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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Junior Member
I wanted to do something new with my workout this morning, so I threw some kettlebell swings in. I freakin' loved 'em. It was fun and I could feel the whole posterior chain really clearly through the whole thing, and it really got my heartrate up. Thinking about doing them at the end of all my workouts.


Ah, today was way better than yesterday. The nerve pain seems to be mostly gone and I slept and ate more. :D I had a small cheat day today as well, since I went to capital city and my friend gave me a small piece of her pizza (just rucola and parmesan cheese on a thin bottom). I was also hopeful I would find some new clothes, but surprisingly enough I didn't. I kinda need to buy myself at least a new jacket and new dresses / tops at some point, since every damn thing I own at the moment is just huge (not that I would be whining about it, on the contrary). :D

Umm, so selfie Sunday. Finally I am wearing something somewhat fitting in a photo. (I didn't buy that knitwear though, since I decided that turtle neck and butterflies just aren't my thing.) Still a long way to go, but at least I am working on it. :)

Awww, thanks sweetie, I am feeling a whole lot better! ^_^ Sleeping and eating does miracles. I also had absolutely splendid day today.

EviLore, did you change your avatar? Looking good there cutie.

Yep, we all have that kind of days once in a while. Hopefully you didn't skip your dinner though - that will only make you feel worse. Are you feeling any better? Have you had any proper rest days?

Thank gods it seems I managed to get rid of that nerve pain. I don't deal with pain well at all.

Damn. That kind of body control is extremely sexy. Is it hot in here or is it just me... ;)

Sweetie, yep, you better not change anything. You are adorable and looking extremely edible as you are. :p

I almost missed your post. Nice progress pic.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I discovered putting my cookies and cream whey protein in with my coffee. Acts as an amazing creamer and low sugar sweetener.

Tastes awesome. Usually I drink my coffee black, but...protein.

Genius! Thank you for this!


I just realized something. I was taking pre-workouts for probably about 3-4 months to try it out. I then decided to quit cold turkey because I realized I was becoming too dependent on caffeine. I never needed it before. Plus it was a bit hard on the wallet.

I never got injured until I stopped taking it. Then the flood of injuries happened. Could there be a correlation? Maybe I was trying to match my intensity too soon stopping the pre-workouts, putting a little more strain on my body?

Or I may just be thinking too much into it.

Pete Rock

Cold brew PSA for all coffee fanatics, buy a Toddy right now. The filters last about 3 months and are the only "wear item". I make coffee once a week by rough grinding 12 oz of beans from the freezer and topping it off with water. It takes about 5 minutes, then you leave it on the counter to soak for 24 hours. Pop the cork the next morning and let it drain into the glass container. You end up with a cold brewed liquid concentrate that will adequately caffeinate two adults every day for a week straight.

Or you could take it on a red-eye 36 hour road trip and drink the whole thing start to finish with a gallon and a half of milk, the point is it's flexible and versatile.

Aside from cost and efficiency displacing every other method, it's also significantly healthier for you due to the reduced acid content. Your taste buds and bowels will thank you. Priceless. Once you switch you won't even be able to stomach the smell of drip-percolated hot-plate coffee let alone ingest it. No way. Never again. On that bulk process life forever!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I just realized something. I was taking pre-workouts for probably about 3-4 months to try it out. I then decided to quit cold turkey because I realized I was becoming too dependent on caffeine. I never needed it before. Plus it was a bit hard on the wallet.

I never got injured until I stopped taking it. Then the flood of injuries happened. Could there be a correlation? Maybe I was trying to match my intensity too soon stopping the pre-workouts, putting a little more strain on my body?

Or I may just be thinking too much into it.

No. It's a coincidence.


So I usually drink a couple of coffee and I add one cream and one pack of Splenda in there. Is this pretty fattening?
Hey guys I have a question. I'm about 5'7 200 lbs. I'm not exactly "fat" but I'm a little chubby with a gut and moobs I need to get rid of. I just signed up for a gym around my way but I don't really know what to do there. Every time that I have gone to a gym I always did random things there with no clear goal. What's a good beginner workout regimen so that I'm not just hopping from machine to machine without a clue. This whole nutrition and healthy living stuff goes right over my head because of all the conflicting information. If anyone has a workout plan or regimen that would be helpful because I was just gonna go to gym and run on the treadmill. Thanks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys I have a question. I'm about 5'7 200 lbs. I'm not exactly "fat" but I'm a little chubby with a gut and moobs I need to get rid of. I just signed up for a gym around my way but I don't really know what to do there. Every time that I have gone to a gym I always did random things there with no clear goal. What's a good beginner workout regimen so that I'm not just hopping from machine to machine without a clue. This whole nutrition and healthy living stuff goes right over my head because of all the conflicting information. If anyone has a workout plan or regimen that would be helpful because I was just gonna go to gym and run on the treadmill. Thanks.

OP - Starting Strength. I don't want to be one of those dudes that says "Read the OP" but read the OP and focus on the Starting Strength part. Work out with a progression system as outlined in it. This way you don't waste your time in there.


So I usually drink a couple of coffee and I add one cream and one pack of Splenda in there. Is this pretty fattening?

Heavy cream is 5g of fat per tablespoon. Measure how much you are putting in your coffee to find out how many calories. The splenda should be nothing to be concerned about unless you are using a ton of it.


So the videos in the OP for the big lifts are broken. Can someone link me to some solid form video tutorials for a beginner asking for them?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Your dropping motion looks really bad to me. Are you sliding the bar down your legs/knees?

Your bar path looks less than ideal. Like your pushing up and then behind you. My understanding is that you're supposed to go straight up and then lean your torso a bit forward so that you go under the bar.

165 lbs. OHP is impressive, though! You're damn strong.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I was under the impression you were supposed to let it slide down that way. Perhaps I have that all wrong?

I may be wrong. It just looked to me like you were almost dropping the bar on your bent legs and sliding it down. Maybe it was just a matter of smoothness of motion. I'll defer to someone who knows more about deadlifts!


Wow, your stances on both of these lifts look super unstable. You're doing the reps way before you're ready to do them.

Interesting on the deadlift, I had Brolic and Sean check those ones and neither said anything about that. Guess maybe I have some work to do.
As a lifting noob, I know everybody likes the bench press, but I think the deadlift is probably the sexiest damn move. Like a bolt of lightning that shoots from your heels all the way up to your shoulders, straight up lifting this dead weight from the ground, no bouncing. Feels good.
As a lifting noob, I know everybody likes the bench press, but I think the deadlift is probably the sexiest damn move. Like a bolt of lightning that shoots from your heels all the way up to your shoulders, straight up lifting this dead weight from the ground, no bouncing. Feels good.
Deadlifts are killer though. In my opinion it's a tie between that and the squat in terms of sucking all the energy out of you
Deadlifts are killer though. In my opinion it's a tie between that and the squat in terms of sucking all the energy out of you

Yeah, that's why I saying these early days of Starting Strength are killer. I'm doing my max weight for Squats and Deadlifts multiple times a week going by the schedule in the OP, 3x5. I'm talking five minute rest periods between each set, fuck failing this rep.
Yeah, that's why I saying these early days of Starting Strength are killer. I'm doing my max weight for Squats and Deadlifts multiple times a week going by the schedule in the OP, 3x5. I'm talking five minute rest periods between each set, fuck failing this rep.
Deadlift 3x5 two times a week??? Omg I would die haha


Speaking of form checks...

Anyone care to comment on my Deadlift form?: http://youtu.be/AwBwVigWcvE

Apologize for the shitty angle, but I think one thing I definitely notice is my hips rising first which shouldn't be happening. Most likely need to deload and work on rising as one piece. Any comments would be welcome.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Speaking of form checks...

Anyone care to comment on my Deadlift form?: http://youtu.be/AwBwVigWcvE

Apologize for the shitty angle, but I think one thing I definitely notice is my hips rising first which shouldn't be happening. Most likely need to deload and work on rising as one piece. Any comments would be welcome.
Yeah. You're lowering your butt before you begin the lift. Grab it like you do in the beginning, get your chest up as much as you can without lowering your hips, and pull. I also think you're lowering the bar too slowly which can potentially lead to injury when you get heavier. You do however have those octagon plates which makes it a bitch. Hate those things.


Yeah. You're lowering your butt before you begin the lift. Grab it like you do in the beginning, get your chest up as much as you can without lowering your hips, and pull. I also think you're lowering the bar too slowly which can potentially leaf to injury when you get heavier. You do however have those octagon plates which makes it a bitch. Hate those things.

Thanks for the tips. What I'm shooting for right before I begin the lift is the whole "take the slack out of the bar" thing, but looks like I'm not doing that correctly.

Yeah, the plates are a bitch. Always end up having to move the bar around and reset because it lands in a diagonal position sometimes. Wish we had round plates at my gym.

Pete Rock

Wow, your stances on both of these lifts look super unstable. You're doing the reps way before you're ready to do them.

Yeah on the OHP I would suggest tightening up your ROM a significant degree. I feel that you are starting each rep too low and instead of shoving your entire torso underneath the load you're kind of leaning backwards underneath it and straining your lower back more than necessary.

Agreed that the DL's could use a significant amount more tightness, you just kind of rip without doing the grip and "crowd the bar" part of the setup. I have also read that it doesn't matter if your upper back rounds as long as your chest is kept up (for the most part), but your back could still be in better alignment and I think this might be related to the hips getting too low. They are just above parallel on the first rep and that is way too low.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks for the tips. What I'm shooting for right before I begin the lift is the whole "take the slack out of the bar" thing, but looks like I'm not doing that correctly.

Yeah, the plates are a bitch. Wish we had round plates at my gym.
Definitely take the slack out and start tight but not at the expense of dropping the hips. You can see your hips trying to get in the correct position when the bar starts coming up. Just keep watching correct videos on YouTube and practicing. Helps me a lot.
Went to HQ pool party in AC on Saturday and some random dude just comes up to me and says "Aesthics, Zyzz, you are aesthetic. Do you know Zyzz? you remind me of Zyzz" I guess I have a European look to me and I spike my hair and wear a satchel at pool parties. Still made my day.

How often do you guys take a week off? I definitely need one since I haven't taken a week off since I went to Ibiza in 2012. There is only 3 weeks left till summer so I want to just man up and finish out the summer before considering taking a week off. Body is killing me though. Back and shoulder pains of peace


Went to HQ pool party in AC on Saturday and some random dude just comes up to me and says "Aesthics, Zyzz, you are aesthetic. Do you know Zyzz? you remind me of Zyzz" I guess I have a European look to me and I spike my hair and wear a satchel at pool parties. Still made my day.

How often do you guys take a week off? I definitely need one since I haven't taken a week off since I went to Ibiza in 2012. There is only 3 weeks left till summer so I want to just man up and finish out the summer before considering taking a week off. Body is killing me though. Back and shoulder pains of peace

You haven't taken a week off in two years?

Jesus haha. I take a week off every 3-4 months or so.

Pete Rock

Went to HQ pool party in AC on Saturday and some random dude just comes up to me and says "Aesthics, Zyzz, you are aesthetic. Do you know Zyzz? you remind me of Zyzz" I guess I have a European look to me and I spike my hair and wear a satchel at pool parties. Still made my day.
I am still waiting for more gratuitous shots of the satcheled Samurai. I would consider those remarks strange unless the man knew him in real life. Maybe he is reminded of the popular idea and image of Zyzz, that would make more sense.

How often do you guys take a week off? I definitely need one since I haven't taken a week off since I went to Ibiza in 2012. There is only 3 weeks left till summer so I want to just man up and finish out the summer before considering taking a week off. Body is killing me though. Back and shoulder pains of peace
I usually take a week off every six months. I skipped the last one and didn't go on my normal routine and low and behold snapped my shit up something fierce. Seems like it took 40 days for my diaphragm to stop aching whenever I took a breath.

Sounds like you need one. There is such a huge difference between soreness and inflammation and the latter takes soooo much longer to work out of your system.


Anyone have any opinions on CLA?

I used to take it, but I think I've read that it's mostly bunk:

Conjugated Linoleic Acid, aka CLA

The Claim: CLA is supposed to interact with the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) system in your body, which is related to fat metabolism inside your body.

The Reality: A common theme emerges – what works in rats does not work in humans. CLA barely interacts with the PPAR system, rendering it unreliable. The end result? No fat burning.

Other Notables: CLA was one of the first promising fat burners, and thus there is a lot of research conducted on it: over 20 human studies! Alas, while most of the other supplements listed here have some other interesting tidbit, CLA seems to be a very uninteresting and boring molecule.



Went to HQ pool party in AC on Saturday and some random dude just comes up to me and says "Aesthics, Zyzz, you are aesthetic. Do you know Zyzz? you remind me of Zyzz" I guess I have a European look to me and I spike my hair and wear a satchel at pool parties. Still made my day.

How often do you guys take a week off? I definitely need one since I haven't taken a week off since I went to Ibiza in 2012. There is only 3 weeks left till summer so I want to just man up and finish out the summer before considering taking a week off. Body is killing me though. Back and shoulder pains of peace

I take a week off every 3 to 4 weeks. At my age I need the recovery time. I also don't like the idea of the gym controlling the flow of my time and life. I go when I make it, which is still very often, but not set in stone.


Guys.... I think I fucked up.. http://dhftns.com/healthy-slow-cooked-bbq-chicken-recipe/

I'm doing that recipe for the second time except I had a MAJOR brain lapse and used ranch instead of Italian dressing.... Should I just prepare myself to scrap it all? It's already an hour in. Fuuuuuck it's been such a good day until this point too :(

Just give it a taste when it's done and hope for the best. If not...

choke it down anyway :p
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