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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Glad you like it mang.

My favorites are probably still the banana republic T shirts. They don't fit as tight but the cotton material feels better IMO.

really? the BR shirts feel way too snug on me.

My body makes no sense though. I'm fine just rocking an L. XL is too loose for me.


My knees have been bothering me for the past few months.

What do you know... I went on vacation for about a week and I feel great right now(I refused to take time off before this). No aches or pains. I just realized how important some time off or a deload can be. I'm definitely going to deload every couple of months to recover like this.

Mr Croft

I still cannot get over the mental hurdle on my knee injury. Has anybody else even been injured and have a mental block on that body part?
Behold!! The Target Mossimo V Neck!!


When you just wanna show dat swole off and have the guns poppin.

Careful, someone from the Obama administration might confiscate your arms!!!!

yo i've been saying this for years and recommending it in the men's fashion thread!

a size M makes me look big(ger) and i'm only 5'7'' 160. they specifically made the sleeves tighter but the torso looser for folks on the gain train.

edit: i'm sad they got rid of their polos, used to wear em to the office all the time. they used to fit exactly like the v-necks but i haven't seen the polo version available since like 2010.


Today ended up being just awesome! I don't remember when I would have had this much fun at work either! It started badly when I got a phone call asking am I bothering to come to work today at all (my first day after a vacation time, a bit of sarcasm involved) and I ended up being 45 minutes late since I had looked my working schedules totally wrong (it still took me only 30 minutes from the phone call for me to show up on my working place and I did bike there). I yet did absolutely nothing at work, we just all celebrated my birthday and I gossiped and drank coffee all day. My coworkers also bought me all kinds of nice things to eat as well! Ah, I work with absolutely adorable people.

After work I had extremely delicious salad with all kinds of extras like grilled halloumi cheese, cashew nuts, almonds, olives, marinaded chicken and so forth. I also ate sooooo good raw cakes today! I was so touched by how everyone actually remembered that what kinds of things I prefer to eat nowadays! <3

Oh and bunny, I know you are reading this so thank you sooooooo much for the protein bars! They arrived today and just made my splendid day even better! I have been over the moon!

Now I need to decide do I want PS4 or new Finnish handmade combat boots made with my measures (they are around as expensive). I also got 300 euros / 400 dollars for the sole purpose of me buying myself some nice new clothes since old ones are too big. Damn I am so lucky and obviously surrounded by awesome people!

Hahah, and sorry for being overly excited about everything and annoyingly cheesy and happy, but I just can't help it. :p

Does it correspond with your participation in FitGaf? ;-)
Hahahah, I can indeed see a straight correlation between those two. ;) Does that mean I can now solely blame all you beautiful people for it? :p

Increased energy? Endorphins?

After I lift I always get a little frisky (and no I dont take beta alanine or arginine preworkout)
Hahah, it might very well be both of those. :D

And hey, join the club... ;)

I am into men, sweetie, cutie pie ^_^ which makes matters much easier, gay men have a hard time being commited to another person, in my experience.

and yeah, I've never been so horny in my whole life than in this two years, I won't go into detail but damn.....
Awwwww, my mistake. But hey, that just means you are on the safe side of the things then! :D

Hahah and trust me, I am just happy to hear I am not the only one. ;)

God DAMN Sean those shirts you recommended me. My arms are EXPLODING out of these. I kind of feel like an asshole, it looks so ridiculous!
Photo, can we please have a photo... :D

PICS man!! where are they?

lol, just joking.
...I am fairly sure I am not joking... ;)

And somewhere deep inside neither were you. :p

But Vince come on, you are such a tease if you don't post a pic or two! :p

Yes the most disturbing fact was certainly the presentation. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, if someone shows up looking out of place and starts doing nonsensical things it always draws my attention. I legitimately make a point to not ever stare at women or make them feel uncomfortable in any way, as I understand the perception of vulnerability has a lot of mental cues and inputs and I don't want to be lumped into those kinds of feelings for getting caught taking a sideways glance, etc.

There is a very attractive woman my age or a little older, whenever I do chin-ups in the power cage she "seems" to always get in the back-erector reverse sit-up apparatus directly across from my perfectly elevated view. Her ass is framed with the legs secured against the pads, I took a glance once and thought "nope nope nope". So I seriously just close my eyes and do my sets because I don't ever want her to get up and look me in the eyes and think "oh yeah he was staring at my cooch this whole time" lol.

Avoiding distraction is very important.
You are always such a sweetheart. Honestly, you are generally so nice and friendly and always trying to be as polite as possible. You seem like absolutely awesome person to hang around. <3

Omg, I'm a mess.

First cold. Fix that. Then ankle. Getting a little better?

Last night my calf seizes up again and now my right leg is useless lmao.

I've been taking magnesium :(

Whatever...I don't think I'm meant to work out much this week. I'll keep trying to do sitting poses, but my right leg has taken a vacation. Hopefully it will return soon.
Just decide you don't work at all this week. Your body just might be trying to tell you that enough is enough. Like said, make sure to get enough energy and get those stress levels down!

You said you need to stress or you don't work out. It doesn't work like that. According to my understanding high stress levels will make your cortisol levels also sky rocket and that is a very bad thing what comes to losing fat. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that there is a link between cortisol and increased storage of abdominal fat and it also increases you appetite and cravings and causes a loss of muscle mass.

I know it is hard and now you perhaps start to stress about not stressing, but with all honesty, just try to relax and not try too hard.
I think it's generally recommended to get somewhere between 85-90% of your max heart rate. There are several formulas to figure your max heart rate - the ones I've seen are 220-[age] or 205-[.5*age].

So for me, that'd be either 220-26 = 194 or 205-13=192. 85-90% of that is around 164-173 bpm.

Also, if you're properly doing HIIT, there's no way you can last for 30-40 minutes. Even 20 minutes is pushing it. HIIT workouts generally last no more than 15 minutes, and a large portion of that is resting/low intensity. For example, one of my HIIT workouts is 30 seconds all-out sprint, 1 minute rest repeated 8-10 times. That whole workout lasts 12-15 minutes, of which I'm only actually sprinting for 4-5 minutes, but I'm absolutely gassed by the end of it.
wow how do you even have any energy to do that 8 times.


Oh and I went now through couple of the photos (all blurry/unsharp) I took today when I was checking out couple possible clothes to buy and I noticed I really, really need to buy myself at least one fitting shirt.

I wasn't even thinking of buying that shirt (I hate pink with a passion, but just needed a shirt to try out the skirt) but I definitely need to buy myself at least something fitting since I do think the shape actually looks more flattering than the oversized things I have been lately using.

Not that I would yet be even near satisfied, but I am quite pleased to see that 5 months of working out and looking what I eat is actually starting to show.
you guys eat tuna from a can ? no fat no calories and 20grams of protein per 150 grams sounds pretty good but how do you guys eat this ?

tried eating but i cant get it down my throat blergh. flushed it down with some water and it was bearable

I've been mixing a can of tuna with maybe two table spoons of hummus and it makes an excellent spread to make a sandwich out of.

Tuna alone doesn't taste all that great IMO but try using hummus if you like it.


you guys eat tuna from a can ? no fat no calories and 20grams of protein per 150 grams sounds pretty good but how do you guys eat this ?

tried eating but i cant get it down my throat blergh. flushed it down with some water and it was bearable
I've been mixing a can of tuna with maybe two table spoons of hummus and it makes an excellent spread to make a sandwich out of.

Tuna alone doesn't taste all that great IMO but try using hummus if you like it.
Oh and tuna beefs are so delicious if you don't mind extra calories! Mix a can of tuna with one egg, some potatoe fiber flour (or some other fiber flour that you have around the house), some shredded cheese and throw in some spices that you prefer (like lime, pepper, salt, oregano, basil, fresh herbs, nuts, seeds...) and throw it either in the oven or make it heavenly good on pan. It is ridiculously fast and yammy.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Oh and I went now through couple of the photos (all blurry/unsharp) I took today when I was checking out couple possible clothes to buy and I noticed I really, really need to buy myself at least one fitting shirt.

I wasn't even thinking of buying that shirt (I hate pink with a passion, but just needed a shirt to try out the skirt) but I definitely need to buy myself at least something fitting since I do think the shape actually looks more flattering than the oversized things I have been lately using.

Not that I would yet be even near satisfied, but I am quite pleased to see that 5 months of working out and looking what I eat is actually starting to show.

Been hitting your chest hard! Good for you!! ;-)
When i bench i can get the arch and shoulder blades together but once i put my arms on the bar and lift it out the hook my shoulder blades come out all the time. Anyone know any good tips?


Oh and I went now through couple of the photos (all blurry/unsharp) I took today when I was checking out couple possible clothes to buy and I noticed I really, really need to buy myself at least one fitting shirt.

I wasn't even thinking of buying that shirt (I hate pink with a passion, but just needed a shirt to try out the skirt) but I definitely need to buy myself at least something fitting since I do think the shape actually looks more flattering than the oversized things I have been lately using.

Not that I would yet be even near satisfied, but I am quite pleased to see that 5 months of working out and looking what I eat is actually starting to show.

FYI Sadetar, I'm reading this thread in bed before we go to sleep and had to scroll past this quickly so my wife didn't get jealous. Good job!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Anyone else like wearing loose-fitting shirts?

I dunno, I don't like tight t-shirts. Sometimes I wear shirts so big they make me look 20 pounds lighter than I actually am. :p


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, I've started eating peanut butter right out of the jar. For me it's easier to eat and less effort to prepare.

But should I be warned about any possible horrible consequences of doing such a thing?

Anyone else like wearing loose-fitting shirts?

I dunno, I don't like tight t-shirts. Sometimes I wear shirts so big they make me look 20 pounds lighter than I actually am. :p

Sorta similar here. Shirts that are slightly more loose than the really tight ones, oddly enough seem to help shape my body a little bit better for some weird reason.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Squats are the answer to everything. Question, what abdominal work would ya'll recommend?
Behold, the magic post that answers itself!

Depends on your program/goals. Planks, hanging leg raises and supermans (for lower back) are good.


Just decide you don't work at all this week. Your body just might be trying to tell you that enough is enough. Like said, make sure to get enough energy and get those stress levels down!

You said you need to stress or you don't work out. It doesn't work like that. According to my understanding high stress levels will make your cortisol levels also sky rocket and that is a very bad thing what comes to losing fat. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that there is a link between cortisol and increased storage of abdominal fat and it also increases you appetite and cravings and causes a loss of muscle mass.

I know it is hard and now you perhaps start to stress about not stressing, but with all honesty, just try to relax and not try too hard.

Happy birthday! I'm so glad you had a good one, and that your coworkers were so nice for your birthday. :)

Okay, doctor Sadetar :( I won't promise the whole week, but I will promise to be good until my leg is feeling better, and I don't think it will re-injure.

Stress > working out is much better than no stress > lazy. :p So I will take my stressful and crazy need to work out over being lazy. Ha ha. Losing weight slower is better than gaining it!

Also, you're looking super good. I still can't wear shirts like that. :( probably will never be able to in public.


Slayer of Combofiends
Behold, the magic post that answers itself!

Depends on your program/goals. Planks, hanging leg raises and supermans (for lower back) are good.

Hahaha, I do squats twice a week and in the same workout that I need to do abdominal work. I'll probably do planks and superman, any recs on how many reps? Just probably do each 5 times.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Question: Suppose I'm getting my daily requirement of protein, but I'm not fulfilling my total caloric requirement. Say I'm 300-500 calories off. In such a situation, will I still be able to build muscle?


Sadetar nice progress. And you look so moe kawaii~ in those shoes too lol
Hahahah. It seems I am so out at the moment since I needed to google search both moe and kawaii. The latter I have heard couple times before when those fedora lads have been saying it (definitely not to me though).

Awww, I don't think anybody has called me anything cute related since I was like five. ^_^ That was so nice of you!

Oh and those shoes are the ones I quite often wear to work since they are super comfy with their soft rubber outsoles. :)

Been hitting your chest hard! Good for you!! ;-)
Lol. Oh yeah, the definition on my chest is now starting to show better when I have managed to cut a bit more fat around that area. Thank you for the compliment! ;)

I am so jealous to lads though, since I am not sure will I totally manage to lose the chest, if I cut too much weight away - men don't have that big issues that fat tissue would actually be that wanted on particular places. :p

FYI Sadetar, I'm reading this thread in bed before we go to sleep and had to scroll past this quickly so my wife didn't get jealous. Good job!
This comment was just purely awesome! I love the fact that you say you needed to scroll it past quickly but yet you were adorable enough to let me know about it! :D That is highly appreciated! Thanks honey! <3

Also it seems that I am slowly hitting one of my targets and I am starting to look better when clothed. :D Will take at least couple of years before I can say the same about being naked though. But hey, baby steps!

I'll say! Looking good! And I think the pink looks nice on you, too. :p
Awwww, cutie pie, all of that is so sweet of you to say! I just don't think I will feel comfortable wearing pink, I prefer colours like greens, browns, oranges, burnt reds and so forth on me more. But hey, you never know if I some day will find the right shade of pink. Thank you! :D

Happy birthday! I'm so glad you had a good one, and that your coworkers were so nice for your birthday. :)

Okay, doctor Sadetar :( I won't promise the whole week, but I will promise to be good until my leg is feeling better, and I don't think it will re-injure.

Stress > working out is much better than no stress > lazy. :p So I will take my stressful and crazy need to work out over being lazy. Ha ha. Losing weight slower is better than gaining it!

Also, you're looking super good. I still can't wear shirts like that. :( probably will never be able to in public.
My coworkers are generally always so nice! :)

And that is good - rest until you feel better and then get back to it with more energy and motivation!

What comes to shirts like that you have quite much similar built to me, but you are just in a very good way smaller and lighter than I am. So cutie, don't think that you can't wear something since it is all in your head! If you want to wear something fitting that is embrasing your body - just do it and feel happy about it! With all honesty you are your worst critic, other people don't seek flaws in you the same way you do.

And to all, you just make every day just a bit better with your adorable comments and sweet remarks! <3

Question: Suppose I'm getting my daily requirement of protein, but I'm not fulfilling my total caloric requirement. Say I'm 300-500 calories off. In such a situation, will I still be able to build muscle?
If you don't get enough energy I would say that even if your macros would be right, you wouldn't have that extra to actually build the muscles. Can't you add a bit of easy extra calories from like oil or nuts or something similar to play it safe?

I am not 100% sure though, so hopefully someone with more knowledge will come an correct me if I am wrong. :)


Question: Suppose I'm getting my daily requirement of protein, but I'm not fulfilling my total caloric requirement. Say I'm 300-500 calories off. In such a situation, will I still be able to build muscle?

That depends. Are you 300-500 calories short of maintenance? Then no. To build muscle you need to fuel muscle. Now, it's still possible to increase strength on a deficit (hard, but not impossible). But to actually build muscle, you need to eat at at a surplus to maintenance.
I'm doing proper exercises, my diet is planned more thoroughly and I'm at my exams plus job application marathon. That means I have no progress for a month now :-(.
It seems that the stress level is nothing to neglect.

Shark Gun

Neo Member
Had a great workout yesterday. Chest and arms are going to be sore a few days. I just have the feeling I hit a wall with the benchpress. I sucked at it from the start, never was a good exercise for me. Still I gradually got better but now when I try to put more weight on the bar I can't manage more than five or six reps.


Her bench is surprisingly weak for how much she can squat/dl.

Not really, she's a woman, so her upper body doesn't have the muscular support in proportion to her lower body. However, being a woman, she does have a few lower body advantages.

Also, she's Asian, squats are pretty natural to us.


Hit the gym tonight, 3s week, was supposed to get 245x3 on bench, but i got 245x1x3 instead. Took about 1 min inbetween reps. With the cut i am on, i just cant do the full thing. Good thing is that i got those reps super clean. Also, the pump i got tonight was insane, people were staring at me like i was a freak. I cannot wait till i lose more fat, seriously love lifting so much.


wow how do you even have any energy to do that 8 times.

Missed this yesterday, but definitely have to work up to it lol. I've been actively exercising and dieting for more than a year and a half now - when I first started I could barely do a push-up, let alone even attempt a pull-up.

It's a marathon, not a sprint (pun intended :p)

Not really, she's a woman, so her upper body doesn't have the muscular support in proportion to her lower body. However, being a woman, she does have a few lower body advantages.

Also, she's Asian, squats are pretty natural to us.

*cue How to Asian Squat YT vid*

Shark Gun

Neo Member
I still cannot get over the mental hurdle on my knee injury. Has anybody else even been injured and have a mental block on that body part?

I had spinal surgery a few years ago. They took out huge chunks of my spine and put in some titanium, proper exoskeleton stuff. I was super scared the first time I wanted to do squats and dead lifts. I actually did squats first on the smith machine due to my fear of instantly snapping in half, even with light weight.

Gradually I got more confidence due to my body taking heavier weights pretty good and I ditched the smith machine and switched to the power rack. First with very light weights and after awhile I got used to it. There is no general rule I can give you, just work your way into the comfort zone. Our bodies are a lot stronger than we give them credit for.


Fuck my left arm

Weaker, visibly smaller and now another strain. A slight but sharp pain again stemming from somewhere from the side of my bicep to my hand.

Just finished my workout and the veins on my left were really noticeable compared to my left where they were hardly visible.

Hope it doesn't get any worse like it has before.


I have a noob question.

If I am 5'8 and 200lbs and I want definition of muscles on my arms and legs, do I need to lose weight or can I get definition of muscles while lifting weights without the need of dieting or losing weight?


When i bench i can get the arch and shoulder blades together but once i put my arms on the bar and lift it out the hook my shoulder blades come out all the time. Anyone know any good tips?

Try not completely locking out your arms when you unrack the bar, you might also be too far forward on the bench when unracking which makes it easier to lose your tight set up


Question: Suppose I'm getting my daily requirement of protein, but I'm not fulfilling my total caloric requirement. Say I'm 300-500 calories off. In such a situation, will I still be able to build muscle?

I think we call that a "cut." :p.

So if by "necessary" you mean maintenance level, you won't build new muscle with less intake, but you will lose fat and retain your existing muscle.


I have a noob question.

If I am 5'8 and 200lbs and I want definition of muscles on my arms and legs, do I need to lose weight or can I get definition of muscles while lifting weights without the need of dieting or losing weight?

I'd say it's a combination of growth...if you just lost weight and didn't put on any muscle, you would just be a skinnier shapeless version of yourself.

If you put on muscle and kept the fat, you'd looked a little more defined, but you wouldn't get the best contours until you burn the fat.


I'd say it's a combination of growth...if you just lost weight and didn't put on any muscle, you would just be a skinnier shapeless version of yourself.

If you put on muscle and kept the fat, you'd looked a little more defined, but you wouldn't get the best contours until you burn the fat.

So to get the definitions I need, should I do weight training 3 days per week and Cardio 2 days per week?
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