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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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It's called Forza Pro. A buddy turned me on to it. They sell it at a store called NutriShop. It's yummy. Peanut butter banana is excellent also.

And you're looking super cute! Great picture.
Ah, I don't know am I able to get that delicious greatness to Finland. At least I didn't find any place to order it from that would ship to here and it seems to be their own label. Poor little me. I love choclate and mint. :p

Awwwwww, I am not that often being called cute (and especially not by a sexy beast like you). Thanks sweetie pie! ^_^ You just made my day!

You can do it! October is so soon, you'll have a great time :)

I can't do over 1200-1300, I just can't. It makes me sick just thinking about it. :/ the only time I will is days at my parents, and on my trip, but normal eating days? I can't. It makes me want to throw up.

Eh, cleanse out all the carbs consumed in Europe haha. Penance. Same with the potentially injuring myself during work outs. My "results" the last four months is so pathetic, I absolutely deserve it.

I kind of do intermittent fasting over the weekends (I usually don't eat until 4 or so) and I may start seeing how that works for me when I come back from my trip.

I don't ignore them. I changed some of my eating (more fats, less carbs) and changed some of my workouts (cut back on cardio and upped my strength stuff). I'm also thinking when the renos are done in my building, I will get a key for the exercise room. It has a weight rack...thing.

But I'm also not going to eat more on a daily basis. That is the one thing I refuse to do. Eating is bad for me, no matter what it is I eat. I can't do it. The thought of it gives me anxiety and makes me nauseous.
What you and your body needs is love and piece. And I am not even joking. We wouldn't be giving you ill advices. Like you said, your method haven't been working like you hoped so you better ditch it and change to something healthier and more effective. Why don't you try out something that has proven effects and is better for you compared to what you have been doing?

Your body isn't your problem, but your mentality is. I hope I don't sound too harsh, but you do have some issues with your mind what comes to your body. You think you can't get results and you do things that won't give you them. It is like you like the idea of "punishing" your body instead of doing things that would be better for you. Also even if you would be able to shred couple pounds with your methods, it would most likely come back quite quickly since you can't eat like that the rest of your life. It is just counterproductive in every way.

I truly hope you will relax and find your inner piece on your vacation and come back rested. Don't stress about anything and you are hopefully able to see things from another perspective after the holiday.

It's always a nice feeling when the numbers and the pictures tell the same story - namely, awesome job. :)
Thank you so much! That means a lot coming from you! :D I am quite happy about the progress this far. I just better stick with it. Now when I have been having a fever and being sick I have been eating way more than I normally would have so I need to get back on the right track.

Yesterday I actually also received my order from iHerb so I have four new boxes of Quest bars so future is looking bright and shiny. :p


Insane legs Mr Muscle

Thanks man!

I don't normally say this but absolutely gorgeous legs man. Truly pieces of art. Do you find that they have responded well to growth your whole life? I have trained them almost every which way I can think of from heavy super-sets 3 times a week to more intense shorter sessions every workout and they won't really do anything for me.

Thanks bro!

Damn, i had a long reply typed up then my web browser crashed! Ill try it again.

I am a hardgainer, tried and true. Building muscle has always been hard for me, no matter where it is. My legs doubly so because of their length. But ive always trained them hard in hopes of growth. Nobody ever commented on me having big legs until i decided to cut for a show in 2006. When the rest of my body got leaner and smaller, my legs held their size and when they got cut they really started to shine. Here you can see me before starting the cut and shortly before my show back in 2006.


In truth i have a "now you see it, now you dont" body. Something that is quite common among nattys. If you see me at the beach with no pump and im not flexing, then you wont think much of it. I look athletic and thats that. But if you see me in the gym with a good pump you will probably look twice. So, of course all pictures i post are when i look my best. My ego is to big for anything else hehe.

But back to the legs. Ive always trained them hard, but not much squats. They have always given me more problems than results. I actually finished 12 months of just focusing on squats to see if that would help. But i just ended up with tendonitis and injuries. So im pretty much done with squats.

What i do is what i know/feels works best for me. Medium to high reps, high volume and high frequency. And doing exercises like front squats, hack squats, lunges, bulgarian split squats, step ups, leg extensions, leg curls, RDL, single leg RDL and lately some hip thrusts.

That was alot of rambling just to say "no, they have not come easy" lol, but i hope you got something out if it. If you really are having problems getting them to grow then id recommend doing a test to find out what kind of muscle fibres your legs consists of and build a workout based on that. http://www.topendsports.com/testing/tests/muscle-fiber-composition.htm

If you are really hardcore then do a muscle biopsy, thats the best way of doing it. But man, i HATE needles and the thing they stick in you for that is HUGE. So you wont be seeing me doing that anytime soon!

MrMuscles legs, ohhhhh *swoon*.

Haha thanks!


Something I've been wondering for a while: can you people with such large legs even run? Do you get rash on your inner thighs from them rubbing together?
Leeness, don't go under 1,200 calories, that's on the low end of how much you should be having (1,200-1,400). I also have days, both work days and recovery days, when I lack the appetite for getting to my target intake, so I know what you're talking about. But don't set your target intake below 1,200.

The weight usually doesn't change very much. It floats around a 3 or 4 pound range of numbers. Then one day a couple of pounds will be gone all of a sudden. Sometimes nothing happens for a week or three. That's how it's supposed to be. It's not a glide path at all, it's very bumpy up and down.

Three, four, five months of progress is actually hard to see in a photo when you're doing it right. And you are. You look better than you think you look. Where I get the most sense of progress is from putting down bigger numbers in the lifting log.


Something I've been wondering for a while: can you people with such large legs even run? Do you get rash on your inner thighs from them rubbing together?

Haha, i definitely get runners rash. Tights or long boxers usually helps, oh and not running works wonders :D

I'm in South Dakota today for a wedding. 13-hour drive here yesterday.

That is the entirety of the weight training shit I have at the hotel gym. So far I just want to choke myself on the shitty cable attached to the stupid thing. Chest presses, tricep push downs, curls, and chest flies will be it for me today I guess. Jank shit.


I'm getting tired as shit of dudes grabbing my chest. I was at a wedding last night and my one cousin came up behind me and just started feeling me and another asked me if "I'm a D cup now"

Theres always someone poking, groping or touching me :/


I'm getting tired as shit of dudes grabbing my chest. I was at a wedding last night and my one cousin came up behind me and just started feeling me and another asked me if "I'm a D cup now"

Theres always someone poking, groping or touching me :/

Just grab their throats.


I use to go on 2 week crash diets in the middle of the summer when I was in college. It would shred me the fuck up but I would gain it back within a month or 2. Its not sustainable by any means

It is if you don't do it like you did. Of course you will gain it all back if you go back to eating like you did before. Just like with any diet.

There's no point in dieting if you go back to your old eating habits afterwards. Those old eating habits are what go you fat in the first place.

Also crash diets are usually supposed to only be few weeks tops (unless you're very fat). I personally love them compared to "normal" dieting. I lose fat like crazy, don't lose muscle and I'm 100% concentrated. I can't even do a normal moderate diet, it takes too long and because it's moderate there's too much leeway. I like RFLD because it tells you exactly what to do and what not to do.
Thanks man!

Thanks bro!

Damn, i had a long reply typed up then my web browser crashed! Ill try it again.

I am a hardgainer, tried and true. Building muscle has always been hard for me, no matter where it is. My legs doubly so because of their length. But ive always trained them hard in hopes of growth. Nobody ever commented on me having big legs until i decided to cut for a show in 2006. When the rest of my body got leaner and smaller, my legs held their size and when they got cut they really started to shine. Here you can see me before starting the cut and shortly before my show back in 2006.


In truth i have a "now you see it, now you dont" body. Something that is quite common among nattys. If you see me at the beach with no pump and im not flexing, then you wont think much of it. I look athletic and thats that. But if you see me in the gym with a good pump you will probably look twice. So, of course all pictures i post are when i look my best. My ego is to big for anything else hehe.

But back to the legs. Ive always trained them hard, but not much squats. They have always given me more problems than results. I actually finished 12 months of just focusing on squats to see if that would help. But i just ended up with tendonitis and injuries. So im pretty much done with squats.

What i do is what i know/feels works best for me. Medium to high reps, high volume and high frequency. And doing exercises like front squats, hack squats, lunges, bulgarian split squats, step ups, leg extensions, leg curls, RDL, single leg RDL and lately some hip thrusts.

That was alot of rambling just to say "no, they have not come easy" lol, but i hope you got something out if it. If you really are having problems getting them to grow then id recommend doing a test to find out what kind of muscle fibres your legs consists of and build a workout based on that. http://www.topendsports.com/testing/tests/muscle-fiber-composition.htm

If you are really hardcore then do a muscle biopsy, thats the best way of doing it. But man, i HATE needles and the thing they stick in you for that is HUGE. So you wont be seeing me doing that anytime soon!

Haha thanks!

I always wondered about that. Amazing on how much it can all change depending on if you are flexing or have a pump.


Finally got back into a routine after seven weeks of a forced because of some injury, followed by two weeks of not being able to use my left bizeps flexors due to some overzeal on the flys. Feeling great again, even recieved my TP Grid foam roller.

Legs are still big, but my shorts are a bit too baggy and I want to get away from the grey color. Can't decide between mint and kobalt, prefering the mint though, so fresh :D Help me chose please. Can't stand black, that's what the majority already wears, especially women.



Killed 250x5 on squats yesterday. I think this is where the weights really start ramping up; looks like I'll be finishing next week at 265x5 on deads, 225x5 on bench, and 255x5 on squats. My back was just a tad sore after the deads the other day but it felt more muscular than nerve-related. We'll see how it goes.


Got to admire you keeping the three lifts within a difference range of 40lbs.

I have the frame the maximize bench press and I've traditionally struggled with deadlift. My back injury basically forced me to reset squat/deadlift which is why they're so close to each other, and the only reason my bench is lower now is simply because I went 3 weeks without training it. Before injury I had tested 1RMs of 305/375/385 B/S/DL which is a pretty normal distribution minus deadlift of course. My goal is to get to 315/405/455 by winter which I think is pretty realistic.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Think I'm gonna take a week off. Shoulder, knee and low back are beat up, I'm feeling tired and unmotivated. All indicators it's time for a break. 5 month stretch of being at it, so that's not bad.


Gym was nearly a ghost town today, presumably due to college football. Was great.

Ya my gym has been pretty quiet lately, but I go later at night. I have a feeling though here soon it'll start getting packed again due to the change in weather.


the piano man
boxerjocks are effectively underwear... right? you can't go casually lfiting weights just using that, right?

google search brought interesting results.


I love lululemon's Pace Breaker shorts. They've got built-in liners. Expensive at $65 each though. Sometimes you can find certain designs on final sale for $30 though.


I have the frame the maximize bench press and I've traditionally struggled with deadlift. My back injury basically forced me to reset squat/deadlift which is why they're so close to each other, and the only reason my bench is lower now is simply because I went 3 weeks without training it. Before injury I had tested 1RMs of 305/375/385 B/S/DL which is a pretty normal distribution minus deadlift of course. My goal is to get to 315/405/455 by winter which I think is pretty realistic.
Lost around 30-40% of my strength, left index finger still causes pain and forces a reduced load with deadlifts and pretty much all pulling exercises. :/ I hope to regain the majority with some more extensive training in the near future. Good luck with your goals.


5x5 is going really well so far.

My bench is up to 245lbs, and it still feels really manageable right now. I stalled out doing 270lbs last time, and that was at 3x5. With some luck and perseverance I hope to break past that when the time comes! I feel like I'm on the right track for sure.


You guys ever worked out with kettlebells so had, the next day you wake up and your abs just get more and more visible and your face gets thinner? I didn't expect these rapid results, yeesh. Apparently it isn't placebo.


I haven't been able to work out since Tuesday because I have been sick. I feel absolutely shitty and my back is starting to act up. I can't wait for tomorrow. I have hard time believing that I would ever say this, but I do miss gym already.

I'm getting tired as shit of dudes grabbing my chest. I was at a wedding last night and my one cousin came up behind me and just started feeling me and another asked me if "I'm a D cup now"

Theres always someone poking, groping or touching me :/
I can't blame them. I am afraid I would try to do the same... :p

Finally got back into a routine after seven weeks of a forced because of some injury, followed by two weeks of not being able to use my left bizeps flexors due to some overzeal on the flys. Feeling great again, even recieved my TP Grid foam roller.

Legs are still big, but my shorts are a bit too baggy and I want to get away from the grey color. Can't decide between mint and kobalt, prefering the mint though, so fresh :D Help me chose please. Can't stand black, that's what the majority already wears, especially women.
Loving the mint!

What comes to my normal everyday clothes I actually like colours, but with work out clothes I actually prefer to wear all black if just possible. I pretend it is cool and it makes me feel I am faster. :p

boxerjocks are effectively underwear... right? you can't go casually lfiting weights just using that, right?

google search brought interesting results.
Of course you can. ;)


Got plenty of rest, ate well and hit the gym. New record of 380lbs on squats done. Felt incredibly easy too. Dat rest. Going to relax, take a day off and try again for a new deadlift PR.

Aw thanks for saying that. I'm just trying to help others after I received a lot of help here. I started watching a lot of fitness and lifting videos every since I started, so why not. On a similar note, I should probably update my Evernote note with new links since it's in the OP (but who reads the OP for links amirite).
I think it was TylerD that posted that video first, I haven't heard of Alan Thrall until that post.

Was going to PM you for some links, but this is perfect. Bookmarked. Always want to learn more.

I'm getting tired as shit of dudes grabbing my chest. I was at a wedding last night and my one cousin came up behind me and just started feeling me and another asked me if "I'm a D cup now"

Theres always someone poking, groping or touching me :/

I don't even get surprised anymore when I get grabbed. Happens so often.

And sadetar, huge difference, keep it up. MrMuscle, thanks for posting about how you are on off, I've always wondered about that.


And sadetar, huge difference, keep it up. MrMuscle, thanks for posting about how you are on off, I've always wondered about that.
Awwww, thanks honey! I will do my very best to make FitGAF proud and to be worth of hanging around with awesome people like you. :D

Also good that you mentioned about MrMuscle! How on earth I managed to miss his post?!

Here you can see me before starting the cut and shortly before my show back in 2006.
Oh my! You look like totally different person in those two pics! That cut really made the difference. :p


Tried a machine i havent done in a while today. Its called the V-squat by many and its ROM really suited my height. Definately adding that to the exercise rotation!


MrMuscle, thanks for posting about how you are on off, I've always wondered about that.

No problem brother, glad you found it interesting.

Oh my! You look like totally different person in those two pics! That cut really made the difference. :p

Haha yeah, and there is only a couple of months between the pictures.


These look pretty good IMO! Only thing I notice is the lower back rounding in the pocket. Maybe shove your chest up more? It's hard to tell from the angle

Yeah, I honestly couldn't tell if it's rounding or if it's just my shirt from the video. Maybe slight butt wink too? I need to record a different angle. But thanks for the kind words Sean, now I know I'm on the right track!


So I'm pretty new to the "fitness" side of things. I began back in November and just recently hit 55lbs lost. I started at 279 and began with changing my entire lifestyle around food, etc. It was REALLY hard at first, but now I cannot change back. While I do have a cheat day every once in awhile, I now prep all my meals for the work week and then seperate meals as the weekend gets closer and it really works great.

I am no expert at the gym, but I recently just finished this program http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/kris-gethin-12-week-daily-trainer.html and decided to start it a second time. It's really taught me a lot on form (mainly from looking them up, not from what Kris says as he sorta cheats he admits), etc. though I have to admit the pyramid sets he does in the last 3 weeks are brutal!

I just hit 224 lbs this morning (have gone to weighing myself once a week on Sunday's) and recently got rid of ALL of my cloths and donated them to goodwill and went shopping for new cloths. I've gone from a size 42 pants to a 38 and from XXXL shirts to XL (first time since high school), it's an amazing feeling and I didn't really "get" my changes till I did this and then took photos to compare from November.

Just wanted to thank everyone in here, I haven't really posted much, but I've read and taken a lot in from all of you.


Yeah, I honestly couldn't tell if it's rounding or if it's just my shirt from the video. Maybe slight butt wink too? I need to record a different angle. But thanks for the kind words Sean, now I know I'm on the right track!

Keeping that back and chest tightness is something I've just started to get down. Pulling the elbows together will help push your chest up, and then keeping your chest up like that will prevent you from dipping as the weight gets higher.


Loving the mint!

What comes to my normal everyday clothes I actually like colours, but with work out clothes I actually prefer to wear all black if just possible. I pretend it is cool and it makes me feel I am faster. :p
Thanks, got to go with that, works with so many shirts I bought recently.

And dark colors have another special effect. :D

Finally chose to look for some PR with deadlifts, as I always did x10reps, got to 120kg with x3 from 100 at 10x.., but it's the first time after a couple months, so some increase should be possible next time. Probably should use the belt.
Accidentally did 70KG instead of 65KG bench in SL 5x5. Was working in with some other guy so I didn't get to do my warmup sets and wasn't really paying attention to the plates until we were taking them off and I realised it was wrong. My goal is to try and hit 2 plates by the end of the year so it's a good sign.

Still uncomfortable with my squat, feeling lower back pains at the end of the 5x5. Need to get a stand so I can take a video. Should probably get squat shoes too.

When should I get a belt? I am 80KG, next set is 67.5KG squat, 95KG DL


Keeping that back and chest tightness is something I've just started to get down. Pulling the elbows together will help push your chest up, and then keeping your chest up like that will prevent you from dipping as the weight gets higher.

I'll try working on that, thanks. Also, I've been working on getting the breathing right. Putting it all together is not easy.
From what I've read, use a belt at 90% or above your max, or start to use a belt when you stall on a linear progression program, or never. 😕 It's a confusing subject.

I'm going to post what Brolic told me...

Wear a belt when you think your ready for one. It could be that you want to lift more weight/you're stalling/etc. There are people (like Omar Isuf) that are against novice lifters using a belt because proper form has to be established first.

ACE 1991

Found a new gym fairly close to my house offering a "Prove it" membership option that drops the monthly fee down to $26 if you attend the gym a minimum of 16 times a month. It's a super fancy place and the owner seems interested in doing do it as he truly believes in motivating people to live healthier lifestyles. Definitely going to jump on the membership at that price.
Found a new gym fairly close to my house offering a "Prove it" membership option that drops the monthly fee down to $26 if you attend the gym a minimum of 16 times a month. It's a super fancy place and the owner seems interested in doing do it as he truly believes in motivating people to live healthier lifestyles. Definitely going to jump on the membership at that price.

That's fucking awesome. More gyms should do this but I think they like it better that people don't go regularly so that they can just collect
Could I please get a form check on squats?


I know the angle isn't ideal, I'll try to get a better angle in another video next time.
Squats are looking good though. As you squat more weight try to not hyperextend your back. This will save you back pain
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