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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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he's probably like 5'6" so his 165 is a lot more muscle than our 165. not taking anything away from the lift, it's super impressive. but that's a big reason why.
Lol WTH I am 5'10.5.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone.
But damn my back feels like shit right now.
I had a tough jiujitsu session in the morning and going for PR on DL on the same day might not be the best idea.

- Not sure if its the angle but make sure your chest is up and shoulder blades together.
- Too long of a pause when you go back up. It's not bad when you are in your last rep and it's a lot heavier but you do it right away.
- Time your rest. You rested pretty short[unless you're trying to burn more calories?] Rest at least a minute to 30 sec.
- Sit back back back,glutes out and knees line up with toes,don't let it pass them.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Haha of course but I need guides to help with form, and advice is always welcome!

You guys have such a dour attitude so often, I love bringing my positive energy here :)

Oh and I never say YOLO. Never.

What in the hell are you talking about. People here are overwhelmingly positive. The only negativity posted recently has been involving your "contributions." To be quite frank, you currently bring nothing here.

To be brutally honest, you post here more than you probably should. You're a complete beginner, who didn't even know he was a beginner, you have failed to post a new form video for your squat which was atrocious before and you make asinine posts about meat having protein trying to connect to someone else's conversation which is completely mind boggling and which I'm sure induced more than one eye roll and a "no shit."

We get it, you don't have a gym membership and you work out in your apartment gym. You can't do anything we tell you you should be doing because of this and your form sucks and you totally have a video coming soon for another critique, but dude, come on, think before you post.

It's because you post in here like it's a hype train gaming side thread.

"Yeah bruddah itz workout time 2nite!"

"SQUATS time so excite!"

Or referring to programming as list warz

At best it's off topic white noise.

At worst it's pseudo enthusiastic trolling.

I don't really know or care which it is.

You constantly thank people for their great advice and never attempt to show you've taken the advice because you want to keep telling us how fantastic your current jumbled program is.


Great work man, now if you can just get the whole pulling the slack out of the bar thing down you'd be money. Keep,it up!

Also, you are from here on out known as towel face.

I don't think I'll ever understand gym machines. Seem like such a waste of space.

Hammer strength row and bench press have increased my strength immensely.

The trick is knowing how, when and why to use them.

J. Bravo

Lol WTH I am 5'10.5.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone.
But damn my back feels like shit right now.
I had a tough jiujitsu session in the morning and going for PR on DL on the same day might not be the best idea.

my bad
pls forgive me haha.


I don't know what the hell I did, but i feel like my si joint dysfunction is so minimal that it's seemingly non exitent right now. Haven't felt this good in I don't know how long. I was supposed to deadlift today, but I'll probably do it in the morning. Even still, I'm going to take it slow because I'd be sad to feel that ache come back with a vengeance. I think I'm gonna make it brahs.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I don't know what the hell I did, but i feel like my si joint dysfunction is so minimal that it's seemingly non exitent right now. Haven't felt this good in I don't know how long. I was supposed to deadlift today, but I'll probably do it in the morning. Even still, I'm going to take it slow because I'd be sad to feel that ache come back with a vengeance. I think I'm gonna make it brahs.

Fantastic to hear bud. Feel it out them smash that shit. I feel you got cheated in our race to 600 because you got injured.


So I find myself unemployed and my workouts have been pretty awesome. The extra sleep. 8-9 instead of 6-7 as per usual when I was working really makes a difference in the gym.


Great work man, now if you can just get the whole pulling the slack out of the bar thing down you'd be money. Keep,it up!

Also, you are from here on out known as towel face..

What's the benefit of taking the slack out?
Is it to avoid injury or stronger lift?
I tried it both ways before and it seemed much more difficult without the initial slack.
And damn I didn't even notice the towel until now. I guess it was perfectly placed.


the piano man
well, there was a huge explosion around the building in my gym and everybody was evacuated, I was late so I arrived when people weren't even allowed to get in, I was so pumped :/

selfie time, from my last days in Germany some days ago.


considering how problematic has been my fitness life lately, I'll take that.

So I find myself unemployed and my workouts have been pretty awesome. The extra sleep. 8-9 instead of 6-7 as per usual when I was working really makes a difference in the gym.

easily the best period in my Fitness life, when I had nothing to do but hit the gym. I don't miss it though, I like using money lol

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
What's the benefit of taking the slack out?
Is it to avoid injury or stronger lift?
I tried it both ways before and it seemed much more difficult without the initial slack.
And damn I didn't even notice the towel until now. I guess it was perfectly placed.

You're tighter and already primed, the first movement is the bar coming off of the floor, not your hips shooting up. And it's gonna be hard when you first transition, but it's ultimately a stronger and better position.

Watch your video again, your hips shoot WAY up before the bar ever moves. That's a huge energy leak.


Fantastic to hear bud. Feel it out them smash that shit. I feel you got cheated in our race to 600 because you got injured.

Yeah, I was really hoping that I'd have hit by about this time if I hadn't got injured. Gains lost, and not being able to deadlift was just horrible. This must be how Thor felt when he lost the right to wield Mjölnir. I think I've learned to respect the weight a lot more though, been doing a lot of deadlift accessory work.


Bought some Flax Milk to try for the first time yesterday. Was cheaper than almond milk, less calories, and similar nutritional value.

It just tastes like thick water. No taste at all.


How are you guys dealing with a 12h work day and then going to the gym?
I nearly fainted at the heavy squats last night.. I make a point to basically go to bed right away after to get 8h of sleep time but man..
All these fun assistant things Brolic always mentions... I can't do them in the small amount of time, bummer!


You're getting there, but it's still pretty bad. Main thing I'll point out is you're still not hitting depth.

I think the issue with this is he's doing a mix between high bar and low bar. He has the bar positioned like it is low bar, but he's not leaning forward to center the weight or hinging his hips. He sits back a bit in his descent, but then proceeds to bow out his legs, which is limiting his ROM.

Are you doing high bar or low bar here? It looks like a mix of both.

You also aren't going at or below parallel on your squats. You're standing too close together. You're bending awkwardly from the angle the camera suggests.


Left: High Bar
Right: Low Bar

You're holding the bar like a low bar squat but squatting like a high bar squat. You can hurt your back this way.

Do you stretch before you workout? You should start to open up your hips and your flexibility.

Try these stretches:


Watch how SS creator Mark Rippletoe does it:


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How are you guys dealing with a 12h work day and then going to the gym?
I nearly fainted at the heavy squats last night.. I make a point to basically go to bed right away after to get 8h of sleep time but man..
All these fun assistant things Brolic always mentions... I can't do them in the small amount of time, bummer!

just do it. fuck it.

Time sucks but if a dude like John Cena can take an hour to lift every couple days, I can find the time.


I feel that a bunch of these dieting methodologies I see posted here are tailored specifically to people who work out in the afternoon or early evening.

Like carb loading, IF, and this biorhythm thing another posted just introduced the other day.

What if you work a normal 8-5 job and work out first thing in the morning? Can the same principles apply?


I feel that a bunch of these dieting methodologies I see posted here are tailored specifically to people who work out in the afternoon or early evening.

Like carb loading, IF, and this biorhythm thing another posted just introduced the other day.

What if you work a normal 8-5 job and work out first thing in the morning? Can the same principles apply?

I work a 9-6ish and work out in the morning. I am currently experimenting with a 16/8 IF. I break my fast at 8am post workout and fit in all my calories by 4pm. It's working fine so far (only a week into it though).


I have been having some success rotating my IF schedule.

I work 7 am - 4 pm. If I am going to the gym after work, I skip breakfast and eat all my food between 12 pm - 6 PM. If I am not going to the gym after work, I eat all of my food between 7 AM - 1 PM. This sometimes puts a near 24 hours in between meals.

The only reason I do this is if I am not going to the gym, I have no motivation to save my calories for later in the day, I get a little gluttonous in the morning and I get sad when I hit my calories and macros by lunch time.

Also my lower back is taking quite a bit of time to heal. I still have soreness and it has been almost two weeks. :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I fast M-F and Sunday from about 10:30pm-5:30pm. On Saturday I lift in the morning around 10 and have a shake and a Red Bull after. From 11-5 I don't eat and resume my usual 4 to 5 hour eating window. Seems to work well.

Pete Rock

I work 8-4 and the window I have chosen is from 2-10, so basically a "late lunch" before I split out of work and then a final meal before bed in between 8-10. Sleep from 10-6, repeat. Interestingly enough if I sleep longer than 8 hours I tend to feel like garbage so I try to avoid that. Mentally groggy, super stiff, yawning and tired all day... not exactly the recuperated feeling I am expecting after knocking out 11 hours unconscious.

If I am going to have a performance or rage a dance floor or do anything weird on a Saturday, I will eat really early around noon and then just not eat the rest of the day. That's mainly because I don't like "feeling full" when I am focused on movement and display.

Sometimes I will just skip and do a complete fast for that day, depending on how I feel. I think throwing in a 36 hr fast window with just a few gals of water in there feels really cleansing but I try to limit that to two or three times a year in the hot summer months.

I think it is important to challenge yourself in that sense and I really like the execution of IF, not because every day is a struggle but because it takes focus. I find practicing it regularly is very helpful in distancing yourself from the idea of "oh my god I am so tired I need ENERGY" which leads to massive carbohydrate binges and general "snack syndrome" which is the main reason people are overweight and have no energy outside their generally awful nutritionally (in)valid intake and lack of exercise.


So we've probably covered this subject many times before, but do you guys do your deadlifts on your leg day, or another day? I've been doing them right after squats and squatting first doesn't seem to be affecting my strength on deadlifts at all. If anything, my deadlifts are progressing much easier. I might change my mind once my numbers start getting higher. (squat 180 3x5, deadlift 220 1x5 last session).


So we've probably covered this subject many times before, but do you guys do your deadlifts on your leg day, or another day? I've been doing them right after squats and squatting first doesn't seem to be affecting my strength on deadlifts at all. If anything, my deadlifts are progressing much easier. I might change my mind once my numbers start getting higher. (squat 180 3x5, deadlift 220 1x5 last session).

I usually have my squats and deadlifts separate. I do deadlifts the same day as the rest of my back and bicep exercises. Squats are done on legs and abs day.

I have done both in one day before, but I did it in the reverse order as you. I did deadlift, then squats. My squat was weak, not necessarily because of my legs, but I felt a lot of strain in my lower back.


I usually have my squats and deadlifts separate. I do deadlifts the same day as the rest of my back and bicep exercises. Squats are done on legs and abs day.

I have done both in one day before, but I did it in the reverse order as you. I did deadlift, then squats. My squat was weak, not necessarily because of my legs, but I felt a lot of strain in my lower back.

In that case, is there a break between your back day and your leg day, or do they fall on consecutive days?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So we've probably covered this subject many times before, but do you guys do your deadlifts on your leg day, or another day? I've been doing them right after squats and squatting first doesn't seem to be affecting my strength on deadlifts at all. If anything, my deadlifts are progressing much easier. I might change my mind once my numbers start getting higher. (squat 180 3x5, deadlift 220 1x5 last session).
I'm by far the exception with my routine so take that into account. I lift 6 days a week with everything spread out. I have a DL day and that is all I do. Takes about an hour and when I am done DLing I go home. Squat day is two days after DLs. I would definitely break the 2 up if I were you and put DLs on back day. That's just my 2 cents.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So we've probably covered this subject many times before, but do you guys do your deadlifts on your leg day, or another day? I've been doing them right after squats and squatting first doesn't seem to be affecting my strength on deadlifts at all. If anything, my deadlifts are progressing much easier. I might change my mind once my numbers start getting higher. (squat 180 3x5, deadlift 220 1x5 last session).

I do mine on deadlift day. To be more clear, I schedule for lifts not body parts.


I do mine on deadlift day. To be more clear, I schedule for lifts not body parts.

But you only lift 2-3 times a week, don't you? So there have to be more than one major compound on any given day, right? How do you program them?

I'm by far the exception with my routine so take that into account. I lift 6 days a week with everything spread out. I have a DL day and that is all I do. Takes about an hour and when I am done DLing I go home. Squat day is two days after DLs. I would definitely break the 2 up if I were you and put DLs on back day. That's just my 2 cents.

I have about a month of unemployment to go, so I might try something like this since I have plenty of time for the gym. The reason also that I switched to doing DL on my squat day recently is my elbow tendonitis. I'm not doing anything upper body until it heals. So I've been doing squats, deadlifts and a couple of accessories, rest a day, then repeat.


the piano man
when was the last time that you guys incorporated new accesory exercises into your routines?

I've been using the exrr.net site these days trying to put some order regarding accesory moves. On shoulder days, I want to target the three main areas: anterior, lateral and posterior deltoids and for that, I am thinking of super-setting two exercies per deltoid area.

.- Overhead/military press and Dumbbell front raises hit the Anterior,
.- Dumbbell lateral Raises and Cable upright rows hit Lateral
.- Reverse Fly and Dumbbell Rear Delt Row hit posterior

I don't think I will superset a major compound like OHP. so I'll leave that one on its own

If at all, I should/could superset DFR with seated dumbbell shoulder press but that hurts my hand so I'll start with OHP, go to frontal DB raises, then Superset 1 and then Super 2 and done with shoulder.

I've never tried the two in italics so I hope they feel good later today.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I have about a month of unemployment to go, so I might try something like this since I have plenty of time for the gym. The reason also that I switched to doing DL on my squat day recently is my elbow tendonitis. I'm not doing anything upper body until it heals. So I've been doing squats, deadlifts and a couple of accessories, rest a day, then repeat.

You've been squatting and DLing 3 or 4 times a week? Am I reading that right? Damn dude. That's overkill unless you're on some good shit. No way your body is recovering enough in this routine. You're also probably hindering any gains by not being fresh and able to push yourself during each DL session. You can squat 3x a week if you prefer (too much for me personally) but that much deadlifting at 70-90% of your 1RM is brutal.


You've been squatting and DLing 3 or 4 times a week? Am I reading that right? Damn dude. That's overkill unless you're on some good shit. No way your body is recovering enough in this routine. You're also probably hindering any gains by not being fresh and able to push yourself during each DL session. You can squat 3x a week if you prefer (too much for me personally) but that much deadlifting at 70-90% of your 1RM is brutal.

Got it, I'll decrease the frequency of deadlifts. So deadlift once a week only, then?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Got it, I'll decrease the frequency of deadlifts. So deadlift once a week only, then?
If you plan on working heavy I would. I've deadlifted twice a week before with a heavy day and a high rep day and looking back I think it held me back. I like to be as fresh as possible now. If increasing your weight pulled is your goal I would DL once every 6 or 7 days. Others may disagree. Doesn't mean you can't do RDLs or something else during the week but yeah, I'd recommend heavy DLing once a week. Hell, some powerlifters only DL a couple times a month while hitting accessories and show up to meets and hit PRs.
So... strong-gaf, squats on consecutive days? I slept well, I ate well, I feel good, would be a waste to not go to the gym today even though I'm supposed to rest. It's deadlift day too! What would you do?


Slayer of Combofiends
So... strong-gaf, squats on consecutive days? I slept well, I ate well, I feel good, would be a waste to not go to the gym today even though I'm supposed to rest. It's deadlift day too! What would you do?

I don't know about everybody else but I let those muscles used for squatting to rest for a day and either work on my cardio so I don't get extremely sore. You can work another muscle group too if you want. The others will give better recommendations since I'm just starting out on this.


If you plan on working heavy I would. I've deadlifted twice a week before with a heavy day and a high rep day and looking back I think it held me back. I like to be as fresh as possible now. If increasing your weight pulled is your goal I would DL once every 6 or 7 days. Others may disagree. Doesn't mean you can't do RDLs or something else during the week but yeah, I'd recommend heavy DLing once a week. Hell, some powerlifters only DL a couple times a month while hitting accessories and show up to meets and hit PRs.

I see. Funnily enough, I was doing that (DLing every 6 or 7 days and doing RDL once a week in between). Got antsy and changed it up. I'll go back to a more sensible schedule.
I don't know about everybody else but I let those muscles used for squatting to rest for a day and either work on my cardio so I don't get extremely sore. You can work another muscle group too if you want. The others will give better recommendations since I'm just starting out on this.

Since I'm doing a full body routine there are few muscles I didn't work yesterday. Maybe calves and abs plus cardio would be good, but I really feel in the mood for deadlifting, squatting and bench pressing today.
Is there any alternative to deadlifts as a part of a routine (Stronglifts)? There's only 2 stations to do them at my gym (it's against the rules to do them anywhere else), so I usually end up waiting 20 minutes just to do one set of 5.


well, there was a huge explosion around the building in my gym and everybody was evacuated, I was late so I arrived when people weren't even allowed to get in, I was so pumped :/

selfie time, from my last days in Germany some days ago.


considering how problematic has been my fitness life lately, I'll take that.

easily the best period in my Fitness life, when I had nothing to do but hit the gym. I don't miss it though, I like using money lol

Yeah, I'm going to start looking soon, but I want to take some time off. Money isn't an issue too much right thankfully.

I didn't take a vacation for 3 years.
How are you guys dealing with a 12h work day and then going to the gym?
I nearly fainted at the heavy squats last night.. I make a point to basically go to bed right away after to get 8h of sleep time but man..
All these fun assistant things Brolic always mentions... I can't do them in the small amount of time, bummer!
I work 12hr graveyard shifts so beat that!!!

I only work 4 days a week though :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You look great Sphinx. All in your head my friend. Looking strong.
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