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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Started veganism about 3 months ago, so I figured I come and get an update; pictures included.


I’m maintaining weight at 183/184, I was originally 187. By the numbers I lost pounds, but even prior to becoming a vegan I would lose and gain a couple pounds, so it’s not that serious. It’s harder to gain (gainzzz) weight while being a vegan. I know it’s not impossible; I just need to step up my intake.

PROTEIN. This is where I thought I would run into the most problems when becoming vegan. According to "studies", I haven’t been getting all the protein I need, but I’m still seeing good results. I DO NOT rely on Soy Protein as my primary source of protein. There are too many studies out on whether Soy Protein is good or bad for bodybuilding, so I use it sparingly. I buy vegan protein powder from Vitamin Shoppe that consist of several different type of plant-based proteins; i.e. Rice, Berries, Peas, Hemp, etc...

FOOD. There are TONS more of meals you can eat outside of Salad. The reason I mention Salad is because that's all that most people assume you can eat as a Vegan. I’ve made some of my best dishes now that I’m vegan.

I have more energy now, whereas I use to find myself tired mid-day.

My training is still intense; Hour and Out. No changes.

To sum it up with one word; REFRESHING.

The jacked vegan. Mirin bruh


ohhhhhhhhhhhh i misunderstood, i do that

Sound like you're doing it right. It's ok to start exhaling when you are near lockout, btw, never when you're just coming out of the hole. That's when you need that air pressure keeping your core strong the most.


^ looking TST brahs! FE, your progress is nothing short of incredible.

Chocobro, that guy is a fucking jackass. Can't believe he was laughing about it when he walked away.

Pete Rock

Fantastic Team Jones! I have been thinking of cutting chicken out of my diet just because. Might give it a try some time, see if I feel any different. I appreciate your objective statements. You look amazing as ever!

Chocobro ... wow idk. I've certainly had a lot of strange things happen "to me" at the gym, but that is one of the most careless things I have ever seen. I would be inclined to email said footage to the gym manager and get this dude identified and banned before he kills someone. It should be trivial with a timestamp and the evidence.

Almost as offensive is his friend who also seems to not have a single fucking clue as to what is actually supposed to be happening and why this is so outrageous. Fucking casuals ughhhhh

I've started working on the tuck planche and holy crap does it hit the lats. Awesome feeling.
I have been considering attempting some kind of extra off-day workout program with my large wheel, this movement and maybe v-sits. Hmmm. Thank you for the recommendation.

Brown Rice is so great. Also dark chocolate. Life is amazing.

Oh and I noticed it has been now over 6 months when I started to go to gym! It isn't much but damn I am happy about every single day of this journey this far! ^_^
Congratulations! Glad to see the positive feedback loop engaged.
You are losing your touch - where are all the photos of you wearing thight shirts... :p

you are in luck!

Are you cutting right now?

honestly dood, I don't know. I am just eating and lifting and going from there.

^ looking TST brahs! FE, your progress is nothing short of incredible.

Chocobro, that guy is a fucking jackass. Can't believe he was laughing about it when he walked away.

Team Jones and FE....your bodies are fucking amazing

So miring right now

Thanks guys. As always, work in progress. I will say that the people at work know now me as the guy who eats everything. Anytime there are leftovers, they tell me to eat it or take it home lol.


Had someone come up and comment positively on my form and depth with squats today (first time for me with any lift at the gym). Granted that doesn't make him right and I like to assume my form sucks so that I'm always focusing on it while doing my lifts but it still felt good regardless.

J. Bravo

Wrote brolic. As always, consider me impressed.

So, I weighed myself since I was feeling kind of emaciated, and I'm down to 174. Squat 375, deadlift 425, benched 245 at bw between 175 and 178.

J. Bravo

You sound like a beast.
Thanks. That's pretty much what I was going for, even though I'm not even close at 6' tall and my weight. want to hit 190 but close to same bf%. This is the only place I can brag about my accomplishments since very few of the people I know outside of here understand those numbers.

I'm just full of myself though ;)


Hit my goal of 225 on bench before my week vacation. Did 3 x 215 and wanted to step up to 220 but couldn't locate the 2.5lb plates so went right to 225. Scary. 1 rep tho. I wussed out.


Started veganism about 3 months ago, so I figured I come and get an update; pictures included.

http://i.imgur.com/Sx1vXWDl.jpg[img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zpS8mTYl.jpg[img]

I’m maintaining weight at 183/184, I was originally 187. By the numbers I lost pounds, but even prior to becoming a vegan I would lose and gain a couple pounds, so it’s not that serious. It’s harder to gain (gainzzz) weight while being a vegan. I know it’s not impossible; I just need to step up my intake.

PROTEIN. This is where I thought I would run into the most problems when becoming vegan. According to "studies", I haven’t been getting all the protein I need, but I’m still seeing good results. I DO NOT rely on Soy Protein as my primary source of protein. There are too many studies out on whether Soy Protein is good or bad for bodybuilding, so I use it sparingly. I buy vegan protein powder from Vitamin Shoppe that consist of several different type of plant-based proteins; i.e. Rice, Berries, Peas, Hemp, etc...

FOOD. There are TONS more of meals you can eat outside of Salad. The reason I mention Salad is because that's all that most people assume you can eat as a Vegan. I’ve made some of my best dishes now that I’m vegan.

I have more energy now, whereas I use to find myself tired mid-day.

My training is still intense; Hour and Out. No changes.

To sum it up with one word; [b]REFRESHING[/b].[/QUOTE]

Any particular reason for turning vegan, if you don't mind me asking?


4 slices of toast, fried eggs, fried yams and i drank a little coke for breakfast. My diet weeps. I don't think I will be eating dinner tonight.


Saw a guy squatting ~100lbs in the smith machine today. He wore a belt. He put the pussy pad on the bar and then wrapped an entire bath towel the pad.

Maybe he has a hernia or something. I try not to think about it.

People who gab on their cellphones or tirelessly gossip to their friends while "working out" (as in going about 1mph on the elliptical, not even using the hand grips) however can DIAF. I'm beating myself into the ground over here, trying to focus and push myself, and all I hear is blah blah she said this and blah blah my cousin said that blah blah.


Oh yes, pictures of all the carbs! Make me jealous! :p

It sounds you have been having fun and working out! Attagirl! :D Who are you travelling with, if you don't mind me asking?

I loved Rome when I was chilling in there for two weeks. University paid all of that joy too! ^_^ I might visit it later on at some point as well, still too many things that are waiting to be seen and done in there.

I was wondering where you were, busy lady. Glad you're alive.

Posted some carbs over here. Yum. ;_;

I travel with me, myself and I. :) It's over though... Travel home tomorrow. :(

I want to come back to all of it. Though I'm definitely going to do some kind of Italy trip in 2016. Hopefully. Trevi Fountain was out of commission this trip and I want to see it, and spend more time in Florence, and go to Milan and Venice.


Maybe he has a hernia or something. I try not to think about it.

People who gab on their cellphones or tirelessly gossip to their friends while "working out" (as in going about 1mph on the elliptical, not even using the hand grips) however can DIAF. I'm beating myself into the ground over here, trying to focus and push myself, and all I hear is blah blah she said this and blah blah my cousin said that blah blah.

If you can hear and understand what people are saying then you are not pushing yourself hard enough!


Question for Fitness GAF

Does the hot weather (sweating alot) help in whatever you are trying to achieve (losing weight, gaining muscles)?

Maybe its all in my head, but now that its cooled down I dont feel like Im getting as good as a result as when it was hot.
That was very interesting, and also very different from a lot of the videos i watched earlier. I think i might have the bar too far down, and in one of the videos they emphasized having elbows strait, riptoe suggests strait back. I'm going to have to work on this more, the stability is already there, this is the last piece of the puzzle for me. Thanks for the link.

I had the same problem you did. Try looking up around 30-40 degrees when you're squatting, and it'll force you have a straight back.


Sometimes when I go to gym nowadays autopilot takes control and I have absolutely no memory of the work out what so ever. I am sure I did everything I needed but it seems my heart wasn't in it but in million other things that would need to be done. I need to pay more attention to this, since I think it is bad. I don't push myself enough when that happens. Am I alone with this?

Also I have been trying goblet squats at home. Before I have been trying out the squats while holding the bar on front and now I think my back might be too straight when it should be perhaps more like in the ones where the bar is on the back side. I should definitely try to find a page to show it to me correctly. Also I am having a butt wink but I imagine it would be more easily avoided if my back would be correct in the first place. Halp!

Brown Rice is so great. Also dark chocolate. Life is amazing.
Oh, now we are talking. :p Organic raw chocolate is a heavenly good. Life is is absolutely magnificent.

Congratulations! Glad to see the positive feedback loop engaged.
Yay! Thank you! <3 I feel awesome and I have hard time even believing how fast and easy the progress has actually been this far. If someone would have said to me a year ago where I would be now mentally and even physically I wouldn't have believed it. It is a still a long way to be where I want to be, but at least I am enjoying even the journey. ^_^

I was wondering where you were, busy lady. Glad you're alive.

Posted some carbs over here. Yum. ;_;

I travel with me, myself and I. :) It's over though... Travel home tomorrow. :(

I want to come back to all of it. Though I'm definitely going to do some kind of Italy trip in 2016. Hopefully. Trevi Fountain was out of commission this trip and I want to see it, and spend more time in Florence, and go to Milan and Venice.
Ooooooh! I am drooling in here (and for once not because of all the beautiful people). ;) All of those look soooooo good! I haven't eaten pasta in ages, but I definitely loved it in Rome.

And yeah, I am more or less alive. After this month life should get a bit easier since then I would have only one working place and my studies. This is just insanity at the moment. Even though I am not sure do I still prefer this over writing my graduating thesis...

Travelling alone is awesome! Last year I spent three months in Liverpool on my own (I was admittedly working there, but still). I have also loved it when I have been travelling with people from Neogaf. Roadtrip in America was absolutely epic with a lad from here. You should have come to Finland or informed me beforehand about the dates and all and I could have visited Rome to just hang around with you couple days. Any reason to have a short holiday is a good one. :D

Time flies so fast when you are having fun! But hey, home sweet home! Now keep that relaxed state of mind and eat healthy but enough while you work out when you come back and you will see awesome results in no time! :D

Dat feel when you drop your LAST OREO QUEST BAR on the sidewalk

;_; hold me fitness gaf

looking jacked, jones

i also took a post selfie

full body,
you are in luck!
Indeed I am! <3

I can't say this enough many times, but you look damn gorgeous and extremely hot! ;)


Really wasn't feelin it today at the gym, but I managed 305 2,2,2 on squats.

315 on thursday then Im going away for the weekend and it will be some nice recovery.
Sorry guys and gals, I'm going to be leaving the pump zone for a while. Time to go back to cycling training to get my fitness levels up for some upcoming events.

I'm sure I'll be back when I start to look like a skeleton again though!
Just so you know, the SBDs and Rehbands knee sleeves are the most popular. The SBDs are preferred more by many of the fitness YouTuber I watch. With a lot of things in fitness, IMO, buy it once and get the high-end stuff.

Yeah that doesn't sound right :T

On another note I could have potentially got hurt today because of this guy having tunnel vision and deciding to use my barbell to stretch while I was setting up for my squat. What the fuck. I happened to have it recorded because I record all of lifts.



Already had to miss out 2 workouts on monday and last friday due to a nasty cold, off to a great start.

Had a great workout today though, used less weight on my overhead press and didn't have any stability issues, but I'm not sure about form yet.
If I do planks, should I also do side planks, as 2 center, 1 on each side?

Whats this lift called when it looks like you're setting up for a deadlift, but then you have your legs pretty much straight and lift with your back only?


Sorry guys and gals, I'm going to be leaving the pump zone for a while. Time to go back to cycling training to get my fitness levels up for some upcoming events.

I'm sure I'll be back when I start to look like a skeleton again though!

Good luck!

Sometimes when I go to gym nowadays autopilot takes control and I have absolutely no memory of the work out what so ever. I am sure I did everything I needed but it seems my heart wasn't in it but in million other things that would need to be done. I need to pay more attention to this, since I think it is bad. I don't push myself enough when that happens. Am I alone with this?

Also I have been trying goblet squats at home. Before I have been trying out the squats while holding the bar on front and now I think my back might be too straight when it should be perhaps more like in the ones where the bar is on the back side. I should definitely try to find a page to show it to me correctly. Also I am having a butt wink but I imagine it would be more easily avoided if my back would be correct in the first place. Halp!

I know that feel, it is kinda bad because you don't push hard as you should. It's kinda like zombie mode doing the moves without the right weight. I've had tons of those days though, just snap out of it. Play some good music that gets you pumped and continue!
Can't help you with the squats sorry, i've been doing regular squats ever since i started lifting.
That is awesome to hear! I have couple friends who have been vegan for numerous years and they make soooo delicious food! Good to know that is is actually possible to do so while also hitting the gym hard even though I assume that at least in the beginning you need to plan your meals a bit better and use more time to do them.
Also on this context it may be a bit out of place, but you look totally edible. ;)
Thank you. I think the food turns out delicious because 1. You have to think about what you’re making because you’re limited. 2. Most plant products heated release great flavors.

What percentage body fat are you? I am still too lazy to take a topless selfie and I wish i took some a few months ago cos I am starting to get more ripped. I am hoping to get below 85KG and I am now at 109Kg at 6 ft 2, I am at 19% body fat
I HAVE NO CLUE!! I need to get taped. I don’t use that Body Fat Machine because it’s usually off.
looking jacked, jones
i also took a post selfie
full body,
Thanks bruh. You look good too! Keep it up!
The jacked vegan. Mirin bruh
Appreciate that. I’m trying to get my weight up!

Fantastic Team Jones! I have been thinking of cutting chicken out of my diet just because. Might give it a try some time, see if I feel any different. I appreciate your objective statements. You look amazing as ever!
No problem. I stopped eating red meat years ago and only ate Chicken, Turkey, and Fish. Now I’m a Vegan. If you are cutting chicken “just because” you’re already starting off good, because it’s obviously not too attached, so you won’t miss it. That’s partially how I ended up a Vegan. BEWARE of replacing meats with Carbs, which is usually people’s pitfall.
Team Jones and FE....your bodies are fucking amazing
So miring right now

Any particular reason for turning vegan, if you don't mind me asking?
My ex talked about it when we first met, so a few months into our relationship we started. A month after we started we separated. I continued the Veganism.


Already had to miss out 2 workouts on monday and last friday due to a nasty cold, off to a great start.

Had a great workout today though, used less weight on my overhead press and didn't have any stability issues, but I'm not sure about form yet.
If I do planks, should I also do side planks, as 2 center, 1 on each side?

Whats this lift called when it looks like you're setting up for a deadlift, but then you have your legs pretty much straight and lift with your back only?

You can record your OHPing, upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video, and then post it here so we can critique your form.

And I think that's the 'stiff-legged deadlift' or SLDL.


Well, I've got a doctor's appointment on Monday to take a look at my hip because it's not getting any better. In the meantime looks like I'll be cutting squats out, so I'm gonna fall way behind on those in my routine :\


Hey guys, I'm looking to get back into lifting. I'd been lifting on and off for about 2 years, and the last year I completely stopped. I started by just doing random shit, then I moved onto starting strength but didn't follow it strictly, and then I tried 5/3/1 & BBB way too soon but actually saw some results and enjoyed my workouts. I went back to SS for a few months and was bored and never saw real results.

I have trouble following the diet that SS requires. I have extreme body issues and can't get my mind around the caloric intake surplus to actually see results aspect. I also live in near poverty so my choice of food isn't always the best or ideal. I know I can check the OP but does anyone have any advice for me?

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 22
The most I've lifted in the past few months, for 3x5, was 145 for bench, 165 for squat (without form going out), and maybe 185 for deadlift (with ok form). My press has always been terrible, with only 75 pounds being a threshold, and I've tried doing power cleans but a girl at the gym I go to said I was doing them wrong and using my arms too much (i didn't feel i was using them at all) and I haven't done them since.

Pete Rock

You don't need to bulk or even be at a massive surplus to see results on Starting Strength. You will build muscle and burn fat and that process will "recompose" your body.

Cheap options for quality nutrition:
Beans: Black Beans, Black Eyed Peas, Chickpeas.
Chickpeas in particular are the overall winner on macros. Around $1.50 for a 1 lb bag of each.

Brown Rice - cheap quality carb source. A weeks worth of supplemental carbs for 85¢

Quinoa - another great carb source but more expensive at around $6 per box (2C dry/4C cooked) - although I prefer to make mine with chicken stock left-over from boiling that in bulk, as it produces a more savory end product.

Sweet Potatoes - 5 lbs $8

Bulk raw chicken breast - 12 lbs ~ $12

I have recalculated my daily macros and recipe split and I now eat for around $63 a week or $3.3K annually. Cheap as fuck. This includes a daily serving of two expensive protein powders ($60/4lbs) with whole milk.


Well after consistently eating 300G of carbs a day for the past 7 weeks, Im bloated as fuck.

Gonna do some carb cycling to lose the bloat. 300G on workout days, 100G on rest days.


the piano man
I'd like to know if someone else here on fitgaf can relate to this:

comparing my current body when I am cold/not-on-a-pump to my body from several months back, I really don't look all that different, if at all.

But when I do get a pump, around 20 minutes into the session, specially on chest days, I definitely see noticeable changes when I look at the mirrors, If I compare the pump I am getting now to the one I'd get some months ago. I am like broader, wider, arms are more swole, chest pops out more these days.

does this happen? or are my eyes deceiving me?


Was feeling pretty good on C4 and busted out 275 3x3 on deadlifts today and could have easily done more weight, but didn't want to get ahead of the program. Also don't want to risk compounding my hip issues with anything else but I was feeling awesome. Since I'm cutting out squats I've got bench and rows on Friday then good ole' doctor's visit on Monday.


Slayer of Combofiends
Dat feel when you drop your LAST OREO QUEST BAR on the sidewalk

;_; hold me fitness gaf

Eat that orea quest bar boy, that's 30 grams of protein! It ain't cheap!

Dat feel when you pick it up and eat it

Cooter pls, I can't stop laughing.

No where in NY is chicken anywhere near this cheap.

The truth here, the struggle is so real unless you buy it in bulk at some mega store like Costco's or BJ's.


I know that feel, it is kinda bad because you don't push hard as you should. It's kinda like zombie mode doing the moves without the right weight. I've had tons of those days though, just snap out of it. Play some good music that gets you pumped and continue!
To me it haven't happened that often, perhaps twice, but it annoys me when I have noticed it. I definitely need to keep an eye on it and like you said just energize myself with some awesome music. :D

Can't help you with the squats sorry, i've been doing regular squats ever since i started lifting.
Thanks sweetie - it is the idea that counts as well. <3

I'd like to know if someone else here on fitgaf can relate to this:

comparing my current body when I am cold/not-on-a-pump to my body from several months back, I really don't look all that different, if at all.

But when I do get a pump, around 20 minutes into the session, specially on chest days, I definitely see noticeable changes when I look at the mirrors, If I compare the pump I am getting now to the one I'd get some months ago. I am like broader, wider, arms are more swole, chest pops out more these days.

does this happen? or are my eyes deceiving me?
I am quite sure it is happening. I have seen people going and leaving the gym looking totally different and I would assume if you have been doing your shoulders and chest more in these past couple months that they would also be popping out more.

To me it is a bit different though and for some reason I always feel so much leaner and way more sexy after a work out (...umm since being ridiculously sweaty and red is sexy... not).

Sorry guys and gals, I'm going to be leaving the pump zone for a while. Time to go back to cycling training to get my fitness levels up for some upcoming events.

I'm sure I'll be back when I start to look like a skeleton again though!
Awwwww. We will miss you honey! You don't need to totally abandon us still, right?

Thank you. I think the food turns out delicious because 1. You have to think about what you’re making because you’re limited. 2. Most plant products heated release great flavors.
You are very welcome.

I am sure both of these are true. I am totally in love with oven made veggies and roots and they do taste so much better than they would without the heating.

I haven't checked our recipe and food thread in a while - have you been posting some awesome tips and recipes to there? :p I would be very interested to be honest, especially if you use lentils.

J. Bravo

Was feeling pretty good on C4 and busted out 275 3x3 on deadlifts today and could have easily done more weight, but didn't want to get ahead of the program. Also don't want to risk compounding my hip issues with anything else but I was feeling awesome. Since I'm cutting out squats I've got bench and rows on Friday then good ole' doctor's visit on Monday.

c4 is the best preworkout, period.
Managed to pull 1x5x140 kg (308 lbs) for the first time ever. Getting closer to reaching my goal of attempting 160 kg (352 lbs) 1RM. DOMS hasn't felt this satisfying for a while. :)
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