Snapped a few pictures after lifting yesterday. I took this summer off from competing so I could have some fun. I took a handful of trips out to Vegas to play in card tournaments. Felt nice to have some balance. Plus I think taking a week off here and there helped my body heal up.
Ah, I am deeply in love with all the awesome selfies that people post to this thread.
You look absolutely splendid. Like Darth said, wow.

I actually think I might prefer this over the competition ready body to be honest. Damn sexy, not going to lie.
Look what showed up... I'm jacked!!
Looking good, I really like that... belt.
You know, this is the fitness thread and not just the weights thread! Keep updating people on your cycling progress!
Nice to hear that you will be around, but like grumble said, you can also keep us informed about how are you doing.
Ha, there hasn't been any significant general fitness talk in here for a long time. 90% of posts are squats and selfies, 5% bench, 4% protein sources, 1% flirting (all one user).
I don't see anything wrong with any of this (even though I am somewhat subjective and my statistical significance still seems to be very low). But I think it is important for people to for example talk about proper form in squats and post videos for people to check they are doing them correctly. As long as people find the discussion in here to be helpful/entertaining/useful/motivating/supporting in any possible way, I think it has served its purpose. I have found this thread to be awesome place for motivation and I know it has really helped me in my journey. Even if it is still a long way for me to achieve my personal goals, without you darlings it just wouldn't be the same. <3
This doesn't mean that you couldn't talk about something else so please don't feel that you would need to narrow yourself to only to these topics. You can yourself help to add some more diversity to the discussion if you want.
No more Rome, no more pasta haha. Aw...
I'm glad things are going to get easier! I've done the two jobs thing for a couple months and it's fricking tiring.
Aw, I didn't think of inviting you.

Boo, that would have been fun. Next time. Lol. I want to go back in 2016.
Back now. Though I'm probably going to wait until next week to start working out again. My right foot is a little buggered. I was walking and climbing and whatnot so much, I think my foot is tired. My fitbit said I was doing 5-10 miles a day, though I think the fitbit was confused as hell from the time change (it couldn't track my sleep and was saying I was walking around while sleeping lol), so it could have been more, I don't know. Time for the foot to rest and recover.
We definitely need to check can we make 2016 happen.

At the moment Rome is one of the places I can go relatively easy since Ryanair is flying there from the city I live. Fitgaf meeting in Rome sounds like a splendid idea.
I am working 6-8 days straight and then having a day off and then again working. I know I sleep way too little at the moment and don't eat as properly as I should so I haven't really been having that much of a progress this month as I would have hoped. Then again yesterday was an awesome day at the gym and I think I am starting to achieve a bit better form on squats. But yeah, baby steps and I am happy as long as the weight doesn't go up.
You will soon be good as new and can continue your fitness journey!
these are happy days.
Last time I tried benching I did 50 kgs x 10 reps for the first time since fucking up my hand in freaking APRIL and it was very very good, it didn't hurt all! this time I thinks it's for real, will be ridiculously careful though, at ANY sign I quit right there.
My form is shit now though, lol, I couldn't quite keep the bar going straight up and down, the bar was moving on a rather weird path so there's another reason to keep the weight down,.
I wanna join this awesome selfie page, keezy and cooter looking great as always, (instagram-effect'd to hell and back sorry haha)
You have been lately looking more swole than you had previously. Awesome work sweetie pie! Keep up the good work!
From the other night. Like I said I'm STILL cutting, but things are finally starting to look good.
Finally?! You have been looking absolutely gorgeous as long as I remember. Still, admittedly the cut is making your muscles really pop.

Splendid work honey!
May I pull a Sadetar and swoon over Keezy? Wow.
Okay! I'm good now, thanks.
Hahahah. You are just so very adorable.
*pat pat*