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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I have to ask a stupid question...

when we gain weight, it's nearly impossible to do it in the form of pure, 100% muscle, so there's always some fat coming with it.

when we lose weight, do we lose in a similar way both muscle and fat or does proper diet makes you retain all gained muscle and shed only the fat?

I would say it is much to reduce body fat while retaining muscle than it is to gain muscle without gaining some fat.

So, basically, you are right. You can gain 5 lbs of muscle and 5 lbs of fat in 12 months, but you can probably cut 1 lb of muscle and 5 lbs of fat in 2 months. Amounts and timeframe are just random estimates as the exact amounts entirely depend on your current body fat %, diet, lifting routine, genetics, etc. I would say you'll always lose at least a little bit of muscle when cutting, but there's no reason you can't lose a vast majority of fat instead of muscle.


Slayer of Combofiends
I have to ask a stupid question...

when we gain weight, it's nearly impossible to do it in the form of pure, 100% muscle, so there's always some fat coming with it.

when we lose weight, do we lose in a similar way both muscle and fat or does proper diet makes you retain all gained muscle and shed only the fat?

From what I know there are ways to retain both muscle and lose fat. It really depends on your workout and diet. My friend who used to be a sprinter said keeping your heart rate up at 180 is a good weigh to do cardio without losing muscle and I won't argue with him, he has to body to prove it.

Gotta be careful because though when you lose weight, you'll get atrophy, loss of muscle, if I remember correctly. If your diet is good then you can maintain minimal fat gain (this is coming out of the dark end of my body so I have no credible source for that last one).


Whatever Soka said.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I have to ask a stupid question...

when we gain weight, it's nearly impossible to do it in the form of pure, 100% muscle, so there's always some fat coming with it.

when we lose weight, do we lose in a similar way both muscle and fat or does proper diet makes you retain all gained muscle and shed only the fat?
From my experience and what I have read it is very possible to lose fat while maintaining muscle. It involves a very high protein/fat and low carb diet while running a caloric deficit. I'm doing it right now. What muscle I have lost if any is minimal. Of course you need to push yourself in the gym while on such a diet but hey, this FitGaf, that's what we do!


Well, my second bulk day went a whole lot easier. Thank you cheddar cheese and full fat greek yogurt. You made the experience not painful.

I have to say, I quite like the idea of bulking up with more carbs on lift days and cutting with more fat on rest days. I don't know if I could do either a bulk or cut for a month or whatever it usually is. With this, you can always tell yourself that you can pig out or don't have to stuff yourself tomorrow. Now I just gotta see if it works! lol


So as someone that is 6'5" I seem to get the impression that sumo deadlifts may be better for my height. Any truth to this if I was to swap them out for the traditional deadlifts. I like the deadlift but its hard not to be feel a bit gangly no matter what at 6'5"

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So as someone that is 6'5" I seem to get the impression that sumo deadlifts may be better for my height. Any truth to this if I was to swap them out for the traditional deadlifts. I like the deadlift but its hard not to be feel a bit gangly no matter what at 6'5"

Depends on more than just height, also depends on torso and arm length. I see a lot of people make excuses for why they aren't strong or why they can't do an exercise; usually it's just that, an excuse. If you think conventional isn't for you, just pull sumo.

You will find out sooner or later which is best for you.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Do you ever Sumo as an accessory Brolic? I've had a few people tell me it would help my conventional DL but I'm skeptical.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm thinking about adding them after my RDL day.

I'm actually going to do my rep maxes as normal then instead of banging out reps conventional I'm going to bang our sets/reps sumo and see now it goes. Right now I'm not weak off the ground at all, it's in my glutes, soI'm thinking this will work. Plus I added in front squats as a main movement in my accessory day and I've also added glute bridges.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm actually going to do my rep maxes as normal then instead of banging out reps conventional I'm going to bang our sets/reps sumo and see now it goes. Right now I'm not weak off the ground at all, it's in my glutes,Mao I'm thinking this will work. Plus I added in front squats as a main movement in my accessory day and I've also added glute bridges.
Hmm. No wonder you lift 2 or 3 times a week. You need that time to recover. That's some volume. Wise man

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Hmm. No wonder you lift 2 or 3 times a week. You need that time to recover. That's some volume. Wise man

At the weight I'm moving now, the program is pretty brutal. I lift every other day until my accessory day then two days off and right back into it starting with back squat.

I'm really pushing bench and squat right now. And both are increasing very well, it's not exactly smart to push two at once, but if it's working. Screw it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
At the weight I'm moving now, the program is pretty brutal. I lift every other day until my accessory day then two days off and right back into it starting with back squat.

I'm really pushing bench and squat right now. And both are increasing very well, it's not exactly smart to push two at once, but if it's working. Screw it.
You're not one to push through and ignore potential injury issues so yeah, keep it rolling!


What are tje disadvantages of the sumo? Less low back strain and glutes/ham focused definitely seem like very good positives. I am going to keep with SS, but just curious for when I eventually am forced off of it. Deadlifts just wreck me right now.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You're not one to push through and ignore potential injury issues so yeah, keep it rolling!

No, in fact, I've become really good at prehab/rehab and injury prevention, lol. I'm not gonna injure myself for gains, this isn't a job.

I do have clear goals for the end of this month to hit though I'll post what I hit regardless though, and I'm keeping the actual numbers to myself more or less. But at the end of this month I'll be ending my 5th year training. So I will see how far I've really come.

What are tje disadvantages of the sumo? Less low back strain and glutes/ham focused definitely seem like very good positives. I am going to keep with SS, but just curious for when I eventually am forced off of it. Deadlifts just wreck me right now.

It's heavily dependent on technique, but the common consensus is once you get it down it's the best way to pull, period.

I've always seen it as cheating though, something I should probably get over.


Don't say you "can't" do something. It's a defeatist viewpoint and its half the battle to weight training. A lot of what holds you back is mental mind games you play with yourself. Don't give in.

Start with 5 until you absolutely master the motion, then go to 10, but don't not do it or say you can't.

Yes well I don't want to injure myself :p

I'm sure you could do a perfectly good goblet squat or other lower body exercise with your 10 pound dumbbells, especially if you're curling them.

For what it's worth, girl push-ups never helped me either. I found it more helpful initially to do fully extended push-ups with my arms elevated on some stairs, a bench, or in front of me on the wall. Bench press helped a lot too.

Gaining upper body strength is a frustratingly slow process for most women. I've been strength training for about a year now, and my arm strength is still nothing to brag about. I can do 3 or 4 unassisted chin-ups, about 10 standard push-ups, and my bench press 5RM is 80 pounds. So yeah, they're pretty low numbers, but they're still big improvements from a year ago.

Just push yourself a little further each time. Also, you might look into a posting a form video here. Improper form will definitely limit the weight you can lift, and dumbbells are actually a little tougher than barbells when it comes to keeping form, even at a lighter weight.

I could do the Jillian version of a "dead lift with a hammer curl" and squat and over head press (though only one set of like, ten). Otherwise, I can feel my muscle like...pulling so hard it feels like it's going to snap or tear :/

I usually end up doing bench press with my 5s when there are sets of push ups in my DVDs :(

But yeah, my upper body strength is like...impossibly poor. I can't hold myself up on a bar (like those tests in high school, you hold yourself up for as long as possible, I couldn't hold myself up at all), I can't do push ups, I can't do plank. :(

I have at least moved from 2s to 3s to 5s in weights.

I think my form is okay, I mean, it's mostly lunges and squats and I know to not have my knee go over my toes, etc. And I'm pretty conscious of different things because of yoga.





I made it this week and I will eat it all week for dinner ;_; I'm so excited.


Yes well I don't want to injure myself :p

I could do the Jillian version of a "dead lift with a hammer curl" and squat and over head press (though only one set of like, ten). Otherwise, I can feel my muscle like...pulling so hard it feels like it's going to snap or tear :/

I usually end up doing bench press with my 5s when there are sets of push ups in my DVDs :(

But yeah, my upper body strength is like...impossibly poor. I can't hold myself up on a bar (like those tests in high school, you hold yourself up for as long as possible, I couldn't hold myself up at all), I can't do push ups, I can't do plank. :(

I have at least moved from 2s to 3s to 5s in weights.

I think my form is okay, I mean, it's mostly lunges and squats and I know to not have my knee go over my toes, etc. And I'm pretty conscious of different things because of yoga.





I made it this week and I will eat it all week for dinner ;_; I'm so excited.

I must make that and eat it
Got my Inzer shipping info from UPS....that was quick..

I ordered last week Thursday and it should come in Wednesday afternoon.

Will post pics of unboxing when I get it


So is a nutrition thread happening? I want to post some of my most visited sites for recipes and recipes I've tried over the course of my dieting adventure. If there won't be a thread, I'll post it here, or if someone wants to help me out, I'll make the thread myself.


Maybe gaf can help me out.

I'm paranoid about quitting the gym since I had the utmost urge to finally do it.

I feel like I'm ok with quitting, but what I'm worried about is my health in the future. I don't really watch my diet since I would kind of have to go to extreme measures to see any noticeable change in appearance and loss of fat.

I'm just wondering if I were to quit the gym, only sometimes watch what I'm eating (at least not eating junk food every day), could I still maintain a healthy weight and not reach the overweight side?

I don't drink soda and I try not to eat a lot.
Maybe gaf can help me out.

I'm paranoid about quitting the gym since I had the utmost urge to finally do it.

I feel like I'm ok with quitting, but what I'm worried about is my health in the future. I don't really watch my diet since I would kind of have to go to extreme measures to see any noticeable change in appearance and loss of fat.

I'm just wondering if I were to quit the gym, only sometimes watch what I'm eating (at least not eating junk food every day), could I still maintain a healthy weight and not reach the overweight side?

I don't drink soda and I try not to eat a lot.

You probably can maintain with diet control however exercise is pretty much necessary for cardiovascular, muscular, etc health. Without exercise you are still going to have a higher risk for heart disease, heart attack, stroke, etc even with diet control.


Another thing I want to add is that one day I was playing a game of soccer with my friends and not long after intensely playing the game, I was having a difficult time moving my body with all the pain associated with the exercise and I just couldn't run no matter how hard I tried.

None of my friends seemed to have this problem, so of course it has to be just me. It scares me and it gave me a disadvantage that day.
I'm just wondering if I were to quit the gym, only sometimes watch what I'm eating (at least not eating junk food every day), could I still maintain a healthy weight and not reach the overweight side?

For a while, probably.

But then you will either get older, have kids, eat worse or all of the above and get fat. I'd stick with it now.
Hi Fitness Gaf !

I've been working out for a month now, and i'm loving it!
Met with a guy at my gym to make a nice routine, sticking with it 3d/week and it hurts so good.
My main problem is nutrition, i'm a 5.9ft and 140 pounds i estimate my bf% at 13/14.
I started traking my meals on a fitness app and discovered that i'm eating less than 1500 calories on a usual day(between 1000 and 1200 on week days , 1500 on week ends)...
I'm trying to eat as much protein as possible (fish, meat, eggs) but i can't imagine eating 3000 calories a day !!
Tried eating more but i'm just not used to it + i can't remove the idea of eating more == becoming fat :(
Am i screwed concerning muscle gain ? what can'i do to improve this situation ?

NH Apache

Since we're talking nutrition, I'll post my daily and workout.

Been back in the gym two weeks since taking ~6 weeks off because of the surgery. My goal is a mix of dropping fat and gaining muscle back. I like being 200, I feel like it's a good weight to carry on my frame.

This is from a friend of a friend who trains bodybuilders. Comes out to be about 240 g protein per day. I'm 6', 204 lbs.

MEAL ONE- 5 egg white, one egg

MEAL TWO- 8 oz top sirloin , 7 oz red potatoes

MEAL THREE- 7 oz chicken breast, 2 slices of Ezekiel bread ( keep in refrigerated isle at rouses or whole foods orange bag)

MEAL FOUR- 1 scoop Protein shake

MEAL FIVE- 7 oz Tilapia, 2 oz asparagus

POST Workout ( Within 3 min after) 1 scoop Protein

mrs dash
spray butter
chili powder
water 1 GAL day min
tea/coffee 36 oz day max
crystal light 1/3 of water consumption max
water consumed during workout and cardio does not count towards water intake

Total cost for the week in food for me is about 70-80 dollars, which is pretty good. (Hint: get that shit at walmart. I hate the place but I can walk out saving 20-30 bucks over my local supermarket.) Daily calories is about 1800, which ignoring the daily workouts, is a deficit for an average office worker my size and age.

My protein is this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BWUCVI6/?tag=neogaf0e-20. I can't handle whey, lactose intolerant. I can't even do hydro whey, which is supposed to be allergy tolerant. This is 20g a scoop (meh) but it's delicious (triple choc) and seems to be the most effective for the price.

With my workout currently being a 5 day split, the first one posted here:


I'm strongly considering going back to SS, 3 days/week with 2 days cardio, but I'm going to finish out my third week first and see. I've tried doing ab stuff and heavy bench and my abs can't take it yet.

I'm varying the diet by switching in sweet potatoes and broccoli, etc.

In my third week, I'll report results back in a month or so. BTW, I enjoy reading all the inspiration here, thanks!


My bench press is officially on notice. I'm at 170 3x5 on bench right now and this morning 155 3x5 on squat was easy peasy. Fell asleep at 10:30pm and woke up at 4:30 wired so decided to do a morning workout for the first time since starting SS.

Ran out of gas on the last couple pull up sets but got my goal on all my core lifts. Got through my 100lbs OHP barrier and 125 lb power cleans done and dusted.


Leenesssss... That chicken bacon crock pot recipe is next level. Pretty excited to make that in the near future. Thanks for sharing!


So quick question: when I'm able to get back at it, which will spare my lower back more: low or high bar squats, and sumo or conventional deadlift? I know low bar is better for loading more weight and I figure if I start light and re-asses form I shouldn't have too many issues with the lower back, and I've read that since sumo deadlift keeps your torso upright it's also better for the lower back.


So quick question: when I'm able to get back at it, which will spare my lower back more: low or high bar squats, and sumo or conventional deadlift? I know low bar is better for loading more weight and I figure if I start light and re-asses form I shouldn't have too many issues with the lower back, and I've read that since sumo deadlift keeps your torso upright it's also better for the lower back.

I would think that low bar has the potential to be rougher on your back. You have to lean over more to keep the weight over your mid-foot as it is and too much hip drive out of the bottom before you start to come up and you are looking at a good morning. No bueno on the lower back.


So quick question: when I'm able to get back at it, which will spare my lower back more: low or high bar squats, and sumo or conventional deadlift? I know low bar is better for loading more weight and I figure if I start light and re-asses form I shouldn't have too many issues with the lower back, and I've read that since sumo deadlift keeps your torso upright it's also better for the lower back.
High bar and sumo.


the piano man
So is a nutrition thread happening? I want to post some of my most visited sites for recipes and recipes I've tried over the course of my dieting adventure. If there won't be a thread, I'll post it here, or if someone wants to help me out, I'll make the thread myself.

Just do a thread and little by little we'll be adding stuff to it and make an OP like the one here.

Just copy/paste the nutrition part of this thread as a starter and we go from there.

(I could do it but I am not good at preparing OTs so if you are willing to give it a shot go for it)


Hey guys first time posting in here.

I am 6' 5 weight around 280 pounds

Just looking for some tips on where i should start just now.

I used to go to the gym a lot for the past few years but for the past year i have really been on and off going. Getting back into it this week and going to try and stick to it. My goal in the next year is to get to as close to 215 lbs as I can. I know the basic lift's (Squat, deadlift, beanch, overhead) but should I be focusing on a lot of cardio or when I do weight's should I lift light wioth high reps?

Just not too sure on where to start really as this is the heaviest I have ever been and really want to change this.

I understand that to lose the pounds I have to sort my diet out too which I know how to do.

Just looking for some tips for in the gym and what I should be doing to start with.


Had to bail on bench presses yesterday again due to my elbow. I keep saying I'm going to let it heal, but I wait two-three days and then go at it again and fuck it up again.. That's it, time to stop being stupid and give it some real time to recover.


Hey guys first time posting in here.

I am 6' 5 weight around 280 pounds

Just looking for some tips on where i should start just now.

I used to go to the gym a lot for the past few years but for the past year i have really been on and off going. Getting back into it this week and going to try and stick to it. My goal in the next year is to get to as close to 215 lbs as I can. I know the basic lift's (Squat, deadlift, beanch, overhead) but should I be focusing on a lot of cardio or when I do weight's should I lift light wioth high reps?

Just not too sure on where to start really as this is the heaviest I have ever been and really want to change this.

I understand that to lose the pounds I have to sort my diet out too which I know how to do.

Just looking for some tips for in the gym and what I should be doing to start with.

As a fellow 6.5er who used to weigh 230 ( now 200 ) I'll speak from my experience.

- Diet is the MOST important part, by FAR.
- Treat yourself as a beginner, read the OP. Start with a program ( starting strenght, or strong lifts ) I did strong lifts.
- Only focus on this program for weightlifting.
- After building a solid base strength. Add in some accesory work ( curls/presses/triceps)
- If you wanna do cardio, do HITT, max once a week.
- Diet is the MOST important part.

Good luck! :)


As a fellow 6.5er who used to weigh 230 ( now 200 ) I'll speak from my experience.

- Diet is the MOST important part, by FAR.
- Treat yourself as a beginner, read the OP. Start with a program ( starting strenght, or strong lifts ) I did strong lifts.
- Only focus on this program for weightlifting.
- After building a solid base strength. Add in some accesory work ( curls/presses/triceps)
- If you wanna do cardio, do HITT, max once a week.
- Diet is the MOST important part.

Good luck! :)

Thanks dude.

Yeah did Carb backloading like 2 years ago for about 6 weeks and lost about 13 pounds dont really want to start with that just now though. Going to just try and eat around 2000 calories and eat as well as i can cutting out like soda and stuff like that.

Did HITT a few times before just unsure if I should start with that as I am really unfit too.


Slayer of Combofiends
Doing negatives on pull ups is tough... My arms feel like they've been stretched out! Plus too full from protein shake to eat lunch but I have too... I think I might skip dinner today cause I might get hungry a bit too late.


Slayer of Combofiends
guys halppppp, i don't wanna get 2 big chunks of chicken breast, i struggled to eat it yesterday... pls tell me there is a substitute that isn't drinking a shake!


I need 60 grams of protein by the end of today.
I'm about to start the 5-3-1 program for the first time and wanted to know what some FitGAF might find effective in "Assistance work"

Yesterday, was my Deadlift day, with T-bar rows and Hyperextension for my assistance work. This got me thinking what you all find to be the most effective assistance work to you.

I'm planning to have my workouts (Deadlift, Squat, Bench, Shoulder Press) as follows:

Workout A:
T-Bar Rows: 5x10
Hyperextension: 5x10

Workout B:
Incline DB bench: 5x10
Cable Cross Over: 5x10

Workout C:
Leg Press: 5x10
Lunges: 5x10

Workout D:
Shoulder Press
Alternating Side/Front Raises: 5x10
Rear Delt Fly (on an inclined bench): 5x10

What are you thoughts/recommendation? Should I add more assistance work?
What color did you get? Details. Lever or prongs. 10 or 13mm?
I got the medium black 10mm single prong. Was going to go for the lever but after watching some youtube vids I figured the lever would be a bitch to adjust. My waist is a size 34 1/2 so I went with medium. If it's too small I'll return it for a large.


guys halppppp, i don't wanna get 2 big chunks of chicken breast, i struggled to eat it yesterday... pls tell me there is a substitute that isn't drinking a shake!


I need 60 grams of protein by the end of today.

Not hard. Get other meats (turkey, beef, fish), greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, eggs and/or egg whites (if you're watching fat intake), jerkey, peanut butter, etc.

Hell, a cup of greek yogurt mixed with a scoop of protein powder, some peanut butter, and a handful of almonds/granola will get you there in one go.

Check out this site for some recipes/ideas: http://dhftns.com/healthy-recipes/protein-recipes/
Already got input on FB from Sean and Wayne, but figured any other input is welcome from GAF. Will be posting the rest of my lifts as the next week goes on so I can tweak things going into my next cycle.

245lb x 5 bench press


Can't figure out how to embed on here. Link:


You dont have an arched back and that's makes the path hella longer and is going to kill your shoulders. Before you bench make sure you have a hyperextended back. I do this by retracting my shoulder blades and shooting my hips up before I bench. When I set my butt down I drive my heels out towards me without them leaving the ground. This will create that hyperextension and helps create proper leg drive.

This vid explains it a lot more than I did

His heels are off the ground which is ok for some but for me personally it kills my leg drive
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