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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Shark Gun

Neo Member
Hi guys, I haven't checked back in a while. I was in Italy for 2 weeks and fuck me the food there. I've definitely put on a few kilos but it was worth it. Pizza and fresh seafood all day long. Plus lying around at the beach is not exactly known as the best workout.

On Monday I went straight back to the gym though. However I needed a few days to start eating clean again. I'm back on track now and attacking this excess weight. By the way, we finally got Quest Bars here in Switzerland. Which are your favorite flavors I have to check out?
Drink it in haters!

great pic!

Looks like I tweaked my back on sunday while doing squats. I know something felt off right away but instead of taking it easy afterwards I let my ego get in the way and tried doing deadlifts afterwards. Was in discomfort for the first few days and now just feel like I have a really tight. Will probably take it easy for the next few gym sessions till things get back in order.

We are also having an arm growing competion at work for the next month so recommend me your best arm blasting routines and exercises.

Pete Rock

210 AMRAP on squats (I did 8 reps smh)


I think I need to control my gaze more. Its probably because of the stupid mirrors. Brolic, that cue you told me was really hard to do. I'm going to continue to work on it

Your squat reminds me of my friends from a few years ago. He never really fixed it and still has issues. I was going to recommend packing your neck and keeping your spine neutral but he has always done that and the way the motion breaks down appears to be similar. He also tried Adipowers, Nikes, etc. For the first 18 mos he wore chucks but the problems were still there, so technically I am not sure how much the barefoot would have helped, although I know for a fact the raised heels didn't help him at all.

If I pause on your video in the last rep when you struggle the most, in the few frames around 1:00 timestamp, it appears you have rocked forward a bit and your posterior chain levers are all out of prime position relative to your back and the load position. This is apparent on all the other reps but this is the point it is most exacerbated and slowed down. Kind of like on a DL when your ass shoots up first, I feel like you kind of rock forward on your toes on all your reps a bit and when this is repeated, fatigue begins to break down the motion beginning at the weakest points of loading. Watch your knees starting from the first rep, at the bottom of the hole they bounce forward and then your ass bounces back. It all kind of begins there.

It's not really a "rainbow" so much as a "zig-zag" bar path. You can see a very similar movement pattern in this old video I took of my friends 3x5 @ 275. Every. Fucking. Rep. I superimposed all 3 of his sets with a transparent vertical line at the start position of the bar path so he could see where and how bad it was deviating. This behavior is exhibited on each rep but is most egregious at the fatigue point. The fifth rep of each set is awful and the third set is most particularly terrible. The fifth reps start at 0:16 and each one is 10% worse than the other and basically identical.

That is what I am seeing here, your levers go out of whack a bit because your ass goes up independent of your shoulders and the bar pitches forward and down a little, which means your chest has collapsed, then you kind of take the rest of the load and pull it up with your back and it is clearly visible through not only the zig zag bar path but the point at which the load movement begins to suffer (deviate and slow) the most.

So I would suggest focusing on keeping a balanced load feeling in your feet, not too much on the heels or the toes. Cueing your chest forced up was something I learned with low bar position mechanics providing the muscle-mass shelf by squeezing your elbows back and up. So maybe focus more on those cues and drop the gaze at the upper corner where the wall and the ceiling meet as it's clearly not helping keep your chest proud and can only cause upper cervical strain at this point.

If you were to look at the ideal low bar squat the angle and distance between the shoulders/chest/bar load position and hips never change. The ball sockets of the hips and the final break at the knees dictate the entire range of motion in terms of vertical travel. When that angle becomes divorced and the ass shoots up first then it turns into a weird half-squat half-good morning that's not good for anybody. For reference here is the last video I personally have recorded from an AMRAP Squat set, hopefully that illustrates the ideal, although I realize it is certainly not perfect by any means.

OK now that I have addressed the actual substance of your video it's time to notice the weird background stuff! Priorities, people - I hate it when someone posts a form video and the only comments are on some irrelevant spaz/chic in the background. So now that I have excused myself by addressing the substance, I will now address the nonsense.

I will never understand people who squat in an open rack and carry it all the way out past the safety bars. The only guy who does that in my gym gets a pass because he is a semi-pro BB and can squat 500 pounds. Also I haven't even seen him do those lately, instead he takes a 45 hex plate out and stands his heels on the edge of the plate with his feet almost touching, then he does the deepest high-bar 3x10's I have ever seen straight up ass to grass - 225, 275 then finish with 315. That is justified because the safety bar would surely fuck up his ROM and clearly he does not need it at that weight level. Other than that single example, I have never seen a legit reason to walk the load out of the rack. OR even more aggressively ridiculous, using the POWER CAGE but from the outside hooks, so again you have no actual safety mechanisms in place. GG.

Found the source of my shoulder issues. My pec is junky as hell and apparently so are my traps and rhomboids.

Used my theracane on my back and it's so tight it felt like my front delt as gonna rip off. Then I lacrosse balled my pec and I felt a bunch if shit, really big shit, break free.
Very interesting, I feel similarly, in that my shoulder health also seems to be highly related to how tight/junky my pecs and traps are. I had never once passed over those areas with my theracane and I started doing this two weeks ago, shoulders have never felt better.

We go OT all the time. I was just concerned especially with two posts on a new page of it getting out of hand.
Nah thanks for this, I was already sick of it and didn't want to be the one to rain on the basic parade.

425 bench was a nogo. Should have known to aim lower since my shoulder and left pec have been tight. Good news is 405 went up incredibly easy before this.
Straight up beast. You are my bench press heroooooo! Actually scratch that, you are my compound lift hero, full stop. I pay attention to all your comments and have learned a lot from your shared experience as you have become more comfortable and adept at pushing heavier weight around. Thank you.

Jesus fuck, that's incredible. Fucking amazing.
That is so amazing! I really love that photo as well! <3 I am looking forward to see that video! Absolutely awesome kitty! :D
Thank you for the kind words, I know we don't share "art" here very much, but that is one area I have really been pushing myself over the past year outside of the weight room. I was not sure if anyone would be interested, but I'll keep it in mind when the post processing is completed on the video and hopefully be able to share that as well. I genuinely appreciate the support and am glad you two appreciated the shot! :)


Pete just went Noema up in here. That was some really good info.

I'll have to record my 235 3x5 tomorrow and post it for you to pick apart

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Nice post Pete, and thanks for the kind words.

Too bad, you'll get it next time big guy.
I saw the disappointment in your face, i know that feel.

Yeah, had I done 420 or 415 instead I would have got it. Wasn't happy.

Yooo! The exact same thing happened to me last Saturday. Of course I'm not lifting anywhere near what you are, but I was doing close grip bench for tris with 205, and my left shoulder gave out on the 4th rep. I actually dropped the bar on the side of my head; sported a pretty good knot too. Mindfucked me for the rest of the day. I know you'll come back and smash that shit though bro; you always do!

I'll probably get it next month to be honest. I'm on the cusp of 405x3. 425 shouldn't be a problem. I just need my pec/shoulder to cooperate and my ego to quit getting in the way.

210 AMRAP on squats (I did 8 reps smh)


I think I need to control my gaze more. Its probably because of the stupid mirrors. Brolic, that cue you told me was really hard to do. I'm going to continue to work on it

As I said, it takes a very long time to get it. My squat didn't go anywhere for the last 3 years until very recently and it's finally taking off like a rocket.
Thanks for all the suggestions fellas. And Pete I see a lot of fuckery like that at 24 hour Fitness. Someone was making his friend record his 3 plate quarter squats with his dopey friend talking about "beast mode!!!1 3 plate squat baby!!!!1!1!". I wanted to just yell out "zero!!!" Elgintensity style


the piano man
leg days are definitely the hardest, just do some decent squats, combine with leg extensions, stiff-legged DL and some glute exercises and you'll have to crawl back to the lockers.

It has been a while since I managed to get a leg pic I somewhat liked. Genetically I have chicken/toothpic legs so I am glad I see some curves on my quads even though I am warm and flexing here. No definition but that will come over time

As you can see, it's hard to get a decent pic without going NSFW :p


this thread hasn't talked about legs in a while, how's everyone doing in that regard?


I can't catch a break, dammit. Had my appointment today because of my relatively minor back injury. I have been working around it for about 3 weeks now until I feel I am at 100%.

I had a few X-Rays done and they are saying I have "slight" spinal arthritis and "slight" narrowing of the lumbar spine. I am to assume that this didn't happen because of one isolated injury, but it probably was from being a fatass for 15+ years of my life.

Doctor will probably tell me to stop with the heavy lifting, but I really don't think this is going to convince me. I am going to wait until I am 100% and just be a lot more mindful of the amount of stress I put on my back. I aint gonna stop squatting or deadlifting god dammit.


this thread hasn't talked about legs in a while, how's everyone doing in that regard?

Looking solid bro.

Im 6'2 so legs has always been something i wanted to be big, to me it just looks better. But regular squats never did it for me, so i do exercises like front squats, lunges, bulgarian split squats, step ups etc and i use high frequency. Meaning i pretty much hit my legs one way or another on every workout. For me it has worked pretty well.

this thread hasn't talked about legs in a while, how's everyone doing in that regard?

Need moar rectus femoris, my vastuses are making it feel bad about itself. I'm just training legs (and chest) at maintenance for a while, trying to bring up my arms & back some. Shrugbacks after rows and shrugdowns after pulldowns/pullups are really hammering my lower traps & lats.

that being said does anyone have a good link to how to do POWER shrugs properly? Size-wise I just don't seem to get much out of deadlifting + normal DB/BB shrugs and I wants upper traps. I figure it's time to experiment with something more explosive.


I *just* noticed the dude behind you that's squatting like 8 feet out of the rack. Wow.

I see people doing that all the time. Usually it's the stronger guys, but still, I don't understand why. And in most cases, they're not even hitting parallel, so it's not like the safety bars are too high for them or anything.


I see people doing that all the time. Usually it's the stronger guys, but still, I don't understand why. And in most cases, they're not even hitting parallel, so it's not like the safety bars are too high for them or anything.

better stand out in the way so people can see how much I'm squatting

^potential reason someone might do that maybe? I've never seen anyone do that before, and it really makes zero sense to me why you would possibly need to do that, for the reasons you said. They could put the safety bars really low or just remove them if they bothered them so much.
Ok here is me at 225 dead lift, it seems like my back is curved and my but is not going down enough.


Yeah... It doesn't just "seem like" your back is curved, it is insanely curved. You're on a road to snapcity if you don't take a detour. You've gotta deload the weight, start down to no more than 135 lbs, and work on your form. Look at videos in the OP. Your back should form a nearly straight line whereas yours is more like a gigantic letter C.


Yeah... It doesn't just "seem like" your back is curved, it is insanely curved. You're on a road to snapcity if you don't take a detour. You've gotta deload the weight, start down to no more than 135 lbs, and work on your form. Look at videos in the OP. Your back should form a nearly straight line whereas yours is more like a gigantic letter C.

He needs to go back to 45lbs, not 135.
Not gonna lie, that is absolutely abysmal and you should stop doing them altogether until you read up and watch videos on how deadlifts are properly done.

I have looking at videos and reading up, I can't seem to get it in practice. I seem to have trouble keeping my back straight on these.


Really felt like I had the wind sucked out of me after my run. My heart was beating like crazy, anxious and nerves blah.. Perhaps I'll have a couple slices of toast on cardio days.
Had a workout today that I expected to be crappy. I've had the feelings of an oncoming headcold (stuffyness, sniffles, etc), so I wanted to take a bit easy on squats today. I was scheduled to do 2x5 @ 255 and 1x5 @ 250. Instead I decided to just do some singles at 260 and 265, which I've never done before (without bouncing off a box). They went up really easy. I'm starting to think endurance or cardiovascular health might be holding me back in squats. at 255 I'm normally huffing like crazy at the third rep.

Also, my stuffyness basically went away while working out. 30 minutes later it is back. Kind of amazing how the body works.
I won't disagree with that.

Yankee, it is humbling to have to deload, but trust us, you will eventually cause serious damage to your back if you don't fix your form.

Yeah I seem to be not able to get my back straight once I grab the bar, I am just confused on why it won't stay straight. I guess I will work on keeping my back straight with just the bar until I get it.


I have looking at videos and reading up, I can't seem to get it in practice. I seem to have trouble keeping my back straight on these.

Deload weight, practice with just the bar. If you have posture issues, there are many exercises and stretches you can do to help with rounded back syndrome.


So I've landed myself in a situation where I'm super broke, and basically where I can afford to go, there is only machines and shit.

I was a beginner until finances wiped out my gym shit and I went off of it for a month or two. I was doing a SL5x5 routine, but with only a smith machine, do i change routine, how should I adapt to what I have here?


I have looking at videos and reading up, I can't seem to get it in practice. I seem to have trouble keeping my back straight on these.

Well, start by having the bar over the middle of your foot before you start the lift. It is way too far out.

edit: as a matter of fact, you were told that when you posted the original video and you said your form was different with lighter weights. It's not, it's exactly the same.
Well, start by having the bar over the middle of your foot before you start the lift. It is way too far out.

edit: as a matter of fact, you were told that when you posted the original video and you said your form was different with lighter weights. It's not, it's exactly the same.
No its 225 this time, and I had it in the middle of my foot. I thought my form was better, i really never taped my deadlifts before.

I pretty much know now that I have to start from scratch on my deadlifts, I have to figure out why my back gets so fucked up.


the piano man
Please no one quote sphinx, I'm at work!

But that is some good mass bro, how much do you squat?

my last PR was 1.6x Bodyweight (110 kgs) for 5 reps, but that was a while ago, I have deloaded and I am getting back there.

Looking solid bro.

Im 6'2 so legs has always been something i wanted to be big, to me it just looks better. But regular squats never did it for me, so i do exercises like front squats, lunges, bulgarian split squats, step ups etc and i use high frequency. Meaning i pretty much hit my legs one way or another on every workout. For me it has worked pretty well.


awesome definition, you can see where is everything, you are a sculpture.

the only squat variations I do is pistol squats, I am starting to do them weighted. Other than that, it's the usual leg stuff, with Stiff-legged DL the absolute best thing for thighs I have in my repertoire.

I used to do heavy weight leg extensions, in the 6-8 rep range but now I am going for a with weight that allows me to go near 15, I like it better.

with high frequencey, do you mean high rep?? or intensity? like, doing many reps in a little time?

I have looking at videos and reading up, I can't seem to get it in practice. I seem to have trouble keeping my back straight on these.

you seem to be a tall guy.

would you guys recomend yankeeforever2 to try sumo deadlifts?? I was about to suggest but I am not sure it's what he should do...


No its 225 this time, and I had it in the middle of my foot. I thought my form was better, i really never taped my deadlifts before.

I pretty much know now that I have to start from scratch on my deadlifts, I have to figure out why my back gets so fucked up.

I'm curious if you're able to follow and do what Dr. Stuart McGill is instructing Aaron to do in this video in terms of keeping the spine neutral and protected.


Slayer of Combofiends
By god, my friend had me training with him for a week and I put up pretty damn well cause of the HIIT. 196 right now compared to 205, which is good. Found the answer to all my protein worries so I don't have to choke on a can of tuna again, octopus!

Requires cooking but it sound be better than tuna for now. Also, balsamic vinegar with cucumbers, tomatoes, mustard, paprika and cilantro in a mix of tuna makes it go a long way with barely any carbs and just vitamin C/A and protein!
I'm curious if you're able to follow and do what Dr. Stuart McGill is instructing Aaron to do in this video in terms of keeping the spine neutral and protected.
Interesting, seems possible.

you seem to be a tall guy.

would you guys recomend yankeeforever2 to try sumo deadlifts?? I was about to suggest but I am not sure it's what he should do...
I am 6 foot 2 inch, 200 pounds, my friend thinks flexibility is my issue but I can keep it straight without the bar so I am not sure.


Interesting, seems possible.

I am 6 foot 2 inch, 200 pounds, my friend thinks flexibility is my issue but I can keep it straight without the bar so I am not sure.

I'm the same height and weight as you. Just gotta bend your knees and stare at the floor diagonally down to keep your spine neutral. Your shoulders will be slightly in front of the bar so your arms are straight (but not perpendicular to the floor). Bar should be over the center of your feet.

If you aren't flexible enough to do that initial stance you need to work on it.


Slayer of Combofiends
Ok here is me at 225 dead lift, it seems like my back is curved and my but is not going down enough.


Dude, please bend your knees, I say please cause deadlifts are dangerous if done wrong with heavy weights. Act as if you are going to sit on a chair but you would stop half way and be at a 45 degree angle, with your thighs being one line and the chair being another line if you wanna diagram it. That's how I learned from videos and reading. Also, keep your shins vertical once you learn form cause you aren't using your arms to lift it, its your core and quadriceps/hamstrings helping you lift this if anything I learned is right.
I'm the same height and weight as you. Just gotta bend your knees and stare at the floor diagonally down to keep your spine neutral. Your shoulders will be slightly in front of the bar so your arms are straight (but not perpendicular to the floor). Bar should be over the center of your feet.

If you aren't flexible enough to do that initial stance you need to work on it.

I really wasn't sure how much I am suppose to bend my knees, I can bend lower. I been practicing without a bar at my house and it seems like my back is straight when I am try to look straight ahead, should I be doing that?


I really wasn't sure how much I am suppose to bend my knees, I can bend lower. I been practicing without a bar at my house and it seems like my back is straight when I am try to look straight ahead, should I be doing that?

Bend your knees just far enough such that your back is straight and you can reach the bar. Take your phone and video yourself doing this so you can absolutely make sure you aren't rounding your back.


Squatted 270 lbs 5x5 and Dead Lifted 290 lbs 1x5 after a 1 week hiatus. I think they're my max in both. Felt great and definitely ready for more. That is all.


Drink it in haters!
Hahahahah. Loving it! <3

You know what the best part is? I bet they see you as a real life superhero. Beautiful family!
...He is a real life superhero...

Left it one more day because I was still snotty and feeling weak today. :/ I think I'm going to be up to it tomorrow though.

How was your sick day? I hope you rested well!

And haha glad you were able to help that guy. :)
Well, I am going to have also tomorrow on a sick leave. Fever is still here and I have a cute little cactus living in my throat as well. It seems I might not go to gym but once this week since I am not sure am I feeling good enough on Friday and during weekend I am at work the whole time when gym would actually be open. Oh well.

I have also been eating like shit. I don't normally eat bread at all but now my body have been just craving it. In general I have been eating way more than on my regular days. Also I have noticed I have eaten way more salt than I otherwise would. Hard to explain, but I feel I actually want salty food at the moment. Hopefully all this nonsense will go away when I start to feel better. Have anyone else noticed that they eat different when they are sick?

Other than those I have slept long and played BF4. :p

Have you been feeling any better? Also are you excited already? The trip is so near! :D

Thank you for the kind words, I know we don't share "art" here very much, but that is one area I have really been pushing myself over the past year outside of the weight room. I was not sure if anyone would be interested, but I'll keep it in mind when the post processing is completed on the video and hopefully be able to share that as well. I genuinely appreciate the support and am glad you two appreciated the shot! :)
Yay! I am really looking forward to see more pics and videos! That one was extremely beautiful shot of a very beautiful person.

leg days are definitely the hardest, just do some decent squats, combine with leg extensions, stiff-legged DL and some glute exercises and you'll have to crawl back to the lockers.

It has been a while since I managed to get a leg pic I somewhat liked. Genetically I have chicken/toothpic legs so I am glad I see some curves on my quads even though I am warm and flexing here. No definition but that will come over time

As you can see, it's hard to get a decent pic without going NSFW :p

this thread hasn't talked about legs in a while, how's everyone doing in that regard?
For some reason I actually like leg movements compared to arms. I don't mind the pain in legs at all, but on arms itn't as pleasing.

Also you have managed to gain some proper mass on your legs! Awesome sweetie!

Looking solid bro.

Im 6'2 so legs has always been something i wanted to be big, to me it just looks better. But regular squats never did it for me, so i do exercises like front squats, lunges, bulgarian split squats, step ups etc and i use high frequency. Meaning i pretty much hit my legs one way or another on every workout. For me it has worked pretty well.

Insane! Your legs are like a piece of art!

Hoooooly shit, lol
Seriously, you better learn some manners. We should be encouraging and definitely not laugh to other people's mistakes. Yankeeforever2 is here to get advices and tips to get himself on the right track. I am extremely happy that he posted the videos and got proper critic so he is now aware what he was doing wrong so he can learn from his mistakes and prevent injuries. It actually takes a lot of guts to post videos like that, so kudos to him.


Well, I am going to have also tomorrow on a sick leave. Fever is still here and I have a cute little cactus living in my throat as well. It seems I might not go to gym but once this week since I am not sure am I feeling good enough on Friday and during weekend I am at work the whole time when gym would actually be open. Oh well.

I have also been eating like shit. I don't normally eat bread at all but now my body have been just craving it. In general I have been eating way more than on my regular days. Also I have noticed I have eaten way more salt than I otherwise would. Hard to explain, but I feel I actually want salty food at the moment. Hopefully all this nonsense will go away when I start to feel better. Have anyone else noticed that they eat different when they are sick?

Other than those I have slept long and played BF4. :p

Have you been feeling any better? Also are you excited already? The trip is so near! :D

Awww. Sick. :( I hope you feel better soon. I am pretty much calling this week a bust as well. Still on and off with fever and achy joints. Then I have packing and birthdays and other things. Oh well. Going to be walking lots soon!

When I get sick, I tend just not to eat. A lot of the times all I will want is soup. But yes, I do eat differently.

I'm getting really excited. Seven more sleeps :') When do you leave on your trip?


Can anyone point me to where I can get good info regarding stiff legged deadlift?
I think it's one of the most misunderstood exercise ever. Nobody understands it. A lot of people mixed it up with romanian deadlift and straight legged deadlift.
This is so confusing.


Can anyone point me to where I can get good info regarding stiff legged deadlift?
I think it's one of the most misunderstood exercise ever. Nobody understands it. A lot of people mixed it up with romanian deadlift and straight legged deadlift.
This is so confusing.

Well, it's pretty confusing. Found this article for you:

Looks like stiff legged and straight legged are the same exercise. Which is different from rdl.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, so I counted my macros today and I realize I've been completely undershooting my protein intake. It's only been about 60% of what I'm supposed to be taking in. So now I need some suggestions on foods high in protein that aren't milk or chicken.

Also, is it true you develop kidney stones from eating too much protein? And if so, how do you prevent it from happening?
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