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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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That looks much better than what you were doing before. Now just work on keeping your back even straighter, and doing the squat with one smooth motion with no jitters.

Jitters was me thinking too much. Trying to imagine a straight line from the bar to my shoes and another line denoting parallel and figuring out if I was below it or not. I'll keep the weight low until I can do the exercise without thinking about it. Thanks do much for taking the time to watch, and thanks to everyone yesterday who helped me figure out the mechanics of the lift. You guys rock. 💪


Brandon Campbell uploaded a video about a website that gives free customized meal plans with recipes. Really neat website.
EDIT: You can choose:
- How many calorie and meals you want to eat.
- What macros you want (range or percentage). They also have presets depending on diets, such as Atkins/Keto, Paleo, etc.
- What kind of foods you do/don't want to eat.
- Whether or not you have time to cook.
- What your price range is per day.

This is pretty awesome. I think I would only use this for meal ideas though, and not something to follow for entire days though. I wish it could list ingredients by weight instead of by cups or sizes. Just easier to be more accurate. Unless there is an option to toggle that I haven't found yet.


Speaking of steroids, I am pretty sure people out of my gym are dealing.

More and more frequently I keep seeing money suspiciously passing hands. So it is kind of obvious lol.


This is pretty awesome. I think I would only use this for meal ideas though, and not something to follow for entire days though. I wish it could list ingredients by weight instead of by cups or sizes. Just easier to be more accurate. Unless there is an option to toggle that I haven't found yet.

Yeah I agree. I think the closest you can get to using mass is:
Can't toggle to show mass of each ingredient on the recipe page though:


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Steroids will make you more aggressive, yeah. And off-cycle you'll probably be calling up your friends and crying about your cat that died when you were 7. Hormones are powerful.


Brandon Campbell uploaded a video about a website that gives free customized meal plans with recipes. Really neat website.
EDIT: You can choose:
- How many calorie and meals you want to eat.
- What macros you want (range or percentage). They also have presets depending on diets, such as Atkins/Keto, Paleo, etc.
- What kind of foods you do/don't want to eat.
- Whether or not you have time to cook.
- What your price range is per day.

Thanks this is exactly what I've been looking for. Trying to finally get this diet in check.


Slayer of Combofiends
Nutrition thread would be great.

We could all contribute with recipes n shit.

Bulking on the cheap, quick etc.....

High protein/Low carb meals

This a million times. People will know the glory of green peas mashed with tuna!
People probably won't like it ;_;

while squatting 176 yesterday dude at the gym says my squats scare him (I go below parralel)


it all made sense when I saw him try half squat the same weight

People give me the same look too. I wanna go over there and correct them but eh, people can see it as me being rude or too confrontational.

Steroids will make you more aggressive, yeah. And off-cycle you'll probably be calling up your friends and crying about your cat that died when you were 7. Hormones are powerful.

You seem quite detailed about this... Did it happen to you?
I kid, don't ban me ;_;
Alright guys, finally restarted my gym career with the Starting Strength routine in the OP. For the additional abdominal and arm exercises on day 3 & 5, I've added in:

Day 3:
Sit ups
Decline crunches
Decline bench twisting sit ups

Day 5:
Barbell lying tricep extensions
Dumbbell preacher curls

Sound okay? If so I should stick to the 3x5 routine for the arm exercises?

In general I enjoyed the speed of my first day on Starting Strength, it was refreshing to have the weights and my cardio done in roughly an hour.

Any suggested videos for starting off with Power Cleans and Overhead Presses?
Form check: http://youtu.be/y26I1YLOvX8

Looks a lot better to me, what do you guys think?

Keep your neck straight, dont twist side to side to look around(you can injure yourself that way)

Also, consider going barefoot to squat. It looks like your sneakers are slightly coming up at the heel.

Steroids will make you more aggressive, yeah. And off-cycle you'll probably be calling up your friends and crying about your cat that died when you were 7. Hormones are powerful.

Was it the cream and the clear?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
You seem quite detailed about this... Did it happen to you?
I kid, don't ban me ;_;

If there's one thing I've heard way too many stories about, it's big muscular dudes crying to their girlfriends over silly shit when they're off-cycle.


Any suggested videos for starting off with Power Cleans and Overhead Presses?
Below is what helped me.
Overhead Presses:
Remember to squeeze your glutes (clench your butt cheeks together) and to perform the valsalva maneuver/breath properly when doing the lift.

Power Cleans:
I think there are some Mark Rippetoe videos on power cleans out in the YouTubes; you can also read the power clean section of the Starting Strength book. I'm still learning it and what helped me is CaliforniaStrength's How to Clean videos without the squatting portion. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Start with the hang clean and then when you get the hang of it, add the next portion of it (starting below the knees), and finally the last portion (starting from the ground).


I'm wondering if any of y'all can help me (although I'm sure the same thing has been asked tons of times probably). I'm about 5'7 and in-between 11 and 12 stone normally (69 - 76 kg or so, we'll say 73). I'm in OK shape and have been for a few years once I lost most of my fat (and I was pretty huge back in school) but I've been fighting this belly fat and slight case of the moobs for years and I still can't seem to rid of them. Most of the rest of my body has turned a lot of the fat into muscle (particularly my legs, although most of my work in the gym is on my legs hence how my lower legs are so toned and my upper legs while not particularly toned are not defined by blubber). I don't eat meat at all and probably have a decent intake of protein since I eat Quorn foods more or less every single day, I rarely ever have takeaway foods and while I used to pig out tons at night on junk food, I haven't done it for a while and might be turning a slight corner in that regards.

Any suggestions on how I can try and rid of this upper-body weight or at least convert it into some sort of muscle to make it look less horrid? I have been trying to work on it for years but I don't know if it's my diet or what I'm doing in the gym (or not doing I suppose I should say) but I really want to work on at least reducing that fat right now especially since I finished college in June and have properly gotten back into the gym this week and am doing more sessions together than I have done before. I'm wondering if I might even be best visiting a nutritionist or something to see if I am doing something wrong on the eating scale, but at the same time I don't want to completely overhaul my whole diet and thus end up focusing on every little thing I do in regards to my eating habits every moment of every day.


Slayer of Combofiends
If there's one thing I've heard way too many stories about, it's big muscular dudes crying to their girlfriends over silly shit when they're off-cycle.

God damn, that sounds horrible.

I like peas...I like tuna...I like mashing things.

Sounds good.


Just started my shift in diet and holy crap, I had so much trouble downing a can of tuna with peas and two slices of whole wheat...


Don't look to the sides during a lift though.

Keep your neck straight, dont twist side to side to look around(you can injure yourself that way)

Also, consider going barefoot to squat. It looks like your sneakers are slightly coming up at the heel.

Thanks for the neck tip, guys.

Barefoot lifting is banned in my gym. I'm working on my ankle flexibility with barefoot body weight Squats in home, and I do squat-to-stands between sets to open up my hips.


Thanks for the neck tip, guys.

Barefoot lifting is banned in my gym. I'm working on my ankle flexibility with barefoot body weight Squats in home, and I do squat-to-stands between sets to open up my hips.

I also have a huge problem with ankle flexibility and bought a lacrosse ball to work out the kinks. It was super painful and I still havent worked out all the kinks, I think it is going to take away. If a foam roller doesnt do much for you, use a lacrosse ball, holy crap.

Resistance bands apparently are also really good for ankle mobility because you can put pressure/compression on the ankle without contracting the muscle. Supposedly that is a good thing.

Pete Rock

Resistance bands apparently are also really good for ankle mobility because you can put pressure/compression on the ankle without contracting the muscle. Supposedly that is a good thing.
Yes, from what I understand it was proven by Russian scientists that to increase flexibility through training in the most efficient way you must also hold each pose for the same duration of time flexed as you do unflexed, or rather "relaxed". This is harder than it sounds. It has also been true in my experience.

I was doing DL's on the platform last Wednesday and a guy started loading up the trap bar with plates. I offered to let him work in and he said "naw I'm in a hurry it's all good" as his little kid was bouncing around with a backpack full of toys. I though it was awesome that he brought his kid to the gym as he appeared well behaved, which is usually not the case. This dude loads up 305 total weight including the trap bar and does 3 sets of 10, just beasts them out. He doesn't look anything other than normal, so I was really impressed.

During his last set I was loading up the 25kg plates on the bar and the little kid looked over and pointed at one while looking me in the eyes and saying "I can lift that!". I said yeah little dude I would love to see that!

When his dad had stripped the plates down to one on each side of the trap bar he busts out his phone and the little kid jumps inside, says "ready", takes his grip and absolutely wrecked the shit! I mean straight up crushed it. I applauded and said "yayyy awesome" and his dad said "yeah he's been working on that for a while, it's about 35 more pounds than his body weight". The kid was like 8 years old at best. His arms weren't quite at 45' but considering his scale relative to the trap bar it just looked absolutely ridiculously awesome, and he maintained legit form the entire lift.

Probably the most awesome thing I've ever seen happen down there other than the semi-pro ~25 yr old guy who squats ~500 pound work sets.


I If a foam roller doesnt do much for you, use a lacrosse ball, holy crap.

Resistance bands apparently are also really good for ankle mobility because you can put pressure/compression on the ankle without contracting the muscle. Supposedly that is a good thing.

I'll look into both of those tips!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Fitgaf bros, I cannot seem to get my diet back in check! I keep proclaiming "alright, this is it, back to clean eating" and then the next day I lazily order a pizza and grab a bag of chips. I'm back over 200lbs (175-180 is probably my ideal weight) but it's been hard to get truly motivated ever since moving out after things with the girl went to shit.

Not really looking for a solution as I clearly know what that is, but damn is it tough to find the motivation. At least I keep getting stronger I suppose.

My man. All you have to do is start a streak. You know once you put a solid 7 days behind you resisting all that scrumptious shit gets easier. Start small and go from there. Make a promise to yourself to string together 6 great days and see what happens. If your cravings are out of control then cheat. If not, keep going. If you do cheat make another promise for another 6 days. I know the discipline is in there from our history in FitGaf. The hardest part is getting past the initial 3 or 4 days. You got this Petrie!
So I was looking at some of the analytical stats on some of my pics and the progress ones got a view boost in the past few days. It links back to tumblr but I can't find what specific tumblr/post.

The quest begins.


So I was looking at some of the analytical stats on some of my pics and the progress ones got a view boost in the past few days. It links back to tumblr but I can't find what specific tumblr/post.

The quest begins.

Have you tried right clicking (or long pressing on mobile) and from there searching for that specific image on Google?


Why? There are exercises that even someone without much muscle mass yet can use them for. Goblet squats. Bent over rows, shrugs, lunges, calf raises, Bulgarian split squats. Lawn mowers, pullovers, chest presses, etc.

Dot sell yourself short! Continue to improve and challenge yourself; this stuff is supposed to be tough. Everyone's get your back and you'll be doing 10lbs on your weights in no time!

HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't even do anything close to those.

I tried to do a chest press and could actually feel my muscle trying to like...snap. Lol. Immediately dropped them and went back to 5s. Not into injuring myself.

The only move I could almost do was Jillian's version of a "dead lift with hammer curls". Other than that, there was no way.

You will work your way to them. :) Patience my dear.

Also like mentioned in here, you can use those little beauties to quite many things.

I don't think I will. I've never had strong arms even when I was fit. Haha. You're talking to a person who can't even do "girl" push ups, and never got better at them, even when trying to do that 100 Push-up challenge haha. My arms never get stronger. I don't know why, but they never have.
HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't even do anything close to those.

I tried to do a chest press and could actually feel my muscle trying to like...snap. Lol. Immediately dropped them and went back to 5s. Not into injuring myself.

The only move I could almost do was Jillian's version of a "dead lift with hammer curls". Other than that, there was no way.

I don't think I will. I've never had strong arms even when I was fit. Haha. You're talking to a person who can't even do "girl" push ups, and never got better at them, even when trying to do that 100 Push-up challenge haha. My arms never get stronger. I don't know why, but they never have.

Don't say you "can't" do something. It's a defeatist viewpoint and its half the battle to weight training. A lot of what holds you back is mental mind games you play with yourself. Don't give in.

Start with 5 until you absolutely master the motion, then go to 10, but don't not do it or say you can't.


HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't even do anything close to those.

I tried to do a chest press and could actually feel my muscle trying to like...snap. Lol. Immediately dropped them and went back to 5s. Not into injuring myself.

The only move I could almost do was Jillian's version of a "dead lift with hammer curls". Other than that, there was no way.

I'm sure you could do a perfectly good goblet squat or other lower body exercise with your 10 pound dumbbells, especially if you're curling them.

Leeness said:
I don't think I will. I've never had strong arms even when I was fit. Haha. You're talking to a person who can't even do "girl" push ups, and never got better at them, even when trying to do that 100 Push-up challenge haha. My arms never get stronger. I don't know why, but they never have.

For what it's worth, girl push-ups never helped me either. I found it more helpful initially to do fully extended push-ups with my arms elevated on some stairs, a bench, or in front of me on the wall. Bench press helped a lot too.

Gaining upper body strength is a frustratingly slow process for most women. I've been strength training for about a year now, and my arm strength is still nothing to brag about. I can do 3 or 4 unassisted chin-ups, about 10 standard push-ups, and my bench press 5RM is 80 pounds. So yeah, they're pretty low numbers, but they're still big improvements from a year ago.

Just push yourself a little further each time. Also, you might look into a posting a form video here. Improper form will definitely limit the weight you can lift, and dumbbells are actually a little tougher than barbells when it comes to keeping form, even at a lighter weight.


Brandon Campbell uploaded a video about a website that gives free customized meal plans with recipes. Really neat website.
EDIT: You can choose:
- How many calorie and meals you want to eat.
- What macros you want (range or percentage). They also have presets depending on diets, such as Atkins/Keto, Paleo, etc.
- What kind of foods you do/don't want to eat.
- Whether or not you have time to cook.
- What your price range is per day.

yoooooo thanks for this

between this and dhftns, I'm getting a lot of options! <3


Fitgaf bros, I cannot seem to get my diet back in check! I keep proclaiming "alright, this is it, back to clean eating" and then the next day I lazily order a pizza and grab a bag of chips. I'm back over 200lbs (175-180 is probably my ideal weight) but it's been hard to get truly motivated ever since moving out after things with the girl went to shit.

Not really looking for a solution as I clearly know what that is, but damn is it tough to find the motivation. At least I keep getting stronger I suppose.

How I do it is having premade food ready to go for the week. When you have food ready to eat, it makes cheating a lot less likely. And as cooter mentioned, just a few days strait gets things rolling. Good luck.

I do notice the less I post in here the shittier my diet is. Maybe that's the key...maybe this thread will solve my dieting woes!

This thread is all I have when it comes to fitness, eating right and motivation. So yeah, less I'm here, the worse off I tend to be.

If there's one thing I've heard way too many stories about, it's big muscular dudes crying to their girlfriends over silly shit when they're off-cycle.

Then we all know it's not you.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, I put in for the Sports Specialist position at my prison. If I get the job it's about a 10k raise a year and I'll be working programs in the recreation department. I've got some pretty stiff competition, so we will see. Pretty excited to see what happens though. My lifting and helping people with their lifts may have finally come in handy for my career.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I put in for the Sports Specialist position at my prison. If I get the job it's about a 10k raise a year and I'll be working programs in the recreation department. I've got some pretty stiff competition, so we will see. Pretty excited to see what happens though. My lifting and helping people with their lifts may have finally come in handy for my career.

That'll be so dope if it happens. Wishing the best - hope you get it. You're a helpful-ass dude and I'm sure even moreso in real life.


I bought a lacrosse ball since I determined my ankle mobility sucks, though I think I have some impingement problems thanks to sprained ankles, excessive tissue and worn tendons, but I also have some super tight calves that the foam roller never seem to hit. Well, the Lacrosse ball definitely hits those spots. Holy crap.

I just got a couple of these in the mail over the weekend and they fucking reek. Hope the smell wears off :\


Well, I put in for the Sports Specialist position at my prison. If I get the job it's about a 10k raise a year and I'll be working programs in the recreation department. I've got some pretty stiff competition, so we will see. Pretty excited to see what happens though. My lifting and helping people with their lifts may have finally come in handy for my career.

I'm scared to think of what a person who is even partial competition for you can do.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm scared to think of what a person who is even partial competition for you can do.

Well being a minority or female is a huge leg up against me. Then there's a few guys who are also white that have been with the bureau for a while. What I DO have going for me is being a vet and having a bachelors degree. Which only the black dude competing against me has ( and almost has his masters) but he's not a vet, and he's been in a lot of trouble with the warden before.

Unfortunately race/gender is a big thing that's considered with federal employment. Well, unfortunately for me, lol.

Really doesn't have anything to do with physical prowess.

That'll be so dope if it happens. Wishing the best - hope you get it. You're a helpful-ass dude and I'm sure even moreso in real life.

Thanks bud!


That's pretty amazing.

That site is fucking awesome.

This is exactly what my dad keeps asking me to do for him (he's as picky as I was when I was like, 9). Thank you for sharing!

Thanks this is exactly what I've been looking for. Trying to finally get this diet in check.

yoooooo thanks for this

between this and dhftns, I'm getting a lot of options! <3
I'm glad you guys will find the website useful. Maybe it'll make the nutrition thread if you guys make it haha.
I just got a couple of these in the mail over the weekend and they fucking reek. Hope the smell wears off :\
I've had my lacrosse balls since the end of March and the smell is almost gone right now. I use it almost every day.
With all this talk about ankle mobility, I guess I'll link a few YouTube videos I usually suggest to people that needs to increase ankle dorsiflexion.
Bryce Lewis - Ankle Mobility and one of the Big Ten
Bryce Lewis - Hip Mobility and Band Stretches
Something I saw on CaliforniaStrength and Bryce Lewis made a short video on this stretch. This is the only ankle mobility exercise I do; I do it every single time before I squat. TSA - Quick Ankle Mob Tip
Last one. Bryce Lewis - ME Bench - bench technique & ankle mobility
Stretch your calves. Also I'm sure you guys can find more stuff from Kelly Starrett.


Steroids will make you more aggressive, yeah. And off-cycle you'll probably be calling up your friends and crying about your cat that died when you were 7. Hormones are powerful.

Had a friend of mine crying because of a Dr. Phil episode in his off-cycle period lol.


Well being a minority or female is a huge leg up against me. Then there's a few guys who are also white that have been with the bureau for a while. What I DO have going for me is being a vet and having a bachelors degree. Which only the black dude competing against me has ( and almost has his masters) but he's not a vet, and he's been in a lot of trouble with the warden before.

Unfortunately race/gender is a big thing that's considered with federal employment. Well, unfortunately for me, lol.

Really doesn't have anything to do with physical prowess.

Ah, so it's just as much about "diversity/The Complete Package" as knowledge of fitness. I suppose I should have known that.

Best of luck with the process. You definitely have posted some stuff here that has helped me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ah, so it's just as much about "diversity/The Complete Package" as knowledge of fitness. I suppose I should have known that.

Best of luck with the process. You definitely have posted some stuff here that has helped me.

Yeah, it's coaching, fitness, creating programs, tourneys etc. a lot of my experience comes from my time in th army,but I used my experience coaching people with strength training too, but yeah, racial/ gender diversity is huge. And I'm just a white dude, we are a dime a dozen, lol.

Thanks, and I appreciate it.
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