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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Hope everybody has had a good week. My week has been good when it comes to work outs and nutrition. I hit the gym 5 times a week as planned and went for a 30-45 minute stroll on my off days. Full body workouts as much as possible, switching between volume and strength. I make sure to use auto regulation to prevent getting over worked and i my nutrition is my highets priority.

Keeping my strength and conditioning on par while slowly increasing my calories is my plan now. I prefer to be shredded so we will see how much i feel like gaining. But i must say im loving where i am at right now.


What's your height/weight?

I'm in that ever joyful process of "cutting" to try and discover an abdominal muscle or two (fat chance, emphasis on fat), so I have a target weight in mind that should reveal some striations but it's more guesswork. Looking for a frame of reference.


So if I want to get more protein but less fat, zero fat milk is the best way to go with my protein shake, right?

Also I'm in on that Martin's bread.

that kid is a yogurt fiend

When you read starting strength you'll understand but basically...

+10 lbs for squats and deads per session

+5lbs for OHP and Bench per session

So if on Monday you...

squat 95lbs
Bench 45lbs

and then on Wednesday you...

Squat 105lbs
over head press 45lbs
Deadlift 135lbs

On friday you would...

Squat 115lbs
Bench 50lbs

The squat will add up REALLY fast. 30lbs a week is a lot.

I have a question too. I'm going to buy and read the SS book and begin the routine in September. If I find it too hard when adding on weight to do the exercise, should I assume I did it wrong on the first session? Also, what should I do if this happens? I know starting strength greatly details the exercises, but I'm wondering all the same.

edit: oh man protein powder is expensive lol. when it says "one rounded scoop" for serving size do you guys just use a rregular spoon, a teaspoon a tablespoon or what?


What's your height/weight?

I'm in that ever joyful process of "cutting" to try and discover an abdominal muscle or two (fat chance, emphasis on fat), so I have a target weight in mind that should reveal some striations but it's more guesswork. Looking for a frame of reference.

I'm 189cm and 87-88kgs. According to the experts it seems I can't expect to gain too much more muscle naturally http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/whats-my-genetic-muscular-potential.html


Pretty much this. I'm hitting those numbers after just a year (skipped a few weeks here and there and was out for a month with back injury) and I didn't really hammer the protein shakes; just eat decent food & cut the junk. It's about getting in the gym 3 days a week and busting your balls. And trust me, when you on SS (or the routine as detailed in the OT) and adding on 5/10 pounds a session, your balls will be busted every week. Keep it consistent, nail form and you will grow.

Thanks, good sir. When you started, what do you normally eat? Is it a mixture of carbs, fat and protein? Were you trying to bulk up as well?


that kid is a yogurt fiend

I have a question too. I'm going to buy and read the SS book and begin the routine in September. If I find it too hard when adding on weight to do the exercise, should I assume I did it wrong on the first session? Also, what should I do if this happens? I know starting strength greatly details the exercises, but I'm wondering all the same.

edit: oh man protein powder is expensive lol. when it says "one rounded scoop" for serving size do you guys just use a rregular spoon, a teaspoon a tablespoon or what?

The protein powder comes with a scooper. That's what it refers to when it says "one rounded scoop"
With regards to rice a page back, I love rice. White rice. Rice noodles. Eat it all time. It is a staple in my diet.

So uh, I have a dumb question.

I just got contacts for the first time in my life. Never worn glasses or anything. Is it okay to workout in them? lol

Couple of things I'm worried about. Getting sweat in my eye (this happens all the time), and them falling out.

Enlighten me my perfectly sighted brethren.

I wear contacts. You are fine with all of that. Wont pop out either. Just don't be rubbing your eyes aggressively and you will be fine.

Hope everybody has had a good week. My week has been good when it comes to work outs and nutrition. I hit the gym 5 times a week as planned and went for a 30-45 minute stroll on my off days. Full body workouts as much as possible, switching between volume and strength. I make sure to use auto regulation to prevent getting over worked and i my nutrition is my highets priority.

Keeping my strength and conditioning on par while slowly increasing my calories is my plan now. I prefer to be shredded so we will see how much i feel like gaining. But i must say im loving where i am at right now.


Looking fantastic brotherjackdood. Mirin dat vein.
I need your help Fit Gaf bros

My coworker wants me to get her in shape since she thinks i'm an expert since I go to the gym consistently. She obviously wants to lose weight so I basically told her that nutrition is the most important thing to improve. She does some cardio (treadmill, Zumba, etc) but little to no weight training. She's been thinking about CrossFit to which I convinced her not to waste her money on.

She pretty much wants me to outline everything she needs to do to lose weight. Like I said I told her that the number one thing to fix is her diet. She loves chocolate and dessert so I told her to cut down on them (maybe once every week). This is an estimation here but she is about 5'6 and weighs about 155-160. Her goal is to have a Jennifer Lopez type body.

I really want to help her out since there's so much bullshit going around the fitness industry. She's tried trainers that made her do some stupid bosu ball crap and bought every fitness DVD known to man. Would an 1800-1900 cal high protein, fat and low carb start her off right? Will a modified SS routine (with dumbbells starting off) and HIIT help with a nutrition plan? Thoughts are highly appreciated.

Also just giving her links to websites will only confuse the shit out of her since she's not really computer

TLDR: Coworker wants me to get her in shape. What do?????


Slayer of Combofiends
I need your help Fit Gaf bros

My coworker wants me to get her in shape since she thinks i'm an expert since I go to the gym consistently. She obviously wants to lose weight so I basically told her that nutrition is the most important thing to improve. She does some cardio (treadmill, Zumba, etc) but little to no weight training. She's been thinking about CrossFit to which I convinced her not to waste her money on.

She pretty much wants me to outline everything she needs to do to lose weight. Like I said I told her that the number one thing to fix is her diet. She loves chocolate and dessert so I told her to cut down on them (maybe once every week). This is an estimation here but she is about 5'6 and weighs about 155-160. Her goal is to have a Jennifer Lopez type body.

I really want to help her out since there's so much bullshit going around the fitness industry. She's tried trainers that made her do some stupid bosu ball crap and bought every fitness DVD known to man. Would an 1800-1900 cal high protein, fat and low carb start her off right? Will a modified SS routine (with dumbbells starting off) and HIIT help with a nutrition plan? Thoughts are highly appreciated.

TLDR: Coworker wants me to get her in shape. What do?????

From what I see at the gym, HIIT is pretty popular with women so go for that. I don't think telling her to eat more, without the right research on her end, is gonna convince her to eat more. I don't know what the SS routine is but if it involves lifting then sure. However, you basically said it, diet is important. Either Jennifer Lopez repeatedly gets plastic surgery or she knows how to take care of herself, which is eating right and exercising. This woman needs to cut sugar and start eating some protein in her diet.

Pete Rock

She loves chocolate and dessert so I told her to cut down on them (maybe once every week).
All good, dark chocolate 60-80% is all fine on a Sunday assuming you don't scarf the whole bar down like a wild dog.

Her goal is to have a Jennifer Lopez type body. What do?????
I'm pretty sure like this, but reverse the genders. Then you move in for the kill when that booty gets swoooooole ohhh my god your coworker sounds awesome.
From what I see at the gym, HIIT is pretty popular with women so go for that. I don't think telling her to eat more, without the right research on her end, is gonna convince her to eat more. I don't know what the SS routine is but if it involves lifting then sure. However, you basically said it, diet is important. Either Jennifer Lopez repeatedly gets plastic surgery or she knows how to take care of herself, which is eating right and exercising. This woman needs to cut sugar and start eating some protein in her diet.
Yea HIIT is what I told her to do. SS is Starting Strength but I highly doubt she can even squat properly let alone squat with a 45lb barbell. So I figured I can start her on some body weight squats 3x20, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell OHP, dumbbell deadliest and dumbbell rows.

All good, dark chocolate 60-80% is all fine on a Sunday assuming you don't scarf the whole bar down like a wild dog.

I'm pretty sure like this, but reverse the genders. Then you move in for the kill when that booty gets swoooooole ohhh my god your coworker sounds awesome.

She hates dark chocolate with a passion. Also yea her ass is already fucking nice and big (She's Hispanic) imagine after squating for a year omg


You'll be fine. I went back to glasses. Fucking hate contacts. Sweat in the eye won't hurt em.

Same here man. I had contacts for about two years and chucked them. I have issues with eyelashes getting in my eyes frequently - with contacts it's like sand in the eyes.


Slayer of Combofiends
She hates dark chocolate with a passion. Also yea her ass is already fucking nice and big (She's Hispanic) imagine after squating for a year omg

This sounds good. Being hispanic, I don't like to date my own women because of culture/personalities I run into but god damn are their butt's amazing.


Can working out at home without any equipment be effective?

If so, does anyone have any advice for that?

I think you can do squats and push ups at home. I used to do planks and leg raises (already forgot the name of the workout). There might be some more effective workouts but I have no experience with working out at home so sorry.
Thanks guys, will be lifting tonight without a care.

I'm an idiot for not going to a doctor sooner lol. Been farsighted all my life apparently. The world looks so different now. Also I can actually appreciate my new phone's screen, lol.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks guys, will be lifting tonight without a care.

I'm an idiot for not going to a doctor sooner lol. Been farsighted all my life apparently. The world looks so different now. Also I can actually appreciate my new phone's screen, lol.

Goddamn. Welcome to Vision World. It's crazy when you get shit fixed and just stare at like...blades of grass
Goddamn. Welcome to Vision World. It's crazy when you get shit fixed and just stare at like...blades of grass
Dude on the walk back home I was looking at everything around me, the concrete, grass, bricks, people's skin and faces, my skin, lol. I stared at my fingerprints for like 5 minutes. It's so crazy.

Also FE you look huge dude, and pretty effin' lean. Great work bud.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Ok I've see some stupid shit in my short time in gyms but this guy is doing jump squats with an empty bar on his tippy toes.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dude on the walk back home I was looking at everything around me, the concrete, grass, bricks, people's skin and faces, my skin, lol. I stared at my fingerprints for like 5 minutes. It's so crazy.

Also FE you look huge dude, and pretty effin' lean. Great work bud.

I remember it clearly, thinking to myself "this is what it's like to be the T-1000"

Enjoy like, everything. It's great!


Another week of SS down.

175 squat, 155 bench, 155 pendlay row.

Intestines still intact. Stomach scar not ripped open.

Feasted on Taco Bell after.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Another week of SS down.

175 squat, 155 bench, 155 pendlay row.

Intestines still intact. Stomach scar not ripped open.

Feasted on Taco Bell after.

Doin' it right. Building that statue.


No One Remembers
I took a #swelfie for the first time tonight. My arms look bigger than I thought, but they lack the definition I want.

J. Bravo

Fe looking swole AF man I like it. Tad bit more definition and you have my dream body. I'm only 6' though 😞

Anyone have any suggestions for what to do for back, shoulders, arms, and abs while I'm doing smolov? I shouldn't really use my posterior chain due to the high volume of squats but I really miss bent over rows. I'm doing 5/3/1 for chest and might do it for shoulders as well unless someone has a better suggestion.


Thank you!
You are very welcome sweetie. :)

Here is my video from last night, AMRAP Sumo DL 284 lbs.
That might very well be one of the sexiest youtube videos I have seen...

Hahah, I am at work and my colleague was looking over my shoulder and we were both appreciating the shorts. :p

gain train baybee choo choo
Looking huge there honey! :p

Keeping my strength and conditioning on par while slowly increasing my calories is my plan now. I prefer to be shredded so we will see how much i feel like gaining. But i must say im loving where i am at right now.
Well, I am loving where you are right now as well. ;)

...How I am supposed to concentrade on work after you, FE and Pete...

I'm pretty sure like this, but reverse the genders. Then you move in for the kill when that booty gets swoooooole ohhh my god your coworker sounds awesome.
Hahahah, damn that sounds like a plan.

Why on earth I didn't (and don't) know any extremely hot bodybuilders that I could have asked to help me out...

Damn, this is the physique I want before end of the year.

How long did it take you to get to that level, brother? Is this the result of start strength?

Btw I'm buying the book tomorrow and study it.
I hate to break this for you, but there is no way you could look like that in the end of this year. Don't you think that if it would be possible to change from your physique to looking like FE in a matter of couple of months that there wouldn't be more people looking as much of a sexy beast as FE is...

If you want to look as ripped as he is, you need to ready to throw at least couple years into it.

Thanks guys, will be lifting tonight without a care.

I'm an idiot for not going to a doctor sooner lol. Been farsighted all my life apparently. The world looks so different now. Also I can actually appreciate my new phone's screen, lol.
That is awesome to hear darling! I am so happy for you! ^_^


Damn, this is the physique I want before end of the year.

How long did it take you to get to that level, brother? Is this the result of start strength?

Btw I'm buying the book tomorrow and study it.

Years dude. Years. This is not some quick fix. You will see results in 3-6 months, but not that type.


Been having some extreme lower back tightness after squats. Took a week off and took Evilore's advice and just lowered the weight to 95lbs. Hope this does the trick. Just did way more reps. Legs are jelly.


Bought a new knitwear and having it on today the first time. Hahah, the amount of comments is astonishing! Also one older lad (~70 years old) who sometimes works in here said to me that "Don't you girl lose too much weight and lose that sexyness of yours" and then he winked at me. Our sweet cleaning lady wanted to add her five cents and continued that "That definitely keep those curves. That type of 50's fitting knitted jumper really flatters your shape." :D

Now I am in my head making problems out of sweet comments though. I mean sure, I wouldn't really want to lose my tits or hips so perhaps I shouldn't actually lose too much weight. I think it is safe to say I can still lose at least 30 pounds or so... Hahah, I want what every woman wants meaning the curves in the right places and a flat(ter) tummy. I might need at some point when my back is better think (and ask all of you to help me to make) a new working out program that would target of me getting a nicely shaped torso (my main problem is my tummy at the moment and only losing fat will help on that, I also want small waist) and that killer ass.

All in all the feedback has been extremely nice and I think I need at least a while continue doing what I have been doing the last five months. This far it has done wonders and worked actually better than I would have ever even imagined. I just hope I could at some point get my back in shape so I could get rid of those nordic walks and then have more time and energy for yoga and/or pilates. I also really liked jogging, but we will see will I go back to that even if my back would allow it. I actually need to book and appointment with that orthopedic professor who have made my working out regime and see what he thinks about my current state.

Years is fine then. At least I know it really takes time. I just want results so it will motivate me to press on.
I need to say I really like your attitude. I am sure it will take you a long way! ^_^

Unless you're Cooter.
I definitely like his way of thinking in quite many different levels. :p

Also I am madly in love with him. He is so adorable! <3
Aw shit, finally finished all three sets of barbell curls with no weights. #Swole #Jacked #DYEL

Heh, I'm still not lifting very much weight overall, but I'm definitely making some (slow) progress. Just gotta keep working at it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck failed 170lbs on bench 3x5 twice this week on SS. That's never happen before. Just keep eating, right? I feel like a failure

And sleeping. And you might need to consider deloading if you fail a third time. Sleep good, eat good, go for it.

Pete Rock

gain train baybee choo choo
Yesss, your upper body looks so much more huge with that smaller waist! It is always excited to see you getting closer to your goal.

I prefer to be shredded so we will see how much i feel like gaining. But i must say im loving where i am at right now.
Daaaamn dunno how I missed this the first time around, do you ever get your BF% tested? I am really curious, that looks like 8% or less ... insane brah. If you keep your diet that dialed in I can only imagine your body very incrementally adds muscle mass. I do strict IF and it has taken me about a year to gain 6 lbs. I agree with you though, as I would rather look nasty all the time. My much larger old lifting buddy (in frame and weight) has suggested I do the dream/FE bulk over the winter but I don't think I could manage and it just doesn't seem very appealing to me.

That might very well be one of the sexiest youtube videos I have seen...
Well then I will just have to rest easy with the knowledge that my silkies excuse form deficiencies! I find that the beard doesn't help nearly as much in comparison. ;)

Why on earth I didn't (and don't) know any extremely hot bodybuilders that I could have asked to help me out...
This reminded me of a gym session about a year ago. There was this absolutely adorable and smoking hot female personal trainer instructing a really large dude on squats.

I was squatting in the cage next to their rack at some point, and on more than one set she said "ok now watch this guy, that is what I am talking about, etc". Based on the fact that she was calling me out as an educational model, I wanted to give the guy some support. He was really struggling to break past quarter-squat, let alone hit parallel.

So after I was done and cleaned up my plates I went over and said "Hey man I know it's hard right now, but the day I started squatting was the best day of my life. You got this!"

I think he got hit by DOMS for the first time the next day (aka the worst day of your life) and I have never seen either of them again :( lol

I mean sure, I wouldn't really want to lose my tits or hips so perhaps I shouldn't actually lose too much weight. I think it is safe to say I can still lose at least 30 pounds or so... Hahah, I want what every woman wants meaning the curves in the right places and a flat(ter) tummy.
Something I feel is always worth mentioning in regards to body shape is relativity. No body part exists or is perceived in isolation of the rest. Oddly enough I made this same point to a male friend of mine who is into cross-dressing and was considering buying some corsets. I questioned his motivations for wanting to incorporate this type of restrictive garment and he stated that he just wants that more tapered waist appearance. So I asked him - do you know what the best way to make your waist look smaller is? He shook his head. The answer is to make your ass enormous! Muahahaha

He didn't appreciate it as much as I thought he would, but the point still stands in my mind regardless of gender or current body composition.

I might need at some point when my back is better think (and ask all of you to help me to make) a new working out program that would target of me getting a nicely shaped torso (my main problem is my tummy at the moment and only losing fat will help on that, I also want small waist) and that killer ass.
If I were you I would consider Starting Strength/barbell training to be the next evolutionary step in your body recomposition. But I am biased as that was my methodology. Keep your diet in check and keep doing your yoga and physical therapy then begin to add the strength programming without taking anything away from the rest of your pre/re-habilitation programming. Squats and Deadlifts are the long windy roads to the holy grail which you seek.

And sleeping. And you might need to consider deloading if you fail a third time. Sleep good, eat good, go for it.
Yeah VJC don't beat yourself up too bad, everyone has to deload/reset eventually.
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