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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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On the fence about what to do once the summer is over. Continue to stay cut or even more cut but at a much less deficit, maintain or do another bulk for a few months.

My main issue with doing another bulk is that I have some trips planned out. Morocco in December through New Years, Miami for Ultra in March and Coachella for April. Bulking up would leave me no time to be shredded for all of these events. If I were to bulk than I guess it would be from September-December and be 3 weeks out on my cut before I go to Morocco, which wont give me enough time.

Decisions decisions decisions

You could try and bulk slowly at around a 200 cal surplus, you'd gain ~2lbs @ month and you then wouldn't have to cut for as long ofc that's easier said than done.


So I guess the upside of being injured/destroyed is that my appetite is a little bit more in check from not doing any strenuous lifting. Lost 3 pounds so far 2 weeks into my cut. I just hope that isn't all mah gains.


200 cal surplus doesn't sound bad actually. I was doing 500-1000 calorie surplus last winter.

Yeah, when you're only dealing with 150-200 cal surpluses, it's really easy. Just add a banana to lunch, maybe have an extra scoop of protein powder and voila, you're there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not saying anything, I'm not whining. I'm just under a lot of stress.


I'm not saying anything, I'm not whining. I'm just under a lot of stress.


What's wrong mang, FitGAF is a community for a reason.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I got a lot on my plate, and not in a good way. Coping with insane amounts of jealousy and shit eating my alive, and posting in the OT on some of these topics isn't helping either. Just getting more wound up. Ugh.


Yeah, when you're only dealing with 150-200 cal surpluses, it's really easy. Just add a banana to lunch, maybe have an extra scoop of protein powder and voila, you're there.

Man, you guys really know your daily calories that accurately that you can add a banana and know you've hit a surplus?

Every time I try to track calories I get to points where I just have to guess then I figure what's the point of tracking and then stop...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is this womenz jealousy...

or gainz jealousy?

Stupid-ass emotional jealousy and shit. Lots of pressure from a lot of different areas as well. It's really stupid shit, I need to go grind it out in the gym because I'll feel better.


Hey Fitness Gaf. Bit of a silly question, but is there anything I can drink (non-alcoholic) while eating a meal on a diet to lose weight? I honestly don't know much about diets but my friends have told me to avoid drinking soda and basically anything that contains sugar. All my life I was in the habit of drinking orange juice or cola and whatnot while eating, and not having any drink after a meal is off putting :l I barely enjoy my meals anymore.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey Fitness Gaf. Bit of a silly question, but is there anything I can drink (non-alcoholic) while eating a meal on a diet to lose weight? I honestly don't know much about diets but my friends have told me to avoid drinking soda and basically anything that contains sugar. All my life I was in the habit of drinking orange juice or cola and whatnot while eating, and not having any drink after a meal is off putting :l I barely enjoy my meals anymore.

Water is the best, period.

Diet soda is also fine. But water is dope.


Man, you guys really know your daily calories that accurately that you can add a banana and know you've hit a surplus?

Every time I try to track calories I get to points where I just have to guess then I figure what's the point of tracking and then stop...

I don't pretend to believe that I'm tracking my calories to a T - in fact, unless you cook your own meals and weigh everything you eat, it's impossible to be that accurate (and even then, it can still be off). I know within a range of what I'm eating and after a few months of actually weighing out my foods and/or looking up as many nutritional values as I could, I have a decent estimate of my rough caloric intake. Most of what I go by is food labels or website nutritional calculators and I know there's a ton of variation/guessing/error that goes into that. But at least I know a range.

Stupid-ass emotional jealousy and shit. Lots of pressure from a lot of different areas as well. It's really stupid shit, I need to go grind it out in the gym because I'll feel better.

Ah I hear ya. When I feel like that I do whatever I can to distract myself from thinking about what's making me feel that way, whether it's the gym, video games, or watching endless hours of stupid shit on YouTube (usually WWE clips or the BroScienceLife channel lol).

Hey Fitness Gaf. Bit of a silly question, but is there anything I can drink (non-alcoholic) while eating a meal on a diet to lose weight? I honestly don't know much about diets but my friends have told me to avoid drinking soda and basically anything that contains sugar. All my life I was in the habit of drinking orange juice or cola and whatnot while eating, and not having any drink after a meal is off putting :l I barely enjoy my meals anymore.

As noted, water is best. Diet soda and unsweetened teas are generally fine too as long as you're getting enough water.
Hey Fitness Gaf. Bit of a silly question, but is there anything I can drink (non-alcoholic) while eating a meal on a diet to lose weight? I honestly don't know much about diets but my friends have told me to avoid drinking soda and basically anything that contains sugar. All my life I was in the habit of drinking orange juice or cola and whatnot while eating, and not having any drink after a meal is off putting :l I barely enjoy my meals anymore.

I drink milk with dinner but I factor that into my diet. And I love milk. But other than that water is the way to go unless your on a cheat day (and then its probably an alcoholic beverage for me).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ah I hear ya. When I feel like that I do whatever I can to distract myself from thinking about what's making me feel that way, whether it's the gym, video games, or watching endless hours of stupid shit on YouTube (usually WWE clips or the BroScienceLife channel lol).

Doing my best, but sometimes you just think too much. Took the dog on a 2 hour walk last night. Poor thing was ROASTED when we were done and my brain got me nowhere fast.


Got 15.5 hours of sleep last night. Ready for deadlifts tonight.

Trying to keep the weight on, shits getting difficult. Crawling around in a 8000sqft and 2ft high crawl space with extreme humidity for over a week. This is the only workout Ill be getting, Ill try squats tomorrow but doubt I'll have any energy left and my knees will be sore as usual :(

Looking the best I've ever seen you, keep it up.


Cutting season is over. Floating around 152.5 right now, down from 173 in April. Didn't get below 13% bodyfat but my abs do show a bit. It's not been an easy cutting season, either, dealing with injuries the entire time and not being able to lift for the last 2.5 weeks, which probably could have gotten me down to 150 and maybe with more visible abs. I'm happy, though, because I have a much better base for starting my bulk than I did this time last year, and I'm ready to kill it and hopefully put up huge lifts and heal my back at the same time by improving my core musculature.

This is where I came from, first back in the winter:

Then back in May

Also I've been thinking a lot lately about why I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. Just want to get back in the gym and clear my mind

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Matugi, Sphinx and I will spearhead the "Lonely Lifting Club" where the only thing harder than iron are our hearts.

Or so we wish. :(
Hey Fitness Gaf. Bit of a silly question, but is there anything I can drink (non-alcoholic) while eating a meal on a diet to lose weight? I honestly don't know much about diets but my friends have told me to avoid drinking soda and basically anything that contains sugar. All my life I was in the habit of drinking orange juice or cola and whatnot while eating, and not having any drink after a meal is off putting :l I barely enjoy my meals anymore.

I drank a bunch of soda years ago but wanted to cut the sugar while still drinking something refreshing. I tried flavoring water with lime or lemon juice but it never was the same really.

Then on a whim I bought some plain seltzer water from the store and realized I wasn't craving the sugar or caffeine but the carbonation! Something about that fizz is irreplaceable to me.

Now I drink five to six cans of seltzer a day. One right when I wake up (carbonation really wakes me up more than coffee ever did) and then the rest just when I'm thirsty. I could never drink this much water if i was drinking it plain, flat liquid just isn't that appealing to me. It's definitely not the cheapest way to stay hydrated but it's basically the same cost as soda anyway so maybe give it a shot as a soda replacement. They make lightly flavored ones which have nothing but natural flavors added and still 0 calories, or you can just add some lime to it if you don't like the taste of the plain stuff.

This was really before I started working out and honestly just cutting soda for me I think made a huge difference in the way I felt. I wasn't paying attention to my weight either back then but I'm sure it made a difference in that regard too.

I've always meant to look into some way to just carbonate my own water to see if that was cheaper but I've never spent the time to look.


Matugi, Sphinx and I will spearhead the "Lonely Lifting Club" where the only thing harder than iron are our hearts.

Or so we wish. :(

It's a summer away from all my friends so it's like, I wish I had that one person I could talk to constantly. It's toxic thoughts more than anything because I didn't feel the same way towards her that she did me, and I didn't want her to be led on.


Slayer of Combofiends
You also need to limit your protein or your body will convert the extra protein to glucose through gluconeogenesis and kick you out of ketosis.

Too much work, too little time.

You might want to check out a new book by Jimmy Moore that just came out called Keto Clarity. I haven't read it yet, and I'm not sure if I will, but the guy meticulously monitors his blood glucose and ketone levels and, apparently, offers very detailed advice and instructions on how to achieve nutritional ketosis for those so inclined in his book.

Might do it in the future when my financial situation fluctuates less (just graduated from college).

how much protein and carbs are good for a day? I've been getting around 130 - 150g of protein a day and 70g of carbs give or take a few. I think my carb intake is a bit high, but I have no idea about protein.

edit: according to MFP Carbs for yesterday were 19%, Fat 44%, Protein 37%

I've been eating mostly eggs, greek yogurt, cheese, nuts (almonds mostly) and lean meats/fish (chicken, steak, etc.)

Depends on what your goals are. Your carb intake should be fine at 70g though. If you're taking at max 150g of protein, 70g of carbs is fine. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

I have read through her PDF cookbook and it is actually pretty decent, definitely a step in the right direction. It does not address meal or budget planning, but it does directly address the idea that you cannot cook quality affordable meals at home on a SNAP budget.

Will definitely read!

there are reports of areas in rural Mexico in which coke is cheaper and more accesible than water. That's an extreme and does not apply to anyone that browses a videogame forum on a daily basis, but still...

Bro, from where I'm from, the beer is cheaper than the water. That just shows you how beer companies down there run things. You can go to a bodega and find a closet filled with beer while water is difficult to find in large quantities to buy.


Slayer of Combofiends
Sorry for the double post but less work for people who want to respond and don't have to delete any giant walls of text.

Doing -30% deficit on rest days and -20% (had 10 previously and didn't read close enough on the OP) on workout days. Been getting all my calories requirements pretty easily with how little it is but I see a lot of talk of cutting carbs or not eating it at all. Should I still follow http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ with the estimates it gave me? Also, I try to at least burn 400-500 calories when doing cardio (HIIT then just reaching calorie number) and basically follow the beginner's workout, should I burn more or less?

Workout day: ~1900 calories (49.3% protein (200 grams), 25.4% carbs (103 grams), 25.4% fat (46 grams))
Rest day: ~1600 calories (43.1% protein (200 grams), 25.4% carbs (132 grams), 25.4% fat (59 grams))


Ooh yeah. I bought a huge amount of pistachios today since they were already peeled and ridiculously cheap. Now I have some delicious things to eat when I feel I need them. :p Also tomorrow is definitely going to be a cheat day and I am not going to think or count at all and I have already decided not to feel quilty about anything I eat. :D

Also not related to anything, I need to share with you this odd comment I had today on Xbox. One lad just said to me in the party (must have been a friend's friend) that I sound like I would have sexy feet. Hahah, like what the fuck. Sexy feet has a certain type of a voice? Before this one I think that the strangest comment I have had about my voice is that "it sounds like a honey poured over peaches" plus all those "you sound like a 9-year-old boy" and "you should start a private line" comments that I am quite much used to already. (I only hope that the people who whould like me to start a private line don't also think I sound like I would be nine.)

Yeah, I will be careful. I may just do sitting yoga today. That won't hurt me. I've already taken two days off, so... :(

Oh, read that backwards. But 38-39 is pretty close anyway! And really great. And yes, it slows down the closer you get...pain in the butt.

I don't know if I've changed my body composition haha. Just managed to get rid of a couple pounds in five months...lol.

Still 30 to go... :( Realistically, I'll probably never hit that. More of a pipe dream.
Ok, now I am able to concentrade on your post as well and not just drool shirtless MTP. :p

I think you might actually stress this whole working out and eating correctly a bit too much to be honest. I understand that you have a schedule, but try to see things outside of it. I also think you have looked really good, especially in your recent pics. My advice would be that relax, get better and also get those stress levels lower.

Also what comes to that dream of yours to lose 30 more pounds - it will remain a dream if you think of it in that way. If you see it as a possible goal, you will reach it. :D

Haha you're too much :)

5'9, 205lbs right now. And I sweat way too much when working :(

Wow thanks for the compliments FitGAF, you're all very motivating :D

I would say learning to squat and deadlift earlier in my "workout" career lol. I'll add that working physical labour helps a great deal for overall conditioning. If I'm putting in a few thousand feet of flooring I'll squat/bend down thousands of times and also carry all the flooring up stairs. If I'm rough-in plumbing a home or apartment building I'll be crawling on my stomach/hand and knees for hours on end, doing muscle ups to get out of the crawl space access or climbing ladders all day with ABS/PVC pipes. After work I'll work out and do a heavy compound like squats, rows, or some kind of press and throw in an accessory exercise or two. I lift about 4-5 hours a week max and I take long rests between compound sets.
Hmmm... I think I would actually enjoy watching you working... ;)

And you are a tank! You burn ridiculous amount of calories compared to your hight. That is impressive. :p Hahha, I wish I could do the same.

Such a sick pump today:

Ooooh! I like it. :p Looking awesome cutie!

nice. Similar to my current physique
...A photo of that maybe... ;)

There should be one in the progress thread in the OT ;)
Hahahah, now when you mentioned and I went to check the pic, yes I remember looking at it earlier but then I was only staring at that female friend of yours. ;)

But hey, you do look spectacular! :D

I saw a girl at the gym last night with her brodacious boyfriend and it all clicked. The kid does crazy db/cable fly stuff and his upper body is typically dis-proportioned, super jacked relative to his chicken legs. His girl is dressed 80% club 20% gym and I saw her from the backside, as soon as she turned around the silhouette of her fake cans made me want to puke. Her ass was so boxy and nonexistent, the disparity in shapes and the combination of her gaudy makeup made me instantly think of a drag queen that I know lol. Anyways, I felt they were the perfect couple. All show and no go baby! Huzzah
I just don't understand people who try to dress fancy and wear make up for the gym... The whole idea of wearing make up to the gym is totally gross, since at least I sweat like a little piggy and need to swipe my whole face and neck with a towel constantly while working out.

Oh and talking about paying attention to other people at the gym. I normally don't have any idea what kind of people there are with me and I basicly notice them only if they are using something I would like to use on that particular moment as well.. but today, well, today I was just staring at this mega sexy babe, who was stretching in the university gym with way too tight clothes. Those über tight yoga pants... Jesus. Well, at least she had a really nice ass, good looking pussy and huge tits. Hahah, I would have been definitely jealous, if I wouldn't have enjoyed the view that much. :p

Also while I was at the staring business already, I noticed that there was this extremely good looking viking type of a lad. He looked better than Chris Hemsworth at Thor movie. (Not as good as some of you in here, but still hot enough to give me hard time while in the same room. I admit I was definitely drooling at him while he wasn't, I hope, noticing.)

Even if I actually had a good work out, I better not start to make a habit out of this or I will be totally unable to concentrade on anything I should be doing.


Education IS a major issue with respect to nutrition but the thread in question was pushing the idea that, for most, making the changes in your life that leads to better nutrition and weight loss first requires a drastic change in socioeconomic position. And while that plays a roll in some incidents of obesity, it's hardly the success-denying Great Wall of Obesity it was made out to be.

Sorry for jacking the thread all - wasn't my intention to bring the argument here, I'll step back now.
Those were all good points, but I need to say that now when I eat way healthier than I used to I am using way more money for groceries than I did before. Admittedly I do eat quite fancy stuff like nuts and hemp oil, dried berries and what not when I could go for cheaper options, but if I want to both enjoy the food I am eating and eat healthy, to me at least, it is actually surprisingly expensive.

Stupid-ass emotional jealousy and shit. Lots of pressure from a lot of different areas as well. It's really stupid shit, I need to go grind it out in the gym because I'll feel better.
Awwwwwww. Poor babe!

Come here and I will give you a hug!

Cutting season is over. Floating around 152.5 right now, down from 173 in April. Didn't get below 13% bodyfat but my abs do show a bit. It's not been an easy cutting season, either, dealing with injuries the entire time and not being able to lift for the last 2.5 weeks, which probably could have gotten me down to 150 and maybe with more visible abs. I'm happy, though, because I have a much better base for starting my bulk than I did this time last year, and I'm ready to kill it and hopefully put up huge lifts and heal my back at the same time by improving my core musculature.
Great work honey bunny! Looking good there! :D


the piano man
Matugi said:

Matugi, you blow my mind with how young you are and how you manage to pull off the "real man" look. It's not that you look old, you look like a real man.

When I was your age I looked like Zyzz pre-everything, lol

you are 18 or 19 right?

Matugi, Sphinx and I will spearhead the "Lonely Lifting Club" where the only thing harder than iron are our hearts.

Or so we wish. :(

keep your head up big guy, before you know it all those things that are giving you a hard time will be gone.

by the way I am 2 years single already, I am working on me, making money and getting better at my job, getting stronger, trying to lead a healthy life and being a sexy mofo, lol.


Matugi, you blow my mind with how young you are and how you manage to pull off the "real man" look. It's not that you look old, you look like a real man.

When I was your age I looked like Zyzz pre-everything, lol

you are 18 or 19 right?
...Is he really that young? Gods. Now I feel like a dirty old lady. :p

by the way I am 2 years single already, I am working on me, making money and getting better at my job, getting stronger, trying to lead a healthy life and being a sexy mofo, lol.
Yep, you are doing well on your onw - seriously, we females are only mainly trouble.

...and well, occasional sex as well.

Talking about sex, why the fuck I have been like a constant hornball after I changed my diet and started to work out?
...Is he really that young? Gods. Now I feel like a dirty old lady. :p

Yep, you are doing well on your onw - seriously, we females are only mainly trouble.

...and well, occasional sex as well.

Talking about sex, why the fuck I have been like a constant hornball after I changed my diet and started to work out?

Increased energy? Endorphins?

After I lift I always get a little frisky (and no I dont take beta alanine or arginine preworkout)


Water is the best, period.

Diet soda is also fine. But water is dope.

As noted, water is best. Diet soda and unsweetened teas are generally fine too as long as you're getting enough water.

I drink milk with dinner but I factor that into my diet. And I love milk. But other than that water is the way to go unless your on a cheat day (and then its probably an alcoholic beverage for me).

Thanks guys. I'm already drinking about 4~4.5 liters a day so I was looking into something with flavor. Diet soda does sound good, but there seems to be a mixed opinion as some say it actually gains weight, not losing it :l

Quiet lost honestly. Might have to go with milk in the end (I love it too :3)


Thanks guys. I'm already drinking about 4~4.5 liters a day so I was looking into something with flavor. Diet soda does sound good, but there seems to be a mixed opinion as some say it actually gains weight, not losing it :l

Quiet lost honestly. Might have to go with milk in the end (I love it too :3)

The studies that show people don't lose weight/end up gaining weight while drinking diet soda is due to overconsumption of other foods while drinking diet soda, not the diet soda itself.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks guys. I'm already drinking about 4~4.5 liters a day so I was looking into something with flavor. Diet soda does sound good, but there seems to be a mixed opinion as some say it actually gains weight, not losing it :l

Quiet lost honestly. Might have to go with milk in the end (I love it too :3)

The nutritional profile is sound. 0 calories is 0 calories.
Thanks guys. I'm already drinking about 4~4.5 liters a day so I was looking into something with flavor. Diet soda does sound good, but there seems to be a mixed opinion as some say it actually gains weight, not losing it :l

Quiet lost honestly. Might have to go with milk in the end (I love it too :3)

If you want to drink diet soda go ahead. I'm against drinking soda period except having a mixed drink every once in awhile so I completely cut it out of my diet.
Nice to get a reminder of what DOMS feels like.

Yesterday I saw a fellow gym member exercising zercher leg press... by using a smith machine.

Not sure what to think.
Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Some of the leanest people I know are dirt poor; farmers/gardeners who grow their own food. And most of the well educated and high-earning engineers I graduated engineering school with are now carrying around more than their fair share of flab.

Everytime I go to the grocery, the same place where I buy MY food, I'm surrounded by people buying $5 bags of chips instead of a $5 bag of apples or two bunches of Brocolli. They have six packs of soda hanging off the side of the cart, when they could drink water out of the tap instead which is healthier AND less expensive allowing them to put more money towards healthier foods. And this isn't an economically depressed area. People are just making bad choices and telling themselves they can't do anything else.

Education IS a major issue with respect to nutrition but the thread in question was pushing the idea that, for most, making the changes in your life that leads to better nutrition and weight loss first requires a drastic change in socioeconomic position. And while that plays a roll in some incidents of obesity, it's hardly the success-denying Great Wall of Obesity it was made out to be.

It's a complex issue with a lot of factors play into it. I'm not saying you're doing this but i don't particularly like the argument that people just need more self control. As much as 70% of the population is overweight and almost 40% obese, these are huge numbers. There must be a reason so many people are now overweight especially when compared to 20, 30 or 40 years ago.

Trying to pin it down to one specific issue is impossible. Socio economic status isn't the only cause but it is directly related to obesity (i.e poorer people are generally fatter). It's not just about money though, time is also an issue. People are expected to work longer hours than ever and are commuting more to work. When you couple this with the ease of fast food which also happens to be really addictive you have a recipe for disaster.

As you and others say education is also a big issue, just look at shit like the food pyramid. How are people supposed to know what to eat when they're given so much conflicting information? That plus most people don't know how to cook and time being such a limiting factor only exacerbates this problem.

Then you get into problems with food being full of sugar and all sorts of addictive flavours and additives. We're started off on these things from a young age and they become very hard habits to break.

Then you have other problems like access to healthy foods. I know this sounds like a copout but in general it's much easier to get access to cheap unhealthful food then it is to get a healthy meal. Fast food is focused around unhealthy shit and most supermarkets only have a small limited range of healthy foods. Sure you can work around it but it's just one more thing that adds to the problem.

There are plenty of other things playing a role as well though they're generally more minor. So even though i've never had a problem with my weight i understand why others might not and i certainly don't think it's just an issue of willpower.

I apologise for keeping this off topic conversation going.


I see 40/30/30 mentioned in the OP is everybody pretty much using that for their macro ratio?

Nope. A lot of people follow low carb (100g or less) or even ultra low carb/keto (<30g). It's a good starting point though. I'd encourage you to not look at absolute percentages, but more in terms of grams. Shoot for 1-1.5g of protein/lb as a starting point. Then, set your carbs based on your target: If you prefer low carb (I'd consider anywhere from 20-150g as spanning low carb, although 150 is getting up there) and fill out the rest of your caloric target with dietary fat. If you don't prefer low carb, then I would reverse course and set fat at a range between 20-30% of caloric target (I realize I'm going back on what I said with percentages, but oh well lol) and fill out the rest with carb grams.
Nope. A lot of people follow low carb (100g or less) or even ultra low carb/keto (<30g). It's a good starting point though. I'd encourage you to not look at absolute percentages, but more in terms of grams. Shoot for 1-1.5g of protein/lb as a starting point. Then, set your carbs based on your target: If you prefer low carb (I'd consider anywhere from 20-150g as spanning low carb, although 150 is getting up there) and fill out the rest of your caloric target with dietary fat. If you don't prefer low carb, then I would reverse course and set fat at a range between 20-30% of caloric target (I realize I'm going back on what I said with percentages, but oh well lol) and fill out the rest with carb grams.

Just to clarify, it's net carbs right? Not carbs including dietary fiber?


I've always meant to look into some way to just carbonate my own water to see if that was cheaper but I've never spent the time to look.

Soda Stream. You can even hack them to hook up to a normal CO2 canister.

I could never get used to carbonated water. I need the sweetness to cut down on the acidity.


Nope. A lot of people follow low carb (100g or less) or even ultra low carb/keto (<30g). It's a good starting point though. I'd encourage you to not look at absolute percentages, but more in terms of grams. Shoot for 1-1.5g of protein/lb as a starting point. Then, set your carbs based on your target: If you prefer low carb (I'd consider anywhere from 20-150g as spanning low carb, although 150 is getting up there) and fill out the rest of your caloric target with dietary fat. If you don't prefer low carb, then I would reverse course and set fat at a range between 20-30% of caloric target (I realize I'm going back on what I said with percentages, but oh well lol) and fill out the rest with carb grams.

I'm 236 trying to get down to under 200. I can barely eat 180 grams of protein in a day lol how do you guys do it?


Just to clarify, it's net carbs right? Not carbs including dietary fiber?

Yeah, especially when you're doing low or ultra low carb. I think it's less of an issue to think of when you're doing more than ~150g of carbs.

I'm 236 trying to get down to under 200. I can barely eat 180 grams of protein in a day lol how do you guys do it?

Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein powder, milk, lean meats, fish, eggs/egg whites, Quest bars, nuts (in moderation), beans, cheese (reduced or fat free if you're keeping fat intake low, full fat if you're not), etc.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Nope. A lot of people follow low carb (100g or less) or even ultra low carb/keto (<30g). It's a good starting point though. I'd encourage you to not look at absolute percentages, but more in terms of grams. Shoot for 1-1.5g of protein/lb as a starting point. Then, set your carbs based on your target: If you prefer low carb (I'd consider anywhere from 20-150g as spanning low carb, although 150 is getting up there) and fill out the rest of your caloric target with dietary fat. If you don't prefer low carb, then I would reverse course and set fat at a range between 20-30% of caloric target (I realize I'm going back on what I said with percentages, but oh well lol) and fill out the rest with carb grams.

Pretty much but I take issue with your upper range of 1.5gs of protein per pound. I don't see why this will ever be needed. One gram per pound is plenty and if you're bulking that isn't even necessary.


Pretty much but I take issue with your upper range of 1.5gs of protein per pound. I don't see why this will ever be needed. One gram per pound is plenty and if you're bulking that isn't even necessary.

Yeah, most don't need to go that high. I suppose I should change it to if you're going to use your bodyweight, then go with 0.8-1.0g and if you're going to use lean body mass, then go with 1.0-1.2g.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, most don't need to go that high. I suppose I should change it to if you're going to use your bodyweight, then go with 0.8-1.0g and if you're going to use lean body mass, then go with 1.0-1.2g.
I'm Cooter and I approve this message.
Yeah, most don't need to go that high. I suppose I should change it to if you're going to use your bodyweight, then go with 0.8-1.0g and if you're going to use lean body mass, then go with 1.0-1.2g.

If you go over though would it affect you in any way negatively?

My friend linked me this video not too long ago. Dang, that is pretty good progress right? 110lb BW
How strong can a girl become in one year?

Damn that's mighty impressive


the piano man
So today I squatted and was trying to do a form check video but angle was bad, there were too many people around the rack... so I have a gif. in case anyone wonders, my feet are outside shoulder width, it's just a weird angle.


Yep, you are doing well on your onw - seriously, we females are only mainly trouble.

...and well, occasional sex as well.

Talking about sex, why the fuck I have been like a constant hornball after I changed my diet and started to work out?[

I am into men, sweetie, cutie pie ^_^ which makes matters much easier, gay men have a hard time being commited to another person, in my experience.

and yeah, I've never been so horny in my whole life than in this two years, I won't go into detail but damn.....


Brian Burke punched my mom
365/385/395/405 x 5 on Bsquat tonight after killing my knees for a week from work and not eating enough. Knees felt great after squatting too. Nothing spectacular but I'm slowly getting some strength back after my cold.

3-4lbs of linguini and beef, 5 cups of broccoli and an avocado is my reward.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Made a new record on my deadlifts! Also good news, this makes like the 7th or 8th consecutive time I increased the weight each time I went without having to stall or deload. Right now I'm at 185 lbs. Yes, I know that's probably chump change compared to most of you guys, but I had to restart and practice my form multiple times so my progress was kind of stinted.

In any case, we're all gonna make it, guys! :D
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