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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How does one achieve ketosis? Seems like all I have to do is cut out carbs indefinitely for my body to only use fat as energy.

You might want to check out a new book by Jimmy Moore that just came out called Keto Clarity. I haven't read it yet, and I'm not sure if I will, but the guy meticulously monitors his blood glucose and ketone levels and, apparently, offers very detailed advice and instructions on how to achieve nutritional ketosis for those so inclined in his book.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Still, though... 4x body weight for high reps. That's just unreal.


the piano man
God damn dude, I think this is the most shredded we've seen you. Absolute monster.

I want to second this.

Wow, MTP you've always looked swole but here you look spectacular. Most impressive pic I've seen from you.

Whatever you are doing, it's working. Congrats


Haven't been to the thread in a while, that was a mistake. Already more motivated.

MTP, last time I saw your pics was May or earlier, you looked good then but damn...big difference from earlier this year!

A little over a year since I broke my back and ankle and today was the first day I got my squat back to being higher than my bench. I had been neglecting it somewhat since my back would sometimes bother me, but I've noticed that squatting several times a week has actually made my back feel better even on off days. I'm back in the squatting groove!

Weird thing was that deadlift didn't bother my back at all. I actually broke my deadlift PR shortly after I started working out again after recovery from the injuries.

Squat and deadlift both waste me though. I think I need to add in some cardio. I feel amazing after catching my breath afterwards, however.
You also need to limit your protein or your body will convert the extra protein to glucose through gluconeogenesis and kick you out of ketosis.

How does one achieve ketosis? Seems like all I have to do is cut out carbs indefinitely for my body to only use fat as energy.

how much protein and carbs are good for a day? I've been getting around 130 - 150g of protein a day and 70g of carbs give or take a few. I think my carb intake is a bit high, but I have no idea about protein.

edit: according to MFP Carbs for yesterday were 19%, Fat 44%, Protein 37%

I've been eating mostly eggs, greek yogurt, cheese, nuts (almonds mostly) and lean meats/fish (chicken, steak, etc.)


Such a sick pump today:



how much protein and carbs are good for a day? I've been getting around 130 - 150g of protein a day and 70g of carbs give or take a few. I think my carb intake is a bit high, but I have no idea about protein.

edit: according to MFP Carbs for yesterday were 19%, Fat 44%, Protein 37%

I've been eating mostly eggs, greek yogurt, cheese, nuts (almonds mostly) and lean meats/fish (chicken, steak, etc.)

Switch that fat and protein values around.

High fat meats and fish. I.E. Salmon, Ground Beef, Chicken Thighs and legs, BACON! FULL FAT greek yogurt. Get your carbs to under 30gs. Mine is usually less than 20g's. A great fat source is coconut oil. MCT's create more ketones than other fats. This should all probably go over into the nutrition thread actually.


Killed a fucking workout this morning...bench is back up to 195 x 3 ... weight isn't really dropping tho...keeps cycling between 206 and 211...haha.

Attribute the good workout to saying screw low carb. Changing my plan and hoping at least to build a base of some muscle before buckling down on a cut again, my reasoning is it should be easier with a little extra muscle.
Hahah, there is something wrong in the world at the moment - even I regognized the name Zyzz. This leads to the next point that after telling us that, you kinda need to post a picture of you with spiked hair wearing a satchel. ;)

There should be one in the progress thread in the OT ;)

Also I've dun goofed. I have been measuring my peanut butter with a measuring spoon for the past 2 years and yesterday I was just looking at the jar and decided to just weight out the PB in my measuring spoon. Turns out that a TBS of PB measured out weighs 30g counting the spoon. I would usually have 2 spoon fulls measured out giving me an extra 1/2 serving. Adds up that I have been getting almost 2 extra servings of PB a day. Oh well lol.


Haha you're too much :)

5'9, 205lbs right now. And I sweat way too much when working :(

Wow thanks for the compliments FitGAF, you're all very motivating :D

I would say learning to squat and deadlift earlier in my "workout" career lol. I'll add that working physical labour helps a great deal for overall conditioning. If I'm putting in a few thousand feet of flooring I'll squat/bend down thousands of times and also carry all the flooring up stairs. If I'm rough-in plumbing a home or apartment building I'll be crawling on my stomach/hand and knees for hours on end, doing muscle ups to get out of the crawl space access or climbing ladders all day with ABS/PVC pipes. After work I'll work out and do a heavy compound like squats, rows, or some kind of press and throw in an accessory exercise or two. I lift about 4-5 hours a week max and I take long rests between compound sets.

Wow, that's nice.

I have a question. I am 5'8 and 200lbs but I don't look like that. Do I have to lean out before I cut like your body? What was your weight before?

Pete Rock

I saw a girl at the gym last night with her brodacious boyfriend and it all clicked. The kid does crazy db/cable fly stuff and his upper body is typically dis-proportioned, super jacked relative to his chicken legs. His girl is dressed 80% club 20% gym and I saw her from the backside, as soon as she turned around the silhouette of her fake cans made me want to puke. Her ass was so boxy and nonexistent, the disparity in shapes and the combination of her gaudy makeup made me instantly think of a drag queen that I know lol. Anyways, I felt they were the perfect couple. All show and no go baby! Huzzah

Damn MTP looking nasty!!!


I'm a little late to the party on that whole obesity thread but good lord at the excuses!

You think I don't want all the junk? Here's a clue, I WANT ALL THE JUNK. I don't pass by a Taco Bell without wanting a Quesarrito and a Crunchwrap. I don't pass a Krispy Kreme with the "HOT DONUTS!" Sign lit up without my saliva glands going into overdrive. When I get thirsty I want a Barq's Red Creme from the vending machine not a glass of water from the tap. It's all easily available and relatively cheap.

But generally speaking I don't do any of that shit (on a regular basis) because I saw my weight was ballooning out of control and threw the breaks on.

Yes food deserts are a real problem, but acting like most people's obesity is a socioeconomic problem not a self control problem is the worst kind of hand waving excuse making nonsense I can imagine. So disgusted!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a chronic sweater too MTP, and I fucking hate it. I go out and do some simple manual labor at my house and I'm sweating buckets without exerting myself in the least. Friggin hate it.
I'm a chronic sweater too MTP, and I fucking hate it. I go out and do some simple manual labor at my house and I'm sweating buckets without exerting myself in the least. Friggin hate it.

I'm not sure if science actually backs this up. But I do know that some friends of mine who really don't sweat much have serious issues with exercising in hot temperatures. Had to be really careful playing tennis in the summer as they would conk right out if they overheaded. Kinda makes sense to me, as sweating helps to regulate temperature. So at least look at that as a silver lining on the over-sweat issue.

Pete Rock

You think I don't want all the junk? Here's a clue, I WANT ALL THE JUNK.
Indeed, it's all about perspective. An unhealthy mindset is one of isolation and exclusionary thinking, ie - I am a special snowflake. My favorite anecdotal story regarding talk of this kind was from a few years back. I was eating at a restaurant and these two women were talking very loudly so I could not help but listen to their conversation. The larger of the two said something along the lines of "Well, I know I should exercise more and eat better but I just don't like it. I'm not like one of those people that can wake up and jog for forty five minutes every morning. I like food that is bad for me and they don't, so it's not fair" loool

I'm not sure if science actually backs this up. But I do know that some friends of mine who really don't sweat much have serious issues with exercising in hot temperatures.
Speaking of which, I absolutely swear by the fact that I sweat a significantly lower amount in higher temperatures after being conditioned by spending 10 minutes 3x per week in the 180' Sauna / Steam Room.

It started because I absolutely hated leaving the gym when it was 90' out and instantly "ruining" my change of clothes by sweating through the shirt to the point of sticking to the chair within thirty seconds of sitting in my car. After sweating it out and becoming acclimated to the sauna temperatures for ten minutes, this problem seemed to be significantly alleviated.

I usually only am drenched with sweat now when the weight room is at 85' or higher or I am on my last AMRAP set of squats which always gets the juices flowing. I barely sweat at all standing around outside in the summer, it is great.

Tangentially, I have found the only problem with taking cold showers is that you cannot flip the shower any colder when you want that final shock at the end. Boo. I need an "ice water" button like the "cold" buttons on hair dryers lol.
Any recommendations for high-calorie/high-protein foods? Protein bars usually do the job for a snack, but I'm wondering about meals too. Things that could be prepared quickly would be nice. I've been eating about 3,000-3,500 calories per day to keep my weight gain going but some days it's tough to meet that goal.


Any recommendations for high-calorie/high-protein foods? Protein bars usually do the job for a snack, but I'm wondering about meals too. Things that could be prepared quickly would be nice. I've been eating about 3,000-3,500 calories per day to keep my weight gain going but some days it's tough to meet that goal.

fast food?

J. Bravo

Any recommendations for high-calorie/high-protein foods? Protein bars usually do the job for a snack, but I'm wondering about meals too. Things that could be prepared quickly would be nice. I've been eating about 3,000-3,500 calories per day to keep my weight gain going but some days it's tough to meet that goal.

mcdonalds is cheap af. 3 mcdoubles is about 3 bucks.


I'm a little late to the party on that whole obesity thread but good lord at the excuses!

You think I don't want all the junk? Here's a clue, I WANT ALL THE JUNK. I don't pass by a Taco Bell without wanting a Quesarrito and a Crunchwrap. I don't pass a Krispy Kreme with the "HOT DONUTS!" Sign lit up without my saliva glands going into overdrive. When I get thirsty I want a Barq's Red Creme from the vending machine not a glass of water from the tap. It's all easily available and relatively cheap.

But generally speaking I don't do any of that shit (on a regular basis) because I saw my weight was ballooning out of control and threw the breaks on.

Yes food deserts are a real problem, but acting like most people's obesity is a socioeconomic problem not a self control problem is the worst kind of hand waving excuse making nonsense I can imagine. So disgusted!

You don't think poverty coupled with lack of education(most important) and easily accessible cheap unhealthy foods lead to obesity?


Any recommendations for high-calorie/high-protein foods? Protein bars usually do the job for a snack, but I'm wondering about meals too. Things that could be prepared quickly would be nice. I've been eating about 3,000-3,500 calories per day to keep my weight gain going but some days it's tough to meet that goal.

A lot of good high-ish calorie, carb, and protein meals here: http://dhftns.com/healthy-recipes/protein-recipes/

Especially the oatmeal concoctions


Really nice depth and posterior chain loading for the high bar position. Your chest floats forward a little bit out of the hole but other than that they looked really good to me.

Same, I didn't see any real. It issues.

Thanks! At least I have one lift that doesn't need another round of tweaking!

You don't think poverty coupled with lack of education(most important) and easily accessible cheap unhealthy foods lead to obesity?

Seems more like he's saying that though those CAN be a cause, for most people they aren't THE cause.


Thanks! At least I have one lift that doesn't need another round of tweaking!

Seems more like he's saying that though those CAN be a cause, for most people they aren't THE cause.

I'm sorry but I can't believe that. Lack of Nutritional education and access to affordable healthy food ARE the leading causes of obesity. You can puff out your chest and speak about discipline all you want but most people don't have the luxury to make those choices.


I'm sorry but I can't believe that. Lack of Nutritional education and access to affordable healthy food ARE the leading causes of obesity. You can puff out your chest and speak about discipline all you want but most people don't have the luxury to make those choices.

Most people don't have the luxury to drink water instead of soda?



I'm sorry but I can't believe that. Lack of Nutritional education and access to affordable healthy food ARE the leading causes of obesity. You can puff out your chest and speak about discipline all you want but most people don't have the luxury to make those choices.

Cheap unhealthy food, I agree.

Switching soda for water, I can't.

No matter how cheap soda gets, it ain't as cheap as tap water.

Pete Rock

Can you eat well on food stamps? An NYU grad student looked into the issue for her thesis and has released a (free) cookbook for those trying to live on $4/day.

I have read through her PDF cookbook and it is actually pretty decent, definitely a step in the right direction. It does not address meal or budget planning, but it does directly address the idea that you cannot cook quality affordable meals at home on a SNAP budget.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Education is definitely the biggest hurdle for nearly everyone to help curb obesity.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How can I trust FallingEdge when he says his cut is going as planned when he hashtags #gaintrain and #acquiringmass with his photos?


You don't think poverty coupled with lack of education(most important) and easily accessible cheap unhealthy foods lead to obesity?

Seems more like he's saying that though those CAN be a cause, for most people they aren't THE cause.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Some of the leanest people I know are dirt poor; farmers/gardeners who grow their own food. And most of the well educated and high-earning engineers I graduated engineering school with are now carrying around more than their fair share of flab.

Everytime I go to the grocery, the same place where I buy MY food, I'm surrounded by people buying $5 bags of chips instead of a $5 bag of apples or two bunches of Brocolli. They have six packs of soda hanging off the side of the cart, when they could drink water out of the tap instead which is healthier AND less expensive allowing them to put more money towards healthier foods. And this isn't an economically depressed area. People are just making bad choices and telling themselves they can't do anything else.

Education IS a major issue with respect to nutrition but the thread in question was pushing the idea that, for most, making the changes in your life that leads to better nutrition and weight loss first requires a drastic change in socioeconomic position. And while that plays a roll in some incidents of obesity, it's hardly the success-denying Great Wall of Obesity it was made out to be.

Sorry for jacking the thread all - wasn't my intention to bring the argument here, I'll step back now.


the piano man
I don't know why... but this pic made me laugh, more than it should

No matter how cheap soda gets, it ain't as cheap as tap water.

there are reports of areas in rural Mexico in which coke is cheaper and more accesible than water. That's an extreme and does not apply to anyone that browses a videogame forum on a daily basis, but still...


there are reports of areas in rural Mexico in which coke is cheaper and more accesible than water. That's an extreme and does not apply to anyone that browses a videogame forum on a daily basis, but still...

You know what I meant, you even admitted it yourself. For the vast majority of people, especially those living in the United States with access to internet, etc., clean drinking water is not a scarce commodity.
Adding front squat accessory sets ok to add after deadlifts? The 5/3/1 BBB has me doing hanging leg raises after deadlifts and yea i cant be bothered waiting for the one pull up bar at my gym...
On the fence about what to do once the summer is over. Continue to stay cut or even more cut but at a much less deficit, maintain or do another bulk for a few months.

My main issue with doing another bulk is that I have some trips planned out. Morocco in December through New Years, Miami for Ultra in March and Coachella for April. Bulking up would leave me no time to be shredded for all of these events. If I were to bulk than I guess it would be from September-December and be 3 weeks out on my cut before I go to Morocco, which wont give me enough time.

Decisions decisions decisions
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