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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Man... these last two pages make me want to take videos of myself for form checks. Now I'm paranoid that I could be doing something wrong


Yeah it seems like I need to gain more flexibility. I noticed their are still humps too. I plan to be working on the form itself for a couple of weeks I just wanted to see the height difference of the bar when I add weights. I might just buy a bar to have at home just so I can work on my form in leisure time.

Dude, I keep telling you this, but the bar is still too far away from your body. Your shins should be touching the bar when you set it down after each rep. It looks better than the previous two vids, but the low back is still rounding somewhat. I bet if you addressed that, it will take out the roundness out of your back.
You need to keep your chest up so your lower back isn't rounded like that. Chest up, hips back, shins on the bar. Keep those cues in mind before you set up
Yeah I was trying to get my chest up, I going to try to get my flexibility up over the next couple of weeks while working on getting the other cues more natural.

Dude, I keep telling you this, but the bar is still too far away from your body. Your shins should be touching the bar when you set it down after each rep. It looks better than the previous two vids, but the low back is still rounding somewhat. I bet if you addressed that, it will take out the roundness out of your back.
I had to during the setup I was checking that, I think I lost it during the course of the set.

It has only been a day since I started to change my form, I know it will take time to get everything mechincally right.

Also, does the pendlay row have the same setup as a deadlift?


Yeah I was trying to get my chest up, I going to try to get my flexibility up over the next couple of weeks while working on getting the other cues more natural.

I had to during the setup I was checking that, I think I lost it during the course of the set.

It has only been a day since I started to change my form, I know it will take time to get everything mechincally right.

My form breaks down during the reps sometimes to. Sometimes I have to reset my set up before you continue.

What if you try this? Instead of doing a set of five, do five singles where you start from scratch each time, until you really hammer it in?



I've been bad
*not pictured, shit ton of beer that I used to fuel my workout the next day. #beermethod #swolfie


Lol. Well. I'd say these last four months did nothing. From end of May until now.

I look pretty much the same.

I go on my trip with a heavy heart and fuck it, imma eat whatever I want there and then come back and work twice as hard. Eat less, work out harder.

How has your diet and training changed from before May?
My form breaks down during the reps sometimes to. Sometimes I have to reset my set up before you continue.

What if you try this? Instead of doing a set of five, do five singles where you start from scratch each time, until you really hammer it in?
Probably a better idea, I was just trying to see how I kept the form after the initial rep. Probably will stick singles for the next couple of days just to get the initial rep good.


the piano man
I've never gotten into fitness seriously before so i have tons of questions :

1) Do i need to use free weights to achieve a body like that? Or would machines or at home exercises also work fine?

2) What's the best way for me to go about achieving this?

Sorry for the noob questions but i'm totally out of the loop on this! Thanks

I think free weights will makes things go faster, it's the best "bang for your buck". Doing machines is not a necesarily waste of time but not the best way to approach weight lifting or fitness. Free weight and machines complement each other

a body like that is attainable in 1 or 2 years if your diet is extremely consistent and you are young, which your are. For that body in that pic, you have to get rid of any residual flab you may have from your overweight years. and I mean every residual flab.

if you are 5'10 (1.78 cm), you will be somewhere in the 165~172 lbs (75kg-78 kg) range by the time look like the guy in the pic.

you still have a way to go but it's not much, you can and will make it. Again, for that body your priority number one is your diet
I've been bad
*not pictured, shit ton of beer that I used to fuel my workout the next day. #beermethod #swolfie
Man, your physique is my goal; just like that. I've seen you more ripped, but I would be happy with those results right there. How much are you weighing now?


I've been bad
*not pictured, shit ton of beer that I used to fuel my workout the next day. #beermethod #swolfie

I haven't eaten in 7 hours. help.

Oh, and Leeness, the part of your arm near your shoulder looks firmer, so do your lovehandles. So that's good.



Lol. Well. I'd say these last four months did nothing. From end of May until now.

I look pretty much the same.

I go on my trip with a heavy heart and fuck it, imma eat whatever I want there and then come back and work twice as hard. Eat less, work out harder.

I would kill for your body.


My dad had a heart attack earlier this year (he's doing better) and it woke me up. I lost a ton of weight (around 130 pounds) 10 years ago, but then I stopped exercising and eating well because I didn't care: I was dating and partying and having fun so I lost all of my motivation. I was in it for the wrong reasons. I slowly gained a lot of it back and then when I realized what happened I got depressed and gained the rest back.

I started slowly working myself back into the habit of working out in late June. I've dropped 30 pounds since around July 4. I'm working out 5 or 6 times a week. I started with medium intensity cardio. Keeping my heart rate locked in between 135 and 150 bpm for 25 to 35 minutes, continuously. I've now started to ramp up the intensity by increasing the speed and the incline of the tread. This is what worked well for me last time and again it's working very well for me. I'm lucky in that I have a decent amount of muscle mass already, it's just buried under a ton of fat. Once I get my legs heated up my whole metabolism comes to life.

I am making some changes, this time around. First, I've already started on resistance. Last time I didn't start until much later in my progression. Yesterday I just did lats and triceps, trying to re-familiarize myself. Trying to learn how to do a proper chest press with dumbells. Need to learn proper squats, too. The other big change is dietary. I'm really focusing on eating right. Last time around I cheated too often. I'm eating good protein (tuna, chicken breast, occasional canned salmon) and tomatoes, broccoli, raw almonds, and drinking lots of water. I'll sometimes start and end the day with a small Red Bull so I get a little bit of sugar. The energy definitely feels good in the morning when I step into the gym. And, like I said, drinking more water. Lots and lots of water.

My goal is to hit 199 by the end of March. My ideal weight is 170, but I'm more focused on getting some more lean mass - particularly in my chest, core, back, and forearms. I've got decent upper arms already and my legs have a shit ton of muscle from carrying so much extra weight around. I already feel better than I have in several years.

This "war" is ending, for good. I have to fight two battles every single day of my life: the first battle is in the gym, against all of the bad choices I've made. The second is to not repeat any of those bad choices every time I sit down to eat. This time my mindset is about living well for the rest of my life, not pleasing other people.


No you wouldn't. You'd never be able to lose weight :/

I'm going to have to start eating less when I get home. 1200 obviously isn't doing anything for me.

Going under 1200 is DANGEROUS. I don't know how many times that can be said.

And you are nowhere near obese like I am.
No you wouldn't. You'd never be able to lose weight :/

I'm going to have to start eating less when I get home. 1200 obviously isn't doing anything for me.

I'm no expert, but I've heard that that's too few calories and could trigger your body to go into starvation mode, which is unhealthy and will also make it harder to lose weight. Be careful.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, my entire program has to change now, I have a Firefighter physical test in November and I need a lot more endurance and speed.

Hey, good luck with that. A good idea would be to hit up Hanna Johnson on Elitefts. She did that last year and got on a department too. Hit the Q/A section.

Ok, I think I have my back straight now (after a good 30 minutes of just the short bar, and a day of air deadlifts). This is with the short bar (not sure the weight) and 2 45's.


You're still jacked up. Your back is rounded. Go back and watch that video I showed you on how to setup. The angle makes it harder to pick this apart, but from what I'm seeing, you're FUBAR right now m

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Eat less, work out harder.

I hope I don't come off as an asshole here, but I think this mentality is part of the problem. You seem fixated on this idea of starving yourself and working your body hard.

Instead of doubling down on an approach that you haven't found to be effective, it might be time to try something else.

Interesting article that I've posted before and might be relevant to you: http://athlete.io/5343/why-women-should-not-run/

Either way, you really shouldn't feel bad about how you look now. Enjoy your trip!


No you wouldn't. You'd never be able to lose weight :/

I'm going to have to start eating less when I get home. 1200 obviously isn't doing anything for me.

First, you look quite pretty already. You have a lovely hourglass figure that I'll never acquire, much as I might long for it.

Also, I think Zefah is right, and that you need a change of perspective. So enjoy your trip and eat what you like. Then when you return, instead of doubling down, rethink your plans. Changing your body is slow, but it shouldn't be torture.


Going under 1200 is DANGEROUS. I don't know how many times that can be said.

And you are nowhere near obese like I am.

I'm no expert, but I've heard that that's too few calories and could trigger your body to go into starvation mode, which is unhealthy and will also make it harder to lose weight. Be careful.

Just for a couple of weeks after my trip. Eat less + cleanse and hopefully kick start something--anything--to happen.

1200 calories is like the recommended amount of a moderately active toddler

For a fat woman.

I hope I don't come off as an asshole here, but I think this mentality is part of the problem. You seem fixated on this idea of starving yourself and working your body hard.

Instead of doubling down on an approach that you haven't found to be effective, it might be time to try something else.

Interesting article that I've posted before and might be relevant to you: http://athlete.io/5343/why-women-should-not-run/

Either way, you really shouldn't feel bad about how you look now. Enjoy your trip!

I don't do steady state cardio, though. I do cardio that goes hard, catch breath, goes hard, catch breath, etc. I've never been good at running anyway.

First, you look quite pretty already. You have a lovely hourglass figure that I'll never acquire, much as I might long for it.

Also, I think Zefah is right, and that you need a change of perspective. So enjoy your trip and eat what you like. Then when you return, instead of doubling down, rethink your plans. Changing your body is slow, but it shouldn't be torture.

I'm going to enjoy (and avoid photos)! Then when I get back, I'm going to going to cleanse + starve for a couple of weeks and then keep going. I'll start forcing the 10lbs weights during my strength work outs, for one thing, whether it injures my arms and makes me cry or not.
I think free weights will makes things go faster, it's the best "bang for your buck". Doing machines is not a necesarily waste of time but not the best way to approach weight lifting or fitness. Free weight and machines complement each other

a body like that is attainable in 1 or 2 years if your diet is extremely consistent and you are young, which your are. For that body in that pic, you have to get rid of any residual flab you may have from your overweight years. and I mean every residual flab.

if you are 5'10 (1.78 cm), you will be somewhere in the 165~172 lbs (75kg-78 kg) range by the time look like the guy in the pic.

you still have a way to go but it's not much, you can and will make it. Again, for that body your priority number one is your diet

Oh wow thank you for the reply! So I'm guessing for that goal i wouldn't need to be bulking, but instead focusing on eliminating the excess fat and toning?


So I'm transitioning from mostly machines to mostly free weights and need some pointers on what I should be doing.

I'm sure my workouts are far from ideal, but here's what I currently do 3 times a week.

Each day I:

3x 5 Bench. Gone from 2 reps @ 135 to todays 5 reps @ 175 & 2x 5 @ 165. This took from June until now. That time frame seem average or slow? I feel I could have done better in that time period.

3x 5 Squats @ 165. I want this higher, but my legs suck.

And I try to get in dead lifts as well.

Then I rotate days on doing calf raises, seated leg press, leg extensions, cable cover, basically every machine but not each every time.

My diet is non existent as I just eat whatever and don't count anything. Would like to change this as well.
I'm going to enjoy (and avoid photos)! Then when I get back, I'm going to going to cleanse + starve for a couple of weeks and then keep going. I'll start forcing the 10lbs weights during my strength work outs, for one thing, whether it injures my arms and makes me cry or not.

Even if you manage to lose weight by starving yourself it's all going to come straight back and if you're like a lot of people probably in surplus. That plus it's just terrible for your health and will only make you feel worse. What you're doing clearly isn't working so it can't hurt to try and use some of the advice you're getting on here.


the piano man
Oh wow thank you for the reply! So I'm guessing for that goal i wouldn't need to be bulking, but instead focusing on eliminating the excess fat and toning?

the reply was considering that the pic you showed is your main goal, that guy is actually fairly skinny, in my opinion. What you see in that pic isn't the result of "years of training", that guy looks like your standard curlbro that is young, eats well, and goes to the gym to hit arms, chest and abs, mostly.

if you are 1.78 cm and around 83 kgs right now and completely untrained or with no substantial muscle, I suggest to you to make it a priority to reach that weight (75~77 kgs) and take weightlifting as a compliment to that. then, when you've reached the desired weight and have better physical condition you can get a more serious lifting lifestyle.

it's only 5-6 kgs, it's 3 months work at most and you can come to terms with exercises in that time.

but there are other ways to achieve your goal so pay attention to other replies you may get.

reagrding toning: muscle is there or is not there, it may be covered in fat or right there visibly due to less fat but that's it, I honestly don't know exactly what toning means.

So I'm transitioning from mostly machines to mostly free weights and need some pointers on what I should be doing.

I'm sure my workouts are far from ideal, but here's what I currently do 3 times a week.

Each day I:

3x 5 Bench. Gone from 2 reps @ 135 to todays 5 reps @ 175 & 2x 5 @ 165. This took from June until now. That time frame seem average or slow? I feel I could have done better in that time period.

3x 5 Squats @ 165. I want this higher, but my legs suck.

And I try to get in dead lifts as well.

Then I rotate days on doing calf raises, seated leg press, leg extensions, cable cover, basically every machine but not each every time.

My diet is non existent as I just eat whatever and don't count anything. Would like to change this as well.

you mean you bench press, squat and deadlift every day?? if so, how many times a week? regardless, that´'s seems pretty inefficient to me.


the reply was considering that the pic you showed is your main goal, that guy is actually fairly skinny, in my opinion. What you see in that pic isn't the result of "years of training", that guy looks like your standard curlbro that is young, eats well, and goes to the gym to hit arms, chest and abs, mostly.

if you are 1.78 cm and around 83 kgs right now and completely untrained or with no substantial muscle, I suggest to you to make it a priority to reach that weight (75~77 kgs) and take weightlifting as a compliment to that. then, when you've reached the desired weight and have better physical condition you can get a more serious lifting lifestyle.

it's only 5-6 kgs, it's 3 months work at most and you can come to terms with exercises in that time.

but there are other ways to achieve your goal so pay attention to other replies you may get.

reagrding toning: muscle is there or is not there, it may be covered in fat or right there visibly due to less fat but that's it, I honestly don't know exactly what toning means.

you mean you bench press, squat and deadlift every day?? if so, how many times a week? regardless, that´'s seems pretty inefficient to me.

Each day I work out, which is 3 times a week.


Completely. From no working out to 5-6 times a week, cutting out most carbs, 1200 cals, etc.

Sigh, terrible results.

You work out too much for the amount you're eating. It's probably working against you, hampering your fat loss. You would probably do a lot better if you a) didn't exercise so much and b) stopped stressing out.

I would honestly try take this advice to heart if I were you:
People (frequently but not always women) who try to combine excessive caloric deficits with massive amounts of activity (often with a lot of that activity being high-intensity activity) and nothing is happening. And if you can get them to reduce activity (or just cut back the intensity to reasonable level) or increase calories, things invariably start to work better.


There is another variable that I have noticed over the years in looking at this issue. As odd as it sounds, it has to do with personality. In discussing this, for example, I’ve often noted that the people who seem to have the biggest issues with the whole lots of cardio/big caloric deficit tend to be a little bit ‘tightly wound’ (to put it politely). A bit less politely they are stress cases. You can almost ‘hear’ the stress in their typing. Every post has lots of exclamation points and there is this undercurrent of “I MUST LOSE FAT NOW!!!!!!” in their posts. When fat loss stalls for a day, they freak out and want to cut calories or go add another hour of cardio. You can almost ‘see’ the tension in them as they sit hammering at the keyboard looking for solutions.
And this is an issue because these types of folks already over-secrete cortisol.


Basically, there is a subset of folks who are already high-level stress cases. They tend to be drawn to harder is better in the first place, tend to be resistant to change (like my client from my early 20′s) and their already high level of cortisol production is simply amplified by the combination of too much activity and too few calories. And suggestions to raise calories and/or reduce activity are invariably met by resistance (again, like my client from ages ago). What they really need is to just chill the hell out.
But invariably the approach that they are intuitively drawn to is the wrong one for them: moderate deficits and moderate activity always work better in those folks. It’s getting them to do it that’s the hard part.

http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fa...s-and-lots-of-activity-can-hurt-fat-loss.html (<- Read the whole thing)

Also (as a man) I think you look pretty fucking great so stop putting yourself down.


Lol. Well. I'd say these last four months did nothing. From end of May until now.

I look pretty much the same.

I go on my trip with a heavy heart and fuck it, imma eat whatever I want there and then come back and work twice as hard. Eat less, work out harder.
Awwww, honey, you know what I think about your looks. I want to look like that too! :p

You look great and your waist is definitely smaller than it used to be and your arms look more lean. Go have your epic vacation and enjoy your time!

I am myself leaving on 20th of October and I will be gone a week. :D Lets see do I manage to drop around 4 kilos / 8 pounds before that like I am planning to.

No you wouldn't. You'd never be able to lose weight :/

I'm going to have to start eating less when I get home. 1200 obviously isn't doing anything for me.
With all honesty, if 1200 cals aren't doing it for you, you are eating too little. I would say I eat roughly around 1500 per day.

I would kill for your body.
I have been saying the same for couple years now - she might be a tad stubborn. :p

I've been bad
*not pictured, shit ton of beer that I used to fuel my workout the next day. #beermethod #swolfie
Oooh, I like the idea of you being a bad boy. ;) You look extremely good on that pic.

And now I am extremely hungry... :p

Had some fun at the lake this summer and was pretty stoked on a couple shots:
I think I have seen at least one of those photos on the progress thread. I really like them! <3

Hi fitgaf this is my first time posting here. I've been overweight all my life and i decided to make a change and i lost 10kg over spring. I'm a 22 year old 5'10 male currently weighing 84kg. The only thing i've been doing is just running (about 3 miles a day) and it's been great for my weight loss. Recently i decided that i'm giving myself a year to achieve a body like this

I've never gotten into fitness seriously before so i have tons of questions :

1) Do i need to use free weights to achieve a body like that? Or would machines or at home exercises also work fine?

2) What's the best way for me to go about achieving this?

Sorry for the noob questions but i'm totally out of the loop on this! Thanks
Hey and lovely to have you here!

If you haven't already, I would warmly recommend you to read through the OP and take it from there.

Hey man, you can't get it worse then me.
Awww sweetie, I think it is extremely brave of you to post the videos (same goes with everyone in here who does it). Keep working on it and you will be fine!


You work out too much for the amount you're eating. It's probably working against you, hampering your fat loss. You would probably do a lot better if you a) didn't exercise so much and b) stopped stressing out.

I would honestly try take this advice to heart if I were you:

http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fa...s-and-lots-of-activity-can-hurt-fat-loss.html (<- Read the whole thing)

Also (as a man) I think you look pretty fucking great so stop putting yourself down.
I talked her about the same things already couple months ago about stress levels and cortisol. Leeness is aware of it but doesn't truly believe it yet. Hopefully she is more relaxed and stress free after the vacation.


They all look good to me

Maybe on the bench try to arch your back more and initiated leg drive more?

During that squat vid I can't help but stare at your shoes and your thighs/ass. I'm not gay or anything but they look damn nice lol

Lolllll at the thighs/butt comment. I heard the stitching give a little on squats. It might be time to retire those pants soon.


I'm going to enjoy (and avoid photos)! Then when I get back, I'm going to going to cleanse + starve for a couple of weeks and then keep going. I'll start forcing the 10lbs weights during my strength work outs, for one thing, whether it injures my arms and makes me cry or not.

I think this approach will just disappoint you more. A "cleanse" over the course of a week will probably temporarily drop several pounds of water weight, plus maybe a pound or two of real fat. You'll also most likely be tired and unhappy. Injuring yourself working out is never a good recipe for anyone.

Again, you need a new approach. Instead of starving, you could try intermittent fasting, for example. Essentially, you'd get your "cleanse"/no food in the morning (or evening if you prefer), and then 2-4 real meals in the other half of the day. Several people on here eat this way and could help.

As for your workout, maybe a bodyweight one would be more appealing to you. A properly done program could help you keep your strength while you lose fat, and free you from worrying about external weight loads.


Decided to do squats today anyway...legs feel sore but okay.

Form check please, I feel I'm screwing up something here. I feel I'm doing a few things wrong. Took off a lot of weight because I want to get this right.


The other video is still publishing, I'll edit this post when it's done.

edit: other video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arSMXAxH9hg&feature=youtu.be

I'm 6'2...so I feel I have some core strength/flexibility issues getting low enough.

Wider stance? I feel my knees are pushing out in front of my feet too far.


What are the goals that you have to hit, and how far away from them are you? I know that I'm one of at least a few in this thread who balances running / endurance with weight training.

It's a mixture of running, pulling and carrying between 40-60lbs of equipment. I believe one station is to carry 55lbs worth of hose up 5 flights, and then back down to the bottom and it's timed. That is the one I'm going to focus on, I have a shakey right knee and while I can squat a lot moving quickly up steps sometimes my knee can get a bit weak.

Speaking of endurance and speed, what are some of your recommendations for HIIT treadmill workouts? I'm currently doing a 20 sec sprint and 40 sec rest x 10

I used to do 10x100m sprints 2 times a week with a mile cool down run after, wish I had kept doing it cause I'd be more than ready for the test.

Hey, good luck with that. A good idea would be to hit up Hanna Johnson on Elitefts. She did that last year and got on a department too. Hit the Q/A section.

Thanks man, I'll definitely check that out, I don't want to just do well on the test I want to crush my opponents, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their women!
So I just did this new workout some of you guys might like as a switch up. The whole principle is keeping your muscle under load for 40 seconds. That necessitates really slow reps and weight stripping to get your time but man I got to tell you guys I am wrecked from it.
looking and feeling extra jacked this morning

must have been those chicken sandwiches for dinner last night

also killed it at my fantasy football draft, I love my team.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
looking and feeling extra jacked this morning

must have been those chicken sandwiches for dinner last night

also killed it at my fantasy football draft, I love my team.
How can this post not be followed by a FE selfie? You're slipping man.
It's a mixture of running, pulling and carrying between 40-60lbs of equipment. I believe one station is to carry 55lbs worth of hose up 5 flights, and then back down to the bottom and it's timed. That is the one I'm going to focus on, I have a shakey right knee and while I can squat a lot moving quickly up steps sometimes my knee can get a bit weak.

Yeah, climbing and carrying can be very different than flatland endurance. Last summer I did a full summit climb of Mt. Rainier (14,410 feet with glacier climbing for much of the last few thousand feet) I was coming off my best year of trail running, and I figured that since I could run 50K trail races with plenty of elevation changes then I would be able to crush that climb.

Turns out, I made it. But it pretty much flattened me to do so. I could handle elevation, and I could handle distance, but carrying a heavy backpack full of supplies while doing the climb just about did me in. I wasn't used to having that extra weight on top of my body weight. If you have a good hill or long set of steps by ya, I'd recommend just tossing on a backpack with sandbags in it and hitting that up.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It's a mixture of running, pulling and carrying between 40-60lbs of equipment. I believe one station is to carry 55lbs worth of hose up 5 flights, and then back down to the bottom and it's timed. That is the one I'm going to focus on, I have a shakey right knee and while I can squat a lot moving quickly up steps sometimes my knee can get a bit weak.

I used to do 10x100m sprints 2 times a week with a mile cool down run after, wish I had kept doing it cause I'd be more than ready for the test.

Thanks man, I'll definitely check that out, I don't want to just do well on the test I want to crush my opponents, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their women!

No problem, I remember she completely restructured her training with the help of Harry Selkow on elitefts and she completely destroyed it. Definitely send them both questions I have no doubt they can point you in a good direction.



For a fat woman.

You have ignored all the good advice you're been given, and you failed in your goals. Instead of stepping back and reevaluating, you're doubling down on all the stuff that didn't work.

If you increases activity and decrease calories, you are setting yourself up to fail. Then what?

You're an attractive woman with a body that is very appealing, and you're going to ruin your health with counter productive behaviors that have been proven not only to not work, but have the opposite effect of what you want.

You seem really nice, but it hurts to see you punishing yourself needlessly. Can you listen to these guys? They won't steer you wrong. If you can't, then, why are you here?
I had a weight loss challenge at work over the last 2 months and today was the final weigh in. I have been super good with my diet, no soda, working out a lot. My only downfall is a had a few beers here and there.

I WON!!! I took home $400. I ended up losing 30 pounds. My girlfriend lost 15 pounds too. We even went on vacation for 10 days and still lost weight.

I'm pretty proud of myself right now. And that $400 just paid for my PS4.
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