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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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J. Bravo

Narrow your grip slightly and decrease the space between your arms and sides; keep your shoulders back; possibly decrease benching volume, as 4x a week is a lot.
I'll check my form today.

In other news, probably shouldn't have deadlifted as heavy as possible my first day actually deadlifting in almost 6 months. Getting out of the chairs at church was hard and I felt 20 years older than I am...


Squatted 295 3,2,3 yesterday. Kicking myself I didn't go for a third rep on that second set. Oh well.

In a couple more sessions I should have a good clean 315 in me :). I'll be sure to record.
Squatted 295 3,2,3 yesterday. Kicking myself I didn't go for a third rep on that second set. Oh well.

In a couple more sessions I should have a good clean 315 in me :). I'll be sure to record.

Your progression is unbelieveable

I personally can't wait to squat after football. Took a 3 day hiatus due to Art Walk and my nephew's birthday. Will post my vid soon


Brian Burke punched my mom
Been having eggs and noodles all week.

2300cal goodness



Slayer of Combofiends
Been having eggs and noodles all week.

2300cal goodness

This looks delicious, might try to find some wheat noodles and down that. Any recs on what to put on Tuna that isn't hot sauce or mustard? Tuna is so hard to take down since its texture is stringy and its tough to swallow in large quantities.
Anyone else really feel it in their lower back when they squat? Don't think I can continue like this. I've looked online and there seems to be 100 different possible causes. I'll try and get a form vid up but I'm pretty sure my form is alright, especially compared to most vids I see online. This sucks.


Slayer of Combofiends
use sour cream to help eating food, yay or nay?

Anyone else really feel it in their lower back when they squat? Don't think I can continue like this. I've looked online and there seems to be 100 different possible causes. I'll try and get a form vid up but I'm pretty sure my form is alright, especially compared to most vids I see online. This sucks.

Three things, breathe properly when squatting. Inhale than exhale with each motion. Second, properly use your muscles, rely mostly on your quads, hamstrings and glutes for this exercise with obviously keeping your back in line, maybe your core isn't good right now cause that helps your squats out a buttload so start working on some leg raises or planks! Lastly, try stretching before and after workouts to relieve some tension. I don't know what the stretch is called but I do it after working out:

Bend your left knee and put that leg on top of your right leg (right leg is flat on the ground). Then place your right elbow on your left knee and turn as much as you can (don't hurt yourself) and keep that position for bit and do it vice versa.

J. Bravo

Anyone else really feel it in their lower back when they squat? Don't think I can continue like this. I've looked online and there seems to be 100 different possible causes. I'll try and get a form vid up but I'm pretty sure my form is alright, especially compared to most vids I see online. This sucks.
Not so much anymore but when I started out for sure. I think it has to do with your core not being strong enough.


Anyone else really feel it in their lower back when they squat? Don't think I can continue like this. I've looked online and there seems to be 100 different possible causes. I'll try and get a form vid up but I'm pretty sure my form is alright, especially compared to most vids I see online. This sucks.

I feel it more on my deadlifts, but I think my deadlift form needs a little more work than my squat form. Definitely take form videos, because you can't really know how you're executing the lift until you see it.
Thanks everyone, will definitely take the advice onboard, probably have form vid on tuesday. When breathing for squat do you push your stomach out or hold it in?


Thanks everyone, will definitely take the advice onboard, probably have form vid on tuesday. When breathing for squat do you push your stomach out or hold it in?

Push out. Here's a YouTube video you can watch that elaborates on this subject. Breathing like this is also done for many other lifts (OHP, deadlifts, front squats, etc.).


Slayer of Combofiends
Thanks everyone, will definitely take the advice onboard, probably have form vid on tuesday. When breathing for squat do you push your stomach out or hold it in?

push your stomach out, you don't know how much this helps. breathe into your stomach, not your chest, your shoulders shouldn't raise for this. once your down squatting, you should have an easier time lifting it back up with a lot of air in your abdomen. i don't squat personally cause PF only has smith machines but I do this for leg presses and man does it help! it should especially help with stability too!
push your stomach out, you don't know how much this helps. breathe into your stomach, not your chest, your shoulders shouldn't raise for this. once your down squatting, you should have an easier time lifting it back up with a lot of air in your abdomen. i don't squat personally cause PF only has smith machines but I do this for leg presses and man does it help! it should especially help with stability too!

I am trying to improve my breathing myself. You breathe in and then brace your core before going down on the squat? And then when going up you breathe out and push your stomach out?


Slayer of Combofiends
I am trying to improve my breathing myself. You breathe in and then brace your core before going down on the squat? And then when going up you breathe out and push your stomach out?

basically what you said is correct, it helps a lot with stability. do the same thing after every squat/OHP/deadlift/etc, you're gonna have the risk of fainting if you hold your breath for the entire set. If you're still having trouble with it, choco posted an excellent video above explaining it, plus you gotta practice doing it without weights so you can see where your technique is lacking.


Hip is super inflamed today. It's fine normally but when I squat down below the knees I get a super sharp pain. It's either my sartorius or rectus femorus tendon, but I swear to god I am so tired of being injured, when I was finally feeling alright. Gonna skip squats tomorrow I think and incorporate them on my 3x3 deadlift day this week to give it a little more time to heal and see if it's just a temporary thing, but I'm tempted to go to an athletic trainer on campus. You guys just don't know how irritated I am to be potentially dealing with another setback, and this one not even related to my back :\


Didn't record myself squatting since so many people at gym tonight but man form was on point. All my reps felt great, 0 back pain and felt so strong. Really loving it. My only issue atm is my wrists. I'm still trying to find the right grip and position so that my wrists don't hurt. Tried thumbless, normal, and it's rare to not have my wrists hurt. I just push through anyway but would love to solve this. Will watch more chocobro videos.


oh. shit. maybe that's why squatting is so hard for me.

What I find feels comfortable/natural to me is to exhale right as I reach the top of the rep along with trying to be as explosive on the return as I can be.

i have bruises on my hands from deadlifting lmao. nothing serious just some discoloration from gripping the bar.

The thing with your hands sounds kinda gnarly lol, hard to see exactly what you mean without a visual but I haven't heard of bruising from gripping the bar while doing a lift.

Maybe this can help: Managing Calluses

Didn't record myself squatting since so many people at gym tonight but man form was on point. All my reps felt great, 0 back pain and felt so strong. Really loving it. My only issue atm is my wrists. I'm still trying to find the right grip and position so that my wrists don't hurt. Tried thumbless, normal, and it's rare to not have my wrists hurt. I just push through anyway but would love to solve this. Will watch more chocobro videos.

For all I know you're already doing this but just in case I'm linking this video again. Wrist pain makes me think that you've got weight from the bar on your wrist, which if that's the case thumbless wouldn't make a difference.

Squat bar position

Sorry if this doesn't help, just the first thing that came to mind based on what you said. I use the method from the video and have zero wrist issues while squatting.


Maybe this can help: Managing Calluses

For all I know you're already doing this but just in case I'm linking this video again. Wrist pain makes me think that you've got weight from the bar on your wrist, which if that's the case thumbless wouldn't make a difference.

Squat bar position

Sorry if this doesn't help, just the first thing that came to mind based on what you said. I use the method from the video and have zero wrist issues while squatting.

That was very interesting, and also very different from a lot of the videos i watched earlier. I think i might have the bar too far down, and in one of the videos they emphasized having elbows strait, riptoe suggests strait back. I'm going to have to work on this more, the stability is already there, this is the last piece of the puzzle for me. Thanks for the link.


Thoughts on knee sleeves? I'm thinking about snagging me some. I've hit a point in my program where I will be pretty much squatting heavy(for me at least) for the remainder. I was def feeling it the first day when I had to do heavy squats. I'm looking at Titan knee sleeves since they are cheaper than Rehbands and SBDs.

J. Bravo

What I find feels comfortable/natural to me is to exhale right as I reach the top of the rep along with trying to be as explosive on the return as I can be.

The thing with your hands sounds kinda gnarly lol, hard to see exactly what you mean without a visual but I haven't heard of bruising from gripping the bar while doing a lift.

Maybe this can help: Managing Calluses

For all I know you're already doing this but just in case I'm linking this video again. Wrist pain makes me think that you've got weight from the bar on your wrist, which if that's the case thumbless wouldn't make a difference.

Squat bar position

Sorry if this doesn't help, just the first thing that came to mind based on what you said. I use the method from the video and have zero wrist issues while squatting.
Neat thanks. Def watch the video before I deadlift again. But my palms are definitely bruised haha. I have blue and black areas right in the middle. They were really sore that day. And it's been 6 months.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was never taught the proper way to grip a bar but apparently I have been doing it correctly all these years according to Rip. Good to know. I've always felt more powerful starting closer to my fingers.


20 pounds down from my high this year (202 -> 182). I'm hoping another 10-12 pounds will get me where I want to be. I'm starting to see definition in my midsection, so I'm hopeful. Then I can start lean bulking (hopefully in time for halloween candy - that's clean, right?)
Thanks for the kind words regarding my marriage guys/gals. Just a quick FYI, Pumping Iron is now on Netflix streaming. Never saw it on there before today and I figured some of you would be interested in it.


I started at the gym last week, I've been eating OK for a while now, mainly a sandwhich for lunch and something smaller for dinner, sometimes also a sandwhich, sometimes a salad etc, only drink water. I want to lose around two stone and put on some muscle, should I bother with stuff like creatin or protein drinks? I'd prefer to keep it au naturale but if it's going to help a lot I might.


Thoughts on knee sleeves? I'm thinking about snagging me some. I've hit a point in my program where I will be pretty much squatting heavy(for me at least) for the remainder. I was def feeling it the first day when I had to do heavy squats. I'm looking at Titan knee sleeves since they are cheaper than Rehbands and SBDs.
Just so you know, the SBDs and Rehbands knee sleeves are the most popular. The SBDs are preferred more by many of the fitness YouTuber I watch. With a lot of things in fitness, IMO, buy it once and get the high-end stuff.
Neat thanks. Def watch the video before I deadlift again. But my palms are definitely bruised haha. I have blue and black areas right in the middle. They were really sore that day. And it's been 6 months.
Yeah that doesn't sound right :T

On another note I could have potentially got hurt today because of this guy having tunnel vision and deciding to use my barbell to stretch while I was setting up for my squat. What the fuck. I happened to have it recorded because I record all of lifts.

J. Bravo

Just so you know, the SBDs and Rehbands knee sleeves are the most popular. The SBDs are preferred more by many of the fitness YouTuber I watch. With a lot of things in fitness, IMO, buy it once and get the high-end stuff.

Yeah that doesn't sound right :T

On another note I could have potentially got hurt today because of this guy having tunnel vision and deciding to use my barbell to stretch while I was setting up for my squat. What the fuck. I happened to have it recorded because I record all of lifts.

that's definitely a "what the fuck man!!" moment. jesus christ thats scary.
Started veganism about 3 months ago, so I figured I come and get an update; pictures included.


I’m maintaining weight at 183/184, I was originally 187. By the numbers I lost pounds, but even prior to becoming a vegan I would lose and gain a couple pounds, so it’s not that serious. It’s harder to gain (gainzzz) weight while being a vegan. I know it’s not impossible; I just need to step up my intake.

PROTEIN. This is where I thought I would run into the most problems when becoming vegan. According to "studies", I haven’t been getting all the protein I need, but I’m still seeing good results. I DO NOT rely on Soy Protein as my primary source of protein. There are too many studies out on whether Soy Protein is good or bad for bodybuilding, so I use it sparingly. I buy vegan protein powder from Vitamin Shoppe that consist of several different type of plant-based proteins; i.e. Rice, Berries, Peas, Hemp, etc...

FOOD. There are TONS more of meals you can eat outside of Salad. The reason I mention Salad is because that's all that most people assume you can eat as a Vegan. I’ve made some of my best dishes now that I’m vegan.

I have more energy now, whereas I use to find myself tired mid-day.

My training is still intense; Hour and Out. No changes.

To sum it up with one word; REFRESHING.
Just so you know, the SBDs and Rehbands knee sleeves are the most popular. The SBDs are preferred more by many of the fitness YouTuber I watch. With a lot of things in fitness, IMO, buy it once and get the high-end stuff.

Yeah that doesn't sound right :T

On another note I could have potentially got hurt today because of this guy having tunnel vision and deciding to use my barbell to stretch while I was setting up for my squat. What the fuck. I happened to have it recorded because I record all of lifts.



This is awful. I haven't had even time to spam to here. I have been working out regularly though even if I have also been eating a bit more than I should. I haven't gained weight, but I haven't lost anything either. I am just waiting this chaos to calm down a bit. Two working places, university studies and working out don't always sum up that nicely what comes to free time.

Oh and I noticed it has been now over 6 months when I started to go to gym! It isn't much but damn I am happy about every single day of this journey this far! ^_^

So fitgaf, I didn't realize how important working out is to my mental health until today. I've been slipping on my working out the past few weeks (gf visiting and since I'm in a ldr been prioritizing her over working out) but I noticed I've been feeling down and non energetic at work. Forced myself to get in a good workout today and I feel a lot better now.
Yeah. I know that feeling. I have been ridiculously busy lately and the only thing that is keeping me sane and energetic is my working out. I have actually noticed that the more I work the more I also need to work out. This all results to absolutely no free time though. Last week Monday was off and then six working day, this week Monday off as well and then 8 days of work before one day off and some more work... Ugh. Thank gods I am not normally having these kind of schedules.

Finally approved. Yiss.
Yay! We are extremely happy to have you here sweetie! <3

You have had some really helpful advices already as well. Just keep up the good work and don't lost your adorable attitude and you will be fine. :D

Pictures of all the carbs? It's all carbs! Haha. Bread and Crepes galore.
Oh yes, pictures of all the carbs! Make me jealous! :p

I ended up not climbing to the top. Our tour kind of passed the area where the line was and then ended up leaving...and honestly, after the 5 hour walking tour of Gardens/Museum/Basilica, once we passed, my conviction left me and I didn't turn around lol.

I've climbed to the top of like three tall churches (Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur and the Duomo), as well as climbed the hill to San Miniato in Florence...I've climbed a lot. Lol. I'm weary.
It sounds you have been having fun and working out! Attagirl! :D Who are you travelling with, if you don't mind me asking?

I loved Rome when I was chilling in there for two weeks. University paid all of that joy too! ^_^ I might visit it later on at some point as well, still too many things that are waiting to be seen and done in there.


July vs today. Progress!
Great work cutie! I always love to see comparison pics! <3

It has been a busy last month for me and I've not gotten in the gym or stuck to a good diet as much as I usually would... But the exciting news is that I am getting married today!

So, FitGAF, one last selfie as a single man:

Feeling a bit pudgy today, but as always, I feel like a solid work-in-progress.

Congratulations honey! All the best of luck for both of you! <3

Squatted 295 3,2,3 yesterday. Kicking myself I didn't go for a third rep on that second set. Oh well.

In a couple more sessions I should have a good clean 315 in me :). I'll be sure to record.
You are a beast! You have been working your way back up so fast!

Talking about Squats, do you or someone else in here have a good link to how to learn Goblet Squat properly?

On another note I could have potentially got hurt today because of this guy having tunnel vision and deciding to use my barbell to stretch while I was setting up for my squat. What the fuck. I happened to have it recorded because I record all of lifts.
What an ass. Thank gods you are alright!

Started veganism about 3 months ago, so I figured I come and get an update; pictures included.


I’m maintaining weight at 183/184, I was originally 187. By the numbers I lost pounds, but even prior to becoming a vegan I would lose and gain a couple pounds, so it’s not that serious. It’s harder to gain (gainzzz) weight while being a vegan. I know it’s not impossible; I just need to step up my intake.

PROTEIN. This is where I thought I would run into the most problems when becoming vegan. According to "studies", I haven’t been getting all the protein I need, but I’m still seeing good results. I DO NOT rely on Soy Protein as my primary source of protein. There are too many studies out on whether Soy Protein is good or bad for bodybuilding, so I use it sparingly. I buy vegan protein powder from Vitamin Shoppe that consist of several different type of plant-based proteins; i.e. Rice, Berries, Peas, Hemp, etc...

FOOD. There are TONS more of meals you can eat outside of Salad. The reason I mention Salad is because that's all that most people assume you can eat as a Vegan. I’ve made some of my best dishes now that I’m vegan.

I have more energy now, whereas I use to find myself tired mid-day.

My training is still intense; Hour and Out. No changes.

To sum it up with one word; REFRESHING.
That is awesome to hear! I have couple friends who have been vegan for numerous years and they make soooo delicious food! Good to know that is is actually possible to do so while also hitting the gym hard even though I assume that at least in the beginning you need to plan your meals a bit better and use more time to do them.

Also on this context it may be a bit out of place, but you look totally edible. ;)

That feel when shirts are getting tighter and not from fat.

Yeah baby. 250 here I come.
You are losing your touch - where are all the photos of you wearing thight shirts... :p


Chocobro, I would have raged on that guy so hard.

That dude would've gotten an earful from me, especially after his smug ass is smiling/laughing as he walks away.

I would have but I don't think I got angry enough at that moment; it made me a bit angry to see him smiling/laughing when I was editing the video at home and not when it happened. I just get passive aggressive, sadly.
At least I got out of it OK. Ended up getting back to my old squat number from three-four months ago, so that's good too.


Started veganism about 3 months ago, so I figured I come and get an update; pictures included.


I’m maintaining weight at 183/184, I was originally 187. By the numbers I lost pounds, but even prior to becoming a vegan I would lose and gain a couple pounds, so it’s not that serious. It’s harder to gain (gainzzz) weight while being a vegan. I know it’s not impossible; I just need to step up my intake.

PROTEIN. This is where I thought I would run into the most problems when becoming vegan. According to "studies", I haven’t been getting all the protein I need, but I’m still seeing good results. I DO NOT rely on Soy Protein as my primary source of protein. There are too many studies out on whether Soy Protein is good or bad for bodybuilding, so I use it sparingly. I buy vegan protein powder from Vitamin Shoppe that consist of several different type of plant-based proteins; i.e. Rice, Berries, Peas, Hemp, etc...

FOOD. There are TONS more of meals you can eat outside of Salad. The reason I mention Salad is because that's all that most people assume you can eat as a Vegan. I’ve made some of my best dishes now that I’m vegan.

I have more energy now, whereas I use to find myself tired mid-day.

My training is still intense; Hour and Out. No changes.

To sum it up with one word; REFRESHING.

What percentage body fat are you? I am still too lazy to take a topless selfie and I wish i took some a few months ago cos I am starting to get more ripped. I am hoping to get below 85KG and I am now at 109Kg at 6 ft 2, I am at 19% body fat


the piano man
On another note I could have potentially got hurt today because of this guy having tunnel vision and deciding to use my barbell to stretch while I was setting up for my squat. What the fuck. I happened to have it recorded because I record all of lifts.

holy shit, it's like you were invisible, what a moron...scary, good thing you reacted and re-racked quickly.

this reminded me of that one time I was doing my PR OHP 5 rep set and a guy thought I needed help and decided to push the barbell upwards from one fucking side to "help me" and the plates were about to fall from to the other side. I tried to not freak out but I think I repeated like 10 times. "THIS IS A GODDAMNED POWER RACK WITH PROPERLY PLACED SAFETY BARS TO THE SIDE!!! IF I AM GOING TO FAIL A REP, THE BAR WILL FALL THERE!! DO NOT TOUCH ANYBODY ELSE'S BAR WHEN THERE'S SAFETY BARS!!!!"

people should really learn about the safety measures a power rack provides, it is pretty much impossible to hurt yourself by failing a rep, assuming there's decent form and knowledge about the exercise being executed


Slayer of Combofiends
No, hold it the entire rep.

Really? I imagine you wouldn't want to speed through squats that fast...

On another note I could have potentially got hurt today because of this guy having tunnel vision and deciding to use my barbell to stretch while I was setting up for my squat. What the fuck. I happened to have it recorded because I record all of lifts.

Oh man, I would have let him have it. You could have gotten injured really bad and it would have been his fault.


Slayer of Combofiends
How long does it take you to squat? I'm down and up in about 2-3 seconds.

damn i should do them faster! time to fix it up! i used to hold it in but i would feel light headed by the end of the set so I stopped holding my breathe for the entire set.


damn i should do them faster! time to fix it up! i used to hold it in but i would feel light headed by the end of the set so I stopped holding my breathe for the entire set.

What? You don't hold your breath the entire set. You hold it for the duration of the rep. Exhale and inhale again at the start of each rep.
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