time. Don't mean to burst your bubble, but the supplements aren't what did that for you, you overloading your body and forcing it to adapt did.

Sorry I wasn't specific, I just meant that I've been having trouble progressing and today I felt like I could have done more reps or sets so compared to how I've been going I felt really good about it.

I was trying to get across how much better it felt today.

Edit: I should point out that I've been having trouble with progression and my excitement is in the fact that it was so easy for me today. I know 5lbs is the norm but particularly with squats I just haven't been able to pass that 100lb barrier and today I did comfortably.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry I wasn't specific, I just meant that I've been having trouble progressing and today I felt like I could have done more reps or sets so compared to how I've been going I felt really good about it.

I was trying to get across how much better it felt today.

Edit: I should point out that I've been having trouble with progression and my excitement is in the fact that it was so easy for me today. I know 5lbs is the norm but particularly with squats I just haven't been able to pass that 100lb barrier and today I did comfortably.

Well it's good you're progressing, but supps shouldn't be the cause at this level. Eat and sleep more. If you can post a form check you should, no-ones going to judge you for it and it's much easier to notice some things on video than it would be otherwise.


Well it's good you're progressing, but supps shouldn't be the cause at this level. Eat and sleep more. If you can post a form check you should, no-ones going to judge you for it and it's much easier to notice some things on video than it would be otherwise.

Agreed, hell I wasn't even aware that I wasn't using much hip drive till I was already at 170lb on my squat, getting more eyes on your form is never a bad thing.
How realistic is it to add weight to the bar every session?

I'm (trying) to add a total of 5KG to my squat and deadlift and a total of 2.5KG to my press and bench press.
Problem is, I'm finding it very difficult to increase the weight each time, and I'm progressing very slowly. The press, especially, has really slowed down. It takes me a couple of weeks to get 3x5 out.
I am eating well, doing GOMAD but I think my inadequate sleeping might be affecting my speed of progression, unfortunately I can't do anything about that.

So, yeah, I guess I just need some clarification on this whole linear progression business.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
If you've been training for a bit drop the progression to 2.5kgs/1.25kgs per session. Overhead Press is the slowest lift to progress, you will stall on it earlier.


How realistic is it to add weight to the bar every session?

I'm (trying) to add a total of 5KG to my squat and deadlift and a total of 2.5KG to my press and bench press.
Problem is, I'm finding it very difficult to increase the weight each time, and I'm progressing very slowly. The press, especially, has really slowed down. It takes me a couple of weeks to get 3x5 out.
I am eating well, doing GOMAD but I think my inadequate sleeping might be affecting my speed of progression, unfortunately I can't do anything about that.

So, yeah, I guess I just need some clarification on this whole linear progression business.

I'm doing 5 and 10 lb jumps per week at this point, my gym doesn't have 1.25 plates so I feel like this way doesn't work out to be much of a difference. My lifts are still progressing so I must be doing something right.

And yes OHP is the biggest pain in my ass, finally hitting 100lb was a good feeling, looking forward to being able to do 135.


Well it's good you're progressing, but supps shouldn't be the cause at this level. Eat and sleep more. If you can post a form check you should, no-ones going to judge you for it and it's much easier to notice some things on video than it would be otherwise.

Alright I'll get it up in the next couple of days


protein shakes they make you fart like crazy....

You have buying a brand with too much lactose.... PHD do an all-in-one protein and I could literally clear the gym of people 30 minutes after I drank it, I ended up offending myself it was that bad. I have no such issue with stuff from N-R-G or Maximuscle.


Nice to see a new OT moving along swiftly. Nothing to add, really. Just want to subscribe for massive gains (as soon as my back heals).


That's bullshit. Nothing can make my lifts weaker. It's impossible for them to go down by even a pound.

It just seems like having card loading days seems to be a specific thing for people who lift weights on keto.

I'm not talking of getting weaker, per se, but getting stronger. You may stall longer on keto in terms of progressive overload.
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