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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Well my peeps..... Success! 525 deadlift at 175 on the dot today. I failed my first attempt. Got it just below my knees. Went down to 510 and barley got that. Then went down to 455 and did 2 sets of one. After that I went back up to 525 for another attempt. It looks like I'm having a seizure but I got it up!! Boy was it tough. So year long goal accomplished 1 day before I turn thirty-five! Feeling pretty damn ecstatic at the moment!

Here it is...


YES! thank you for wearing that Superman outfit as well

J. Bravo

375 squat 1rm today heck yeah

alright now that i'm not about to pass out from the effort, i will mention that this is after 3 weeks of smolov. my 1rm went up 40 pounds in the last 3 weeks. aiming for at least another 30 over the next 9, which is very achievable. 375 was so fucking heavy though. i can't imagine what it feels like putting 5+ plates on the damn bar.
alright now that i'm not about to pass out from the effort, i will mention that this is after 3 weeks of smolov. my 1rm went up 40 pounds in the last 3 weeks. aiming for at least another 30 over the next 9, which is very achievable. 375 was so fucking heavy though. i can't imagine what it feels like putting 5+ plates on the damn bar.

Damn when I was reading this on my phone I saw deadlift for some reason. 375 lbs SQUAT is freaking hard congrats man!
thanks. I don't plan on cutting anytime soon after I start lifting but I just wanted to get an idea of when it should be considered.

thanks for the info on the bulk too, wasn't sure how much I should be eating

just wondering though, what exactly do you mean in the bolded?

Stall and deload relates to the fact that on these beginner programs you're increasing weight every single session. At a certain point, your muscles will not be able to keep up with this rapid increase and you will stall on a weight, and you will need to deload, or lower the weight 10% so you can maintain the rapid increase rate.




Looking freaking ripped my man!

Mr Muscles you are a fucking beast. Very motivating see your changes.


Under what circumstances would you guys suggest undergoing a cycle of creatine?

Creatine has done nothing for me expect give me massive bloat, which sucks. All my friends do get some benefits from it though, guess it's just me lol.

fitgaf I have to ask you:

what is the highest BF% you allow yourself to have when on a bulk?

what number makes you say "no fucking way, weight is going down, starting this very second"

do you go over 20% or is that way too off limits??

13/14% is my max, trying to stay lean all year around.

Also since it looks like I have been spamming a whole lot of photos lately, I will add one more to the collection. Hahah, for once actually in my normal everyday clothing that I went to work with! Considering where I started and that I have been going to gym and working out only five months, I am actually quite satisfied where I am now. Still working on it. :D So without a further ado, me today. :p

Good job!

so the way I understand it is this

you 'bulk' to build muscle mass and you 'cut' to lower body fat % and gain muscle definition

so this means that when you first start lifting you should always be in a bulking phase right? How do you know when you should start a cut?

Basically yeah, and the second one is subjective. If you're at a point where you're no longer comfortable in your own body, it's time to cut. Some people go all out, don't care about this 'limit' and keep bulking for a couple of months no matter what.


Welp Fit Gaf took an interesting turn with Sadetar's booty pics.....

Hahahahah. :p

Thank you! :D

Well my peeps..... Success!
That Superman costume was the perfect last touch! :D Great job sweetie!

Awesome job Coot!!

Looks like I have some competition
Hahah, oh come on! You sexy monster know that my tiny little ass will have no competition with you in many years. (I yet really liked that you posted a pic!) :p I first need to cut and see what I manage to carve out of my body and then start to build it to meet my desires. Your ass is huge in comparison to your tummy, mine is pathetic if you see it in the bigger picture.

But yeah, this round you definitely won, but after a year or two and some serious cutting we perhaps need to take a round two and comapre ass to waist ratio then so I would have at least some chances. :p

hot-ass GAF

you do not want to start this fight lol
Lol, there is no fight since there yet isn't even any real competition. I surrender. :D Oh and thank you! Awesome if I was just referred to belong to hot-ass GAF! ^_^

Nah brah, no real competition there sorry. lol
Agreed. He just wins hands down.

Welp, booty pics aren't a bad way to start the day. :D
Not at all. I also quite much enjoyed looking at MTP's ass to be honest. :p

Even though I should perhaps at some point reconsider using this thread at work. Because of FitGAF I have now ended up staring at my butt photos with my colleagues. We also talked about working out (one of them also decided to order some Quest bars after this discussion so it wasn't all bad!).

I'm gonna do strength yoga tonight. I can walk again :)
That is so awesome to hear! :)

I definitely can't wear things like that haha. Baggy sweaters are the only thing I should be wearing. I'm too nice--wouldn't want people getting sick around me.
I am confident that people can wear what ever they want as long as they wear it with pride. You have already changed your body for better, now you need to change your attitude! :D

Omg, your butt pictures! Get it! I do squats all the time, and nothing. My ass is flat as a pancake and will always be. Sigh.
Hahahah, no offence, but you talk too much shit about your body for me to believe that. We all know what you think of yourself so even if you would say something negative about your ass, I am fairly sure everyone else in here would disagree with you... perhaps couple pics would be needed. ;)

I have noticed that photo comparisons are the best way for me to actually realize the changes in my own body, since they still come so slowly that otherwise I am totally blind to them myself. I warmly suggest you to do that kind of thing as well so you would truly understand how much work you have done to better yourself! :D

I also add that I do squats twice a week and go to pilates where we work on it as well. When I do squats I also move the total weight of around 209 pounds / 95 kilos (my weight plus the extra weight) up and down which might be a bit more than you are working with so the results might come a bit fasters (it is still ridiculously tiny in the bigger comparsion to my tummy). But just stick with it and from very good you will soon change to smashingly brilliant! ^_^

Good job!
Awww, thanks cutie! I really appreciate it especially coming from a sexy beast like you! ;)

I must say that I use a belt quite often to give that extra shape to the waist and I do like the effect.


fitgaf I have to ask you:

what is the highest BF% you allow yourself to have when on a bulk?

what number makes you say "no fucking way, weight is going down, starting this very second"

do you go over 20% or is that way too off limits??

Probably around 15-16% for me since I store relatively more fat in my face and I lose a lot of facial definition around that point. Occasionally I've let it climb up a bit past that if there were numbers I really wanted to hit before I cut.
It honestly would depend on the person and when they decided they were unhappy with the way they looked. If you're happy making PRs and getting slowly fatter I say go for it as long as your body fat % doesn't reach unhealthy levels say above ~22-23% (for a guy). You're an older guy IIRC so you might even be okay going slightly higher but something to bear in mind is that the higher you go, the longer you'll need to cut and more muscle and strength you might lose on that cut.


Cooter, good job man. Dat seizure tho.

Last time I hit the gym, I looked super ripped and thought it was a freak occurrence. Went tonight and after my lifts still looked huge. I do believe I've hit a new baseline.

Tonight was the end of my 10th 3s week and I got 360x2 and 360x1 on squats. I feel really good about hitting new pr's next week for 1s week. All this while on a pretty big cut, feeling terrific. I'm going to add a 5th day of body weight stuff and working on grip strength.
Well my peeps..... Success! 525 deadlift at 175 on the dot today. I failed my first attempt. Got it just below my knees. Went down to 510 and barley got that. Then went down to 455 and did 2 sets of one. After that I went back up to 525 for another attempt. It looks like I'm having a seizure but I got it up!! Boy was it tough. So year long goal accomplished 1 day before I turn thirty-five! Feeling pretty damn ecstatic at the moment!

Here it is...


Fucking earthquake-generating dude we got right here. The entire gym fell over when you dropped the weight!

But for real, awesome work man.


Well my peeps..... Success! 525 deadlift at 175 on the dot today. I failed my first attempt. Got it just below my knees. Went down to 510 and barley got that. Then went down to 455 and did 2 sets of one. After that I went back up to 525 for another attempt. It looks like I'm having a seizure but I got it up!! Boy was it tough. So year long goal accomplished 1 day before I turn thirty-five! Feeling pretty damn ecstatic at the moment!

Here it is...


Fucking beast mode. Appropriate choice of workout gear! Congrats man.

Pete Rock

I did a competition in 2006 and all the "experts" told me to do a heavy bulk because then i would gain a lot of muscle. BUT looking back i call BS on that. Im sure i built some muscle, but a leangain would probably have given me the same results. A heavy bulk is in my mind something being used my people on steroids to cover up the waterweigth etc. Naturals really dont need all those extra calories either.

Also, I used 1 year to go from 84kg to 120kg, and then another year to drop back down to 90kgs. And i really didnt feel good at all on that heavy weight. I can show some pictures so you get what im talking about. Picture 1 is contest day (thats why im black), pic 2 is at 120kg and pic 3 is around 90kg.
Thank you for sharing your experience in words and pictures. It really goes a long way towards illustrating your commitment. I have to thank you for helping reassure my perspective that bulk and cut cycles are not for me. When I look at your muscle gain (13.2lb) minus the over-all-weight fluctuation (66 lbs of fat cut) in the context of the images it seals the deal for me.

I would rather creep on things, because if the scale story is the same either way - 6 lbs of muscle over 2 years - why not just do it lean gains drip-style, without the stress on your body and hormones of getting fat as fuck in between? While staying shredded up super human beach body awesome the whole time? Uhhh yesss plz

This has always been my "opinion" though, without having the experience, I have often wondered if it was popular for a reason I was overlooking. Was my vanity really holding me back as Rippetoe is known to say about people who have a six pack but not an ice chest to put it in? Maybe I was selling myself short and making it harder than it needed to be? I think your response helps me understand that it is popular because people are impatient and it makes some kind of weird intuitive sense, but not much sense on paper when you look back over the numbers. I think it's really valuable that you mention "experts" suggested this and even after having been there and done that you doubt the validity of that methodology.

Also god damn, I can only imagine going from one to the other and how you would feel in between. I look at pictures of you now and they make me feel like a fat ass sitting at 10% so I can only imagine how huge you felt at your BF% peak versus the valleys. I suppose it's all about relativity after all.

Also at the end of the day I will never be a strong man or an olympic power lifter or follow any similar strength training pursuits, so raw body weight multiple #'s on compound lifts are not as important to me as the cumulative effect of the training with the diet on my body composition. I can't even begin to act like I would remotely care about squatting 2x bw worksets if I looked like a tub of lard doing it.

BUT it is important to remember that being this low bodyfat MIGHT not be the most healthiest thing in the world. And if your body cant handle it you might be constantly tired and your workouts will feel like shit. So make sure to find something YOU enjoy. Having abs is NOT the most important thing in the world... But it sure is cool :D
In my opinion I think having a steady low bf% is healthier than constantly yo'yo-ing your body weight over 2 year periods. Also as long as we are talking relativity I would seriously suggest that you will live a lot longer and healthier life than people who are obese and constantly churning over empty calories. Senescence and cellular degradation occur at similar wasting rates across age brackets but I would presume that process is more out of control in a population with higher rates of "useless" or "extraneous" tissue versus those who are constantly stressing their bodies and culling useless stores while rebuilding functional tissue. Although I have no data point for this other than studies of mice eating at slight maintenance deficits versus average and obese mice. Aside from the fact that they were mice and not humans the study had no consideration of strength training or muscle versus fat tissue percentages, it was only about calories in/calories out and overall effect on lifespan.

I appreciate your added point about being able to enjoy yourself. At the end of the day that's what it's all about. You should be able to enjoy the process, not just the point of having reached these mythical goals. Thank you so much for sharing! I can imagine you enjoy yourself very much! :)

Also it is important to remember that different things make different people happy and it is important to support those pursuits. I love the diversity of interests here and always will!
Ok, after your story I am just happy I haven't got a smoking hot lad at the gym to constantly tell me that look at that other chick who is ridiculously sexy and doing the thing right.
Right? Be careful what you wish for!
Lol, ok, so I already recognize your butt cheeks, so we might as well start to work on it the other way around. I never thought I would actually post my ass comparison pics online, but hey, there is always the first time...
Another thing to remember is that even with lower body fat percentages, our bodies will still store fat in areas that are designed to do so. So even though it goes down over-all throughout your body, the relative ratios of those fat stores will probably stay more similar than you would think. I would say you would have to get extremely lean and well below 10% BF to see a drastic reduction in your bust, but I'm not a woman so that is only my personal speculation. My fat stores are definitely still on my low back on the backside of my hips and on the bottom of my glutes and always will be.
But hey, I appreciate your input and I might hopefully soon ask about it with more depth depending what that dear doctor will tell me.
Yes, sorry if I sounded like a broken record. You are absolutely right in that you should not begin strength training until you have a green light from your specialists. You are moving in the right directions and I always love to see your progress!
Oh, oh! And on June I couldn't get even my fingertips to the floor when I tried to touch it with somewhat straight legs and today I managed to get nearly my whole palm! (Ok, I had a feeling of a pressure on my lower back after that, but I can do it now!) I remember I used to be overly flexible like two years ago before all this, so I hope I can at some point go back to that. ^_^
In my opinion you can never bee too (overly) flexible, emotionally or physically:
Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind. - Bruce Lee
Looks like I have some competition
^.^ fan-tastic! Trap lord and glute commander all in one! lol

It looks like I'm having a seizure but I got it up!! Boy was it tough. So year long goal accomplished 1 day before I turn thirty-five! Feeling pretty damn ecstatic at the moment!

Edit - music for the weekend as a reward for reading to the bottom of this post: Drumspyder - Harem : Club & Chillout Remixes


Just wanting to know which flavour of Optimum Nutrition whey protein you guys like, or at least the flavours to avoid. I have only ever had the mint chocolate and have just stuck with it because it tastes fine, but am getting seriously bored of it now. Don't want to buy a pot of the nasty stuff and be stuck with it for a bit. Also which vanilla whey tastes like vanilla? To make pancakes.


Hey Grumble I just wanted to thank you for your advice! Today I made sure to squeeze my glutes and be conscious of keeping the lats locked down and it REALLY helped me feel more rigid during the lift. The power seemed to come more from my entire body. On previous lifts the strength didn't feel as evenly distributed. I was finally able to complete 3x5 at 75lbs for OHP. Small weight for most, but a big victory for me. Thanks!

Congrats! Keep on trucking, and keep us posted on your progress!
Well my peeps..... Success! 525 deadlift at 175 on the dot today. I failed my first attempt. Got it just below my knees. Went down to 510 and barley got that. Then went down to 455 and did 2 sets of one. After that I went back up to 525 for another attempt. It looks like I'm having a seizure but I got it up!! Boy was it tough. So year long goal accomplished 1 day before I turn thirty-five! Feeling pretty damn ecstatic at the moment!

Here it is...


Inspiring stuff but the Middle Aged guy shadow-boxing in the background makes this classic.
Well my peeps..... Success! 525 deadlift at 175 on the dot today. I failed my first attempt. Got it just below my knees. Went down to 510 and barley got that. Then went down to 455 and did 2 sets of one. After that I went back up to 525 for another attempt. It looks like I'm having a seizure but I got it up!! Boy was it tough. So year long goal accomplished 1 day before I turn thirty-five! Feeling pretty damn ecstatic at the moment!

Here it is...


My god how did i miss this

Coots with the beast mode lift. The camera falling over was an appropriate ending


the piano man
Probably around 15-16% for me since I store relatively more fat in my face and I lose a lot of facial definition around that point. Occasionally I've let it climb up a bit past that if there were numbers I really wanted to hit before I cut.
It honestly would depend on the person and when they decided they were unhappy with the way they looked. If you're happy making PRs and getting slowly fatter I say go for it as long as your body fat % doesn't reach unhealthy levels say above ~22-23% (for a guy). You're an older guy IIRC so you might even be okay going slightly higher but something to bear in mind is that the higher you go, the longer you'll need to cut and more muscle and strength you might lose on that cut.

right now I am visiting my parents, something I do every 6 months. There's a GNC with a measurement machine and while I know they aren't very accurate, I kind of follow the results as indication because it displays reasonable changes everytime I use it (every 6 or so months).

yesterday it said I am at 18.2 % BF, something I can definitely agree on.

Exactly two years ago, 2012, I was 13.6% and that was at my leanest.

the red flag right now is needing to use the next hole on my belt, as of lately >_<

I'd kind of want to see definition and lose some weight but when I am working out and having a pump, I REALLY like the size I've attained, I definitely don't want to sacrifice size for abs/def...on the other hand..

(I am sorry everyone, I've been in circles with this topic in this thread for months now.)

You're an older guy IIRC

I am Fitgaf's Grandpa! ^_^


Slayer of Combofiends
Just wanting to know which flavour of Optimum Nutrition whey protein you guys like, or at least the flavours to avoid. I have only ever had the mint chocolate and have just stuck with it because it tastes fine, but am getting seriously bored of it now. Don't want to buy a pot of the nasty stuff and be stuck with it for a bit. Also which vanilla whey tastes like vanilla? To make pancakes.

I guess plain vanilla? All of it taste odd at the end of the day.

Congrats on Coots too. God damn man! The damn camera flew off when you let go hahaha


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thirty-five today. Feeling pretty good for almost being forty! Had some sushi last night and have a great ribeye, yam, Cesar salad dinner planned for this evening. And of course it wouldn't be a birthday without my mom's famous cheesecake!


Also, thank you for all the kind words about my deadlift. Means a lot.


Just wanting to know which flavour of Optimum Nutrition whey protein you guys like, or at least the flavours to avoid. I have only ever had the mint chocolate and have just stuck with it because it tastes fine, but am getting seriously bored of it now. Don't want to buy a pot of the nasty stuff and be stuck with it for a bit. Also which vanilla whey tastes like vanilla? To make pancakes.

Double Rich Chocolate and Mocha Cappuccino are the best flavors IMO.

MusclePharm Combat Powder in Vanilla and Cookies and Cream are both great as well.

Thirty-five today. Feeling pretty good for almost being forty! Had some sushi last night and have a great ribeye, yam, Cesar salad dinner planned for this evening. And of course it wouldn't be a birthday without my mom's famous cheesecake!


Also, thank you for all the kind words about my deadlift. Means a lot.

Happy birthday man, lookin' swole.
Thirty-five today. Feeling pretty good for almost being forty! Had some sushi last night and have a great ribeye, yam, Cesar salad dinner planned for this evening. And of course it wouldn't be a birthday without my mom's famous cheesecake!


Also, thank you for all the kind words about my deadlift. Means a lot.

My fellow Leo bro

Happy born day!!!!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Happy b-day, Cooter! Hopefully I can look half as big as you one day.

Well, guys. Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my journey to be swole. I'm honestly surprised we've reached that point already. Time fucking flies, wtf?!

This is my progress so far.

Starting weight: 120 lbs.
Current weight:: 150 lbs.

Starting squats: 45 lbs.
Current squats: 150 lbs.

Starting bench: 45 lbs.
Current: 130 lbs.

Starting OHP: 45 lbs.
Current OHP: 95 lbs.

Starting DL: 75 lbs.
Current DL: 185 lbs.

Starting barbell curls: 30 lbs.
Curren barbell curlst: 60 lbs.

Starting chin ups: 3X5
Ending chin ups: 3X12

I will be the first to admit that none of those are either impressive, or appropriate given the amount of time I've been at the gym. However, I would like to point out that part of it was due to me taking several months (total, not in a row) of time off to heal from injuries that I did cause I was too dumb to not follow proper form first. Then there was a good few months where I had to start over basically from scratch. In many of my lifts, even though I didn't get hurt, I did realize after a long while that I was doing them incorrectly. And finally we've also had several months where my weight just stalled for some stuid reason. I mean, I know the reason (clearly haven't been eating enough), what I don't understand is how this went on for so long? Seriously, I weigh myself every week, and yet the time just flew by without realizing how long it's been since I've gained. So all of these factors combined have halted my progress, and I would be significantly bigger by this point were it not for those problems.

Having said all that, there's a bit of light beyond those dark clouds. Despite my slow progress, the fact remains that there WAS progress! I'm noticeably bigger and stronger than I was a year ago. I've gone from emaciated little Holocaust survivor, to a lean, fairly decent and normal looking human being. I've gone from never getting complimented for my looks to getting quite a bit of positive impressions from nearly everyone that I know. Heck, some girls have even dared to call me "buff". I never thought I'd hear that from anyone, let alone attractive women. My confidence is way higher than it's ever been (which, to be fair, was pretty damn low before I started) and for the first time in my life, I can actually wear t-shirts in public without having people give me awkward stares. In fact, some of the ladies at my office have insisted I wear t-shirts all the time cause I look way better and it helps define my body.

All in all, despite some setbacks, going to the gym has turned out to be a net positive for me. Thanks for all the help fit-gaf has provided me throughout the year. You guys are awesome!


Thirty-five today. Feeling pretty good for almost being forty! Had some sushi last night and have a great ribeye, yam, Cesar salad dinner planned for this evening. And of course it wouldn't be a birthday without my mom's famous cheesecake!


Also, thank you for all the kind words about my deadlift. Means a lot.

Happy birthday, Cooter!!!!


Thirty-five today. Feeling pretty good for almost being forty! Had some sushi last night and have a great ribeye, yam, Cesar salad dinner planned for this evening. And of course it wouldn't be a birthday without my mom's famous cheesecake!


Also, thank you for all the kind words about my deadlift. Means a lot.

Happy bday!
I pulled a muscle in my lower back doing squats on Sunday, it seems like it is healed. I am just wondering does that mean their was something wrong with my form?



That is so awesome to hear! :)

I am confident that people can wear what ever they want as long as they wear it with pride. You have already changed your body for better, now you need to change your attitude! :D

I'm too nice, I don't want people getting sick if they see me. :( Baggy and hiding is best.

Hahahah, no offence, but you talk too much shit about your body for me to believe that. We all know what you think of yourself so even if you would say something negative about your ass, I am fairly sure everyone else in here would disagree with you... perhaps couple pics would be needed. ;)

I have noticed that photo comparisons are the best way for me to actually realize the changes in my own body, since they still come so slowly that otherwise I am totally blind to them myself. I warmly suggest you to do that kind of thing as well so you would truly understand how much work you have done to better yourself! :D

I also add that I do squats twice a week and go to pilates where we work on it as well. When I do squats I also move the total weight of around 209 pounds / 95 kilos (my weight plus the extra weight) up and down which might be a bit more than you are working with so the results might come a bit fasters (it is still ridiculously tiny in the bigger comparsion to my tummy). But just stick with it and from very good you will soon change to smashingly brilliant! ^_^.

Here is my sad butt. :(

Sad and fat, but flat. :(

I do squats with the 10lbs weights so... 20 extra lbs (one of the only moves I can do with the 10s lol). They are squats with overhead press. Two sets for 30 seconds I think is what the dvd does. And then other than that, there's some deadlift-like moves, forward lunges and backward lunges.



I'm too nice, I don't want people getting sick if they see me. :( Baggy and hiding is best.

Here is my sad butt. :(

Sad and fat, but flat. :(

I do squats with the 10lbs weights so... 20 extra lbs (one of the only moves I can do with the 10s lol). They are squats with overhead press. Two sets for 30 seconds I think is what the dvd does. And then other than that, there's some deadlift-like moves, forward lunges and backward lunges.

that is not a sad and fat or flat but. It's juicy.



I'm too nice, I don't want people getting sick if they see me. :( Baggy and hiding is best.

Here is my sad butt. :(

Sad and fat, but flat. :(

I do squats with the 10lbs weights so... 20 extra lbs (one of the only moves I can do with the 10s lol). They are squats with overhead press. Two sets for 30 seconds I think is what the dvd does. And then other than that, there's some deadlift-like moves, forward lunges and backward lunges.

You may want to look into Bret Contreras's work. He's a fitness trainer whose niche is female physique development. His programming is solid. He's gotten many women their desired results in their rear area.


Without sounding like a creep, you look fine honestly. I would not call that flat.
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